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Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1)

Page 11

by Vella Day

  The waiter stopped by, dropped off the check, and picked up their dishes. She leaned back in her seat, amazed at how relaxed she felt for telling him. Not having that elephant on her shoulder was amazing. She thought any man who learned about her marriage would be put off, but Cade didn’t seem to be. Stone would understand, too, as soon as she told him.

  Cade nodded to her near-empty glass. “Ready to leave?”

  “Yes. And thank you for dinner. That was very nice of you.”

  “My way of saying I’m sorry.”

  On their way out, Cade paid. As they headed back to his car, her overwhelming need to give him a hug startled her. They’d each shared something deep and personal tonight. As much she didn’t want to admit it, she felt closer to Cade than to anyone else at this moment. She’d had those same thoughts about Stone, too, but he wasn’t here.

  What’s wrong with you, girl? You’re a one man at a time girl, and Stone’s your man.

  It might have been from that startling thought, her attack, or Stephanie’s death, but she became a little light-headed and nearly tripped over a paver.

  Cade steadied her. “You okay?”

  “I’m good.” She inhaled, took two more steps, and felt a little better.

  “Got some strong coffee at home? You might want to switch from tea.”

  “I can’t stand the taste, though I did buy some of my mother’s favorite blend for when she came for the funeral, but she didn’t stay long enough to drink any.”

  Once they were on the road and reached the Gold Avenue intersection, he turned left onto SR25. He must have remembered her address from when he’d questioned her.

  He’d driven about half a mile when she remembered her car. “Wait. I’m parked at the bar.”

  “I don’t think you’re in any shape mentally to drive.”

  That pissed her off. “I’m not drunk.” He sounded like his roommate.

  “Didn’t say you were. Stone or I will pick you up early tomorrow morning and take you to your car if need be.”

  She didn’t want to owe him. “I’ll hitch a ride with my neighbor.” Again. “Thanks anyway.” Roger worked at Jiffy Lube in town, and the bar was on route to his job, so it shouldn’t be a problem. Cade turned down her street.

  “That’s my house. It’s the duplex. I’m on the left.” As soon as he pulled in the drive, she faced him. “Thanks again for dinner and for saving me.”

  She pushed open her door and rushed up her steps. Amber couldn’t to wait to get inside. Maybe if she went over the evening, she’d be able to sort things through. As she fumbled for her key, Cade seemed to materialize behind her and she jumped.

  “Let me.”

  She debated swatting his hand away, but he managed to extract the key and open the door before she could protest. Guess he was like Stone in more ways than one.

  Uh-oh. Was he expecting a goodnight kiss? Don’t be stupid. Dinner was just his way to apologize. He’s not interested.

  But you want him to kiss you. You told Stone you wanted to feel alive. That you wanted to be loved.

  Oh, shit. Now what was she going to do?

  * *

  Cade probably shouldn’t be thinking about sex, but he was. While Amber was no longer a suspect, and his roommate was highly attracted to her, Cade wasn’t sure his own attraction to her was wise. He worked late hours, and he’d been told numerous times that a woman wanted a man to be there for her at all times.

  Hell, that’s why you believe in ménage relationships.

  If he was busy, Stone could pick up the slack, and vice versa. But would Amber want that? She wasn’t experienced, or so she’d led him to believe.

  Still, he had this urge to help her find her passion and make her yearn for something more. His mind had shifted to a threesome the moment he sat across from her at dinner. When she’d spoken about how her husband had deceived her, and the way her mother had treated her, he’d wanted more than anything to erase the pain in her voice.

  And when he’d told her about his past, she’d listened and seen him for who he was. No one had ever called him on his need to atone before. Not until Amber.

  To be fair, the only other person who knew about his background was Stone. Correction. He’d told one other woman—one he thought he loved—and she’d taken off before he could finish explaining his dad wasn’t a bad man, just a misguided one.

  Sure, Amber made a little joke out of what his father had done to make money, but with each piece of the puzzle he filled in for her, her interest had grown, not diminished. They’d connected on a deeper level, and he was positive she felt it, too.

