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Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1)

Page 22

by Vella Day

  “Nothing more than hot sex.”

  Stone laughed. “Love it.”

  Not having a lot of room in the tent, they changed positions. Stone twirled a finger around her folds but didn’t open them. He leaned back on his heels and pressed her feet closer to her butt. “Open your knees wide for me.”

  She opened her pussy completely to him. Oh, my God. Her cream was already seeping. One thing became obvious. She liked being vulnerable and at his mercy.

  His brows rose. “I’m glad I’ve earned your trust.”

  The moment you came to speak with Chris you had my trust—and my heart. “You have.”

  “Then let me see if I can excite you.”

  He was being silly because in this small space, she’d already perfumed the air. Stone leaned over and ran his tongue right across her opening. The first swipe had her stomach clenching.

  “I love your sensitivity.”

  “I liked your sensitivity, too.” It had been exhilarating to make him lose control.

  He slipped a finger into her and slowly withdrew it. She waited for him to continue. When he didn’t make any more contact, she lifted up on her elbows. “I love when you touch me.” She hoped he’d do more with encouragement.

  Instead of fingering her, he slid next to her and removed his shirt from her chest, exposing her breasts. “So pretty.”

  He ran his finger around a puckered nipple in a teasing fashion. Amber firmed her lips, but he didn’t seem to get the hint. She glanced at his cock. It was actually hard again, and from the way the vein was throbbing, he’d recovered completely from his climax.

  Stone stopped touching her. “What are you thinking about, baby? I just rubbed your other nipple and you didn’t respond. Bored already?”

  “Hardly. I was focusing on your cock.”

  He laughed. “Thank you for being honest.”

  As soon as he kissed her again, desire swamped her senses. Stone’s hand on her breast warmed her from the inside out. He had a way of exciting her with the lightest of touches. Instead of diving into her mouth, he nibbled around the edges, pulling out her bottom lip between his teeth. Then he kissed her again. Damn Stone Benson. Her pussy throbbed.

  “I’m ready,” she said.

  “Not yet.” Stone used his free hand to swipe her damp hair from her face. “I could watch you all day. I love how your emotions flash across your face.”

  She tried to keep her expression blank, and he laughed. He was trying to psych her out. She inhaled to lift her breasts. “My tits are needy.”

  He grinned and dipped his head, sucking on one nipple while he twirled and pressed on the other one. She tried not to make any noise, but she failed miserably. He went back and forth between them. With each pass, her pussy clenched and cramped.

  “Sto—ne,” she whispered.

  He slipped a hand between her legs and cupped her mound. Slowly, his hand came to life—first with one finger, then two, and finally three. When he curled his fingers and hit her most sensitive spot, she squeezed her eyes shut. Maybe if she didn’t see the passion all over his face, she might calm down.

  Wrong. Her body caught fire. Just as she about to give up and come, he stopped, and her eyes flew open.

  “Condom.” In seconds, he picked it up and ripped open the foil. He stilled. “Shit.”


  “Hear that?”

  Blood was thrumming through her veins so fast, she heard nothing for a moment. Then laughter sounded, and they both bolted upright.

  Stone groaned. “Might be time to pack up and head back to town.” He cocked a brow. “Unless you want to walk out naked and scare them away.”

  “I’m not that brave.” Besides, the voices sounded like kids. That wasn’t good, but at least they were inside the tent. Had these hikers come up thirty minutes earlier, they’d have gotten an eyeful with them swimming naked.

  “Get dressed so we can pack.”

  Damn, damn, damn. She’d been so close.

  The trip down the mountain didn’t take long. Neither spoke much, because they were in too much of a hurry to reach the car. She for one was anticipating finishing their lovemaking at the house.

  Unfortunately, close to town, his cell rang. He glanced at the number. “Shit. Sorry.” He listened for a bit. “How bad? What about Drake? Colter? Brett? Where? I’ll be right there, sir.” He tossed his phone on the seat. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”

  “Another fire?”

