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Cabin In The Woods

Page 10

by Kristine Robinson

  “Ah, Miss Parker. So good to see you again. Table for two?” The host, a tall, lanky young man with slicked-back hair greeted us.

  Krystal nodded. “And a bottle of Rothschild please.”

  “Right away, ma’am.” He answered as he led us into the dining room. We were seated in a comfortable booth, illuminated by candles. On Krystal’s side of the booth was a hook to attach Titan’s leash. Moments later, a member of the staff came by with a bed for him. Looking around, I noticed that there were various other dogs laying by their owners’ feet as they had dinner.

  “I didn’t even know a place like this existed,” I said once we sat down. I folded my hands in front of me, suddenly feeling awkward.

  “Hmm?” Krystal looked up, her blue eyes giving me her full attention.

  “I had no idea that there was a restaurant in town that catered to dog-lovers,” I repeated.

  “Oh. Yes! This place is fantastic. Run by a good friend of mine.” She smiled brightly. “I’m actually in town to catch up with him, as well as a few other people. I’m currently on vacation.”

  “Oh, so you’re from out of town?” I inquired.

  “Yes. I’m from Los Angeles originally.” As she finished her sentence, a waiter arrived with their bottle of wine. He filled up their glasses before he bent down and offered Titan a treat.

  “Is there anything I can get you ladies?”

  “We’ll start with the escargot appetizer.” She answered.

  I watched him leave before I grabbed the wine glass and held it between my fingers. It was so delicate. It felt very expensive. “What’s escargot?”

  “Have you never had some before?” Krystal raised a well-groomed eyebrow in my direction. “It’s delicious!”

  “What is it?” I asked again.

  “It’s land snails –”

  “Snails?” I spat, horrified, nearly spilling my wine.

  “Now before you freak out, I promise you, it’s really good.”

  “I don’t know…” Suddenly, I lost all my appetite.

  “C’mon, you have to try it. Just one. It won’t kill you.”

  “You don’t know that.” I countered. “I could be highly allergic!”

  Krystal rolled her eyes. “You’ll be fine. Don’t you trust me?” She reached across the table and grabbed my hand, squeezing it gently. I felt my heart skip a beat as I locked eyes with her.

  “Fine. Just one.”

  She giggled. “You won’t regret it. I promise!” She took a sip of her wine before giving me an expecting look.

  I quickly took a sip and my eyes widened in surprise. “This is the best wine I’ve tasted in my entire life…”

  “At about $100 a glass, I would hope so.”

  “A hundred? What’s with you and spending these copious amounts of money?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

  She shrugged. “It’s fine. I’m not offended. But, in my circle, what I spend isn’t even a fraction of what others blow in a single night.” I tilted my head in confusion. She giggled once again. “You really don’t recognize me, do you?” Her eyes glittered with mystery.

  I stared at her long and hard, but I still couldn’t quite pinpoint the familiarity. “You know, I’ve been trying to figure that out, but I can’t seem to my put my finger on it.”

  Krystal just took another sip of her drink before flashing me a flirtatious smile that made my heart race. I blushed and quickly looked away. Was it just me or was she definitely flirting with me?

  The minutes passed by with silence before the waiter arrived with our appetizer. I studied the well-filled plate with skepticism. “Do I really have to try this?”

  “If you do, I’ll tell you who I am.”

  “You drive a hard bargain.” I grabbed my fork. “So, I just pick a snail and eat it?”

  “Don’t think of it as a snail. You’re going to gross yourself out like that.” She leaned forward to grab a bite and the cut of her shirt dipped down, exposing her cleavage for a moment.

  I held my breath, waiting for something to happen, but she didn’t throw up, shrivel, or even dry-heave. Maybe it wasn’t so bad after all…

  Hesitantly, I took a bite and tried my best to eat it indiscriminately. It was a little chewy, but the taste was phenomenal. I quickly picked up another.

  “I told you.”

  “Okay, okay. You were right. These are amazing. Sorry I doubted you.” I blushed and smiled at her. “So, spill it. Why do you look so familiar?”

  “Ever seen the movie, Miss Eve?” She asked. “Or Red Head or maybe…” She picked up her glass and hovered it in front of her face. “Little Red?”

  My jaw hung agape as she listed the movies. “No… you’re the Krystal Parker?” I asked in disbelief. “You look so different from the movies…” I whispered.

  She frowned. “I look better on screen, don’t I?”

  “No. You look a hundred times better in person.” I admitted honestly. “You look amazing.” I blushed. “I’m not trying to butter you up or anything…”

  “Good, cause there’s more than enough butter in the escargot.” I laughed with her and soon we were both talking about movies and anything else that came to mind. I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to Krystal, even after learning she was a famous movie star. Even though she spent big, there was nothing about her that was in any way snobby. If she hadn’t told me, I never would have guessed she was a celebrity.

  By the end of the night, I didn’t want our time together to end. I wanted to keep talking to her until the sun came up.

  Chapter 5

  Krystal looked at her phone and I took a peek, checking the time. It was already ten – almost eleven. I had spent nearly four hours with this woman and yet, it felt like no time had passed at all.

