Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1)

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Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1) Page 19

by Vella Day

  “I need to change,” she told him. From all the anxiety and emotional upheaval, she’d perspired heavily.

  He grinned. “Don’t put too much back on. I’m just going to have to take it off.”

  His words skimmed over her skin and made her simmer. She planted a knee on the sofa and kissed his cheek, then rushed to her room. It was only eight, so she figured they could relax before engaging in mind-blowing sex. She quickly put on a tank top and comfortable bottoms. After she washed off the streaks of mascara, she dragged the damp cloth over her armpits. Fearing she might become emotional again tonight, she didn’t put back on any makeup.

  She headed out. Cade had taken off his boots and socks and unbuttoned his shirt halfway. No man deserved to look that sexy.

  Amber nodded to the television. “Pick out something to watch while I get the cheese and crackers.” He picked up the remote and turned it to Netflix. The microwave dinged. “Good timing,” she said more to herself than to Cade.

  She removed the bag and inhaled, loving the buttery smell. She dumped the contents into a bowl, grabbed a roll of paper towels and the saltshaker. The aroma made her very full stomach grumble.

  He was scrolling through the movies as she plopped next to him. “Anything look good?” she asked.

  “How about The Twelve Dates of Christmas?”

  She laughed. “That’s a chick flick.”

  He held a palm upward. “So? You don’t like romantic comedies? I find that hard to believe since you’re such a romantic.”

  She laughed. “I like them fine. I thought you’d want something starring the Rock or Tom Cruise or a movie where people battle to their death. You know, a tough guy film.”

  He set the remote down. “Sugar, I appreciate that you see me that way, and while I admit I’m focused, ambitious, and hard working, that’s my job. Hopefully, those things don’t define me. What my dad did to me and my mom might be my motivation for working hard, but I have a lot of other facets. Sometimes, I like to forget. I can even be silly.” He raised his brows up and down fast, and she laughed appreciatively.

  “Me, too.” She stuck out her tongue. “Like to forget, that is.” While it felt good to let loose, she needed a lot more than that to help douse her demons tonight. She snuggled close. “I want you to make love with me. Now.”

  This was what she’d yearned for. But it was incomplete. Stone should be here, but for now, she’d enjoy Cade to the fullest.

  “Oh, sugar.” Cade stood in front of her and pulled her up. “If you’re good with letting this hot popcorn go to waste, I’ll be happy to oblige.”

  “Mind if I take a quick shower?” She’d purchased candles, too, and wanted a moment to light them. “Give me a few minutes before coming in, okay?”

  “Hurry.” He kissed her.

  When his lips lingered, she pulled away then rushed down the hallway. For the first time today, hope filled her.

  * *

  Wanting to give her all the time she needed, Cade paced. Had this been under different circumstances, he’d have rushed down the hall after her, stripping his clothes on the way. After everything she’d been through tonight, Cade didn’t want to move too fast, but the butt plug was burning a hole in his pocket. When it came to Amber, he had no control. He wanted her—bad. After seeing her struggle with the ethical question of what to do about her good friend, Ben, his admiration for her grew. Never before had doing right by her seemed so important.

  If he were honest, he’d acknowledge that he had never taken his time to really understand any woman well. Why? He never saw the relationship lasting more than a few nights or at most, a couple of weeks. Yet the older he became, the more he wanted what Stone’s family had. Love. Stability. Friendship.

  Amber had nailed him the first time she met him. She could see his need to atone, but now he understood no matter how many people he brought to justice, he’d never make up for his father’s wrong doing. Like Amber, he needed to do what he believed was right.

  That meant loving her the best he could. If he fucked up this relationship then he might never get another chance at having something this wonderful again. He had to be on his most sensitive behavior—reading her every breath, understanding her every move. It didn’t matter their time together had been short. They’d connected.

  He couldn’t wait any longer.

  With strong strides, he ate up the space between here and her room, stopping only when he reached her closed door. Not only did he need his heartbeat to slow, he wanted to give Amber time to think about tonight. It was going to be amazing, not only between the two of them, but between all three of them soon.

