Wolf (Black Angels MC Book 2)

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Wolf (Black Angels MC Book 2) Page 10

by A. E. Fisher

  I was quicker this time, leaning over with the cue and lining it up. I paused. Just as I was about to move my cue, my eyes were drawn to Anna as she leaned over the table, her tits falling in front of my face as she tried to distract me. I couldn’t help myself as my eyes wandered up the fleshy skin, following the dip of her collarbone, up the thin tendons in her neck, over her lips and flushed cheeks, all the way to those narrowed baby blue eyes.

  I could see lust blazing underneath the carefully constructed surface that made her seem as though she was just pissed and daring. But she couldn’t hide it from me. Not being this close. Not when I could see the way her nipples hardened the longer she kept her eyes on me.

  I wondered if she was wet for me. I bet if I took a deep breath now, I’d be able to smell her sweet juices from here. I wondered if they’d taste the same as they smelled.

  The thought was too much for me, and I was nearing the end of my tether. But I hadn’t given up my challenge to Anna just yet. So just for her, I made sure to keep my eyes on hers, keeping my gaze away from the table as I moved my cue forward.

  I heard the loud crack of the ball in the silence of the room, and then the growing noises of tension from the crowd as two more softer cracks filled the room. And finally, the soft click as two more balls dropped into the pockets.

  The room went wild at pulling off pocketing two balls without looking, but it didn’t take long before they all began chanting.

  “Off! Off! Off!” they demanded.

  Anna bit down on her lip, but despite her annoyance, she wasn’t the type to back down from a bet. She reached to her waist, her fingers hooking around the edge of her black panties, beginning to move them down her hips.

  That’s as far as she got.

  I abandoned the cue stick, ducked my head to her bare waist, my hands going around the back of her knees, and stood. She squealed as I felt her cushioned breasts land against my bare back, her hands grasping the waist of my jeans to stop herself from falling.

  The boys yelled out as I turned and walked past them. They all bitched and cried, and whatever the fuck those pussies did for taking her away, but I ignored the lot of them as I made my way back to my room. I heard Anna’s gasp as her hands slipped from my jeans, her nipples brushing up against my back. Even I came to a stop as her hands quickly scrambled to grab my waist again and lift her breasts away from my skin.

  I continued walking, kicking my door open with my boot before setting her down and turning to shut it, cutting off the rest of the noise from the club.

  I turned back to Anna, who had a deep scowl on her face as she stood there with her arms folded across her tits. She hid her nipples, but the rest of her breasts just spilled out over the top of her arms. “You played me, you bastard!” she snapped, making her boobs jump.

  “I did the exact same thing you were doing,” I argued, my eyes watching as her nipples slip into view above her arm. My eyes then scanned the rest of her body, tuning out whatever comeback she had as I admired the tiny black lace panties and the red boots. “I sank two more,” I reminded her, cutting off whatever she was in the middle of ranting. I pointed my hand to her black panties, and just like she had with the cue, I demanded, “Off.”

  Anna’s eyes flashed with a bout of lust, but she quickly smothered it under her glare. “You can’t be serious.”

  I took a long stride into her space, close enough to smell her hot, spicy scent as her eyes went to mine. My voice was low and husky when I repeated, “Off.”

  I kept my eyes on her, curious as to what she would do. Her eyes grew rounder in a small moment of panic as I saw her mind running through any and every excuse to get her out of this one.

  I’d had a piss-poor day, and it had only gotten worse until I walked into that room. I was still wound up from the news, and I knew the best way to blow off steam was to find Anna. It was a way to get rid of the tension without having to shove my dick in some club whore. Our little dance managed to temporarily dissipate some of our growing lust for each other and allowed us to go on for another day without breaching our unwritten contract.

  I marked all the possible weapons around me and waited for her assault.

  It was easy to imagine how surprise I was when her hands reached for her panties. Her tits fell free as she curled her red nails and small fingers underneath the black lace. My eyes stayed on her action when, in slow, soft movements, the black lace traveled over her large thighs and down her calves, past her leather boots, and then onto the floor beneath her heels.

  When she straightened, her gaze timidly reaching up to mine, the girl in front of me had done a whole one-eighty. Dressed in her underwear, she had been giving me shit, but now, her body exposed to me—her boots excluded—she looked shy, and the pink flush on her cheeks had turned into a deep red blush.

