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Knocked Up by Her Brother's Enemy

Page 18

by Penny Wylder

  I glance out the dirt-streaked window, my vision trying to keep up with the graffiti tagged on the walls that blur by. My stop isn’t for a while now. I hope there’s one coming up soon. I don’t care where it leads as long as it gets me away from this man. My hackles are raised and I’m losing my patience. I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone right now, let alone some deli-scented creeper with no sense of appropriate distance.

  I decide to try a lie. “I’m not from here. I just arrived in town yesterday.”

  “Where you from?” He gets closer, his chest pressed against my left arm. I have nowhere to go. If I move any further forward, I’ll bump into a different guy standing to my right. I’m halfway tempted to. Maybe pissing him off will be enough of a distraction for this guy to lose interest.

  “New York,” I say.

  “Where at in New York.”

  With an irritated sigh, I turn to face him, everything about my body language telling him to back off.

  I’m about to say just as much when he says, “Oh, hey, I know who you are.” He smiles and points at me like he’s face to face with some celebrity. “You’re the No-O. I’ve seen your pictures in all the memes.”

  Memes? There are memes about me now?

  I try not to freak out. Anxiety floods my body, making my limbs numb. I want to run, but I’m stuck.

  “No, that’s definitely not me,” I say. “I’m not who you think I am.”

  “Yes you are,” he says, eyes lighting up with recognition, oblivious to my growing anger. “I’d recognize your face anywhere.”

  He leans uncomfortably close and all the hairs on my body perk up like a rabbit’s ears when sensing a predator. My nerves fire warning signs, skin prickling uncomfortably.

  He leans in even closer until I’m backed up against a woman who pushes me into him. He grabs me by the waist, pressing our chests together. “I bet I can make you O,” he whispers greasily.

  His hand snakes around to grab my butt.

  “Don’t fucking touch me,” I growl, voice loud enough to carry over the clank and creak of the tracks.

  Unperturbed by the shift in my voice, he smiles. Several people glance at us, but go back to their books and music.

  “Come on, don’t be like that.” His hand moves lower, closer to my crotch, rough, forceful. “Ten minutes with me and no one will call you ‘No-O’ again.” He starts to grind against me, practically humping my leg.

  “Get off of me!” I try to hit him, but being this close, my hits are ineffective. I keep trying anyway, hoping to get in a lucky blow. Next time I try to hit him, he grabs my arms in a vice grip, squeezing hard enough to cut off my circulation.

  Still, no one does anything to try and help me. No one even seems to notice except for a handful who raise their phones for a photo op. My heart races, and I start to panic, wondering if this guy is going to try having his way with me right here in front of all these robots who don’t seem to care about anything other than their own entertainment. Has this city lost its freaking mind?

  I try to scream for help but he puts one of his meaty paws over my mouth to shut me up.

  Then suddenly, he’s yanked backward. First he’s there in front of me, then he’s gone, so fast my brain struggles to make sense of what happened. Everyone else around me seems just as confused as a man climbs on top of him and lands a vicious blow to the side of nose. There’s a cracking sound that I hear even over all the mumbled voices and train sounds. My attacker’s nose is bloodied and more crooked than it had been when standing in front of me. Definitely broken. He cries and whimpers, unable to get his footing long enough to stand.

  I look up at my rescuer, but his back is to me. Then he wheels around and grabs my hand. Everything moves too fast for me to get a clear look at him. I realize the train has stopped and the doors open. He tugs me through the crowd and into the busy terminal. Dazed and a little frightened by the whole event, I allow him to pull me along like some child until we’re outside in the cold again. Looking at our interwoven fingers, I see that his knuckles are bleeding, and his hand is starting to swell. That doesn’t seem to hinder his strong grip.

  When I finally catch my breath and the cloud that had been muffling my thoughts clears, I stop, pulling my hand away from him. He slowly turns to look at me and my breath freezes in my lungs.

  I recognize those startling blue eyes, that heavy brow, and sharp jaw from the photos on Instagram.