  Cade stepped in. The room was bathed in candlelight and he smiled. The woman was all heart. The bathroom door stood ajar, and he imagined her wet, naked body.

  Once he set the lube and plug on the dresser, he opened the bathroom door. Fuck me. She’d just stepped onto the bathmat, and his balls drew up tight at the sight of her. Glistening, she was a true vision.

  Her eyes widened and she grabbed the towel and placed it over her front. “I’m not ready.”

  “Sugar, you don’t need to be shy around me.” He stepped toward her and lifted the material from her grasp. “Allow me.” He turned her around and dried her back, her delicious butt, and her shapely legs. He wanted her needy. “Turn around.” She obliged. “You are magnificent.” As much as he wanted to take his time, he couldn’t wait. In a flash, she was in his arms.

  “I’m still wet.”

  He grinned. “Then I guess I’ll just have to lick off every drop of water.”

  She giggled, and he fell for her even more. Once in the bedroom, he pulled down the comforter and gently placed her on the bed. The flickering candles danced over the walls, creating a womb-like environment, and he couldn’t wait to take her.

  He debated how to make tonight extra special. One thing he knew about his woman. She liked it when he talked dirty. “Is your pussy wet and ready for my big cock?”

  “I’m not sure.” When she dipped a finger into her opening, his cock turned to steel. Dear God in heaven, she’d be his death.

  She then waved her finger, and he nearly lost it. Two buttons later, his shirt was history. The belt came next and then the trousers. Amber sat up as if she wanted to make sure not to miss the show.

  She grinned. “Keep going.”

  He stepped over to the bed, needing her hands on him. “How about you finishing?”

  Perhaps he shouldn’t have offered his cock so quickly. He was weak when he was with her, but she did seem to enjoy tempting him to come. Using a light touch, she guided his briefs up and over his cock. When his dick popped out at her, she squealed. Her pleasure thrilled him.

  “Hurry.” He hadn’t meant for the one word to come out strangled.

  If he let her tease him for too long, he’d never last long enough to put the butt plug in her.

  She looked up at him. “Hurry? Uh-uh. I’m going to take my time. Make you beg for my pussy.”

  God he adored this woman. “So you think you have all the control?” She did, but he wasn’t ready to tell her that just yet.

  She touched her tits then dragged a hand between her legs. “I got these.”

  Cade shook his head. She was taking this too far. He stepped back and shucked his briefs before moving closer. “Suck on him.”

  “Yes, sir.” She had the nerve to salute him.

  With the tips of her fingers, she drew his rigid shaft toward her with slightly jerking movements, acting like this was her first blowjob.

  The second her tongue touched his cock, high-voltage power shot up his body. His heart pounded. He could be on a stakeout for hours never taking his gaze off a building, but put Amber in front of him, and he lost all focus. He lowered his arms and dragged his fingers through her hair, helping to guide her down his cock. With her free hand, she clasped his balls. The combination of her tongue, hand, and magic fingers, had him hissing in a breath.

  Don’t come. />
  They had so much loving ahead of them. Showing Amber about pleasure would be his one gift to her, though she was bestowing a lot of joy on him right now.

  When she sucked hard and tightened her grip, he closed his eyes, trying not to lose it. Her tongue swirled and her fingers danced along his cock. He pulled away. “Enough play time.” Even though he’d used his toughest voice, she looked up, cocked a brow, and grinned.

  Oh, crap. He’d just open the gate and given her free reign. His heart was doomed.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Amber had achieved her first goal—that of pushing Cade way past his limit. He might act like some kind of macho man, but when she had her mouth on his cock, he folded like a collapsible chair.

  He tapped her head. “Get on your hands and knees for me.” His stern command held a tender undertone.

  She loved teasing him, but she honestly hadn’t thought she’d be able to get him so riled up that he had to make love with her this fast. She hoped this didn’t cut short foreplay. She wanted to be brought to the edge of her climax many times before finally giving in.

