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Discovering Maggie

Page 10

by KT Morrison

  “I love you,” she whispered. He kissed her again, from her shoulder along her arm to her elbow. “I love both of you so much,” she said into the sheets.

  “You’re not mad at us anymore?” Cole said, looking up at her through his brow as he kissed the outside of her thigh.

  “Still mad,” she sighed, grabbing up a pillow and pulling it under her head, staring off to the side of the room, out the windows. “But I love you.”

  Max rubbed her back, digging his thumbs into the muscles of her shoulders.

  “I think all three of us are very lucky to have each other,” Cole said, his kiss traveling her hip, making its way to her waist. He was over her on all fours.

  She opened her chest up again, her hips turned to the side but her back on the mattress. Her hands reached out, held the sides of Cole’s face, her thumbs rubbing under his eyes. “Cole, would you...please, make love to me...”

  For a brief second Max noted Cole’s eyes dart towards his, but then they were back on Maggie. “Yeah,” he said, his voice a husky whisper.

  She opened her legs for him and he bowed his back so she could swing her knee out, then when she’d surrendered herself to him, he was between her legs, over her, kissing her. Maggie swept her hands through his hair, the insides of her thighs going up and down Cole’s hips. Their heads rocked against one another, their faces hidden behind Cole’s blonde hair hanging down.

  Maggie stretched her hand out to Max, searching for his, and he took it, cupped his grip over the palm. Cole and Maggie’s lips parted, they looked into each other’s eyes, breathing heavy. She nodded, her chest rising and falling, her lips working the shape of the word Yes, though she made no sound. Cole’s hips lowered, his cock lining up, his hand coming down to guide himself inside her.

  She gasped when she was breached, bit her lip and squeezed Max’s hand tightly.

  “Oh, you feel so good,” she whispered, her eyes closed.

  “Mm-Mmaggie,” Cole groaned, his hips swiveling between her thighs, “God, you feel so fucking tight, so good...”

  They worked together, kissing and touching each other, hips grinding in circles, Cole’s ass rising and falling. Maggie’s legs clamped his hips, her knees came high, for a while their thrusting came with intensity and Maggie locked her feet together. As she became sweaty, her hand slipped in Max’s grip, his hold on her getting more and more tentative til she slipped free and that hand went to Cole’s back, running her nails over his skin while he fucked her. Their passion brought his erection back, and he stroked himself while he watched.

  They writhed together on the sheets for an incredibly long time, their breaths quick and ragged, moaning each other’s names. Max sat higher on the bed, reached to the table lamp and switched it on. Now they were lit up and they were even more beautiful in the light. Cole’s summer tan, his muscles; he wasn’t too bulky, wasn’t too big. Just tanned brown and shining with sweat. Maggie’s perfect porcelain skin also glowed with excitement. Her hair tangled on the bed and all her makeup had worn off but she was exquisite. Didn’t need makeup. Her face was open and impassioned. Her mouth forming a gentle O shape, her eyes closed from pleasure, her brows tilted up, furrowed. Cole held her hands while his hips worked between her thighs. They were pressed together, just that big fat cock of his stretching her out wide, buried up inside her, and Maggie was loving it, working on him without thrusting, just wriggling and probably squeezing it with her girl muscles.

  “I feel you,” she whispered while Max stroked his cock. “Cole, I feel’re going to come...”

  “Yeah,” he groaned, “mm, yeah...”

  “Come inside me, okay?”

  “Yeah, inside...”

  “I want to feel you coming in me again.”

  “I’m going to come,” he said, his hips grinding more quickly, his breath coming faster.

  “Come inside me, I love the feel of you coming...”

  His thrusting came triple time, shaking the bed and making Maggie’s cries warble.