  “Eight car accident. It’s over in Drumfield. They’re really short-handed and our captain offered our services.”

  “I understand.” If it wasn’t Cade rushing off for a case, it was Stone racing to rescue someone. Maybe she was destined to get her heart broken.

  * *

  Cade and Ethan returned to the station to make phone calls and to check out Ben’s alibi.

  Hartwick showed up an hour later. “Anything?”

  Cade shook his head. “Nothing yet on Ben Ford. But take a look at this.” He’d created a timeline for when the killer struck and twisted his computer screen toward his boss.

  Hartwick studied the entries and whistled. “I’m not liking this. The killer’s escalating.” He pointed to the last entry. “What’s this?”

  Cade wasn’t sure if he should have included the woman Ben had visited, which was why he’d shaded it a different color. “This might have been an aborted attempt.” He reminded Hartwick about Amber possibly interrupting Ben.

  “I’m wondering if the murders are well-thought out and the timing planned, or if he has a mental list of the people who are suffering, and then takes advantage of a lull in security.”

  The idea was sound. “Our men have been posing as doctors and nurses but haven’t spotted anything suspicious so far,” Cade said. “That makes me think it’s a staff member. Whoever is doing this is good at not attracting attention.”

  “That scares me. Put more men around this Ben guy.”

  Cade nodded. He and Ethan had been discussing one option. “Ethan and I have come up with a way to draw out the killer, Captain.”

  Dan quirked a brow. “What do you mean?”

  “We’ll send in a cop to pose as a sick patient. We can say he has pancreatic cancer and has only a few weeks to live. Make him in pain—a lot of pain. That way when the nurse tells everyone about her really sick patient and how much it hurts her to see him this way, the killer might strike.”

  Dan nodded appreciatively then sobered. “Wouldn’t our guy be in hospice at that point?”

  Cade scrubbed a hand down his jaw. “Maybe not yet.”

  “Who should we bring in?”

  Cade and Ethan had battled over who should be his caregiver. They’d gone back and forth about whether Amber should be the nurse in charge. He didn’t want to put her in danger, but the killer had yet to harm a staff member. He figured when she was in the room she’d be safe.

  Still, Cade had agonized over the decision. If he had his way, he’d keep Amber away from the hospital until the killer was behind bars. Knowing her, she wouldn’t agree. If he chose someone else to be the nurse, there would be less chance this person’s complaints would reach Ben—assuming he was guilty. What Cade wanted would hold little weight to Amber. She’d insist on doing this, if only to prove her suspicion about her friend’s guilt was false.

  “We thought we’d ask Amber Delacroix to be his pretend nurse, and even bring in a shrink to make it appear more legit. Twice now, the person has targeted people Amber has been associated with—Emma Luther and Amber’s own brother.”

  “Yes, but three times he’s killed or attempted to kill other patients.”

  Cade blew out a breath. “If I could see into the killer’s head, I’d know what to say, but we have to act fast, Captain.”

  Hartwick threaded a hand through his hair. “Tell me about it. The mayor is riding my ass.”

  “If you’ll give us the green light, we’ll set it up.”

  Dan drew in his bottom lip.
“Go. We have to get this guy.”

  “Thanks. If he keeps to schedule, he’ll strike by the end of the week.”

  “You better hope it’s our undercover agent he tries to kill next.”

  “Amen.” He and Ethan already had discussed the agent wearing protective sleeves to prevent the killer from jabbing him with a needle. There would be a fake port in his arm if he decided to go that route. Cade prayed this worked, because he hated putting Amber through any more emotional turmoil.

  Ethan strode in. “Sorry. I was on the phone.” He dragged a chair across the aisle and sat down. “So? Did Dan go for it?”

  “Yes, thank God.”

  Ethan nodded. “Who do you think would be a good undercover guy?”

  He’d looked over the rosters to find a match. “Thad Dalton or Mark Eagan. Both are strong enough to wrestle a needle out of the guy’s hand.”

  “Thad is faster than shit and could run the killer down, but a cancer patient in late stages should be pale and thin.”

