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Freeing Lost Souls (The Family Tree Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Tracy Kincaid

  * * *

  I go into town to pick up my costume that Bruce has talked me into getting for the reenactment. I’m not sure why I let him talk me into this, but he promises that he will make sure I have fun.

  I make it to the Rusty Musket Costume shop, walk up to the counter, and ring the bell. Out walks a tall blonde woman in an ivory dress, one that I assume women wore during the Civil War. “Hi, can I help you?”

  “Hi, I’m Sarah Finny. I believe Bruce Wilks called to set up a costume for me.”

  She looks at her computer. As she searches for the order, I look around the shop at tons of Civil War props. God, I wish my dad were here to see all of this. I’ll have to send him a picture of our little group in our costumes. He will freak out when he sees it.

  “Aw, here it is. Let me run in the back to get it. Be right back.” She goes into the back room while I browse. I hear the bell over the door ring, and I turn to see Bruce walk in.

  “Hey, you,” he announces as he walks over to me and gives me a hug. The hugging is a new thing, but I’m fine with it. I would love to melt into his arms someday.

  “Hi, I was just stopping by to get my costume. What are you up to?”

  “Same as you. Figured I had a break from giving tours to swing by and pick up mine.”

  “I thought you had your own.” I laugh.

  “Well, actually I do. I think everyone who has grown up here has had several over the years, but I needed a new one. So I had Mary make me one.” He shrugs.

  “Here you go, Sarah,” Mary states as she comes out of the back. “Oh, hey, Bruce, you here to pick yours up as well?”

  “If it’s ready, I can take it. I was in the area.”

  “Sure, give me a second,” Mary says as she lays my costume on the counter then goes off into the back again.

  “So what are you up to now?” Bruce inquires me.

  “I thought I would get some lunch. How about you?”

  “Would you like to get some lunch together?”

  “Sure, that would be great.”

  Mary comes back to the front, holding a bag for Bruce. “You two need anything else?” she asks.

  “No, I think we have everything we need. Thanks again, Mary. See you soon,” Bruce says.

  “Nice to meet you, Sarah. Have fun this weekend.”

  “Thanks, Mary.”

  After getting our costumes, we put them in our cars then walk to a little sandwich shop on the corner. We get a table outside since it’s such a nice day.

  “So, what is it that we do at this reenactment?” I ask.

  “You will be at one of the hospitals they have set up in town. You’ll be pretending to be a nurse. I’ll be in the Wheatfield, at least during the battle. We just do what they instruct us to do. It’s really easy, actually.”

  “So who decided what we’re doing?” I ask because I find it strange that I’m to be a nurse.

  “Actually, the Historical Society works with the genealogy people. If some of the re-enactors had family in the war, then they base their roles on that. For instance, since Edward Wilks was wounded in the Wheatfield, that is where I’ll be. You, on the other hand, are a woman, not that there is anything wrong with that.” He grins. “But since you had a nurse in the war, they thought the best place for you was the hospital.”

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  “Those who didn’t have anyone in the war fill in where needed. It’s a whole production, really. I just do what they say.”

  “It does sound interesting. I haven’t seen you around much. What have you been up to?” I ask.

  “Tourist season. Why, you miss me?” he teases.

  “Of course. I thought you were my own personal tour guide. I didn’t think I had to share you with anyone,” I tease back.

  “How about I take you out before the craziness starts?”

  “Sure, when?”

  “That depends on what you’d like to do. Are you sick of the Civil War stuff yet? If so, we can go somewhere outside of town and catch a movie or dancing. Or we can stay in town and enjoy the festivities.”

  “You dance?” I laugh.

  “I’ve been known to cut a rug now and then.” He feigns being hurt.

  “Well, I can’t dance worth a damn except what we were doing at the concert, but that really wasn’t dancing, so how about the stuff in town?”