  He held open the door for her to go in. “After you.”

  The average Rock Hard woman was friendly enough to ask him in, but he understood why Amber would be hesitant—she liked Stone, and he appreciated her integrity.

  Her gaze shot downward, and she rubbed her hands on her pants in a nervous gesture, probably unsure of her next move. He almost felt sorry for putting her in this position.

  “May I come in?” That would take away any indecision on her part. “I’d like to discuss something with you.” He had to be upfront about how he and Stone shared. Hopefully, that would lessen any anxiety she’d have over being with him.

  He’d seen the excitement in her eyes a few times tonight, like when he’d placed his hand on her back and again when she’d leaned forward to listen to him.

  She drew in her bottom lip as if she needed time to think about it. “Okay.”

  At her hesitation, his ego took a hit, but he didn’t mind. This was Amber. Cute Amber who made him want to nibble on the lip she’d just sucked.

  He followed her inside. Stone had described her place as being neat but rather minimal. To him, it had more charm than he’d anticipated. What looked like child paintings were neatly framed on the wall and made the place cozy.

  He nodded toward a particularly vivid one to the left of the television. “Your artwork?”

  “No.” She smiled, but her chin shook. The memory must have been bittersweet. “Regina Drake painted it. She was only eight when leukemia claimed her. Bravest little girl ever. These paintings help me stay grounded.”

  “Nice.” He walked up to one of a bird flying in front of the sun. “I like this one. It’s happy.”

  “Me, too.” Once more, she drew her gaze downward.

  A painted rock sat on an end table. The brightly colored frog drew his eye.

  “Holly Mitchell painted that.”

  “Nice.” He loved how she seemed to cherish the ties she’d made with her patients, yet there was an awkwardness he wanted to wash away. “Got any of that coffee?”

  Her shoulders rose and her eyes widened. She was such an innocent little thing. Damn. He enjoyed making love with an eager woman, but what would Amber be like? She was a tiger when it came to the care of her patients, but given her history, she might be shy in bed. The real question was whether she’d agree to be with him. Six hours ago she’d glared at him with an intensity that still bothered him.

  He probably should walk out, but damn it, being with her was inevitable—at least if he had a say so. After what they shared tonight, they both deserved some happiness.

  He followed her into the kitchen and leaned a hip against the counter. With incredible efficiency, she fixed a teapot for herself, filled up the coffeemaker with a blend from Starbucks, and then added the water.

  “Do you drink coffee?” He’d only seen her order tea.

  “No, but I keep it because Jamie and Ben like it.” Her breath hitched. “And now Stone.”

  He hadn’t known she was so close with those two. He’d spoken with Jamie during the Emma Luther investigation, and Ben Ford was one of the pharmaceutical technicians. “You see them often?”

  “Yes. They come over all the time. The four of us watch movies, eat popcorn, and on rare occasion, get drunk.”

  “The four of you?” The missing person couldn’t have been Stone. The timing wasn’t right. A stre
ak of jealousy raced up his spine.

  “Chris and me.”

  He relaxed back, hoping she hadn’t seen a change in his demeanor. “I’m sorry.”

  “Me, too.” Tears shimmered on the brim of her eyelid. She looked so lost. So lonely.

  Something inside him broke, and he closed the gap between them. He gathered her in his arms, and when she didn’t stiffen, some other part of his anatomy did.

  You’re a pig, Cade Carter. She needs time to heal.

  He couldn’t help it. No man could resist her. It was in his genes to give comfort.

  No, it’s in your genes to right the wrong your father caused.

  Well, Amber brought out his better side. Her slightly curly hair flowed around her delicate face and her eyes appeared almost too big. Add in a perfect mouth, small pointed breasts, and he didn’t want to stay away.

  She leaned back and he let go. “Um, cream?” she asked.

  “No. Black. Stone’s the cream man.” He smiled. “A real wuss.”

  She opened her mouth. “No, he’s not.”