  “Heath James?” I say, my voice slow with confusion.

  The man from Twitter. The O-Maker. My first coherent thoughts aren’t of him saving me, or why he was there to save me in the first place. Instead, the thoughts racing through my head are the words he’d written to me last night.

  Do you like having your pussy eaten?

  Without any warning, there’s a quiver between my legs and the image in my head of the fantasies I’d had when I pictured him licking me. My muscles clench and release, and when they do, I realize I’m already wet. That’s never happened to me before. I’ve never gotten wet by just looking at a guy. Ever. No matter how attractive he is. Though, I have to admit, I’ve never seen a man as attractive as Heath before, with all of his intense, dramatic angles.

  My mouth hangs open. I can feel the cold air drying my throat and have to force myself to close it and swallow.

  He rubs his hand. Obviously the adrenaline he’d been pumped up on is thinning and the pain of his hand is coming through. From the looks of it, something might be broken. I take his hand in my own, running a finger along the damaged skin.

  “It might be broken,” I say.

  “Just bruised,” he replies and takes his hand from me.

  His voice is just how I expected it to sound: low, confident, commanding. Not Minnie Mouse with a lisp like I told myself it would be in order to get him off my mind.

  “That looks a little more than bruised,” I say.

  “It’s not.”

  “How do you know?”

  He looks sideways at me, his long, dark eyelashes casting a shadow over his eyes, making them look silver. “I used to cage fight. I would know if my hand is broken, and this isn’t. Not even sprained. It’s fine.”

  “Cage fighting?” I can definitely see that.

  I have to look up at him when I speak. I had a feeling when I saw his pictures that he was tall, but he’s much taller than I thought, and broader through the shoulders. He’s an imposing figure, especially with layers of clothes on. Seeing those pictures of him on the beach with his dog, I know under those clothes is a rock-hard, sculpted body.

  “Sounds dangerous,” I say.

  He seems amused at my obvious lack of cage fighting knowledge. “It can be.”

  “How did you know where I was?” I ask.

  His amusement spreads to the rest of his face and he laughs, exposing beautiful straight white teeth. None of them are missing like you might expect from a fighter. He must not have lost very often. “Wow,” he says, shaking his head. The storm-bleached sky seems to drain everything of color except for Heath. Somehow he’s vibrant among the rest of the black and white city. The scruff on his face is streaked with red, his eyes shine like precious stones. Even his skin seems to glow. I can’t help but stare. I know how obvious I’m being, but I’m unable to stop myself. My eyes are affixed. It’s like looking into the sun. You know you shouldn’t, and that it can be harmful, but it’s just so damn beautiful.

  “A bit egotistical, aren’t you?” he says. “You’re lucky that inflated head of yours didn’t get stuck in the subway doors.”

  The spell he has me under suddenly breaks with his words. Heat floods my cheeks. I frown at him. The only thing that keeps me from losing my “inflated head” and going off on him is that he saved me and I don’t want to seem ungrateful.

  When his laughter finally dies down he says, “I didn’t even realize that was you being harassed until I already hit the guy. It was a coincidence. I was on my way into town.”

  I bite the inside of my c
heek, feeling stupid. He’s right. I was full of myself to think he showed up just for me. I want to get away from him as soon as possible, escape this embarrassment. I’m definitely not getting back on the subway. This time I’ll just hail a cab if I can find one.

  “Oh, well, thanks for the help,” I say. “Sorry about your hand.”

  I start to walk away, but he takes me by the hand again. “You act like we’re parting ways,” he says.

  “Yeah, we are. I need to go shopping.”

  I’m not actually planning on going shopping after what happened on the train. I’m far too shaken up for that, even though I really do need to go. If I don’t find my boss a gift before the company Christmas party, I might have to end up gifting him some random thing from my apartment.

  Mostly, I just want to get home so I can delete my accounts, stop the No-O virus from spreading any further. If all this Twitter business gets back to my colleagues at work, I’ll never be able to show my face in the office again.

