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Cabin In The Woods

Page 88

by Kristine Robinson

  Something caught my eye then. I leaned over the counter to get a better view out of the small picture window over the sink.

  “What is it?” Dahl asked.

  I watched a thick and rolling storm cloud center itself over the farm. It was moving quickly, as if propelled onward by a massive force. There seemed to be an ever increasing pressure driving it. The cloud tumbled in and over upon itself. It was so dark that the gray faded to black in the very center.

  “I think I see what spooked the horses,” I muttered.

  “What do you mean?” Dahl asked, craning her neck to see what I was looking at. “Oh whoa! I see it. That is some storm cloud!”

  Pete came up behind us to get a look out of the window.

  “Damn,” he said. “I guess that would make the animals a little skiddish. That came in fast, too. The skies were clear an hour ago.”

  “Yeah, it makes me nervous,” I said. “I really don't like the looks of that weather. We've had so little rain these past few months, and now we see this.”

  I clicked my tongue.

  “I don't know,” I muttered. “I'm worried about flooding. The ground has hardened up and the banks of the river might overflow.”

  Peter rubbed my shoulder brusquely. It was his clumsy and pointed way of trying to comfort me.

  “Don't worry about it,” Pete said. “I checked the forecast this morning. The same way that I always do. There were no warnings. Nothing at all about floods.”

  I spun from the window to face Pete and cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “Did the forecast say anything about that tornado-in-training up there? It's not reassuring that we've had no flood warnings, if they also didn't mention a giant thunderstorm heading our way.”

  “It is weird,” Dahl interjected. She was still leaning across the counter and watching the ominous cloud with interest through the glass.

  “Let's get these tomatoes in the oven,” I said, nervously.

  I wanted to get my mind off of that brewing storm.

  Unfortunately, there was something else brewing. I couldn't keep my eyes off Dahl as we ate dinner, and I was disgusted with myself for being so attracted to someone that I found so irritating.

  I watched Dahl's plump lips as she bit down into a juicy tomato. The juice trailed lightly down her pale chin. She giggled and wiped it away with a cloth napkin.

  Then she began to suggest ways to improve the size of the tomatoes, and the spell was broken. Her lips were only attractive until she started to talk.

  Chapter Three

  I was still trying to convince myself that I wasn't attracted to Dahl when I went to bed that night. I washed my face and then pinned my hair up, standing in front of the bathroom mirror. I pulled on a pair of green and pink plaid pajamas and then stepped out into the hall.

  I started, as I rounded the corner and nearly collided with Dahl. She was wearing a short black bathrobe, that wasn't quite holding together in the front.

  “Oh, geez!” I gasped. “You scared me, Dahl!”

  Dahl put a hand on her heart.

  “Yeah,” she laughed. “You gave me a little bit of a fright too.”

  Dahl bit her lip and gave me a piercing look that scanned the length of my entire body.

  I shivered under her intrusive stare.

  She took a step forward, and grinning, leaned forward placing her lips directly next to my ear.

  “You look really cute in those pjs,” she whispered.

  I gasped as her warm breath kissed my ear. She was so close that I could smell her. She smelled like cinnamon and lavender. She smelled somehow both warm and floral. Like Christmas cookies and flowers

  I found myself trembling, as Dahl took a step back. She gave me wink and then flounced off down the hall. I watched her tight little rear flouncing under the thin fabric of her robe. The pale and smooth skin of her toned legs nearly shimmered in the moonlight that flooded the hall through the picture window.

  I steadied my shivers and then darted into the safety of my bedroom.

  I had dreams of her that night. I saw Dahl in that same clingy bathrobe. It hugged her wide-set hips, revealing the pointed angles of her hip bones. Her legs were exposed almost in their entirety. They were absolutely lovely. Her calves were fitted and shapely. Her thighs were thick and beautiful. In my dreams, she gave a little spin, flaring out the nightgown's hem and exposing the cheeks of her heart-shaped rear.

