Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1)

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Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1) Page 17

by Vella Day

  Jamie’s mouth opened. “You made love with him? Was it amazing? How would you compare him to Cade?”

  She laughed. “I refuse to compare them. They’re different in a lot of ways.”

  “Start from the beginning.”

  Amber inhaled. “So Stone and I were in the living room—naked—when Cade walked in.”

  Jamie’s eyes widened. “What did you guys do?”

  “Let him join in.”

  Jamie clamped a hand over her mouth. “Benny would never allow me to do anything like that, not that I want to, but sometimes…”

  Amber had never seen any doubt in Jamie’s eyes before. “Sometimes what?”

  Jamie stuffed popcorn into her mouth and chewed. Finally, she finished. “Benny is almost too perfect. Too kind.”

  Amber knew that. Everyone did. “What’s the problem?”

  “Please don’t think less of me, but I kind have been interested in trying a little kink—not the two men kind of kink—but something a little more than vanilla. I brought it up once, but Benny just sighed. He said he could never hurt me.”

  “What did you ask him to do?” Jamie seemed too sweet to be adventurous.

  Her friend shook her head. “All I asked for him to tie me up with a scarf or something, and maybe get a little spanking. Nothing major.”

  “He couldn’t think a scarf would hurt, would he?”

  Jamie sighed. “A spanking might. It doesn’t matter. Benny won’t go for it. You know how Benny hates to see anyone suffer. You weren’t in Rock Hard yet, but I had this mutt I loved with my whole being. He was old and had cancer, but he was my best friend. When I came back from work one night, Beau had died. I lost it and called Benny. We weren’t even dating at the time, but he’d told me how much he loved animals.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He rushed right over. He’d never met Beau, but he held me and wept along with me. Then with more care than possible, he wrapped him up, placed him in his doggie bed, and drove him to the vet’s.”

  Amber poured the wine she’d set on the coffee table. “That’s so like Ben. He’s a keeper.” She clasped Jamie’s hand. “By the way, there’s nothing wrong with vanilla sex.”

  “I know, but I want more passion.”

  Amber smiled at the erotic image of Cade plastering her against the door and taking her hard.

  “What is it?” Jamie asked.

  “I can’t talk about being tied up or being spanked, but I can tell you about passion.”

  * *

  The next few days went by in a blur. Amber occasionally spotted a detective at the hospital asking questions about Stephanie Osmond, but so far she hadn’t seen Cade there. He’d called her Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, each time to apologize for having to work late. Stone phoned, too, but his days off didn’t fit into her schedule. It was highly frustrating.

  When her cell rang Thursday morning, excitement raced through her. She was just finishing with a patient, so the timing was perfect. Smiling, she ducked into the hallway and strolled toward the break room. “Hey, stranger.”

  “I only have a minute to talk.” Cade kept his voice low. “Are you free Friday after you get off work?”

  “I am.”

  “I want us to be together.”

  Music to my ears. “Me, too.”

  “I wish it were sooner though. I miss you.”

  She chuckled. “Back at you.” His sentimental attitude never ceased to amaze her. “What about Stone?” She held her breath.

  “Sorry, sugar. He pulled the late shift, but he’ll be free on Saturday. Maybe the three of us can come up with something to do then.”

  The practical side of a ménage relationship was exposing its ugly head. “That works for me.”

  “How about I pick you up at your house at six on Friday?”


  She was about to ask where they were going so she’d know how to dress, but someone called his name. He disconnected before she had the chance. Darn. She missed him already.

  Friday night? Uh-oh. Two days ago, Cade said he had something to do that night, so she’d made tentative plans to be with Jamie and Ben. Now she had to cancel. It sucked, but Jamie hadn’t been sure if they could make it anyway.

  Since she had a few minutes free, she took the elevator to the hospice floor to let Jamie know. Before she found her friend, she wanted to see how Jennifer Seely was doing today. Amber sucked in a breath and squared her shoulders.