  “Looks like the world is full coincidences today,” he says. “I have some shopping to do as well. It’s what I came into town for. I’ll go with you.”

  “Um, what?” Me, shopping with the O-Maker? Could this day get any weirder?

  He hovers protectively over me. With any other man, I’d be outraged by the misogynistic show of dominance in such a stance. But all I can seem to do is take his body language and apply it to the bedroom. I’ve never been with a man who just takes command the way he does. I’ve always been the one in control, the one my lovers looked to for answers. Their puppy dog eyes watching me, eager for a pat on the head, a treat: Am I doing well? Is this good? Do you like that? Honestly, it was tiresome.

  “I don’t believe for a second you came to Brettsville to go shopping,” I say. This place isn’t exactly a mecca for decent stores. He’d have been better off staying in San Pedro County where he’s from. Chances are he’s here for one of his Twitter groupies and he just happened to run in to me, the damsel in distress. “What do you want?” I ask. “From me, I mean.”

  He takes me by the hand again, leaning in close, tugging me toward the entrance of the mall. He has the deep, rich scent of expensive cologne and I want to bury my face in his coat and breathe him in so I don’t forget it.

  In a low, yet authoritative voice, he says, “I think you know what I want.”

  His words send chills from the top of my head into the opening between my legs. I start to think about those dirty things he’d said to me that had kept me up all night. Standing in front of him, the mental pictures grow stronger. I look at those big hands, those capable fingers, picture them inside of me, twisting and working their magic.

  I suddenly realize in the short while I’ve been in his presence, I’ve become so wet it’s soaked through my jeans. I can feel the frozen air between my legs, cooling it uncomfortably. How am I supposed to go shopping like this? I need to change. No, first I need to take care of this aching need in my core, then a shower, then a change of clothes.

  I look at him and roll my eyes, trying to shake out of his grip on my hand, but he just squeezes tighter, not letting me go. His hands are warm. Mine hurt from being so cold. I look at our laced fingers, the bruises starting to form on his knuckles.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  With a boyish, cocky grin, he simply says, “Holding your hand, what does it look like? Really, Callista, are you always this dense?”

  I cough out incredulous laughter. “Wow, aren’t you charming. How do you manage to get so many women into your bed with a personality like that?”

  I mean, besides his runway good looks and action hero figure.

  “Oh, that one’s easy,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s because of my giant cock.”

  My feet instantly stop moving. But he keeps walking, pulling me forward. I stumble onward and again, he’s towing me like a reluctant puppy not yet leash trained.

  “Keep up,” he says. “We have shopping to do.”

  Without meaning to, I continually sneak peeks at the front of his jeans, hoping they’ll reveal something. It’s been my experience that those who boast their size are generally full of hyperbole when it comes to their package. Maybe that’s his catch. Good looks, little penis. Perhaps all those happy, satisfied women on Twitter got the oral treatment instead. I have to say, it has me more curious than I would like to be.

  As we walk, I notice people staring. I’m getting even more attention than I had in the coffee shop. The streets are teaming with shoppers. Salvation Army Santa Clauses ring bells outside the different stores. The scent of cinnamon and cloves spill out of the bakeries and candy shops as they hand out samples of their holiday wares.

  “You see all these people staring at us too, right? It’s not just me?” I ask.

  I sound paranoid, but it seems all eyes are on us except for a few oblivious handful.

  He shrugs like this sort of thing is an everyday occurrence for him. Maybe it is, but it’s not for me, and it’s starting to get under my skin.

  “Looks that way,” he says

  He pulls out his phone, starts typing. My first thought is that he’s texting the girl he came to town to meet. That paranoid voice in my head tells me he’s just using me to kill time before a date. A feel a spark of jealousy that troubles me. I don’t know this man. Why should I care what he uses me for? I’m glad to have him with me, if I’m being honest. At least this way I won’t have to be constantly looking over my shoulder for assholes who don’t keep their hands to themselves.