  In my dream, I felt a confidence in myself. I knew what I wanted and I went for it. I approached her with a certainty and fervor, taking her in my arms and landing a smooth kiss upon her maroon lips. They were soft and parted easily to make room for my tongue. The taste of her was exquisite.

  I wrapped my arms around her frame, pulling her close to me, and she allowed me to do so. She pressed her breasts into mine and eased one of her legs in between the two of mine, leaving the top of thigh pressed gently into my sex.

  I produced an utterance that was nearly primal. It was something between a roar and a hiss. It ended with a string of air escaping from between my teeth. Even in my dream-state, I felt myself more becoming aroused than I'd been in ages.

  I wanted her with a desire that was nearly feverish. I shook and ached and tried to contain myself. I wanted to run my hands over every inch of her body, grabbing, pinching, caressing, and exploring.

  I planted one hand firmly on Dahl's hip, luxuriating in the feel of her pronounced and angular hip bones beneath my fingertips, while allowing my thumb to press into the smooth, flatness of her stomach. Her skin was soft and malleable. It was like a delicate silk.

  The other hand I dug into her short, black curls. I tightened my grip and gave her hair a sharp tug.

  Dahl gasped and gave a small cry of pain. But she didn't ask me to stop. She only stared at me with parted lips and widened eyes.

  I began to kiss her again. This time moving with purpose and rhythm. I pressed into her, moving in one slow, upward motion, pulling her bottom lip upward as I did so. I repeated this motion three more times and with the conclusion of each kiss, I gave her curls another sharp tug.

  She gasped each time, as if it were a surprise. She allowed me to be rough with her and I relished the sensation of her quivering beneath my touch.

  I took the hand that was resting on Dahl's hip and began to slide it down lower. Dahl sighed against me, as I grabbed at her rear end, squeezing and kneading hungrily. Her rear was the most incredible tactile sensation. It was plump and smooth and my fingertips slid over it easily. I started on the other edge of her rump and then began moving inward, until the tips of my fingers dipped slightly into the crevice between her gorgeous cheeks.

  Dahl gasped and I continued to inch my fingertips deeper into the crevice between her plump cheeks. I reached my goal and let my fingertips knead it gently. I went slowly, inching just a bit of my finger into the folds. Her body exerted and incredible tightness and heat around my finger. I allowed myself to play for only a moment more, before giving my finger one final twirl and then extracting it.

  Dahl began to grind her thigh deeper into my sex and I began to feel and intense pressure building.

  Then Dahl looked into my eyes and she said, “This is also how you make a horse trot, by digging in with your thighs. I know a lot about riding horses. I'll bet I could teach you a lot.”

  I cried out, shoving Dahl away from me in disgust.

  I woke up then. I was laying in bed, sweating. It seemed that the dream had had quite the physical effect on me. The light filtering in through the vinyl slats over the windows, was still gray. It was very early. I looked at the clock and saw that it wasn't even six am. Normally I wouldn't get up for another thirty minutes.

  I decided to get out of bed anyway. It would be nice to get out for a ride, maybe avoid Dahl for a good portion of the morning. I really wasn't in the mood to see her.

  That moment in the hall last night had been odd. I was sure that Dahl had been flirting with me. The way she'd looked me from head to t
oe with an appraising look and then entered my space, whispering seductively into my ear. I shivered thinking of the way the heat of her breath had tickled my ear lobe.

  Then there was that dream that I'd just woken from. It had been one of the sexiest dreams I'd ever had. In fact, it was one of the only sexy dreams that I'd ever had. I didn't have sex dreams very often. When I did they weren't very vivid or tangible. Not until this one at least.

  I got dressed quickly and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I crept downstairs and left the house through the door in the kitchen.

  As I stepped outside, I smiled at the cool air of the early morning. Birds were chirping and cawing, and a flock of crows was fluttering about nearby, searching for grubs in the soft earth by the garden. I took a deep breath of dewy morning air and leaned my neck back to rest my eyes on the starlit sky. Despite the rising sun, there were a number of twinkling constellations still visible and the three-quarters moon was still bright over the ranch.

