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Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1)

Page 15

by Vella Day

  Stone sat up and drew her legs on top of his lap. With quick movements, he pulled off her boots and socks.

  He smiled. “Aw. You even have pink toenail polish. I like it.”

  He seemed to notice everything. She wiggled her toes for him. He deftly undid her pants as if he’d removed a woman’s clothing many times before, and slipped hers off with ease, leaving only her thong undies in place.

  He whistled. “This keeps getting better and better.”

  Amber lifted up on her elbows and reached out her hand, wiggling her fingers. “How about showing me something?”

  He scooted out from under her legs and stood. Stone shucked off his boots then placed his hands behind his head. “Have at me.”

  Yes! When she’d been with Cade, they’d been in too big of a hurry to finish undressing each other. She wouldn’t miss out this time. Even though she was almost naked, she sat up and undid the buttons on his pants. Wanting to tease him, she placed a hand over his bulging crotch. “Hmm. I wonder what’s underneath here.”

  “You’ll have to unwrap it and see.”

  Careful not to drag down his briefs, she lowered his jeans until they bunched at the knees. “How about you step out of them?”

  She could have crouched low, but then she’d have been tempted to suck on his cock, and she wanted to explore other parts of him first.

  He obliged then tossed off his socks. She stood. “I want to see what’s under this shirt.” A paramedic had to be strong to lift those gurneys into the ambulance and would be solid. He raised his arms, and she drew the material over his chest. Inch by inch she revealed highly defined muscles that prominently bulged at his pecs. His abs were sculpted and led to a narrow waist. “Nice.” She ran her fingers along his tight belly with one hand and tossed his shirt next to her bra with the other.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  She touched a scar along one rib. “What happened here?”

  “Got that two years ago. Some kid, high on drugs, had been stabbed, which was why we’d been called out. The kid didn’t even seem to be aware he was close to bleeding out. When I tried to subdue him, he stabbed me.”

  Her breath caught. “I didn’t realize your job could be so dangerous.”

  He enfolded her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. “It’s not. Not usually. That was a one-time occurrence.”

  She wasn’t sure he was telling her the truth, but a healthy Stone was standing in front of her, and that was all that mattered now. She glanced up at him. “Any other injuries I should know about?” She stepped back and ran her hands up and down his chest, pretending to examine him closely.

  “You might have to go a little lower.”

  She wasn’t going to give in so quickly. “Turn around. I need to check out your back.”

  He obliged. Perfect. His shoulders V’d to a tight waist and tapered hips. His ass was round and full, just the way she liked it. “Do you work out a lot?”

  He chuckled. “Enough.”

  She couldn’t help but squeeze his rear. In a flash, he flipped back around. “Enough, young lady. It’s my turn to check you out.”

  She could only imagine what nooks and crannies he’d try to get into. His thumbs rubbed her nipples, and the light pressure tickled. “No war wounds there,” she said.

  As if he really was looking for scars, he ran his palms over her breasts and down her belly. She held her breath as he checked out her body.

  “Baby, baby. You are more than my wildest dreams ever envisioned.”

  She exhaled. “I’m glad you’re pleased.”

  “I’ll have to taste her and probe her to be sure, though.”

  She loved the way his mind worked. He dropped to his knees and eased her thong lower. She thought he’d take her panties completely off, but instead he left them around her thighs. Stone clasped her hips, leaned in, and ran a tongue along the top of her mound.

  Lick me lower. Here she thought Stone would be different and not tease her. Wrong.

  His tongue moved downward with each swipe, driving her crazy. She clamped a palm on his head, trying to guide him to explore her wet pussy.

  His hands slipped to her thighs. He dragged off her panties and shoved them to the side. He then opened her legs wide. “Hold that pose.”

  Shivers of delight raced up her body. He licked the inside of her leg in slow sensual circles. Amber swallowed a groan. Her arousal was strong. Couldn’t he tell she was ready for him? She was a little sore and swollen from having been with Cade last night, but that wasn’t going to prevent her from making love with Stone.

  Any thought Stone might not want to be with her had long disappeared.