  “Maybe it has something to do with this,” he says, showing me his phone. I look at the screen and his Twitter app is open.

  He’s brought up the No-O hashtag, and my stomach instantly flips over when I see that people have tagged me and him in the same tweets.

  I reach into my purse, grabbing my own phone and bring up my account. Right away I notice I have over five hundred new followers. I laugh. I can’t help it. This is insane. All this attention because I can’t seem to have an orgasm during sex. People seriously need to get a life.

  I check the hashtag, and sure enough, the No-O is trending again. Only this time, the O-Maker is in the mix. There are photos of me and Heath walking hand in hand on the street.

  I stop. This time when he tries to tug me forward, I resist. Letting go of his hand, I scroll through the different posts about us. I look up and see people’s phones are out. They’re taking pictures of us right now.

  “People are saying the O-Maker is going to ‘save’ the No-O.” My voice starts to rise, along with my humiliation. I take a breath and try to calm myself. “They’re calling you my hero, and not because you saved me on the train. Apparently, I’m finally going to find my ‘O’ and you’re the Indiana Jones who’s going to excavate it.” I shake my head. “Are these people fucking serious?”

  I keep scrolling down, reading the comments. I shouldn’t. I should just ignore it, let it go and wait for the next dumb thing to trend. You don’t stay trendy for long on Twitter. Every story has its expiration date. But I can’t help myself. I want to know what people are saying.

  I notice a lot of the comments are the same. People say how gorgeous we are together. A power couple. If we ever have children they’ll grace the covers of magazines. Sex with the two of us will be explosive. There’s no way I won’t have an orgasm now. They ask when we’re moving in together, and one woman even says she heard we’re engaged.

  I continue to laugh at the insanity of the whole thing. “These people have lost their minds.” Heath reads the comments over my shoulder. “They act like we’re a couple,” I say.

  “I guess that’s kind of an easy conclusion for them to come to,” he says. “All those pictures show us holding hands, and I am going to fuck you. Which is what couples do, right? I guess that makes us a couple on some level.”

  I just stand there, my mouth gaping open as I stare at him. “Is that an invitation?” he asks. “Because you’ll have to spread your mou
th open much bigger than that if I’m going to fit inside it.” He wags his brow at me.

  I clamp my teeth together hard enough for them to make a sound. He cringes and smiles. “Easy, there. No teeth.”

  “You’re as insane as the rest of these people are,” I say and start to walk away. But I can’t help but think about my lips wrapped around a nice warm cock. It’s been awhile. I’ve always enjoyed sucking dick. I don’t even mind the taste of cum unlike a lot of girls.

  “I never agreed to sleep with you,” I say.

  He grabs me by the waist so suddenly I yelp, and he turns me around so that I face him. He pushes me up against a wall. I see flashes of light in my peripheral vision. People are definitely taking pictures of us, but at the moment I don’t really care. All I’m focusing on is the forceful blue of his eyes as he stares at me.

  He puts his hands over my shoulders, blocking me from getting away. He leans in, getting very close to me, until I can feel his breath on my lips. “You might want to rethink that,” he whispers with a crooked grin. “I can make you feel things you’ve never felt before. It’ll blow your mind.”

  I’m getting wet again. Wetter, I should say. I’ve been wet this entire time. Heart racing, I struggle to catch my breath. Feels like it will explode. My body begs for him to lean in closer, to press up against me. I need something hard between my legs, something to satisfy the hunger pulsing inside of me.

  As if sensing that desperate need from me, he shoves his knee between my thighs, sending a jolt through me. I hadn’t realized I’ve been holding my breath until this point. When I finally let it out, a whimper comes out with it, which makes his wolfish smile grow wider.

  “That face you’re making right now, it’s very close to the one you’ll make when I have you coming and screaming my name,” he says.

  I’m at a loss for words. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Suddenly he steps away from me, his cocky smile gone. “Now,” he says as if he hadn’t just forced me against a wall and made me rethink this whole ‘never having sex with a stranger’ thing,’“let’s go shopping.”


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