  He laughed. Amber poured him a cup and handed it to him. Once she fixed her tea, she led them back to the living room. So as not to make her uncomfortable, he sat in the chair opposite the sofa. Never before had he been at a loss for words.

  Tell her about you and Stone.

  She sipped her tea. “Are the police going to do anything about protecting our patients?”

  While he needed to discuss Stone, if her thoughts were focused on the case, he wanted to remove her concern. “I plan to set up a task force. There will be a few uniformed officers—probably one on each floor—but I want to have several people go undercover, too.”

  She blew a breath over her tea. “That would be wonderful.”

  For the next minute, they both seemed lost in thought. It was time to tell her. “Amber, we need to talk.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Amber stilled. She had no idea what he wanted to discuss, but right now her mental acuity was shot. “Talk about what?” Her heart thudded. She didn’t like his serious tone.

  “I want to discuss Stone and me. What we want. What we like.”

  Oh, my God. He’s gay. Shit. This couldn’t be happening again. First Rich, then Stone and Cade. No wonder Stone didn’t want to spend the night with her.

  You’re a nurse. Nurses don’t jump to conclusions. “What do you want?” She was pleased she’d managed to keep her voice steady. Inside, her stomach was flipping.

  “First, let me ask you this. Do you like Stone? Really like him?”

  Her pulse raced. “You know I do.” But did it matter about her needs if he was gay?

  “I’m glad. You’ve lived in Rock Hard for a year. Are you aware of the large number of ménage relationships?”

  Her heart pounded. “Yes.” Zoey had mentioned she’d been in one—sort of.

  “Great, because Stone and I like to… share.” He wove his fingers together, and this time he was the one with the slight tic around his eye.

  Share. She sank back into the sofa. Thank goodness it wasn’t what she first thought, but the idea of the same woman appealing to both Stone and Cade seemed unlikely. In the beginning, Cade had been distant and Stone had been so kind. She hadn’t thought the two could even be friends, let alone like the same person.

  Say something.

  “You do?” She didn’t know why she needed to repeat what he’d just stated.

  “Yes. Does that bother you?”

  Why was he gazing at her so intently? What if she said it didn’t bother her? Would he think she was a slut? Stone probably had told him how she’d begged him to make love to her. Cade would know his roommate had turned her down. Her ego couldn’t take two rejections. Not now.

  “No, though you should know, I’m not that kind of woman.” Then why is your heart racing?

  He stood, moved in front of her, and held out his hand. “Come here, Amber.”

  She didn’t want to obey, but she couldn’t help it. Placing her hand in his, she let him pull her to a stand. His crystal blue eyes penetrated her deeply. Conflict collided. Part of her wanted to feel Cade’s strength and warmth inside her. He had such a strong direction in life and seemed to know what he wanted. And she’d like for him to guide her there. But was it wrong to want him when she had such affection for Stone? Did it matter since they shared?

  Cade seemed to believe it was okay, but could she handle both men? Her insides contracted and spasmed. Her body seemed to betray her mind. Is this what you want?

  God, she was so confused.

  Amber had never been good with any man, let alone two. The stronger he appeared, the weaker she became. With her patients, she was aggressive, firm, helpful. But when it came time to care for her own needs, she faltered. Her friends said it was her mother’s fault, but she knew better. She just needed more strength.

  With the way his gaze bored into her, he did seem to want her. She swallowed hard. “If you and Stone share, tell me exactly how that works.” Her comment wasn’t just to stall. She wanted to know.

  The corner of his lips lifted. “How do you think it works?” He moved closer. His hips and lips were inches from her.

  Her insides clenched with what she could only identify as lust. He was much taller than she was, forcing her to look up.

  “I know what a ménage is by definition, but I’m not sure how you deal with it. Do you ever get jealous of one another?”

  “Only if Stone monopolizes the woman too much. But the details aren’t important right now.” He cupped her face. Panic and excitement rushed through her. “Rest assured we will never do anything to make you uncomfortable, though we might push your boundaries a little every once in a while.”