  With one hand, he opened her folds and slipped two fingers into her opening. She went straight up on her toes. Ripples of joy ran up her spine. “Yes.”

  “So sensitive.”

  “I need more.” Her breath rushed out.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll give you plenty.” Stone reached up and pinched a nipple, and heat shot straight to her core.

  He continued to flick his tongue over her clit. She wouldn’t be able to last if he didn’t hurry and take her. She clamped down on his fingers. As waves of lust washed over her, she shut her eyes and drew in a large breath. If she told him to suck harder on her beaded nub, he’d probably find another sensitive part of her body to torture.

  A key turned in the front door and she stiffened.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Easy, baby. It’s just Cade.”

  Just Cade? “I’m naked,” Amber said, as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  Stone withdrew his fingers and stood. Feet sounded on the tiled floor behind her. “All the better to greet him,” he whispered. “Now go see if you can seduce him.” He patted her butt lightly and turned her around.

  Oh, shit. “I can’t do this.” While she might have jumped Cade’s bones last night, she wasn’t comfortable being with both men at the same time.

  Cade glanced over at her. “Can’t do what, sugar?”

  His voice came out nonchalantly, as if it was an everyday occurrence to walk into his house and find a naked woman in his roommate’s arms. She lowered one hand to between her legs. “Be so casual.” If she took the plunge, she wanted to know they both really cared.

  He shrugged out of his coat and strode over to her. “Casual? You call what we shared last night casual?”

  Now she’d offended him. Everything they did last night had felt very real and important, maybe even long lasting. “I don’t know.” Being in the presence of these two men jumbled her brain.

  Cade moved closer and lifted her chin. “Maybe we need to have a repeat performance so I can convince you how good it is between us.”

  Stone captured her wrists and drew her arms behind her, enabling Cade to see all of her. He smiled and her pussy cramped. He looked like a hungry tiger ready to pounce.

  Cade adjusted his pants. “Jesus, Amber. I’m hard just looking at you.”

  He sounded as if he meant it. “Remember, I’m new to this.” She wanted to be with both men, but was she ready for a ménage relationship? You should have thought of that before you slept with Cade.

  He leaned closer. “I remember. We’ll go slow. I promise.”

  Never taking his gaze from her eyes, Cade stepped back and discarded his shoes, then removed his white button-down shirt and charcoal gray slacks.

  She cleared her throat and nodded to his briefs. “You look good in black.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Cade tossed them off and winked, cutting the tension in the air.

  In the bright light, Cade was more magnificent than she remembered him. As she stared at him, Stone reached around and fondled her breasts. He plucked her nipples, sending sparks straight to her clit.

  Cade approached. “Don’t do that, buddy. I’m hard enough.” He ran a thumb down her cheek. “I’m thinking that for your first time, we need to show you how we care for someone so delicate.”

  The delicate word
rubbed her the wrong way. She arched her back. “I’m not delicate.” She was a dedicated, hardened oncology nurse.

  Cade slipped three fingers into her weeping opening and finger-fucked her. As lust slammed into her, her breath caught, and she had to close her legs to keep from losing it. He withdrew his hand.

  He smiled. “I see Stone hasn’t satisfied you yet.”

  She tilted her chin up. “You interrupted us.” She debated grabbing his cock to see how he’d respond, but instead twisted around and wrapped her arms around Stone’s neck. “You ready to show Cade what you can do?”

  He laughed. “Hear that, Cade? Our woman wants to pit us against each other.”

  With his hands on her waist, Cade tugged her out of Stone’s grasp. A second later, she was upside down over his bare shoulder.

  Cade patted her ass. “What are we going to do with you?”

  She could have told him to stop, but every inch of her skin was vibrating with need. She trusted these men to do right by her.

  “Take her to my room,” Stone said.

  She figured he made that suggestion because his bed would be made. When Cade entered the near dark room, she couldn’t tell what it really looked like. Before her eyes adjusted to the dim hallway light, Cade placed her on the bed then crawled on top of her. Now, she didn’t want to look at anything but him. Resting on his elbows, he kissed her thoroughly. The slow exploration of her mouth made her moan and wiggle beneath him. He was different from the desperate man yesterday.

