Book Read Free

Cabin In The Woods

Page 82

by Kristine Robinson

  Chapter Eight

  Heading downstairs, I felt everyone’s eyes on us as we descended the staircase. I’m sure they could tell why we had been gone so long. I felt flushed and embarrassed but also kind of badass. I excused myself from her for a moment and darted to a bathroom, I needed to check myself and make sure I looked decent. I wasn’t so bad; my skin was glowing. Making my way through the hall, back to the party, I see Sarah standing with her ex. She looked different than the photo I saw of her online, her hair was longer now, cut into a short bob, but she still was quite striking. I wasn’t sure how to proceed but before I could figure it out, her eyes met mine and Sarah turned her head to look at me. “Come here” she mouthed with a smile. I walked forward, using every inch of confidence I had in me to smile and pretend this was a normal situation. “So nice to meet you, I’m Rebecca” she said as she held out her hand. “Hi, nice to meet you.” I said to her, pretending to look curious as to who she was. “This is my former business partner and ex” Sarah said, giving a close-lipped smile to me. “Oh, I see.” Was all I could manage. “She is still friends with Richie and some of the crew here, we cross paths from time to time.” I could sense something between them still but couldn’t put my finger on what exactly. “Are you enjoying the party? Isn’t this place amazing?” Rebeccah asked me. “Yes, it’s all so lovely and very impressive.” I said to her, trying to be cordial. Of course, Sarah and I were just beginning, I couldn’t expect her to know how awkward this was for me. It shouldn’t be awkward though, well, it wouldn’t be if we hadn’t just had sex upstairs five minutes ago, I thought to myself. “Excuse me, I need a drink.” I said and excused myself. I made my way to the bar and requested a Gin and Tonic. I wanted to leave but didn’t want to be difficult. Besides, I rode here with Sarah and didn’t want to be rude. As I waited for my drink, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Rebeccah. “Oh, hello again” I said with surprise as I turned. “Meredith, you should be careful with Sarah. She is a real gem but things can get ugly when she doesn’t get her way, she can be a real pill.” Rebeccah said with a small laugh, as if remembering a memory of something in the past. “Well, we’re only just beginning, not even sure where this will go, I think I prefer to give her a chance.” I said firmly. “Of course, people can change I suppose, she began with hesitation in her voice, “But just know, she can destroy you if she chooses to.” And with that she walked off. In the distance, I saw Sarah talking with someone that looked familiar but that I couldn’t quite place. Her head was thrown back as she let out a big laugh. She still looked impeccable even after our secret session upstairs. It was hard to imagine her being wicked, but she does have a flair for the dramatic, I thought as I recalled everything she did to get a date with me. I decided to not let Rebeccah get to me and figure this out on my own. I made my back to her side and took a risk and grabbed her hand. She gave it a little squeeze and a kiss on the cheek as she said, “Meredith, meet my dear friend, Shemar Moore.” I about fainted with giddiness. I decided to enjoy this ride and see where it took me.