  She’d stopped by Monday and again yesterday, but each visit became harder than the last knowing this was the end. Jenn had been one of her favorite patients. As she headed down the hallway, she dared a glance into the rooms. Most of the patients appeared to be asleep. It was sad enough when the person was old, but it was even harder when that person hadn’t fully lived her life.

  As she passed the room right before Jenn’s, she slowed then backed up. The door was slightly ajar and she caught a glimpse of Ben’s bright red hair. “Knock, knock.” She peeked in at him bending over someone. She hadn’t realized he knew any of the hospice patients.

  Ben turned around and looked a bit startled. “Oh, hey, Amber. What are you doing here?”

  That was what she was about to ask him. She could understand why he’d question her though. She rarely came on this floor. “I wanted to see how Jennifer Seely was doing. She transferred up here a couple of days ago.”

  He strode toward her. “Oh.”

  “I also came up to find Jamie, but I can tell you instead. I have to cancel on Friday.”

  He ushered her out the door and closed it. “Why? Hot date?” He winked as if he knew about what she, Cade, and Stone had done.

  “As a matter of fact, yes. Is that okay? I promise we’ll get together soon.” She hadn’t had both of them over since Chris had died.

  “No problem. We never committed anyway. We might have to visit with Jamie’s aunt. I’ll let her know.”

  He turned to leave, but Amber clasped his shoulder and nodded to the woman inside. “Who is she?”

  His eyes slightly widened. “That’s my cousin. Real shame. She only has a few days to live.”

  “Your cousin?” She thought she knew everything about Ben.

  “I never mentioned her because we drifted apart after mom died. She only moved back to Rock Hard after she found out she was sick.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m surprised Jamie never mentioned her.”

  “She doesn’t know.” He placed a finger to his lips. “Shh. I want to spare her. She goes through enough.” He checked his watch. “Listen. My break’s over and I gotta go, but we’ll reschedule for sure.” Ben looked down the hallway then back at her. He barely made eye contact. “Have fun with your man.”

  “Will do.” She watched him stride down the hallway with hurried steps—and Ben never hurried. Amber shook her head. Maybe he was upset and needed to get away.

  She stepped next door and found Jennifer asleep. Her breathing was raspy and shallow. Not wanting to disturb her, Amber backed out and headed to the stairs. She could use the exercise to help clear her head. Only this morning had her inner thigh muscles recovered. And they’d been tight from more than riding the horse. At that thought, a smile formed. She sure was a lucky woman.

  Chapter Twenty

  At six o’clock on the dot, Cade knocked on her front door and Amber answered. He was dressed in a pair of black slacks and a fitted white shirt open at the throat. Oh, my. “Come in.”

  He ran his gaze up and down her body. “You look amazing.”

  She smiled, glad she’d taken the extra care to impress him. “So do you.”

  Without a word, Cade drew her into a tight embrace and kissed her. Not only did his hard chest make contact, his hips did, too. Without thinking where this could lead, she hooked her arms around his back and tugged him close. When their tongues met, they dueled and sparred as if this might be their last kiss—ever. His desperation made her blood soar.

  Reason intruded, and she
palmed his chest. “We shouldn’t get started.”

  “Why not?” He nibbled that wonderfully sensitive spot below her ear. “You don’t want to ride me?”

  She laughed as his tongue tickled her neck. “Yes, but after we eat.”

  He stepped away, looking amused. “Then food it shall be.” He tapped her nose. “Where’s your coat?”

  She plucked it from the sofa and he led her out. After she locked the front door, Amber slipped into the front seat and buckled up.

  Cade slid in. “You good with Thai food?”

  “Love it.” She’d mentioned in passing how much she liked Asian cuisine.


  Now she was glad she’d dressed up.

  As he turned down Gold Avenue, she stared out the window, her hand aimlessly lifting and lowering her jacket zipper.


  She turned her attention back to Cade. “Sorry, what?”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I was thinking about Jamie and Ben.”

  Cade glanced at her. “What about them?”