  “,” Cole grunted and roared, thrust deeply as he could and held it as he emptied those large testicles inside Maggie and she wailed in ecstasy. The feel of Cole shooting inside her brought her orgasm and her heels dug deep into Cole’s legs, dented the muscles. Her toes curled and her face constricted. Max stopped stroking and watched, his own heart raced wildly and his cock ached to be joining them, to share the pleasure he knew they were enjoying but there was pleasure in watching them. They were incredible together. They were beautiful, and he loved them and if he squeezed his mind’s eye to the narrowest aperture, he could block out the sick green jealousy and just focus on the good, the passion they enjoyed.

  Cole collapsed on her, breathing heavy and laughing. She giggled too, then turned it to a long, satisfied groan as she held him tight, overlapping her arms around his neck. A smile broke her lips wide and Max was glad to see it. She’d been very hurt this evening and he would do whatever it took to repair her, restore her.

  He peeled a hand away from Cole and held it, and he worked his fingers through hers. She rubbed at her sweaty face with her other hand and now she had her natural smile again. He kissed the back of her hand.

  He’d gone too far and now he owed her—he was in her debt. The action he took to satisfy his own lust had stepped over a line and now there was a tear in his bond with her.

  Cole extended his arms, raised himself off her with a sharp inhale. He looked in her eyes again and they both smiled, then laughed lightly. Cole wiggled his hips, making wet sticky nosies from where they were still joined.

  “Oh, fuck,” Maggie sighed, narrowing her eyes. She ran her free hand between them, the one with her diamond ring winking in the lamp light, parted her first two fingers into a wide V and slipped them on either side of Cole’s thick cock. He slowly withdrew it, the thing he had shining with wet; deflating, still engorged, but the raging veins laying flatter now. He pulled it right out, both of them hissing quietly, then he dropped it with a sticky smack over her vulva and the back of her hand.

  “That was so amazing,” she whispered, slipping her hand out from under it and running her fingertips over the top of him, as he eased it back and forth over her. Semen still leaked from the slit and left an arcing trail on her skin.

  Maggie breathed deeply and moaned, turned her head in the pillow and looked to Max. He came close, and she said, “He came inside me, Max...” leaving the tail of the statement high and expectant.

  He avoided the intent, said, “Think you can sleep now?”

  “Yeah,” she said with a laugh, then, “Kiss me.”

  He did, came to her and put his lips on hers, glad to have her make the request, because right now, kissing her was what he wanted the most in this world. They held each other’s hand, kissed lovingly and deeply, sparing tongues, but exploring and tugging with their lips. When he pulled back, he could see she was still playing with Cole’s cock, running her index finger along the peeling edge of his foreskin, tracing the shape of his coronal ridge underneath.

  She repeated, “He came inside me, Max...”

  She wanted him to go down on her. He might, but doing that took an excitement that he didn’t feel. Right now, while his heart was pounding with lust, it was restricted with hurtful emotion and the worry for the bad things he had done. And he wasn’t sure that he wanted Cole to know he did that sort of thing. That thing he did with Maggie was only for them, not for another man to witness.

  “Yeah?” he said, disinterestedly.

  “Look,” she said, and she let her legs slip a little wider.

  Cole grunted a laugh, smoothed his hands up and down the insides of her thighs. He knew her insinuation but he didn’t know how to respond. He walked on his knees away from her and sat on the edge of the bed with his back to them, watching though over his shoulder.

  Max sat up, looked between her legs, saw her perfect slick oyster, pink and wriggled, left open, a thick dash of bright white semen drawing down in a straig
ht line towards her anus. Maggie watched him. He touched her where she leaked. Put his fingertips on her sex and traced the shapes of her vulva, the edges of her labia. Maggie closed her eyes, ran a hand through her hair and nestled her head in the pillow.

  Cole sighed, got up, made to say something, didn’t. Turned then, walked to the bathroom and closed himself in, leaving them alone.

  Max flopped down alongside Maggie, got shoulder to shoulder with her. He watched her profile, wanted to say something, wanted her to say something, but her eyes remained closed. He kissed her shoulder, whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.”

  “Don’t apologize,” he said.

  She laughed, opened her eyes so she could roll them. Still not looking at him, eyes up to the drapery over the bed, she said, “You wanted me to cheat on you?”


