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Cabin In The Woods

Page 69

by Kristine Robinson

  She didn’t look happy to be there but I was sure she had rent to pay, and I was sure she was getting underpaid to be here. Poor girl. There was something about a girl in a waiter outfit that just made me want to bring them home and take care of them. I mentally shook myself before I stared too long. Turning my back on the girl I repressed a groan.

  “Hi, Natty!”

  I controlled my facial reactions enough not to cringe at the old nickname. Becky stood there, a wide smile on her lips. She wore a hot pink dress that covered every curve of her body perfectly and accented her assets. Well, the ones she paid for at least. I have to admit I think she cheaped out on them. If you're going to get a boob job you should just pay the price for a good one- like mine. No one would know mine were fake from looking at them.

  “Hi, Becky.” I forced a smile over my lips.

  “Did you hear?” Without another word she shoved her hand into my face, I assume to show off the rock on her finger. It was probably big enough that it could have fed all the stray dogs in Miami that we were here to donate money to.

  "Wow, that's… big." I was honestly surprised she accepted something so small. Which was sad considering the diamond was bigger than most people would have dreamt of.

  “It happened last night. He finally got the hint.” After six months of dating. I nodded, forcing a smile on my lips as she told me all about her engagement and the plans for the wedding. Becky and I had been friends when we were younger, but that had all stopped when I came out. Not many people were willing to be friends with a gay girl. At least back then, now it looked good to have a gay friend or two- as long as you didn’t get too close. It was supposed to show that you were accepting and modern or something.

  I wondered what Danny would say about that. I wondered if it would have freaked her out to know I was gay.

  The thought took me off guard. Maybe it was just because of how blunt and honest she had been when I met her. Why would I even care what she said, let alone what she thought about my sexuality? Anyways, she was totally checking me out. And she didn’t seem to mind that I checked her out. But maybe she thought I was assessing my competition or something.

  Now that I thought about it, I hadn’t seen her leave with anyone. Doesn’t mean she didn’t. I reminded myself.

  The rest of the night was spent talking to the right people, trying not to be condescending, and trying to remind myself that I was supposed to act the right way. No calling people morons- no matter how stupid what they said was- and no commenting on the level of ignorance that was in that room- which was hard when Mr. Handence started going on about how we should just put down the stray dogs instead of trying to find a home for them. Even harder when he suggested that the money should be going to ‘more important things’ but I managed to stay calm. Hell, I was proud of myself.

  The next day my mother was kind enough to make sure I didn’t have to do anything. “I just don’t get it.” I complained after making sure no one else was around.

  “You know what these people are like.”

  “Stupid, selfish and…” I blew out a huff of frustration as I tried to find words. “Kathy Nickles asked me if I was ‘over my lesbianism’ last night. Like she somehow thinks I’m just going to wake up and realize one day that I have actually liked dicks all this time and I was just confused.”

  My mom barked out a laugh. “What did you say?”

  “Not yet, and then I asked if she was asking me out.”

  Another laugh passed through my mom’s lips. “Didn’t I tell you to behave?” But her eyes sparkled and there was no sign of anger.

  “I tried. It would be a hell of a lot easier if people weren’t so-”

  The doorbell rang, cutting me off.

  My mother and I turned towards it. My brow furrowed. I hadn’t been expecting anyone and based on the look my mother had she hadn’t either.

  “I’ll get it.” I said setting my tea down and heading for the front door. As I reached it I gave Rosa a smile. She, of course, was already there talking to someone. She glanced over at me for a fraction of a second, then reached and took something. As she closed the door she turned to me, a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

  “These, Natalie, are for you.” Her eyes sparkled as she said it, her Spanish accent coming through.

  “Me?” I never got flowers. Mostly because I never met anyone who would send them to me. I padded over the woman who was more like family than a maid.

  “Yea, you. There is someone who enjoyed seeing you last night.” Rosa’s smiled widely as she handed the flowers over to me. I looked down at the card. My cheeks turned a deep shade of red, I could feel them burning. I turned away from Rosa and padded into the dining room, up the stairs and towards my bedroom. It didn’t say anything, just had her signature on the card, but it was more than anyone had ever done for me and it honestly made my heart skip a beat every time I looked at it.

  I set the flowers down on my bedside table and looked at them once more before I turned and left the room. My heart raced. Maybe I should call her. At least to say thank you. But she was probably just trying to get me to call her so she could try to be my agent. I could let her.

  The idea left me feeling uneasy for a fraction of a second. I wasn’t sure why. I’ve given a lot of other agents a shot, so why not her?

  Because honestly, I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle being hurt when I realized she just wanted my father’s money.

  “Who are the flowers from?”

  “Someone who thinks they can get money from me.” I shrugged.

  My mother raised an eyebrow. I knew what she was waiting for. Details. I took a deep breath and in under ten minutes filled my mother in on everything she wanted to know.

  When I was done she sighed. “Natalie, don’t you think you’re jumping to conclusions?”