  “I hadn’t wanted to mention this, but I made tentative plans to watch a movie at my house tonight with them—assuming they could have made it.”

  “Shit, sugar. We could have rescheduled. Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  She let out an exasperated sigh. “Because it’s hard enough for us to find time to be together, and I can go out with Ben and Jamie any time. Kind of like we did when Chris had been alive.” She continued to fiddle with the zipper on her jacket. “Besides, our plans were up in the air.” She looked down at her fingers, fighting some tears. “I’m not sure I’m ready to pretend everything is back to normal.”

  “It takes time.”

  “I know.” He understood. Cade had lost both of his parents.

  “You always play with your zipper when something’s really bothering you, though. Did Jamie say something to upset you? Is that why they aren’t coming over?”

  She let go of the pull tab. “No. I cancelled.” Damn. She sounded too defensive.

  “If not Jamie, was it Ben?”

  “No.” She smoothed the hair behind her ear. “Ben’s… fine.”

  “Sugar? You can tell me anything, you know.”

  “There’s nothing to tell.” So as not to fidget anymore, she clasped her hands on her lap, but her damn leg wouldn’t stop bouncing. Tell him something. Anything to shut him up. “When I went up to the hospice floor to cancel the date with Jamie, Ben was visiting a sick relative.” She inhaled deeply. “There’s no crime in that.”

  He draped a wrist over the wheel, looking overly casual. “You seem bothered by this.”

  “I’m not bothered.” She flattened her palms on her thighs so he wouldn’t say her actions implied something.

  He glanced at her again. “I get the sense you have a concern about something you saw.”

  “I didn’t see Ben do anything.”

  His brow cocked. “I know Ben’s and Jamie’s friendship mean a lot to you. I also know that you don’t want to betray their trust or do anything that would hurt them.”

  “No, I don’t.” She swiped the moisture from under her eye.

  “Your patients’ well-being is one of your deepest convictions. You could never knowingly allow anything to happen to them either, could you?”

  A ray of hope seeped in. He did understand. “No, I couldn’t.”

  “Sometimes, conflict results between those two needs. That’s why I’d like to ask you a couple of questions.”

  He was back to his cop mode. “About what?” She sniffled.

  “I want to help you ensure your patients stay safe. What does your gut say about what Ben was doing?”

  Chills danced up her spine. Trying to act casual, she shrugged. “Like I told you. He was checking up on a sick relative.”

  “That’s good. What was he wearing?”

  Her leg stopped moving. “What?”

  “Was he in his usual lab coat like he’d come from the pharmacy, or was he dressed in a T-shirt and jeans?”

  “He was dressed for work. I don’t see what difference it makes.”

  A large truck lumbered down the two-way highway in front of them, forcing Cade to slow.

  He was acting like she was hiding something? She wasn’t.

  “Okay,” Cade said. “Ben was visiting his cousin. Did he see you?”

  She didn’t mind answering that. “Yes.”

  “Did he wave you in and introduce you, or had you met his cousin before?”

  Her stomach flipped. “No and no.” She then told him how Ben had rushed out of the room most likely because he didn’t want their talking to disturb the woman.

  Cade inhaled deeply then let out a big exhale. “What are your instincts telling you about why he was in such a hurry?”

  Her pulse sped up and sweat beaded on her forehead. “They’re not telling me anything.” She focused on the road ahead and ran her hands down her thighs. She faced him. “Have you been to this Thai House before? I know you love steak, but do they have something you like?”

  “Amber. I can hear you’re upset. You don’t want anything bad to happen to Ben any more than I do.”

  “I’m not upset. Why should I be upset?” Her neck itched, and she scratched it, glad to have something to distract her.

  “Amber. Sugar.”

  “What?’” She pressed her lips together and faced him, wishing he’d disappear.

  “When Ben came out of the room, did he do something? Like touch you inappropriately?” There was a possessive grating to his voice.

  “No! He kept his hand in his pocket the whole time.”