  “Sure, it’s actually not so bad. They have a festival that starts tonight. It’s your typical county fair type stuff, too much deep fried food, carnival rides, the whole nine yards.”

  “Sounds like fun. So when are we going?” I wonder if that is how he sees it.

  “I’m taking a few days off, so if you don’t have anything pressing tomorrow, we could go tonight.”

  “It’s a date, then?” I wish, crossing my fingers like I used to do when I was a kid, hoping something would go my way.

  “It’s a date if you want it to be. No pressure.” He looks at me and blushes.

  “No worries. I was wondering when you were going to ask me out on a real date.”

  “Really? I had no idea.” He smiles, showing those adorable dimples.

  “I thought I gave you enough hints. Guess I’m out of practice.” We both laugh.

  We finish our lunch with small talk. I can’t remember ever being this happy. I’m actually thinking that I could stay here for an extended period. Only one other place has ever made me feel this way, but that didn’t work out and neither did Ned, my ex.

  He was such an ass. We met in California when I was working on some drawings of beach piers. He was your typical surfer boy; blond, blue eyes, and a body to die for. We hit it off right away. We moved in together a few weeks later. Things moved really fast, and I thought he was “the one.” Boy, was I wrong. Things were great in the beginning but then went bad after we got engaged.

  He had lost his job soon after he proposed to me. He was working at his friend’s surf shop, and the friend didn’t like me very much. Ned never told me the exact reason why he lost his job except that they’d had a disagreement. He changed so much when that happened. He was rarely home. He would tell me he was surfing to get his mind off of things. Then we started fighting. My project was almost up, and that was our only income. I kept telling him that he had to get a job, but I could never get through to him.

  The last weekend I was in California he didn’t come home at all. I’d tried calling him, but he didn’t answer, so I’d packed up my belongings and left the ring with a note calling off the engagement. I know that was not the proper way to do it, but he’d left me no choice. He didn’t want to be found. I never heard from him again, and that was ten years ago. I guess we were both too young, anyway.

  After lunch, Bruce and I go our separate ways, agreeing that he would pick me up at five. Now that we are really calling it a date, I’m getting a bit nervous. I don’t know why. We hang out all of the time. I guess it’s the fact that it will mean more than just watching movies.

  Chapter 12

  I have time before Bruce and I are to meet for our date. All of my supplies are with me, so I decide to go to the Wheatfield to give it another shot. I haven’t been back there since I drew the soldier. Maybe I’ll have better luck today.

  As I arrive at the field, I notice that more people are around the battlefields now that the tourist season is upon us. I just hope they leave me alone so I can get some work done. After my usual routine, I begin to draw.

  The weather is perfect, and most people stay away from me. After a short time, I feel rather than see, a group of people watching me. I turn, and it looks as if a tour bus group has joined me. I hear them whispering to each other. “Can I help you?” I ask.

  A little girl from the group walks up to me and asks, “Who’s the man you are drawing?” I turn, look, and sure enough, I’ve drawn the same soldier I drew the last time I was here, I was able to get a bit more done this time, but I hang my head in defeat.

  “I’m not sure,” I explain to her as I
pack up my things.

  The group breaks off to explore something else. I hadn’t noticed, but the Historical Society’s Mr. Banks, was in the group. “Sarah, how are you?”

  “Hi, Mr. Banks. Sorry, I didn’t see you with the group,” I comment, continuing to pack up. I’d rather him not see what I’ve drawn.

  “Actually, I wasn’t with the group. I was walking by and saw the crowd. You sure know how to attract attention.” He chuckles.

  “Yeah, I guess I do.” I laugh too.

  “So, who are you drawing there?” he questions.

  “To tell you the truth, I don’t know. This happened last time I was here. I’ve been avoiding the Wheatfield for this very reason.” I dip my head again.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “I have no idea why this happens here and nowhere else. I was hoping to get the pictures you’d asked for.”