  Cade held up a finger. “Ah. That’s the beauty of makeup. I figure if they can make it look real in the movies, why can’t we?”

  Probably because he was so tired, he could picture Thad in his hospital gown chasing after the perp with his bare ass hanging out.

  “What are you smiling at?”

  Cade sobered. “Nothing. Let’s go find Thad and give him his new assignment.”

  “You do know he’ll not be pleased. He’s used to chasing after gang members. Lying in bed for a week will drive him up a wall.”

  “He’ll do it if it means catching a killer.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It took most of Sunday for Cade and Ethan to set up the sting operation. As Ethan had claimed, Thad was less than enthusiastic about his undercover assignment. In the end, he’d relented.

  After calling Amber to make sure she was home, Cade headed over. Stone’s truck was in the drive. Lucky bastard. As soon as she opened the door, the reason for working these extra hours sunk in. He wanted Amber to be happy.

  She looked worried. “Come in. You mentioned something about a sting operation?”

  “Yes.” Cade ushered both her and Stone into the living room and outlined the plan. If he was way off base about having Amber participate, Stone would set him straight.

  She twisted her fingers into a knot. “What if I blow it?”

  Cade cradled her in his arms. “You won’t.”

  Stone leaned forward. “What exactly are you asking her to do?”

  He expected the concern from Stone. “Talk to the other nurses about Thad’s condition.” He faced Amber. “All I want you to do is pretend he’s another Emma Luther. Whoever is guilty will find out about your distress. Either he’ll not want you to suffer or desire to put poor Thad out of his misery.”

  She took a moment before answering. “What about my other patients?”

  She was such a caring woman. “Go about your job as normal. That’s all.” He kissed her forehead. “But be careful and stay alert.”

  Stone stood and walked over to the kitchen, no doubt keeping an ear open.

  She suspected Ben Ford, so she would be cautious around him. If her friend was innocent, Cade prayed she didn’t let her guard down around the other staff members. Amber was a trusting person by nature, and he hoped that wouldn’t be her undoing.

  She sat up straight. “When do I start?”

  He did love this woman. Her spunk and determination was a good match to his nature. “We should have Thad ready to go by tomorrow morning at the latest.”

  “So all I have to do is act upset in the break room and say what a sad case I have?”

  “That’s about it. You’ll have to go into Thad’s room and pretend to do your thing.”

  “My thing?”

  Crap. He needed to learn more what she did. “Yes.”

  While she seemed to relax back, her gaze remained on some unspecified spot on the far wall.

  She then faced him. “Maybe this undercover cop could have a wife who’s pregnant. That would add to the authenticity of my anguish. What do you think?”

  Cade smiled. “Brilliant.” This might actually work. He mentally searched the list of female employees. “One of our officers, Nancy Trillion, is about to pop right now.” She was on leave, but perhaps she wouldn’t mind making an unscheduled visit. “She can visit Thad and act as his grieving wife. I’m sure she’d love to help bring down this killer.”


  Amber worried the buttons on her shirt, a sure tell of her distress. His heart squeezed. “Sugar?”

  “What does Nancy’s real husband do?”

  That was an odd question, but one he could answer. “He’s an investment banker. Why?”

  “Maybe her real husband could pretend to be her brother or Thad’s brother. That way she won’t ever be alone. It would minimize any danger to her.”

  Her need to protect seemed to be as strong as his. “It’s a good plan.”

  Stone placed a Coke in front of Cade and an iced tea for Amber. “I’d like to help if I can.”

  Cade cocked a brow. “What are you thinking?”

  He shrugged. “People don’t blink an eye at a paramedic walking around. I don’t work Monday, and for the rest of the week, I don’t go in until four in the afternoon. I could stop in from say noon to four to make sure Amber isn’t alone with anyone for long.”

  She shook her head. “As much as I appreciate that, the killer isn’t after me. Remember, all of his cases have been mercy killings.”

  “Except for Stephanie Osmond.”