  “You did.”

  “I trusted make it okay. Wasn’t it okay? It wasn’t...not against your will or anything—”

  “I feel betrayed.”

  “I’m sorry. I...Cole and I thought it would be exciting for be seduced...”

  “I shouldn’t be able to be seduced, Max.”


  “You tricked me.”

  “You cheated.”

  Now she turned to face him and he saw a glimmer there in her eyes, an angle to her brow that showed him she was considering his feelings. She might be mad at him for arranging this but she knew how he might hurt.

  She said, “Where does this leave us?”

  “I love you more than ever, I—”

  “I love you too, Max. That didn’t change. But why am I more mad at you than you are at me?”

  “What I did was...really bad.”

  “It was, Max.”

  He kissed her chin, and she tilted her head away from him. He kissed her neck.

  “What can I do to make it better, Maggie? What can I...?”

  “I don’t know, Maxy.”

  He felt a charge hearing her name him with affection. He kissed the side of her breast, suckled on her nipple, swollen still, and she ran her fingers through his hair and scratched his scalp.

  She said, “I don’t know. Tonight...I’m’s all too fresh. Give me some time. We’ll figure it out.”

  The bathroom door opened, and they saw Cole’s naked silhouette against the light above the sink. It clicked off, the fan left running, and he walked back to the bed then, a towel in each hand. Max curled next to Maggie, faces side by side and they watched Cole walk, watched the blue nighttime light throw shadows across his body, his shoulders flexing as he went, his tight stomach rippling. His cock was engorged still, almost as big as when he was hard, but without the high heart rate it hung between his legs, bouncing and slapping his thighs as he came to the bed and into the amber lamp light. Max kissed Maggie’s cheek as Cole climbed onto the bed.

  Cole sat cross-legged at her feet and he smiled at them both. She rubbed his knee with her bare foot. He took her toes in his hand, lifted her foot and kissed the sole. Her toes scrunched up, and she inhaled briskly, fighting the ticklish feel. The towel was pushed up the inside of her thigh, drying her, moving up to the delta between her long thin legs, rubbing and massaging her. She put hers and over his as he continued to move the towel over her. Max reached out and snatched the other towel that was brought, dried his genitals, his belly and down his legs. They'd all gotten quite messy.

  The towel was eased from her sex, tossed to the floor and Cole kissed the inside of her knee, down her thigh, lightly kissed her pussy, letting his lips linger. Maggie moaned, her legs doing a little dance against the bed. Then he kissed her belly, looked up at her, said, “I think this has been the best night of my life.”

  She caressed his cheek, whispered “Me too.”

  It wasn't Max's, he was sure of that. The best night may have been the night they had sex in the alley next to Altieri’s. The night she said she might consider sleeping with another man. That was a great night because it was filled with promise but very little of the heartache. That had been exciting. But then, farther back, he thought of the night after he'd proposed to her and she'd said yes. That swamped them all didn't it? Wholesome Max, wholesome Maggie, making love in his dorm room under the enormous promise of what their lives might hold in store for them, a gleaming rock on her ring finger.

  Cole took his spot next to Maggie again, laying next to her on the bed, working himself closer. Maggie was agreeable, wriggling herself closer to him, pressing herself right to him while he lay on his side, her on her back. He kissed her cheek, and it made her smile, made him make happy sounds in his throat. It was sweet and loving and while Max viewed it again through the center of a green ring of jealousy, there was something about it that made him feel good. So he nuzzled in next to her on her other side, getting himself pressed right to her and it made her laugh. Looking down he could see her belly bouncing lightly. He kissed her cheek as well, and put a knee overlapping her thigh. She purred and rubbed up against both of them, reached down to her hip, pulled on Cole's cock, stretching it until it came free and bounced on her leg. Pulled his scrotum up too, ran her hand along it, then gripped his penis lightly, the pad of her thumb resting in the folds of his foreskin. Max reached down and grabbed the sheets, tugged to cover them, and that was the way they all fell asleep.