  “You do understand the mechanics of a ménage, right, Amber?”

  Her mind raced to her butt and she clenched her cheeks. “Yes.” She’d told him that before. “But I’ve never had a cock back there.”

  “I know. That’s why I need to stretch you out first.”

  She caught the slight lowering of his tone. It was almost as if he was waiting for her to tell him no. Well, she wouldn’t. She wanted Cade Carter—all of him. Everywhere. She had to feel alive tonight. “Okay.”

  While she wasn’t facing him, she bet he had that cute grin on his face. His feet padded across the carpet and metal sounded against glass, like he was unscrewing a lid. As she thought about what it would be like to have something cold and hard in her ass, shivers tripped up her spine. At least when it was Cade’s cock, he’d be warm and pliable.

  She liked something stiff as much as the next woman, but not when it was plastic. “Can’t I skip this step and go straight to the real deal?”

  She hadn’t expected him to laugh. “Oh, sugar. You lighten my darkest days. You’re tiny, and my dick is well, big.”

  That was true. At least she’d asked. The bed dipped and his hands massaged her shoulders—not the area she thought he’d focus on, but after thirty seconds of his strong hands working her muscles, the tension eased out of her body. “I like that.” She just hoped his massage wouldn’t lull her to sleep.

  As if he read her mind, he stopped. A citrusy scent filled the air. The brush of cold goo on her anus caused her to lean forward. Yikes. Reading about plugs, dildos, and anal gels hadn’t really prepared her for this moment.

  An arm swept under her belly. “Come back here, you. Relax. I’ll make sure you like it.”

  He said that in such a calm way that she thought maybe she’d overreacted. “I was surprised, that’s all.”

  When he ran a hand up her belly and captured her breast, she exhaled and closed her eyes. This was where she wanted to be. He continued to play with her tits, swirling his finger around each areola in a slow seductive manner that made her lower half clench with desire. With his other hand, he ran his thumb around her tight, muscled back hole in an attempt to get her to relax. He hadn’t shown her the plug, but no matter the size, she bet her asshole wasn’t wide enough.

  He kept up a steady rhythm, and her body finally gave in. Cade pinched one of her hardened nipples, and her body sprang back to life. She moaned, waiting for the glorious pleasure to follow.

  He seemed to take advantage of her distraction and eased his thumb into her ass. Whoa. She tightened her muscles again.

  “Amber. If you want my cock in your pussy sometime tonight, you can’t do that.” His voice remained soft, as if he knew this was difficult for her.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about. Just try to let go. Trust me.”

  She did. More lube scented the air and this time his index finger entered her. When he added a second digit, her breath caught. While the sensation only slightly pinched, she was more embarrassed than in pain.

  Angry at herself for being such a wuss, she did her best to stay loose, and forced her mind to go blank, to enjoy every twirl and dip of his finger. After a while, the ache turned to pleasure, and she wiggled her butt for more.

  “You ready, sugar?”

  She wished he hadn’t asked and just impaled her. “Yes.”

  He pressed the hard, slippery object against her ass and twisted the tip. Her breath caught at the newness of it all. “Push out as I press in,” he instructed.

  She did and the plug slid in halfway, causing her ass to burn a little. “Ooh.” When he drove the piece of plastic in farther, he must have hit a few erotic nerves and she moaned. She wasn’t even aware her ass could feel such enjoyment.

  “Do you see the potential now?”

  “Yes.” Who would have thought?

  He rubbed her ass with one hand while he rotated the plug into her asshole. While it made her feel full, she liked the pressure. It turned her on.

  “You’re doing great.”

  He tapped the end, and a quick bolt of joy darted straight to her pussy. She never expected that. He lifted her up and eased her onto her back. The change in angle created all new areas of stimulation. “Whoa.”

  He smiled. She reached up to run her hands down his chest, and he immediately captured her wrists and drew them over her head.

  “Let’s leave the touching to me, shall we? Keep your hands right there.”