  Stone tapped Cade on the shoulder. “Don’t hog her.”

  In a flash, Cade rolled onto his side, supporting his head with his palm. He dragged a finger from her belly button up to her nipple. “You are so beautiful.” Even without him touching the tip, the peak puckered. He then slipped a finger into her and her body quivered. That was just what she needed.

  Stone placed a knee on the bed and rolled her over to face him. “Cade, how about I enjoy her breasts and you can have her pussy? Oral only. My cock has yet to experience her.” He dragged a rough knuckle down her face.

  “No problem,” Cade said. “There will be plenty of time for both of us.”

  “I’m a bit sore from yesterday.” She glanced behind her. “I’m not made of Teflon, you know.”

  Stone tapped her nose and returned her attention to him. “I’ll take it easy on you, baby.”

  “It might help if I lick your cock first.” She drew in her bottom lip, trying to entice him. “If it’s wet, it’ll go in easier.”

  From behind, Cade wrapped his arms around her, tugged her close, and whispered, “Go right ahead. I want to see how well he holds up under your masterful mouth.”

  She looked over her shoulder again. “How do you know if I have a masterful mouth, as you so nicely put it? I never got to suck on yours.”

  Stone laughed. “She got you there, buddy.”

  Cade tapped her hip. “Do Stone first.”

  Cade probably knew he’d never last if she started with him. She sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. “Ready, Stone?” She gave him her best come-hither look.

  She bet the glare he gave Cade was for her benefit. Stone stepped out of his briefs. As he approached, Cade rose to his knees behind her and lifted her breasts.

  She exhaled and looked behind her. “How can I concentrate if you’re going to play with me?”

  Cade pinched her nipples, almost as if to remind her of the heated passion they’d shared last night. Men. She would have commented had her pussy not tingled a moment later. Fine. She’d show them she could handle both.

  Stone approached. Wow. His cock was huge, maybe even bigger than Cade’s, and that worried her. He might not fit.

  Then you better do a damned fine job of exciting him so he won’t take long before exploding. She ran her thumb over his balls. “I like how they’re nice and hard.”

  Cade twirled her nipples then ran a palm down her belly. “Don’t worry about me, sugar. I’m just enjoying your fine body.” Anticipation shot through her as she recalled the amazingly hot sex they’d had last night. Christ. If he turned her on any more, she’d never be able to do a satisfactory job with Stone. Was that Cade’s intent?

  “Amber?” Stone tapped her head.

  Focus. As she gently squeezed Stone’s balls, he clasped her wrist, slid her hand upward, and placed her palm on his rigid cock.

  “It needs you here more.”

  She swallowed a laugh. Note to self—he can’t take the teasing. She planned to use that to her advantage in a moment. Licking the tip, she ran her tongue through his salty slit where a bit of cum had already oozed out. Having Stone lose control before he was ready was going to be a piece of cake.

  With one hand holding his sac and the other on his dick, she traced a line with her tongue up his shaft until she bumped into the mushroom-shaped head.

  “Suck on him, baby.”

  You are so going down. She eased her mouth over him. Stone pressed on her head as if he needed more friction. She obliged. The sooner he neared his climax, the sooner she’d get his cock, and given what Cade was now doing with her clit, she’d need him soon.

  Amber only managed a few strong strokes with her mouth before Stone pulled back. “Enough.”

  Aha. Cade tugged her back and lifted her legs onto the bed. “My turn.”

  Stone dropped onto the bed next to her. “We’ll try not to excite you too fast.”

  Too late. The thrill of what was to come had her body zinging with pleasure.

  “Close your eyes and let us love you,” Cade said with a softness she hadn’t expected.

  She shut her eyes. The bed dipped and when one of them rubbed her nipples and the other spread her legs wide, her breath hissed out of her. Her skin caught fire.

  With what seemed like practiced precision, the men performed a mouth assault on her body. Cade licked her slit while Stone nabbed her nipple. Tongues swirled, causing waves of lust to fill every vein. She bucked her hips.