  “You have been giving us the drawings we asked for. This is a great picture, and it’s what you are seeing. Maybe you should take a break and come back another time, then finish what you started so we can see who he is. The men in battle are part of what happened here. If it weren’t for them, this place would not exist. Who knows, maybe someone wants to be found.” He winks.

  “If you say so, I could use a break.”

  “We have tons of stuff coming up this weekend. Take the time off and explore for yourself. Are you going to the reenactment?”

  “Yes, my friend Bruce talked me into being in it. I will be a nurse at the makeshift tent by the Irish Brigade Monument on Sickles Ave.”

  “Teresa Parker and I will be there. We both knew people in that hospital.”

  “Oh, good. At least I’ll know someone, and I’ll finally meet Ms. Parker.” I look at my watch and realize if I don’t hurry, I’ll be late for my date. “Well, I should get going. I am going out with a friend tonight, and I need to get ready.”

  “Don’t let me keep you. And don’t let the Wheatfield get you down. Come back another time, like I said. What you have so far is great, and maybe we will be able to figure out who your soldier is someday.”

  “I will. Thanks again. See you at the reenactment.” I gather my set-up and go home.

  * * *

  I set Buc up with Sally for a sleepover. This way Bruce and I don’t have to rush home for any reason. I shower and find a baby blue summer dress that hugs me in all the right places, with just the right amount of cleavage, and a pair of low-heeled sandals to wear. I don’t usually wear a dress, but it’s warm and it’s a date, so I thought I should put in some effort. A little makeup and an attempt at a hairdo, and I’m ready to go when Bruce knocks at five sharp.

  I open the door, and Bruce is standing at the door with a bouquet of wildflowers, it appears he picked from a field. No one has ever done that for me before. How romantic. “Please come in.” I move aside.

  He stays at the door, looking from my head to my feet and back up again before saying, “You look beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a dress before. You have great legs. Here, these are for you.” He smiles as he hands me the flowers.

  “Thank you. I don’t usually dress up, but I thought I’d try something different tonight.” I take the flowers to the kitchen and put them in a vase with water. “So what’s the plan?”

  “The festivities will get ready to start in about an hour. I thought we could get there a little bit early and take a walk. That’s if you’re all right with that.” He looks good in his blue jeans and a crisp button-down white shirt. He’s actually wearing cowboy boots.

  “Are you wearing boots?” I smile.

  “Yeah, I tried to dress up a bit, too. This was the best I could do.” He shrugs.

  “I like it. Shall we go?”

  “Sure, what about Buc?” he inquires as he looks around the room for him.

  “He’s spending the night with Sally tonight, so we don’t have to rush home.”

  “Good, then let’s make a night of it, shall we?” He holds out his arm, and I slip mine through his as we walk out the door.

  We make our way to his truck, where he opens the door for me before getting in himself.

  “Such a gentleman.”

  “I try.” He grins as he starts the truck and drives off. Since we have changed the clocks, it stays light out later. It’s nice not to have any obligations for a day or two, just to relax and have fun. “So, what did you do this afternoon?”

  “I went back to the Wheatfield. It’s the first time I’ve gone back since meeting you.”

  “Really? How did it go this time?”

  “The same damn thing happened. I did get a bit further with his face this time, but I still can’t make out who he is. It’s so frustrating. I actually had a group of people watching me, including Mr. Banks. It’s so embarrassing.”

  “What did Banks say?”

  “He said to take a few days off and then go back and try to finish the drawing. It’s not what they asked for, but maybe if I get this guy down on paper, he’ll leave me alone.”

  “Don’t get yourself down. This is to be a fun date. Put him out of your mind for now.” He reaches over and puts his hand on my knee, and I feel that tickle down my spine again.

  “Sounds good to me.” We make our way to the Visitor Center where they have tents set up all over the place. We park the car and go for a walk away from all of the activity.

  “There is a nice place over here where we can watch the sunset if you want. I know it doesn’t set for a while, but I can at least show you, and if you want to come back we can.”