  Thursday, October 12th

  “You have to tell him it’s over,” Cole said.

  Maggie said, “I can’t.”

  “No. I know. I’ll do it. You have to be here with me. He has to see you, see that you’re serious.”

  “God. Why? ...” she whined, rhetorically, looking up at the grey sky.

  “You know why. Stop leading him on.”


  She sat on the concrete edge of a twenty-foot circular garden at a cross-path in the Oren Glen. She’d been dreading this for days. Hated confrontation and hurt, and this had both in store. But Cole was right, they had to do this.

  Cole wasn’t sitting. He’d been next to her for a while, but stood and now had been pacing for a quarter of an hour. He was strong, but he was not looking forward to this either.

  “Come, sit with me,” she said softly, holding a hand out to him. The pacing was making it harder on her.

  Their hands came together, and he sat heavily on the concrete by her side. He sighed, “What time is it?”

  “It’s twenty-after,” she said, checking her phone.

  “Where is he?”

  “Oh shit,” she whispered, spotting him at a distance, weaving through passing students on the path under the canopy of leaves gone almost white. “Here he comes.”

  Now her heart thudded and her neck swelled tight against the collar of her shirt. She gripped Cole’s hand, and second thoughts tore her apart. Her head rolled around on her shoulders and she looked away from him, her stomach muscles flexed, her glutes joining in; she began to rock.

  Cole inhaled, sighed out, “Okay,” and he let her hand go.

  “Cole, wait,” she said as he stood. “Don’t. Maybe, let’s not...”

  “Maggie. Be serious. It’s over.”

  “I know, I know,” she whined. “Don’t do anything stupid. Don’t...don’t do...just if I see you get hurt I will die, Cole, I swear. I couldn’t stand to see you be hurt. Please...”

  “I’m not stupid, Maggie. I know what I’m doing.”

  He stood up as Jay drew near enough they read the concerned expression on his face.

  “He’s really strong, Cole...please...”

  “I told you to trust me,” he said. Jay approached the two of them, eyes darting from one to the other, half-smiling, brow lowered.

  A half-smile pulled awkwardly at her own cheeks in mimicry and she averted her eyes as Cole stepped in between Jay and her. He put his hand out, five fingers extended.

  “Stop, stop,” he said, with mild authority.

t?” Jay said, puzzled anger creasing his brow.

  “No more.”

  “No more what? Who are you? Maggie...?”

  Her eyes darted up to see Jay looking at her past Cole’s shoulder. She looked down at her loafers.

  Cole said, “Look man, it’s over. It has to be over.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “You had your fun, okay? I get it. It’s seriously time to walk away.”

  Jay laughed incredulously, and with an easy confidence. Cole was a bit bigger than him, taller at least, but she knew Jay had no doubt he could throw Cole face first on the concrete. If he did, she would die; seeing her Cole hurt would break her heart. “I had my fun?”

  “She’s getting married. You know she’s getting married.”

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m her Best Man.”

  Jay dismissed him with a “Whatever,” waved him away and peered around his shoulder. “Maggie, talk to me.”

  She looked up at the two of them through her brows but she didn’t speak. Cole stayed between them, but Jay wasn’t trying to get around him.

  Cole said, “Why would you do this to her? You knew she was engaged...”

  Jay came eye to eye with Cole, said, “What’s your name?”


  “Get the fuck out of my business, Cole.”

  Maggie hissed, “Hey.”

  Jay said, “What? Who the fuck is he?”

  “I told you I’m the Best Man. Maggie came to her senses, okay? She knows this is wrong. She’s getting married and you ought to know better than to do what you did.”

  “What did I do?” he said, his mouth in a firm, mean line.

  “C’mon, man. You know what you did, and you know how shitty it was...”

  Jay continued to stare into Cole’s eyes and Cole didn’t back down. After a long, uncomfortable moment, Cole said, “You knew she was engaged.”

  Jay shook his head, looked away. Around Cole’s shoulder, to Maggie, he said, “I didn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to do.”


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