  Chapter Nine

  It was shortly past midnight when we left the party, I was a bit tipsy from the alcohol and meeting a few celebrities. “I cannot believe Hallie Barry showed up!” I said with a laugh as we got into her car. “How cool is your life?” I told her. She let out a laugh. “I guess it has its perks, one of them, being you.” And she leaned in to give me a most sensual kiss. “Oh, is this the ‘more’ you referenced earlier?” “It could be the start of it.” She joked. “Let me get you back to your place.” We drove through the hills and the city glittered down below. Sarah took my hand in hers and we talked about her life, her job, her friends. She asked me about my work and my family and before we knew it, she was pulling up outside my door. “Would you like to come in for a quick nightcap?” I asked. “I suppose I could do that.” And turned off the ignition. We got out and made our way to the door. As I was unlocking it, I felt her hand reach up my back and go back down to my waist. She sent shivers down me. I opened the door and turned to kiss her. “Right this way” I beckoned. “Oh, I remember” she said. We tossed off our shoes and lay on the bed. She kissed me and my body was overwhelmed with arousal but I had to get something else off my chest first. “Sarah, I don’t want to ruin the mood or anything but, Rebeccah approached me after we met tonight and said some disconcerting things to me.” She looked at me quizzically. “Yes?” she said, unsure. “Well, she mentioned that you can be difficult, “a real pill” actually, and that you could “destroy me” if you wanted.” She let out a laugh. “Really? Rebeccah said that?” I didn’t get what was funny. “Yes, she did. Is-why are you laughing?” “I just, I don’t know, she is the most shy and laid-back person. I have no idea why she would say that, totally out of character.” I was confused and insulted. “I wouldn’t make that up.” I said sternly. “Are you telling me you had no idea who she was when you met her tonight?” I balked, “Ok so maybe I already knew but still, why would I make that up?” I got defensive. “In our world, exes are usually friends, are you jealous or something? We just met, too, not like we’ve been dating for ages.” “Excuse me” I said, sitting up. “I don’t know what you’re implying or what you’re thinking, I stood up for you and said I would rather give you a chance.” Sarah looked at me, unsure. “I think I better go.” She said and got up in one quick motion, grabbing her clothes. “I don’t get why you are acting like this.” I admitted. “We were together a long time, there is no reason for her to say those things.” She retorted. “I guess if you aren’t going to believe me, you might as well go, there’s nothing I can say to convince you, obviously. Why must you be so stubborn?” I shouted. She grabbed her jacket and stormed out, leaving me alone in my bed, very confused and very angry. I took out my laptop and googled Rebeccah this time. There weren’t as many articles about her but link after link it led me to one of her profile pages. Advocate for LGBT Youth, Volunteer for Rescue Animals, the list went on and on about the Boards and Committees she was a part of. Another article talked about an event a local charity threw for her for all of her work over the last ten years. The internet really praised her as a saint. Why did she say those things? Was it a warning? Was she being honest? Maybe Sarah was the crazy one? I shut my laptop and went into a very restless sleep, unsure what my next move should be or who to trust.

  The next morning, I awoke to a text from Sarah. “I’m sorry we fought.” Was all it said. How was I supposed to respond to that? I tossed the covers off and went to make coffee, I needed a break from thinking about her. I heard another chime. “Can we meet?” she asked. “Please”, was her next text. I said yes only because what we had so far was so good. “In an hour at a coffee shop on Park.” Was all I said. “Great”. I took a shower and decided to not make much of an effort. I went for dark skinny jeans, motorcycle boots, a white tee and my sage green jacket. I put on my Raybans and walked down the street, not a clue of what was to happen. She was already there when I walked in. She gave me a sincere look, even had a coffee waiting for me. “I remember you saying you liked it Iced” she said, her version of an olive branch. “Yes, thanks.” I managed. “I spoke with Rebeccah last night after I left, she said she did warn you about me, for my own good. You see, I broke her heart. We were together awhile, things got messy, the business grew faster than we anticipated and she didn’t want to make time for it. She’s involved in so many things, she couldn’t see giving all that up.” “Oh, well, then why didn’t you believe me?” “It has been years since we were together and we’re cordial when we see each other, I thought she was over everything. But, she hasn’t seen me with someone new ever-I think it sparked something.” “I still don’t think it’s right that you went off on me like that, you made me feel like a liar.” “And for that I’m sorry, Meredith. I am.” My face broke into a sly smile. “Fine, I guess I forgive you.” I teased. I took a sip of my Iced coffee, “If you hadn’t gotten me this though, jury might still be out.” I winked. She reached over and took my h
and. “I want us to be something.” She said and got a bit more serious. “Will you give me a chance?” I was surprised and delighted. “Of course, yes Sarah, I will.” “Then what shall we do today, it’s gorgeous out.” We decided to walk around the park nearby to start, there was a cool breeze in the air and the sun was shining. Sarah looked more beautiful than ever in her jeans, tennis shoes, button down top and her hair pulled back. “I think I like you like this the most.” I said, looking her up and down. “Better than my work clothes?” she said, “Well, better in no clothes” and I kissed her. That both gave us an idea. “Since you left in a huff, I joked, we never got to round two, did we?” We found a shaded bench area, secluded and surrounded by trees. There was nobody in sight, only a few ducks in the pond across from us. I straddled her lap and she reached under my shirt. I moved back and forth against her, kissing her neck, her ears, and letting my hands wander to her breasts. I unbuttoned her jeans and made my way in, she was already wet and ready. She did the same to me. Using friction, we rubbed up and down against each other, our lips locked, her tongue moved sensually in my mouth; she tasted so good to me. Within seconds, both of us came quickly. “Too short for me” she laughed. With still nobody around, we began again and this went on for some time. Finally, sated, I moved to sit next to her. We started seeing more people in the park and I put my hands over my eyes in embarrassment, “Cannot believe we just did that!” Sarah let out a big laugh. “Thrilling, wasn’t it?” “It really was, I must admit.” I could see a future with her, I thought as we made our way out of the park.