  “Sure.” We walk through some tall trees. A path cleared, so it’s an easy walk. However, they really did a good job preserving the area. Finally, we come to a break in the trees where we can see over the hill to the west. The sun is just starting to make its descent, and it’s breathtaking. You can see some of the battlefields, indistinctly, but they’re there. We walk over to a bench and sit down.

  “What do you think?” He takes my hand and holds it; he hasn’t done that before. His hand feels warm and strong in mine, and it makes me tingle all over.

  “I think I would like to come back here and draw it. It’s beautiful here.” I can’t take my eyes off of the horizon. It’s wonderful, and the sky is starting to change colors. “I haven’t been over here before. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I like to come up here when I want to get away. Not too many people come over here. They only come for the battlefields and miss this.” He looks off at the horizon before he turns to look at me.

  I turn to him and smile. “What are you looking at?”

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he exclaims as he grabs a stray hair and places it behind my ear. We look into each other’s eyes for a moment, then he leans closer, lifting his hand up to caress my cheek before we kiss.

  Everything feels so right. I’m glad we took our time getting to know each other. I fold my arms around his neck and run my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to make the kiss deeper. I’ve wanted this for several months, and I’m so happy it’s happening now.

  We break apart and smile at each other in that embarrassed after-the-first-kiss look. Sitting back on the bench, we watch the show in the sky. “I’ve wanted to do that for several months. It was better than I imagined it would be,” I whisper.

  “I had no idea you wanted anything. I figured that since you move so much, you wouldn’t want anything to happen. But the more I’m around you, the more I want you,” he claims as he puts an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close, taking my hand up and intertwining our fingers.

  “I guess I’m out of practice when it comes to sending signals. My last relationship ended badly, and I didn’t think my heart would want to open up again.”

  “Would you tell me about it?”

  I tell him the story of Ned and me. “It was such a long time ago. I never stayed anywhere long enough after that to try a relationship again.”

  “Thank you for sharing that with me.
My last relationship ended badly as well. It didn’t get as far as yours did, thank God. I was about to propose when I found Julie with another man. We were to meet at our favorite restaurant. I arrived a bit early so I could set things up with the restaurant. I glanced across the street, and she was all over this guy. When she saw me, she walked over and said she didn’t want to be with me anymore. I’m glad it all happened before I’d proposed.” He runs his fingers up and down the arm that is close to him, absentmindedly. We sit a while longer, watching the colors change in the sky. Off in the distance, we hear a cannon fire. I hear them go off every now and then throughout the day.

  “The cannon is the start of the festival. Should we make our way over?”

  “Sure,” I answer as we both stand up. I take a step, but before I can take another, he grips my wrist and turns me toward him, leans in, and kisses me again. We wrap our arms around each other for a full body kiss. The shoes I’m wearing make me almost the same height as him. I moan into him because it feels that good to be in his arms and to be kissing him.

  He breaks away from me and rests his forehead against mine. “God, you smell good.”

  “As much as I would love to just be in your arms all night, you promised me a night out.”

  He smiles and kisses my forehead before taking my hand and guiding us back to where the festivities are.

  “There you are,” Benny yells from across the street. He runs over to where we’re standing. “Where have you guys been, and since when do you hold hands?” He raises his eyebrows.

  “Hi, Benny,” I say. He’s such a loud mouth, it’s embarrassing sometimes.

  Bruce looks at me and chuckles. “We went for a walk. What are you up to? I thought you weren’t coming tonight.”

  “Well, I wasn’t going to, but decided that since you were going to be here, I might as well join the celebration too. You know, I got bored.” Oh bummer, a third wheel for our date.

  Bruce looks at me and gives me a strange smile, like maybe he is thinking the same thing I am. “Benny, I haven’t been to this before, so why don’t you and Bruce show me a good time?” I announce, letting Bruce off the hook from having to turn his friend away.


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