  “Do you have a dog?” Krystal asked suddenly. “I mean you’re a vet and all, so I would expect that you have a bunch of pets.”

  “Actually, just the one. I have a Pomeranian named Snowflake.”

  “Aww. That sounds cute.”

  I nodded and fished out my phone from my pocket, showing her the background photo. “See. That’s her.”

  Krystal snatched the phone to get a better look. “Oh my god! She’s so cute!” She squealed. “I have to meet her.” She put the phone down. “What do you say we drop by your place?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea…” I trailed off. This woman was a wealthy movie star who probably lived in some mansion. I didn’t want her to see where I live, especially when I hadn’t found the time to clean in over three weeks. “Besides… Snowflake doesn’t do well with other dogs. She has small dog syndrome.”

  “What’s that?” Krystal tilted her head, her fiery hair falling over her shoulder.

  “It’s kind of like Napoleon complex. It’s when small dogs think they’re big and try to pick fights they can’t win. I’ve had to pry her off my neighbor’s German Shepard countless times.”

  “She’s that bad?” Krystal questioned.

  “She’s a tiny bully.”

  “But Titan is great with other dogs. I’m sure he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.”

  “I’m sure he would be a perfect gentleman. It’s Snowflake I’m worried about. She could hurt Titan.”

  Krystal burst out laughing. “I doubt your Pomeranian would be able to take on my Pit Bull.”

  “You’d be surprised.”

  “Oh, come on. You didn’t want to trust me on the escargot either and you ended up liking that.”

  I sighed. I knew I wouldn’t be able to convince her to let this go. “Fine.”


  I opened the door to my home ever so slowly, afraid that Snowflake would come charging at my guests. To my surprise, she was nowhere to be found. “Snowflake?” I called out. I stepped inside, followed by Krystal and Titan. Krystal held his leash tightly, keeping him by her side.

  Suddenly, there was a rush of tin
y footsteps and Snowflake came running into the room, barking. She charged up to Titan who tensed up, his tail lifting upwards. Snowflake stood under him and wouldn’t stop barking. Titan leaned down and sniffed the tiny creature before him and then nudged her. Snowflake fell over and immediately stopped barking. She ducked under his legs and looked up at me.

  Titan sat down and licked her face and to my surprise, she didn’t do anything. At this point, she usually tried to bite. “Isn’t she just precious.” Krystal squatted down and extended her hand in Snowflake’s direction. The small dog moved forward and sniffed her finger slowly before licking it. She quickly retreated back, cuddling into Titan.

  “I don’t believe it… she’s never gotten along with another dog before…” I whispered in bafflement.

  “I told you.” Krystal undid Titan’s leash and the two dogs ran off to play together. “Well, it looks like they’re going to have some fun together… maybe we should have some fun of our own.” There was a sly grin on her face as she stepped forward, pinning me to the wall. Our bodies locked together and I was instantly reminded of my dream. My heart quickened its pace as I stared into her blue eyes.

  “I…” I gulped down my nervousness. I could feel her thin fingers wrapping around my wrists and I instantly imagined them inside of me. I bit my lip to keep from moaning out. I didn’t need Krystal knowing what I was thinking about.

  “Shh…” She whispered, her hot breath caressing the side of my neck. I could smell her strawberry shampoo. As she got closer, I looked down, taking a peek at her perfect cleavage. From this angle, her breasts looked even better than in my dream. I wanted to reach out and grab them. I wondered what her nipples looked like in real life. Were they just as dark? Maybe they were a little lighter – or maybe even a little darker. Either way, I knew they were perfect. Still, I couldn’t believe this was happening. Maybe I was dreaming again.

  “What do you mean?” I stammered, feeling my face flush. I knew what I wanted to come out of this situation, but I wasn’t sure what Krystal’s intentions were. Maybe she was just playing a trick on me…

  “Oh.” She paused, running her finger along my cheek. My skin felt like it was buzzing with electricity as she touched me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on edge. I didn’t know how she did it, but her touch alone was enough to get me all riled up. I pressed my legs together, feeling my juices gathering. I wondered if she knew the effect she was having on me. She grinned, her lips full and seductive. Unconsciously, I leaned forward, bringing our lips closer together, without actually kissing her. “I think you know…”

  This time, she was the one to lean forward. Our lips were but inches away and yet, she didn’t kiss me. She was prolonging this for as long as possible, teasing me like a puppet on a string. While frustrated, deep down, I was loving every minute of it. I shook my head. “I… don’t…” I tried to sound innocent, but my voice was husky with desire. I was certain I had just given myself away.

  Her eyes lit up at my response and she pulled away. Her lips moved toward my neck, grazing my skin. I pressed myself against the wall, just so I could keep my balance. My legs felt like they had turned to jelly. She kissed my neck, moving toward my ear until she nibbled on my lobe, making me shiver. I held my breath as she pulled away, wondering what she would do next. “You’re very attractive, Nora.” She whispered, her voice silky and sensual. “I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off you all night. Your full hips. Your amazing figure. The way you smile. Everything about you drives me wild… I’ve been picturing you up against that wall all night long.” She smirked. “But that’s not the only place I want you tonight.”