  She wasn’t sure how to respond. After the devastating blow from Rich, this past year had been one of soul cleansing—figuring out who she was and how to best achieve her goals. While she’d dated a few men in Rock Hard, she hadn’t slept with any of them. It hadn’t felt right. When Stone had given her so much comfort, she’d been drawn to him. And now she wanted Cade.

  He leaned closer. “Resistance is futile, sugar. I can tell by your eyes you want me.” His hand reached up and brushed a thumb across a distended nipple poking through her shirt.

  Even though the logical side of her told her to pull back, she couldn’t. She liked being in his arms, liked being the center of his attention. Her pulse soared and her mouth turned dry. When he told her they shared, Cade had basically removed her only excuse—her feelings for Stone. Still. She had reservations. “Shouldn’t we ask Stone?”

  “By all means, but he’s not here. Be assured the two of us have discussed this.”

  When? A few hours ago, he didn’t even like her, thought her a murderer, but she didn’t question him because she wanted to believe what he said was true.

  Cade placed his hands on her waist and moved her backward until her knees hit the sofa. Time and the tea had sobered her—but Cade had confused her all over again.

  She dropped onto the cushion and looked up at him. “I don’t do casual very well.” That came out wrong. “I mean, I’m not the type who sleeps with a man—or two—unless I think there is hope for something more.”

  He sat next to her, their thighs touching, and her heart raced. He lowered his head, and when she thought he might kiss her, her tongue darted out in anticipation of tasting him. That was what she really needed.

  In one smooth move, he lifted her hips and dragged her onto his lap. His arm supported her back as he leaned over and kissed her. Thoroughly, sweetly, wonderfully. He was hungry, but then so was she, and as much as she wanted to dart in and devour him, Cade was in command. The thought made her even wetter—made her forget everything except him.

  As his tongue slickened her closed lips, his hard cock pressed up against her bottom. “Let me in, sugar.”

  She opened for him. Her tongue reached out to make contact, but he dove in first. The brush was slow and sensual and unyielding. From
the way his breath sped up, he needed her as much as she needed him. That heady knowledge gave her the confidence to caress his face. He groaned as soon as her fingers stroked his cheek.

  He pulled back, his lips slack, his eyes dreamy. “I want you.”

  She stilled and sat up. This was the moment of truth. “I can’t.” She blurted out the refusal without thinking.

  “Sugar?” The devastation in his voice tore at her.

  “Be with two men that is.” At least she didn’t think she could be with both at the same time. Her traitorous pussy contracted.

  He smoothed the hair out of her face. “I can tell your passions run deep. That you’re the type of woman who needs to be loved by two men.” With her in his arms, he stood.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Showing you who you really are inside.”

  She should stop him, but when he looked down at her with such intensity, it was like bolts of electricity had charged through her body. Other than the sound of his booted heels smacking against the hallway in a hard, even rhythm, only the blood pounding in her ears registered. She didn’t remember telling him which door was her bedroom, but suddenly he set her on her feet in front of her bed. He’d even managed to flick the wall switch on his way in.

  Cade stepped back and ran a lingering gaze over her body. Tingles pricked her skin and she shifted her weight.

  “You like it when I look at you, don’t you?”

  The thought of him seeing her naked made her even hotter. “It’s uncomfortable.” Disconcerting even, yet exciting at the same time.

  He stepped toward her. It had been a long time since she’d been with a real man. She figured he wanted her naked, so she raised her hands to undo the first button on her shirt.


  The strong command stilled her, and she had to swallow past the lump in her throat. “Yes?” She almost didn’t want to ask.

  “I want to be the one to take off your clothes. One piece at a time. I want you to think about what will happen when I have you naked. Vulnerable. Open.”

  More spasms rippled between her legs. Never before had she been this excited. Keeping his gaze on her, he pushed the top button through the hole, and his fingers brushed her skin, nearly burning her. When he’d made it halfway down her shirt, she couldn’t take it anymore and reached out to undo his belt buckle. This slow undressing had pushed her too hard.


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