  “Don’t move.” Cade planted a hand on her belly and nabbed her tiny bud. Electric sparks shot through her with such speed her heart hammered in her chest.

  “Please.” Begging wasn’t her style, but then again, she’d never been in such a needy state before.

  “Patience,” Cade said.

  Patience, my ass. He certainly hadn’t had any yesterday. To be fair, neither had she. Next time, she’d insist on sucking Cade’s cock long and hard. She’d prove to him he had no patience either.

  He lifted his mouth and threaded two fingers into her wet channel. When he pressed on her G-spot, she moaned. In a flash, she was turned over and lifted onto her elbows and knees.

  “Condom. Nightstand,” Stone commanded.

  Cade moved to the head of the bed. The drawer squeaked open then foil tore. The snap of a condom made her juices flow harder. This was it—the time when she’d make love with two men.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Stone ran his hands up and down Amber’s back. “You are so hot.”

  She opened her eyes to see Cade kneeling in front of her, his big cock inches from her mouth. Now she’d get to prove to the great Cade Carter that he wasn’t as immune as he claimed to be.

  As she reached out to pull his dick toward her, Cade clasped her wrist. “Wait. I want you to experience Stone without getting too distracted by what I’m about to do to you.”

  What was he talking about? She was the one about to give him a blowjob.

  Stone grunted. “You’re full of shit, Cade. Baby, don’t listen to him. Torture him like you did me.”

  She let out a breath, realizing this was their way of calming her down. They were truly special men to understand this was a big leap of faith for her to love both of them.

  Stone rubbed her back with one hand as he pressed his hard tip against her opening. His full inhale made her smile. He’d only eased in an inch when she gasped. His cock was huge, or else her inner walls were swollen from last night.

  “I’ve c
hanged my mind. Suck on it, sugar. It’ll take your mind off Stone.”

  She wanted to revel in making love with Stone, but when Cade twirled her nipples, she forgot everything. So that was what he meant by him doing something. The tension and slight pain caused her juices to increase, easing the way for Stone’s cock.

  He leaned over her back and kissed her neck. Having him in contact with most of her body, both inside and out, seemed so right. Stone slid in another inch, and when Cade presented her with his throbbing dick, she grabbed it. He moaned—loudly. Good.

  As much as she wanted to drag her tongue up and down Cade’s length, she bet she could bring him to the edge closer if she sucked on him hard. Amber drew her lips around the head and drove down on him.

  “Jesus, Amber.”

  Her heart sang from his reaction. She swirled her tongue around and around. She only stopped when he pinched her nipples. Her breath caught, but she didn’t open her mouth and lose the suction.

  Stone took advantage of her lull and eased into her all the way.

  “God, you’re so fucking tight.”

  Surely, he knew why. Cade tapped her head and she resumed tormenting him. But the harder she sucked, the more pressure he applied to her nipples. Then Stone pulled out and drove back into her with equal intensity. The combination was mind-blowing. Heat bubbled inside her as her climax gained momentum.

  Don’t come.

  She wanted to show her men she could be as strong as they were. But then, Stone dragged a hand down her belly and pressed on her clit. That was her Achilles’ heel. Damn him.

  Cade placed his hand over hers and pumped her fist up and down faster and faster. She leaned her hips back, needing Stone to take her over the edge now. All three groaned and moaned until it sounded like a bad orchestra warming up. Cade lost it first. Hot jism coated her throat and she lifted her head to swallow his tangy brew. He pulled back his hips but kept his fingers firmly on her breasts as if he didn’t want to lose contact.

  Stone increased his pistoning. “Come for me, baby,” he cried out.

  His plea, along with the next strong thrust that filled her to the hilt, took her over the edge. Her body pulsed and zinged as her climax swooped in. When she pressed her hips back for more, his cock expanded and pulsed, stretching her so hard, she had to open her mouth to bring in more air. When Stone finally finished letting loose, he grabbed her by the waist and rolled her over. His cock popped out.


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