  Acid rose to her throat. How dare he think Ben would ever cheat on Jamie. The image of him surfaced. She had to admit he looked kind of funny with his lab coat pulled tight against his body and his belly protruding. Usually, if he was just chatting in the hallway, he’d stand with both thumbs in his jeans pockets, looking casual.

  “Just one hand?” Cade’s fingers unclenched from the wheel.

  “I don’t remember.” She’d kept her gaze on Ben’s right wrist, which was at an odd angle. It was almost as if he was hiding something in his pocket.


  “Yes. One hand.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut trying to picture Ben as he hovered over his cousin. He had acted a bit strange when he left the room, but it could have been because he was upset over her near death.

  Then why did you look up the name of the patient to see if the two were related? A tear leaked out.

  Cade turned down First Avenue and slowed as he neared the restaurant entrance. He parked, cut the engine, and reached out to her. “Sugar. Please. This is hurting me, too.” His voice shook. “I think all this protesting is a cry for help. You want to tell yourself something, but fear is stopping you.”

  Tears ran down her cheeks. “Why did Ben lie?” The words burned in her throat. “The woman he said was he cousin wasn’t his cousin.” Cade didn’t respond. He just held her hand. She choked out a sob. “He tells me everything. So why didn’t he tell me about his cousin—or whoever she was?”

  Amber pulled away from Cade’s grip and dropped her head in her hands. She cried even though she wasn’t sure why. Cade rubbed her back and let her grieve for the crack in their friendship. She finally sat up.

  “Sugar. What is it that you can’t say out loud? It must be painful.”

  Her body ached. Her brain screamed, no, no, no. Ben wasn’t supposed to be in the room. Her heart lurched. She wouldn’t go down that path. It was too dark, too terrible.

  She sealed her lips, but the burgeoning doubt burst out. “He wouldn’t harm anyone, would he?” She paused. Every muscle tensed. “Do you think Ben was in the room to hurt that woman?” She grabbed her zipper again.

  He held her gaze for an eternity. “I don’t know, sugar. Why don’t you tell me more about why your sixth sense is leading you there?”

  She shoo
k her head over and over again. “He ran away. And Ben never moves fast.” She hiccupped as she sucked in a breath. “Oh, no.” Her gaze raced around. “That’s why he asked me about the Ativan dosage.” The reality of it all was too much. “Could he have been hiding a syringe in his pocket?”

  Amber didn’t wait for Cade to answer. She pushed open the car door and ran out, tears streaming down her face. She didn’t want to consider it. Ben was a good man. Noisy cars racing down the road made it hard to think.

  Just run! As fast she could go in her stupid heels, she rushed down the sidewalk, not having any destination in mind.

  Footsteps pounded behind her. “Sugar?” A second later, Cade scooped her into his arms. Her feet kept kicking as he dangled her off the ground. “Shh.”

  He set her down, turned her to face him, and held her tight. Amber lowered her face onto his shoulder. After having to deal with weeks of frustration over Chris’s accident and death, Sam Richland’s attack, and the possibility of Ben being a murderer, the dam broke. Sobs tore through her body, ripping her up inside.

  “Oh, sugar.” Cade just held her and rubbed her back. “Shh. It’ll be okay.”

  The tears wouldn’t stop, but Cade never let her go. Amber stood there a long time. Eventually, the fight eased out of her.

  Her bottom lip trembled. “I don’t want Ben to be guilty.” Her insides shook. Ben had to be innocent. He just had to be.

  He leaned back and swiped his thumb under her eye. “Don’t worry. We’ll figure it all out together.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Once she was more or less composed, Amber looked up at him. “I’m sorry I ruined the evening.” She ran her hands down his chest. The soft material over the hard planes of his chest helped unbunch the knots in her stomach.

  “You did no such thing.” He pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed what was probably mascara all over her face. “You had doubts about a good friend. That’s all.”

  Is that all they were? Doubts? She hadn’t seen Ben doing anything illegal, so maybe her imagination had gone crazy from the stress. That’s all.


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