  A delicious shiver traced a path from her nipples to her thighs. Why did his commands turn her on so much? Because Cade was doing the asking. As he climbed on top of her, he nudged open her thighs. Once again, the change in position sent the butt plug deeper into her ass. Holy shit.

  He grinned. “I see you understand the workings of that tiny piece of plastic.”

  “Tiny?” The man was crazy.

  He lowered his body until his massive chest was sealed against her breasts. Then he kissed her, possessing her with his lips. They both opened up and greeted each other. The tip of his cock was at her opening making it hard to concentrate. He’d put on a condom, but she didn’t remember him donning it.

  Their tongues twirled like two ice skaters in a pairs’ competition, sometimes touching, sometimes exploring on their own. They’d each had the peanut based dish for dinner, but he tasted more like Coke—tangy and sweet.

  When his thumbs reached between them and rubbed her nipples, her cream dripped. Amber clenched her fists, wanting to run her hands down his back, to feel the ripple of his muscles as his body flexed with each movement, but she wouldn’t disobey him. Not being able to do what she wanted gave her a different kind of thrill. She arched her back to get more pressure, and her butt lit up. The plug sure could travel far.

  He broke the kiss and slid lower on her body. Anticipation sent sparks all through her. When his mouth latched onto one nipple, she moaned and spread her legs wider, hoping he’d impale her now. With the plug in her butt and him tormenting her tits, she needed him badly.

  Just don’t come too soon. She wanted to show him she had control. He pulled her nipple taut and her cry escaped. “Oh, yes.”

  He alternated between her tits, nabbing each nipple faster and faster. God, what the man could do to her.

  He sniffed then smiled. “Someone’s excited.”

  What did he expect? He was driving her crazy, turning her body to mush. Cade dragged his tongue down her belly, coming closer and closer to her needy opening. She lifted her hips in offering.

  “Keep still or that ass plug will put you over the edge before I’ve had a chance to love your pretty little pussy.”

  He rubbed his thumb across the top of her pubis then opened her folds with one finger.

  Touch me more.

  Cade slid lower on his stomach. His thumbs dug into her thighs, but he then did nothing more. His lack o
f attention to her clit and swollen opening ratcheted her desire. She lifted her head.

  He was staring right between her legs, his mouth twisting to the side, as if he was trying to decide which part to torment first. He smiled then dipped a finger into her wet opening. The friction, while small, jacked up her hormones. “More. Please.”

  He looked up at her. “Are you trying to tell me how to make love to you?” There was a slight steely edge to his tone, but she thought he did that to heighten her arousal. Well, it had worked.


  “Good. Now relax and let me take you to another time and place.”

  She wanted that. Needed it for her soul to heal. The first swipe of his tongue had her reeling. She dug her nails into her palms. She’d never last if he didn’t take her soon. “Please, Cade.”

  Her plea must have had an effect on him because he dipped three fingers into her and swirled them around fast. Sparks of need raced up and down her spine, building her climax. If she didn’t get his thick shaft soon she’d lose it.

  When he drew her clit between his teeth, she yelled. “Damn you. Give me your cock.”

  He laughed—actually laughed. “Sugar, sugar. I’ve only just begun.”

  She should let loose and come, but then he’d believe that when the time came for the three of them to be together, she couldn’t handle two cocks—and she could. She squeezed her eyes shut and pictured Stone beside her, playing with her breasts while Cade loved on her pussy.

  His tongue circled her clit until the tiny nub swelled. It was too much. “Oh, oh, oh.”

  She lifted her hips, loving how the plug in her ass hit new nerves every time she shifted. Then Cade’s heavy body was on top of hers, and his lips found her mouth. His kiss came out hard. Demanding. Needy. She lowered her hands. To hell with not touching him. She threaded her fingers through his hair and planted her feet on the mattress. Cade pressed his cock against her opening and plunged in. Stars burst behind her lids. Oh. My. God. There was no room. The plug took up too much space, yet the added size from his dick tripled the pleasure.


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