  Chapter Ten

  I did not want to be at work. Monday mornings were so much harder now that I had Sarah to fill my weekends. Over the past few months we were spending every weekend together and nearly every day of every week. I was neglecting my responsibilities, putting everything off until I knew one day where we wouldn’t be together and trying to cram it all in then. I was enjoying every second of it though. Our long, lazy mornings, breakfasts in bed, laying together on the sofa, legs wrapped up in each other like pretzels. I was feeling more at ease about her friends and the lifestyle she led. It was far more glamorous than I was used to but she was with me at my side, holding my hand, guiding me through her world and as long as I was with her, I didn’t mind. She met my friends and hung out with us, getting pizza or just hanging out at a dive bar, we lived differently yet, the same. She let her hair down with me so I wore my hair up for her. We went on adventures and I learned all the curves of her body. She accepted mine for its flaws and finally, I felt like I could be completely at ease. Around 2:00, I received a delivery, a dozen pink tulips for my desk, in it, a note: Thinking of you, Mere, cannot wait until tonight! Oh yes, tonight. A night I had kind of been dreading. It was a gala at a fancy boutique hotel downtown, all her friends would be there and so would Rebeccah. I hadn’t seen her since that night. Sarah hadn’t even talked about her much and we didn’t talk about the incident. I had gone all out though as Sarah was receiving an award and Richie asked me to present it to her. I rented a dress, a sexy long black gown with slit up the side. It had long sleeves and was very form-fitting. I chose gold heels and chandelier earrings, my hair to be piled on top my head. I was nervous but had a very severe case of anxiety every time I thought about being on stage in front of four hundred people. I sent her a text, “Just got the flowers, they are almost as gorgeous as you are. See you tonight.” Since she had a speech to prepare, I told her I would meet her there. Besides, I wanted to surprise her with my dress. I knew she would love it. The day dragged on and by three-thirty, I was out the door. While getting ready and calming myself with a glass of wine, I got a phone call. It was a number I didn’t recognize, so I let it go to voicemail. Curious, I checked it. “Meredith, this is Rebeccah. I don’t want drama tonight, unfortunately, we will be sitting at the same table as the event coordinator put our charities together. Don’t worry, sure you’ll be great on stage. Looking forward to seeing you both there!” I rolled my eyes. First, how did she get my number and secondly, why would she bother to call me, she should just tell Sarah and let her inform me. I thought about letting Sarah know but didn’t want to bring it up now, she was nervous enough as it was. I gave myself a look in the mirror-“Not bad at all” I thought with a grin. I grabbed my clutch and the paper with my speech, and called a cab to the hotel downtown.