  “The killer didn’t know she would get better,” she shot back.

  Cade nodded. “Which implies a doctor isn’t involved. And probably not a nurse, either.”

  Her shoulders sagged. While she didn’t mention it could be Ben, he bet she was thinking it.

  Cade stood. “As much as I’d like to stay and enjoy your company, I’ve got to get back.” He leaned over and kissed her.

  She looked up at him with the most soulful eyes. “You can’t stay a little longer?”

  He blew out a breath. “I promise when this is over, we’ll do something special—just the three of us.”

  The smile he received in return made his day.

  The moment he stepped outside, however, his gut churned. God, he better not be making a mistake by having Amber involved. Stone had only offered minimal resistance. He, too, must have realized that if his people watched Thad’s room twenty-four-seven, she’d be safer than if she went about her normal routine.

  Once he arrived at the station, Cade strode up to Ethan who was speaking with the makeup artist. As soon as they finished, he turned to Cade. “We’re still planning on getting the psychologist, Dr. Donovan, on board, right?”

  There were a shitload of details to take care of. “Yes. How about you handle it? Tell her she’ll need a few scheduled visits to make this look legit. I’ve already touched base with Dr. Zachery Stanfield, and he agreed to act as Thad’s doctor.”

  “What about Amber?”

  “She’s a go.”

  “Good. When’s Thad arriving at the hospital?”

  “He’ll be transferred here from Helena this afternoon, supposedly because Dr. Stanfield is an old family friend who they hope can do his magic on Thad.”

  Ethan stood. “Then I guess we’re set.”


  As soon as Ethan left for the hospital to ask for Dr. Donovan’s help, Cade compared the schedules of all the nurses and doctors. Patient assisted death was legal in Montana, but so far, the killer hadn’t made it look like suicide. Cade wasn’t ready to rule out a physician, but it was looking more like someone who had access to the drugs but not the complete knowledge how to use them. That narrowed the possible suspects.

  Ben Ford was climbing to the top of that list.

  * *

  Now that this whole sting operation was in full swing, Amber worried about Cade. He had called her each night to
see how her shift had gone, but he hadn’t stopped over. He had to work on “the” case. He’d stayed away from the hospital because he feared if he showed up, it might tip off the killer.

  She’d asked Stone when Cade slept, and from what Stone could tell, Cade only came home to shower and grab a bite to eat.

  In one of Cade’s weaker moments, Stone had been able to convince him to go bowling on Saturday night with them. It would be the first day Stone had free, and while Amber sucked at bowling, she might be willing to jump out of a plane if it meant she could be with both her men at the same time. Unfortunately, it was close to that time of the month and she was bloated, but she wasn’t going to be the one to cancel.

  Stone said he and Cade would pick her up at six, and that they would eat at the bowling alley. She’d never been to these lanes before, but if it was like the ones she went to in high school, all they had was greasy pizza and questionable hamburgers. It was the together time that really mattered.

  She wore capris with a slight stretch to them and a long-sleeved top that would allow her to move. Her form was so rusty, however, it wouldn’t matter what she wore.

  Right on time, the doorbell rang, and she rushed to let them in. Her heart lurched. “I can’t believe I get both of you.” She expected one of them to have gotten called in.

  “Ready?” Stone asked.

  “What? No hello kiss?” She hadn’t seen them for days.

  Both descended at the same time and made her giggle.

  “You had her last,” Cade said. He picked her up and kissed her hard.

  Their bodies lined up perfectly, and his cock hardened as their kiss progressed.

  “My turn,” Stone said.

  She could see this could become a problem. After Stone thoroughly kissed her, her body was hot for them. “We can’t.” She patted her stomach and scrunched up her nose.

  Stone immediately sobered. “You sure you even want to go out? We can stay in and I can fix you something to eat.”

  Now she chuckled. “No. I’ll be fine. I think it’s mostly stress. Although other factors are about to occur, too.”

  Cade wrapped an arm around her. “To take the pressure off you, I say it’s me and you against Stone then.”


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