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Hell Freezes Over (Hellscourge Book 6)

Page 13

by Diem, J. C.

  “Well, that was a real mood killer,” Zach said and regretfully slid my shirt back down.

  I was lucky he hadn’t seen the scar on my stomach. I didn’t have a story prepared about how I’d sustained such a terrible wound. My heart was thudding hard at how close he’d just come to getting me half naked in a public place. The thought of him discovering the hideous scars on my body hadn’t even occurred to me this time.

  “Will I be able to see you again soon?” I asked as he headed back to grab his satchel that was full of books.

  “I hope so, but my Dad is getting suspicious about how much time I’m spending here.”

  “Great.” I blew out a sigh. “Where else can we meet where Giles won’t be able to see us together?”

  “We’ll think of something,” he replied with confidence that I didn’t feel. “I’m going to have to spend more time with Candy, but I promise I’ll try to see you again as soon as I can.”

  Being reminded of her soured my mood even further. I’d seen the proof of his punishment for defying his father. I didn’t want to make things worse by guilt tripping him about my rival. He blew me a kiss and I held onto my smile until he was gone.

  Sam popped his head around the corner and I gaped in surprise. “What are you doing here?” I asked when he hurried over to me.

  Leo appeared next to us and shook his head. “I retrieved him from our base when it became apparent that you were going to let things go too far between yourself and your beau.”

  “If Nathan had seen Zach put his hands on you like that, he would have torn the library apart,” Sam added.

  Dull embarrassment swept through me. “I take it you were the little old lady who scolded us?”

  He grinned sheepishly. “It is a good thing that I have not lost my talent to take on another’s form.”

  Putting my hands over my face, I held in a groan of shame at my inability to keep my hormones in check. If Nathan had seen Zach’s hands on my breasts, he wouldn’t have torn the library apart. He would have torn my boyfriend to pieces instead. “Thanks for stopping us when you did,” I said when I dropped my hands.

  “I did not think a bucket of water would be appropriate considering where we are,” Leo replied with a smirk.

  “The librarians would have had a meltdown if you ruined the books,” I agreed.

  “We should head back before I am missed,” Sam urged us. “Sophia and Nathan do not know that I am here.”

  I didn’t want my guardian to find out that Sam had been called on to step in once again. We’d have to explain why and learning the truth would cause him pain. I nodded in agreement and Leo whisked us back to the store. He took us to the living room first. We left Sam to watch TV then he zapped us downstairs.

  “Ah, you have returned,” Sophia said when she noticed that we’d arrived. Neither her nor Nathan’s expressions were suspicious. It didn’t look like they were aware that Sam had been gone for a few minutes. “Would you like tea?”

  “That would be great,” I said and took a seat.

  “I have a client coming in half an hour,” she advised me as she poured a second cup. “I think you will find her to be fairly interesting.”

  “I hope it isn’t Candy,” I said darkly. Leo had handed me my dagger and I’d put it on the table. My hand inched towards it and I had to force myself not to grip it tightly.

  “No. It is her mother, Clarice.”

  I was instantly intrigued. “This should be good. Can we listen in?”

  “You may. Just try not to let her know that you are here.”

  “We’ll be as quiet as mice,” I promised. The reading that Sophia had performed for Candy had impacted on me as well. It would be interesting to see what the cards would have to say for my rival’s mother.


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Sophia’s ability to see the future still fascinated me. I’d only had one reading from her so far. It had summed up my recent past, my present and my uncertain future. She’d seen that angels would doubt me and that had certainly come true. Hag and Orifice were the celestial beings in question, of course.

  Next, she’d seen that someone close to me was going to betray me. That hadn’t happened yet and I didn’t know who it would be or when it would happen. The cards had told her that a young man would console me. The picture had been of a handsome blond guy, which had to be Zach. It seemed he wouldn’t be choosing Candy over me anytime soon. Or so I hoped.