  "No." I said quickly, knowing that it was a lie. Of course, I was judging too fast, but that hadn’t changed anything before. I had always been right. “I mean, I guess I could give her a shot, but I’ll be right about her. I know it.”

  “Then you will be able to tell me that you were right about her.” My mother gave me a soft smile.

  “Fine, I’ll call her. But she’s not going to like what I have to say.”

  Chapter Two

  I turned on my heel and headed upstairs. I’m not sure what it was about my mom but the truth is, I hated disappointing her. She’d never been overbearing or anything; maybe that was why I didn’t like disappointing her, though. I padded up the stairs to my bedroom where the purse was laying on the floor from last night. I know she’ll refuse to see me after what I tell her over the phone. I thought. And, as much as I hate admitting it, that kind of made me happy.

  The people in this place were selfish, greedy, people. Most of them at least. I didn’t have any friends anymore, not really. Not after I stopped caring about money and things. And coming out as gay probably didn’t help.

  I made my way into the bedroom, my eyes catching the flowers. They were gorgeous and in my white room the blue and yellow roses really popped. I really liked them!

  I bent down and reached for the purse, pulling her business card out of it. My hands shook. Something I wasn’t used to.

  Relax. You’re just going to tell her the same thing you’ve told everyone before. I had this rehearsed. I knew it line for line, everything from the price, the size, and the location, I knew that I would add the part about a pool after mentioning that I wanted it far from the lake but close to shopping and after that I would lie and tell her I’d be willing to pay a good price to get everything I wanted.

  I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed the number. I lifted the phone to my ear. It rang six times before going to voicemail.

  “Hi Danny, it’s Natalie from last night. I was just giving you a call to thank you for the gorgeous flowers… and to see if you’d like to do lunch sometime. Feel free to call me back, or text. Bye.”

  I hung up, my heart racing. I hadn’t noti
ced it had been racing so fast as I’d been talking. I hope I didn’t sound nervous. My phone dinged softly as I was about to slip it into my pocket.

  I looked down at it. There wasn’t much there, just a couple of words and six numbers. An address and a time.

  Nervousness swelled up in the pit of my stomach. Noon, that was only two hours away. Do I have time to get ready? I was going to have to. There is no way I was going to turn down the invitation.

  Chapter Three

  I had to pull my hair back into a bun, mostly cause I hadn’t brushed it before bed last night. I tried to hide how bad I looked by applying some red lipstick so it at least sorta looked like I was trying here. The jeans and the white top were the first things I pulled out of the drawer that weren’t wrinkly.

  I sat there, coffee in hand and my foot tapping lightly against the sidewalk. Looking around at everyone gave me something to do, but it didn’t really make me feel any more calm. I was just killing time. Maybe she’ll stand me up. I thought, hoping that wouldn’t be the case.

  “Hi, sorry I’m a little late. Things were running frantic at work.” Her voice soothed me.

  I turned to see her. She wore a simple black pants suit. It hugged her small frame. It looked good.

  “No worries. I was just beginning to wonder if you stood me up.” I surprised myself by admitting it. A smile spread over my lips, letting her know I wasn’t upset. Danny laughed softly as she slid into the seat across from me.

  “So did you call me about a house or about a date?”

  My cheeks flushed. “Did someone already tell you I’m gay?”

  “No. Did someone already tell you I am?” Danny raised her eyebrow. I could see her studying me as she said it. A smile spread over her lips, clearly I didn’t hide my surprise well.

  “No, otherwise I might have made it clear that it’s about the house.” Or a date… maybe both depending on how this goes. I gave her a wide smile. “I have a few things in mind… I’m just having a hard time finding someone who is able to make it work.” I pouted a little.

  “Let’s hear what you have in mind.” Danny’s eyes sparkled.

  “Well, I’m looking for a small place, but not too small, with a nice view and a pool. I don’t want it anywhere near the lake though, I can’t stand the smell.” I took a deep breath as my eyes locked on hers. Suddenly I forgot what I was supposed to say next. I was supposed to know this like the back of my hand. “I want… I want somewhere I feel at home.” I confessed, surprising myself.

  “Alright. So you don’t feel at home in a mansion?”


  “But you don’t want a Tiny Home either?” She grinned.

  A soft laugh passed through my lips. “Absolutely not.” I took another drink od coffee.

  “What’s your budget?”

  “Four hundred thousand.”

  Danny raised an eyebrow. It probably wasn’t close to what she had been expecting from me. She had expected something much, much, higher. And my actual budget was much higher but I wanted to see what she was going to do with that one first. Would she be able to actually find me something; would she even bother trying? Most didn’t.

  I almost had one man laugh at me when I said it to him. Of course, he was the kind of person I didn't want to bother giving my money to.

  “Alrighty. I’ll see what I can do. I assume you realize I can’t get you something in this location, right?”

  “Why would I want to be in this location?” My nose wrinkled. I felt like I could be myself around Danny, it wasn’t something I was used to. Danny laughed softly.

  "Good choice, if I do say so myself. Of course, it's my job to find people a house in whatever location they want for a price they can afford but I wouldn't personally advise living here.”

  “So you don’t?”