  Stepping into the hotel, it was impressive. It was a historic building with a number of chandeliers and ornate décor. Two spiral staircases looped up to the second floor and a large chandelier hung above and there, below it, was Sarah. She was a vision dressed in a long white gown, sleeveless, but with a small cape that led into a small train at her back. Her dark hair piled in a chic hairdo, perfect and not a hair out of place. I began to walk up the staircase and someone pointed at me so she turned and was beaming. “You look exquisite.” And she gave me a kiss. “Good and Evil?” I joked as we were quite striking standing next to one another in solid black and solid white. “Come with me, Meredith” she said, excusing us from the two donors she was speaking with and we made our way to an empty ballroom. “Again, you are stunning.” And she kissed me. “I don’t want to put a damper on the night but Rebeccah is at our table. Something about her charity and the one I work with being put together, I just found out.” When she didn’t get a look of surprise or anger, she looked shocked. “Well, I already know.” I admitted. I took out my phone and played the voicemail to her. “She called you?” she said with surprise. “I know, I was pretty surprised by it too.” “Ok, well, we can’t do anything about it so let’s just enjoy the night.” I squeezed her hand and we made our way into the Grand Ballroom. Our table was close to the stage and luckily nobody else was seated yet. Each table had two or three candles, a small bouquet of flowers and a frame with a photo of the guest of honor, Sarah. First, was a four-course dinner and all the wine one could drink. By dessert, I slowed down as I did not want to trip and fall as I made my way up to the stage. However, the glances from Rebeccah were getting more and more frequent and she hadn’t said as much as a ‘hello’ to us since she arrived. The plates were taken away and champagne was brought out. The other people at the table wanted to give a preemptive cheer to Sarah when Rebeccah finally chimed in. “I ‘d like to say a few words if nobody minds” she started, not letting anyone get a word in anyway. “To the woman who was my partner and friend for a good portion of our life, may tonight be the beginning of many more career successes.” She made eye-contact with Sarah and then at me, but giving no smile. So much for no drama, I thought. Sarah looked uncomfortable but said thank you and sipped her champagne. “I need to excuse myself.” I said, making my way to the bathroom. In the stall, I took a deep breath, “Don’t let her get to you” I told myself. Looking in the mirror, I reminded myself to be more confident. I took out my compact and freshened my face and my lipstick, getting ready for my moment to present when an older lady walked in and stood beside me at the mirror. “You must be Meredith, Sarah’s girlfriend, is that right?” “Oh why, yes, I am. I’m presenting the award tonight.” “Right dear, I know. I’m Sheriden McAvoy, I put this whole thing together.” “How very nice to meet you” I said, genuinely surprised to be meeting her. “It really is such a lovely evening.” “I’m happy you are having a nice time, though I’m sorry to see Rebeccah at your table, dear, that must be awkward for you.” “Oh, you didn’t make the seating arrangements? I was under the impression we were assigned like that.” “I try to put similar charities together but no, it wasn’t my intention to sit her there, I know how dramatic past relationships can be, I should know, I’ve been married six times!” and she let out a big laugh. “I can’t do that for everyone, but for our guest of honor-No, I was told Sarah called and asked her to be there, something about Rebeccah having always been there for her and this as really “their award” so here we are.” I let out a small smile and thanked her and made my way back to the table. My instinct told me Rebeccah had called, I didn’t want to believe Sarah
would do that. Sitting back at the table, I pretended nothing was wrong, I didn’t want to ruin Sarah’s night, no matter what the truth was. Soon, it was my time to go back stage and prepare. “And now, presenting the award for Charitable Organization of the Year for Arts, Culture and Heritage is Meredith Nolte.” The audience clapped and I saw Sarah smiling up at me. “Ladies and Gentleman, tonight we present this distinguished honor to Sarah Parker, a woman who manages to make it all look effortless when it is in fact, quite the opposite. From starting her IT business at the age of nineteen in her dorm room to having it grow to where it is today is nothing short of remarkable. She started the first celebrity site dedicated to the positive change they make their organizations and the causes they care about, changing the negative talk into positive one, she also campaigned along side many celebrity mothers who refuse to let their children be bait to the paparazzi, standing up for their rights.” Applause let out at that one and I caught glimpse of Jennifer Garner giving Sarah a standing ovation. “She also runs her own charity, which is why we are here tonight, that raises money for young girls, especially those of the LGBT youth, to get aid to get educated in the IT world. On a personal level, I get to see this woman in action every day and every day I fall for her more because of her generous heart, her endless amount of energy and the fact that she makes life so much fun all the time. Her beauty is unmatched by the beauty in her heart and for that I am very grateful to have her by my side. I am lucky to have her and so are the youth that she represents. So, without further ado, may I present to you, the talented and effervescent, Sarah Parker.” Applause erupted and she made her way up the stairs to me. With a hug and a big kiss, she took the award and went to the microphone. “Thank you, Meredith and thank you Charity Global, Inc. for choosing me for this very prestigious award. I really am speechless at what this means and equally as speechless for that far too kind introduction by my beautiful girlfriend, Meredith. Thank you sweetheart, you put up with my shenanigans more than I deserve and for that, you deserve an award!” The crowd laughed and so did I. As Sarah finished her speech, I watched in the wings. I glanced at Rebeccah who was looking right at me with a stone face. I shook it off and focused on Sarah as she wrapped up her speech to a standing ovation. She came back stage and kissed me, “Wonderful speech, baby” I said with a hug. “You were great.” “I love you” she said, with a smile. “I really do.” I was floored. Love? “I love you, too” I said back, I kissed her gently and all my doubts vanished as I kissed her behind the curtains.


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