  The final card had been a picture of the Devil. It had been a fabrication from the Hellmaster, forged by the link between myself and his pet raven. I’d never found out what my future would bring. But Sophia had seen a vision of me dying from the toxin, so I guess that answered that question.

  “How often does Clarice come for a reading?” I asked as Sophia returned from making a fresh pot of tea and placed it on the table.

  “She makes an appointment to see me once a month like clockwork,” she replied then stepped behind the counter. Taking out the purple cloth that she always draped over the table, she waited for me to pick up my cup. Leo picked up the tray for her and she spread the cloth over the round surface. She gestured for him to put it down again.

  I kept hold of my cup since it was almost empty anyway. “Why does she come here so often? Does she expect the cards to be different each time?”

  “I only read the cards for her once a year to see whether anything has changed,” she said as she took her seat again. “The cards are not the only tool that I utilize.”

  “What other methods do you use?”

  “I read palms and tealeaves. I also sometimes see visions just by touch. I employ all of these skills for my repeat clients. Sometimes, they wish to know their own future. At other times, they ask about friends or relatives. I do not always see anything useful, but I often pick up flashes of information.”

  “At least Violet will not have to use the silence spell this time,” Leo said with a hint of sadness. “It is doubtful that we will descend into an argument and disturb your session.”

  “I can summon Brie and start a fight with her if you’re missing her,” I teased him as I stood up.

  “That is kind of you to offer, but it would not be a good idea. She has chosen her side.” Leaving the teapot, cups, cream and sugar behind, he picked up the tray and we trooped into the kitchen. Nathan shut the door to give Sophia and her client some privacy. I could faintly hear the TV going upstairs. The sound wouldn’t filter through into the front room with the door now shut.

  I rinsed the dishes and heard a knock on the door when I was drying my hands. Nathan looked resigned and Leo covered his smile with his hand as I snuck over to the door. I knelt down to look through the old fashioned keyhole. I’d forgotten that no one could enter unless we let them in.

  If any of Sophia’s clients had been angels or demons, they wouldn’t have been able to enter at all. Clarice Weller was just a human, if a very attractive one. She was a carbon copy of her daughter. In her forties, she had the same honey blond hair and curvy figure. She wore a fitted beige dress that was expensive and classy. Her shoes had a five-inch heel that made her legs seem far longer than they actually were. I was pretty sure she’d had plastic surgery. Her face was completely unlined and her smile was too stiff to be natural. “Sophia, how are you, darling?” she said in a practiced purr. It was a tone that would have been better suited for someone she was dating rather than her clairvoyant.

  “I am well, Clarice,” Sophia replied. They hugged briefly and perfunctorily, like distant acquaintances who hadn’t seen each other for some time. “How are you?”

  “I am fine,” her client replied, but she seemed distracted. They sat down and Clarice put her beige purse on the table. It was the exact same color as her dress and shoes. Candy had obviously learned to accessorize from her mom. I just wished she’d refrain from matching her clothes with Zach’s.

  “How is your lovely daughter?”

  “Candice has been in such turmoi
l lately, the poor dear.” Clarice’s expression changed slightly and she seemed to be grieving. “That’s why I’m here today. I need to know if I’m doing the right thing by setting her up with the Orion boy. I thought they would be a perfect match. His father is even wealthier than I am, so Zachariah has no need to date anyone for their money. I want my daughter to have a partner who matches her status, but I also want her to be happy.”

  “Of course you do,” Sophia murmured.

  “She cares for the boy, but he can’t seem to let his old girlfriend go. I know you performed a reading for her and that she will be victorious. I just need to know if the boy is right for her.”

  “Give me your hands,” Sophia said. Clarice reached out and the clairvoyant clasped her fingers. Sophia’s back was to me, but she turned her head to the side and stared at the wall silently. Her back stiffened and I knew she was seeing a vision. “There is something you have not told me,” she said and released Clarice’s hands.

  One hand rose to fidget with her hair. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You have become involved with a man.”