  I hustled across the lawn and into the shed. As I briskly jogged across the grass, I noticed that the same storm cloud I'd been so worried about last night, was still hovering over the ranch. It was still rolling and if possible, the center of if had become even darker and grown even larger.

  I shook my head. We were going to get some serious rain later today. I was glad that I'd decided to come out for a ride early. It would probably start to rain by early afternoon. At least that meant that Dahl wouldn't be able to take her afternoon ride. Which meant that I'd be able to continue avoiding her.

  I jogged into the shed and said my hellos to all of the different horses. Some people think that it's strange to talk to animals, but I think it would be strange not to talk to the living creatures that I spend so much time with.

  Before choosing a horse to take for a ride, I fed the animals, doling out hay and grain to the horses, and then stepping out into the chicken coop to lay down some feed for them, as well. The chickens were already milling about, most of them awake and ready to start their days.

  I made my way back into the stable and looked around trying to choose a horse that would be a good for a longer ride. I saw that Travis was already wide-awake and he appeared somewhat restless in his stall. I placed a saddle on Travis and gently placed the bridle around his muzzle. Travis was a large brown horse with a wonderful energy. He was always very playful and silly. He begin nipping and neighing as soon as I came to his stall. I grinned at his enthusiasm.

  “You're up already too, huh?” I cooed at him. “You're anxious for a nice morning ride too?”

  “I know that I am!”

  I jumped at the voice behind me. A heavy dread settled itself upon me.

  “Morning Dahl,” I groaned.

  I turned around to see Dahl fully dressed and grinning.

  “What are you doing up so early?” I asked.

  Dahl shrugged.

  “What about you?” she quipped.

  Dahl went to Sally's stall and began to saddle the mare.

  I rolled my eyes and sighed.

  “Are you sure you want to come? I'm going to be taking an especially long ride today.”

  “Yeah,” Dahl said. “I'll be alright.”

  “Really,” I insisted. “I don't think you've ever ridden this far before. I'm not sure you'll be able to handle the exertion.”

  Dahl finished saddling Sally and led her out of the stall.

  “Don't worry about me,” Dahl said with a wink. “I've read a lot about how to ride long distances.”

  “Of course you have,” I muttered.

  We began to ride, setting out on the trail that Dahl normally took, but then continuing on. Dahl did alright for the first hour. She didn't even groan that much on hour two. But by our third hour of trotting through the hilly terrain of the forest, she was complaining of a sore rear end and pain in her lower back.

  “Seriously, Anna,” she whined. “I know that I said I could do this, but I didn't know that you would be riding for this long. How long until we turn back? I'm in pain over here!”

  “We'll turn back soon,” I said. “I did tell you that this was gonna be a longer ride. I warned you.”

  I felt a small surge of pride. I'd done it. This know-it-all was going to have to admit that she wasn't the expert rancher that she kept trying to pretend she was.

  Admittedly, the only reason that I was dawdling for this long on the ride was because I was trying to test Dahl's endurance. I was irritated that she'd insisted on coming. I was irritated with her; everything about her, and the way that she got underneath of my skin.

  Rain began to fall and I cursed myself for taking us so far from the ranch, only to make a point.

  “Let's turn back,” I called to Dahl. “Hopefully, we can make it back before the rain gets too heavy.”

  Dahl nodded.

  “Yeah,” she agreed. “Let's book it.”

  We turned the horses back towards the farm. The rain began to fall faster and faster. We increased the speed of our mounts as the rain increased in severity.

  We were only at the halfway point to the farm, when I realized that I was completely soaked. My hair was dripping and clinging to my face is wet clumps that had come free from my ponytail. My clothes stuck to my body like a second skin and tiny rivulets of water traveled down my face, neck and arms. Even my socks were wet inside of my work boots.