  “No. I live a half hour away.” A smile touched her lips. Her eyes locked on mine. “I’d be happy to send you the address.”

  “You’re very forward.”

  "And you're very beautiful." Danny didn't break eye contact. Her hazel eyes burned into mine. It took everything I had not to break eye contact with her. "I don't like to beat around the bush, Natalie. It's a waste of time and that isn't good for anyone. Time is valuable, I'm sure you understand that more than most people do. I want to find you a house, but after that I want to take you out to dinner. On a date."

  I felt my mouth fall open as I stared at the woman in front of me. She sure says whatever the fuck she wants to say. And I have to admit I really dug that about her. I could see myself going on a date. At least one. I gave her a smile, just a soft one that lifted the left corner of my mouth- not enough to let her know how excited I actually was for the date I had just been promised.

  “We’ll see how the house hunt goes first.”

  "I have a few locations we could look at right now. Of course, I'm not super prepared so you'll have to excuse the frantic rushing around, and I might not be able to get the owners out of them all, but I'd be happy to start the house search right now. If you're game?"

  “I’m game.”

  Chapter Four

  We went to four houses before I decided it was time to tell her the truth about the whole situation.

  “You know, I’d be willing to up my price range…” I bit my lip as Danny turned to me.

  “Is that what you want? I mean, we can keep looking but with your price range in this area…”

  “I understand.” I knew the market better than I was letting on. “I’m sure I could get something nice for a mil, two at the most.”

  It was Danny’s turn for her jaw to drop. She stared at me. “I don’t know if I love you more or want to smack you.” She stammered.

  Loved me more? What did she mean by that?

  My heart did a back flip.

  “I have a few in that price point that will be more up your alley.” Her eyes sparkled as she motioned for me to follow her. We started back to her car. “Do you do that to every agent?”


  She didn’t seem upset with me about it. She nodded as we both slid into the BMW that she had called her ‘beater car’ an hour ago when she explained that she hadn’t been expecting to show any houses today otherwise she would have brought something nicer. I had Rosa drop me off while she’d been on her way to do the shopping. I had every intention of being done with Danny within half an hour, I hadn’t expected this.

  “So do they normally back out on you?”

  “Of course. No one would bother wasting their time on that price point when they think they should be getting millions out of me.”

  “That’s pretty jaded.”

  “But not wrong.” I waited for her to challenge me. To try and tell me that it wasn’t true, that people weren’t like that. Instead, a smile touched her lips.

  “No, no it’s not and we both know it.” She caught my eye before looking back out at the road. “I can’t tell you how much shit I went through to get to where I am today. It was… nonstop for some time. Then again, you have one benefit I didn’t have.”

  "What is that?" What could I possibly have that would be a benefit to her? What didn't she have growing up that could have made that much of a difference? It didn't take long for me to figure out the answer.


  The word hung in the air for some time. I was sure everyone knew I grew up in money and I was sure some people held it against me. It didn’t seem like Danny did. She didn’t sound hostile when she said it- it was more matter of fact than anything else. Still, she wouldn’t meet my eyes after she said it.

  “Not that it really matters now, I have money. I can keep myself going. I can support myself.” It took everything I had not to reach out and touch her, to try and reassure her.

  “Well, if you do a good job with me you’ll have even more money. That, of course, depends on what your vice is and how you’re going to spend it.”

  “My vice? I don’t have time for that.” A soft laugh passed t
hrough her lips as we turned onto a dead-end street filled with houses. Ones that looked like they would be out of my price range, but I didn't say anything. "What's your vice, Natalie?"

  “I don’t have one, that I know of. But I make up for it with all my emotional issues.” I smirked, as if I actually found it funny. Some days I did, others I didn’t.

  The car pulled up to the one house that had a For Sale sign in front of it. I looked around, it was gorgeous, no doubting that. “Wow.”

  I stepped out of the car as soon as it was in park.

  “It’s pretty nice, isn’t it?” Danny sounded pleased as we fell into pace together and headed for the front door. I tried to take everything in. “There is no one living here, so if you like the place we could get you in here in less than a month. Sounds pretty handy, eh?”

  “Yea, that would actually be really nice.” I bit my lip, trying not to get too excited as Danny unlocked the door and stepped inside first. We slipped out of our shoes as I looked around. “Wow.”

  It was huge, but it wasn’t like my parents’ house.

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s… honestly not quite what I had expected.”

  It was nice. When we pulled up to the house I had a typical house in mind. Big, grand stair case in the front room, marble, stuff like that. But this… it was almost homey. We entered into a carpeted room where our shoes sat on a mat. The big cozy looking couch sat propped against the far wall, a couple chairs and a loveseat helped make a square sitting area with a large rustic coffee table in the middle. I could easily see having friends over on a rainy day and us sitting there.

  I stepped forward, making my way through the room and into another room. The kitchen was small but it had a lot going on in it and it still managed not to look too crowded. The flooring changed to marble, something I was very used to from my house. The kitchen had a small fridge and a small stove, but they still looked adorable. The pale beige wall and the chandler really brought something to the room.


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