  Not even Botox could hide the blush that rose on her client’s cheeks. “I’m not here to discuss my sex life,” she snapped then took a breath. “I’m sorry. That was inexcusable.”

  “This man is not what he seems,” Sophia said. Her tone made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “He is dangerous and his temper is volatile.”

  “He wouldn’t dare lift a finger to hurt me,” Clarice said with a dismissive laugh. “I’m bringing too much business his way for him to contemplate such a thing. Besides, he’s been a perfect gentleman. I highly doubt he’d ever stoop to abusing a woman.”

  A horrible suspicion rose inside me and I clapped a hand over my mouth to hold in a shocked gasp. Leo poked me in the shoulder to get my attention then lifted his brows in enquiry. He was dying to know what was wrong. I motioned for him to wait and he made an impatient face at me.

  “Be very careful, Clarice,” Sophia warned her. “This is not a man who will listen to reason when he does not get his way.”

  “That’s enough about me,” Mrs. Weller said sharply. “I came here to learn about Candice. Can you tell me anything about her or not?”

  “Drink your tea and I will read the leaves for you.”

  Pouring cream and placing a spoon of sugar in her cup, Clarice daintily drank until her cup was nearly empty then handed it over. Sophia swirled the dregs around and studied them closely. “I see trouble ahead for your daughter. She will suffer disappointment and frustration when it comes to her relationship with Zachariah. She will also experience moments of great happiness and contentment.” She was silent for a few seconds. “If they are able to work through their problems, they would be a good match.” She almost turned her head to look at the door, knowing her words would spear through my heart. It wasn’t exactly a surprise to hear that. I’d already known Candy was a much better match for Zach than I was.

  Leo put his hand on my shoulder consolingly. I didn’t look at Nathan, but I knew he’d be feeling a mixture of gladness and sympathy.

  “That’s exactly what I needed to know,” Clarice said in satisfaction. “As always, you’re a godsend, Sophia. You’ve reassured me that I’ve made the right decision.” She took a wad of cash out of her purse and handed it over. I had a feeling it was far more than most of Sophia’s clients paid, but Mrs. Weller could easily afford it. The rings on her fingers had to be worth a fortune. Some of them even rivalled my ruby. Standing, she picked up her purse. “I’ll see you next month, darling.”

  They shared another brief hug then Clarice swept outside and Sophia closed and locked the door behind her. I barely waited for her client to be gone before I opened the door to the kitchen and confronted Sophia. “What did you see when you took her hands?”

  “I saw her in bed with a man.”

  “What did he look like?”

  “I did not see his face, but his hair was blond and he had a muscular build.”

  “You seem to know who he is,” Leo said to me.

  “I’m pretty sure he’s Zach’s father.”

  The room went silent then I heard Sam’s feet thud on the floor above us. He ran down the stairs and burst into the room. This gossip was too juicy for him to ignore. “Are you certain?” he asked as we all took a seat.

  “If I hadn’t seen the bruise on Zach’s ribs, I might not have put it together,” I said.

  “What bruise?” Sophia asked with a frown.

  “Apparently, his Dad has a temper and he can’t always control it. He punched Zach in the ribs when he was reluctant to date Candy again.”

  Even Nathan was disturbed to hear that. “What sort of father abuses his own child?” he said in distaste.

  “You heard Sophia. Mr. Orion is used to getting his own way and he doesn’t react well when people defy him.”

  “I cannot help but feel sorry for your beau for having a father like that,” he muttered.

  “I can’t believe Candy’s mother and Zach’s father are sleeping together,” I said in renewed amazement. “If they get married, their kids will become step-brother and sister.” I wrinkled my nose at the implications if they continued to date. “Eww. That’s just gross.”

  “They will not become married,” Sophia assured me. “Clarice’s relationship with this man will be brief and it will end badly.”

  “How badly?” I asked.