  Her fingers tightened around my wrists as she pushed our hips even closer. “In the bedroom…” She kissed my neck. “The bathroom…” She kissed the top of my chest. “The kitchen…” Her lips moved to my shoulder, pulling my sweater to the side. “On the floor…” She playfully bit down on my shoulder. “But, no matter where we do it, you’re mine.” She growled. Finally, her lips came into contact with mine and she took my breath away.

  The kiss was rough and filled with passion. I shuddered in pleasure, feeling the world around us freeze. The only thing that mattered was her. I parted my lips for her, letting her tongue into my mouth where she took control. Her fingers tangled with mine and our hands fell by our sides. The kiss intensified with our growing passion. When she finally pulled away, I tried to say something, but before I could even think straight, she was kissing me again.

  My eyes widened in surprise. I barely had time to catch my breath and compose myself. My mind went numb as her lips danced against mine. I kissed back, giving into the warm, intoxicating feeling that washed over my entire body. I melted into her lips as she squeezed my hands and continued to kiss me with an animalistic lust A part of me tried to remind myself that I was straight, that I liked men, but for whatever reason, I was enjoying this too much to try and stop it.

  Eventually, Krystal pulled away, a smirk painted on her face. “Why don’t we take this to the bedroom, and I’ll show you how I really feel.” She pulled me down the hall, navigating through my house as if she had lived there her entire life.

  She pushed me onto the bed before she slowly climbed on top of me with a catlike demeanor. Her blue eyes burned with lust and desire as she moved closer, her body hovering over my own. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do this…” She leaned down and kissed my neck, sinking her teeth into my flesh. Her lips trailed along my skin, moving to my collarbone as her hands pulled at the hem of my sweater.

  She stopped kissing my neck, only to yank the sweater off my body. She tossed it across the room. I stared up at her, frozen in a mixture of surprise and desire. Deep down, I knew I wanted this woman, but at the same time, I had no idea what I was doing. I had never been in bed with another woman before. I gulped, nervous.

  “Relax. Just let me take care of everything and I’ll make sure you have a night that you’ll never forget.” She kissed my lips once more, taking my breath away. In that moment, I became her willing plaything.

  Chapter 6

  Before I could realize what was going on, she was working on unbuttoning my pants. Her fingers were nimble and quick and before I knew it, she had them unzipped. Without wasting a moment, she snuck her hand into my pants, finding my lace panties. Her fingertips grazed the top of my crotch. They were so warm and soft.

  To tease me further, Krystal ran her fingers along the edge of my panties, tickling me with the soft material. “You want me to touch you, don’t you?” She asked, her voice wafting into my soul and making me numb. I wanted her. I wanted her so damn bad. I nodded vigorously, hoping she would do as she promised.

  She grinned, but her fingers continued to tease me, jumping to my thighs. I spread my legs for her, hoping it would encourage her. “So eager…” She murmured, rubbing the wet spot on my panties. I moaned loudly for the first time that night, pushing my hips into the air. I couldn’t believe how wet I really was.

  She kept rubbing the wet spot, making it grow. I blushed, hoping she would do something other than tease me all night. If this continued much longer, I would surely lose my mind. To my relief, her fingers started to creep under my panties. I couldn’t tell if her fingers were extraordinarily warm or if it was my pussy that was on fire.

  Suddenly, her fingers found my clit, already engorged with excitement. “Someone seems just as horny as I am…” She purred in my ear, her fingers slowly moving up and down my slit. She pinched my clit for a moment, eliciting a soft scream from my lips. She pulled on it for a moment before letting go. She rubbed it hard and fast, blinding me with pleasure. I shivered, and instantly, images from my dream flooded my mind. I blushed darkly. Had I wanted to be with Krystal from the very beginning?

  As one of her fingers slipped inside my eager pussy, our eyes locked. My mouth turned into a perfect little ‘o’ as I silently moaned out. Her finger was long and thin, getting deeper and deeper inside of me. She started to move it in
and out of me in a steady rhythm. I couldn’t control the urge to buck my hips up and down, fucking her finger. As she slipped in a second one, I moaned out louder, arching my back.

  Her fingers were knuckle deep inside of me. She was finger-fucking me so fast that all I could hear was the sloshing of my juices. My whole face was red with blush. Krystal just grinned, looking pleased with herself. With two of her fingers hooking around inside of me, she used her thumb to stimulate my clit, bringing me to the very edge. Pleasure washed over me, making me numb. I bit my lip, trying to hold back. I couldn’t let myself climax this early on in the game, but at the same time, Krystal knew exactly how to touch me. She played me like a violin until I cried out her name.

  She grinned and started to slide in a third finger, pushing the limits. My tiny pussy was already being stretched. Yet, she kept going, applying a steady pressure until it almost popped inside of me. I screamed out, feeling a warm sensation washing over my body.


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