  Glancing over at Dahl, I saw that she wasn't in much better shape. She was shivering atop the mare, gripping the bridle with white knuckles and her teeth chattering. Still, she impressed me. She didn't complain and she urged the mare onward, keeping pace with my horse.

  We kept going, fighting against the wind and rain. It seemed like we wouldn't ever be back at the ranch. I knew it was my own fault that we were stuck in the rain for so long. Still, I shivered and shook and yearned for the sights of the ranch in the distance.

  Finally, the ranch was on the horizon. Finally, we were drawing near and the end of our ordeal was in sight Finally, we were crossing the last field before we would be in front of the house.

  I couldn't wait to be inside, in dry clothes and sitting in front of the fire. I remembered that our load of firewood was fully-stocked and felt thankful for small blessings.

  Then I saw something across the field, and my heart nearly stopped beating for the shock and terror that overtook me. That damned fence. Why had I procrastinated in fixing it?

  “Look!” I shouted to Dahl.

  I hadn't realized how loud the roar of the wind had become, but I could hardly hear my own voice. My guess was that Dahl couldn't hear it either.

  Still, she saw where I was pointing and her eyes widened. I knew that she understood the severity of what had happened. The fence was broken and the horses were nowhere to be seen.

  Dahl and I had let the remainder of the horses out into the pasture, before leaving for our extended ride. Now they were gone. They must have been scared by the storm and bolted.

  I swung my arm to the right, frantically pointing to the house.

  “Go back to the house!” I shouted.

  Dahl's expression was a question mark. She shook her head not understanding.

  I tried again.

  “Go back!” I screamed, my words becoming lost in the winds that beat against us. “Go back to the house!”

  Dahl turned to see what I was pointing at, and I could see her mouth form a small “oh”.

  I met her eyes and nodded, and then I spun my horse in the direction of the broken fence, urging the poor animal into a gallop. I felt terribly for the creature. I'd really asked a lot of him today and the horse must be nearing absolute exhaustion. I patted his side and pleaded with him to keep on going for just a bit longer.

  I rode through the next field and continued on into the fields of sparse peach trees that marked the end of the property. The wind began to quiet, just slightly, but it was enough for me to hear the pounding of hoofs behind me.

  I rolled my eyes and sighed.

  Just what
I needed. Dahl was following behind me. Damn it. I didn't have time to search for the horses and keep an eye on Dahl. She was only going to get in my way.

  I decided to ignore her and focus on finding the animals. We continued across the field and just when I was beginning to give up hope, I spotted them.

  They were at the very edge of the property, milling about on the slope that led down to a rocky slope. They appeared to be scared, but had been slowed down by the incline of the property's edge.

  I brought my horse to a stop and jumped down. I crept towards the six horses, speaking to them in a low soothing tone, that I desperately hoped the horses could hear over the wind.

  I held my hands out in front of me, with my palms up.

  I approached one of the mares. She was one of the pregnant ones and she looked especially scared. Her breathing came in short, ragged spurts and her pupils were wide and dilated. I continued to approach her until I was only a foot away.

  “Easy girl,” I said, softly. “It's alright. Just be calm. Be easy. Let me bring you home.”

  A bolt of lightening struck then, cracking against the sky in a reverberating boom.

  The mare in front of me reared up and whinnied frantically. Her back hooves slid on the mud and the mare began to fall. I froze in fear and screamed. The horses body began to fall towards me, and I willed my feet to move, but they refused. I was going to be crushed beneath the weight of my own horse.

  But before the horse's large body could fall onto me, probably crushing and killing me, I was yanked out of the way by a firm and unyielding grip.

  I gasped as the horse's body hit the ground where I had been standing only a second later. I cried out, grabbing onto Dahl's body for support.

  “No!” I cried out. “The horses!”

  Dahl wrapped her arms tightly around me.

  “It's alright!” she whispered into my ear. “You can do this. You can save them. I know that you can. Just keep moving, and tell me what I need to do to help you.”

  Dahl released me and I looked up into her hazel eyes, blinking back tears.


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