  Her response was chilling. “I saw only a flash of her fate, but I foresaw blood and tears.”

  “Now I feel kind of bad for Candy and her Mom,” I admitted. I didn’t want to feel bad for them. I wanted them both to disappear from Zach’s life entirely. How was I going to pretend that everything was fine when I saw him next? I knew things that I shouldn’t and I couldn’t say a word about it. He wouldn’t believe me if I tried to explain how I’d found out that his father was sleeping with Candy’s mother.

  “This is even more unbelievable than a soap opera,” Sam declared.

  “You watch soaps?” I asked incredulously.

  “No. Of course not,” he responded too quickly. His eyes slid away from me, which was a sure sign he was lying.

  I shook my head sadly. “There’s no hope for you now. Once you’re hooked on daytime drama, there’s no going back.”

  Leo sent me a panicked look. “Is that true?”

  “Not you, too?” I said in mock despair. “Oh, Leo. That’s so sad.”

  Realizing I was teasing them, both teens scowled at me. “That was not very nice,” Leo said dourly.

  “Don’t blame me. The legion made me do it,” I replied innocently. Having a head full of evil beings was a handy excuse whenever I did something that was questionable.

  “Sure they did,” Sam said and rolled his eyes. He didn’t believe the explanation for a second.


  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I lay awake for a long time when I went to bed. I kept picturing the rich and refined Clarice Weller naked and in bed with a faceless, muscled blond man that looked far too much like Zach for me to be comfortable. I was glad when I finally grew tired enough to fall asleep.

  Sensing that our time was running out and that Vepar and her kill squad would find us soon, I finally ended up in the shadowlands of my mind. Appearing in the misty gloom, I teleported over to the black building that housed the legion.

  Opening the door without bothering to knock, I stepped inside without anyone even noticing that I’d arrived. Their attention was on two lesser demons that were fighting in the center of a cleared space. Watching the match avidly, the rest of the throng were either shouting insults or encouragement.

  Morax and the other lords stood head and shoulders above the crowd. They didn’t lower themselves to shout, but merely watched the fight in silence. As I’d guessed, they’d found a way to combat the boredom of being locked inside my head. Neither of the combatants had called on their scarlet weapons. They were relying on the
ir bare hands and brute strength instead.

  Pushing my way through the crowd, I came to a stop beside Morax. He shoved some lesser demons out of the way so I could have an unobstructed view of the fight. I didn’t bother to put a stop to it. They were nearly done anyway. Both of the soldiers were sweating and were bleeding from deep gashes in their flesh.

  Crimson eyes watched their opponents, searching for a moment of weakness. One of them feinted to the side and the other one fell for it. Swiping talons across his foe’s face, the soldier punched his fist through the other hell spawn’s stomach. He pulled it out and held it up in victory as the other soldier fell to his knees in defeat. Black gore dripped down his arm as he pumped his fist and roared in triumph.

  Before I’d become Hellscourge, seeing that kind of violence would have brought my gorge up. Now, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement to see a weaker opponent bested in combat.

  Morax turned a knowing gaze on me as if he could read my mind. For all I knew, maybe he could. They seemed to pick up on things that I’d much rather they had no knowledge of.

  The shouts of derision for the loser died down and silence descended. Both of the demons healed as if nothing had happened. The vanquished soldier slunk off to sulk in the background. If they’d been in hell, he would have been sent back to the first realm of hell. He wasn’t powerful, but he would have lost his position as a soldier and would have been relegated to a servant again.

  It would be very different if I stepped into the ring. Before I’d come along, being beaten had simply resulted in demotion. Now, it meant death for anyone who unwisely brought my wrath upon themselves. I was pretty sure I could kill the spirits that were trapped inside me just as easily as I could destroy them when they were in their solid forms.

  “Having fun?” I asked Morax.

  “It would be more enjoyable if Raziel were to join us,” he said with a toothy grin. “Watching him be torn apart would be very entertaining indeed.”


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