  I’d figured I’d only tease her and then let her escape. She normally never let it go this far, and part of me wanted to say it was the alcohol, but I could see her eyes had long since grown sober. But now she stood in front of me all shy and innocent, and whatever restraint I’d had was gone. This contract was done.

  My lips crashed against hers with such a force I heard her gasp in surprise. But it soon changed into a moan as my lips sucked her tongue from her mouth before my own plundered in. My hand reached up into her short hair, tugging on it until she tilted her head back to relieve the pressure, allowing me more access.

  I nearly came at just the inhibited taste of her spicy, hot flavor. Her tongue fought with mine in a battle of desire as I felt that feisty fire revive inside her. Her hands reached for my head, her fingers grasping my hair and pulling me closer to her.

  My hands reached around her bare ass, lifting her body up against my chest, her red boots wrapping around my waist. Her bare pussy landed on my stomach, and I groaned at the warmth of her wetness pressing against my skin.

  We kept up our frenzy of kisses, both of us refusing to give up to the other, until my hands squeezed the round globes of her ass, forcing her legs to clamp tighter around me as she groaned, allowing me to plunge deeper, taking control of the kiss at last.

  I stepped forward, feeling my shins hit the bed, and wasted no time in dropping her onto the mattress and pressing myself down on top of her.

  The kiss broke for a second, and she gave a short gasp before I reached up and covered her mouth with mine again. She groaned as my hands slid down her bare thighs and pushed them wider to accommodate my broad build until our pelvises were pressed against each other. When my jeans rubbed against her wet pussy, Anna let out a groan of appreciation.

  My hands reached down between us, my finger finding her hard clit and pressing down. The kiss broke on her loud whimper as I rubbed my finger in circles. I placed kisses down across her collarbone before my lips found her nipple and I sucked one into my mouth. I matched my sucking and licking with the timing of my finger rubbing her clit. My other hand released her hair then came down to her other nipple and pinched it.

  She began to wriggle beneath me, but I applied more of my weight to her body, pinning her in place.

  My mind blurred as my lips abandoned her nipple and moved down her stomach, her skin rising to meet my lips with every heavy pant of breath.

  I paused above her mound, my teeth aching to sink into the bare, flawless skin of her pussy. “I’m going to fuck you with my tongue, got it?” I growled.

  I looked up to where Anna’s blue eyes were staring down at me in anticipation.

  “Got it?” I repeated, leaning down to blow a breath over her clit.

  “I got it,” she said in a rushed breath. “I got it.”

  The thought possessed me, and I lifted her legs up over my shoulders, her red heels digging into the skin on my back as I leaned my face down to her glistening pussy. I took a long, deep breath, smelling the scent of Anna that I had spent three long years longing for. It filled my nose like a drug, and my mouth buried deep into her folds before I could even think about it. My tongue lashed aga
inst her, each time rewarding me with a moan as her hips lifted off the bed.

  I splayed one hand over her stomach, pinning her to the bed as I moved my mouth up to her clit and sucked it into my mouth.

  “Wolf!” she cried in desperation, and I found my body halting.

  It was as if her voice had turned a switch in me, and I was rising away from her in seconds. Her eyes darted to me with confusion and panic as I stepped away.

  I reached for my jeans, undoing my belt and letting it drop to pile on the floor. “Two items had to come off,” I said. I knew the rules meant two had to come off her, but there was no way in fuck I was letting her take those boots. Which meant my jeans were coming off instead.

  Her eyes immediately dropped down to my erection, standing at attention as her eyes glistened over it. They darkened in lust, but at the same time, I saw a clarity breaking through as she realized I was doing the complete opposite of running away.

  “Wolf...,” she said with caution, but there was no stopping me now. I had long since grown tired of our game. Three years was long enough, and tonight, I didn’t have it in me to walk away from her again. She had nearly died only a few days ago, and seeing her bare and watching her desires cave for me, I couldn’t resist.

  No more.

  Anna must have seen the look in my eyes when hers surged with a single flash of panic until I knelt in front of her, my tip lining up in front of her entrance, and I watched with pleasure as her lust took control.

  “Put your hands on the headboard,” I ordered, my eyes watching her carefully.

  Anna’s gaze flickered between the headboard and me.

  “Now,” I demanded, my hands wrapping around her waist. My eyes held hers with an unrelenting force. “I’ve had to wait three years for this moment, Anna, and gentle just ain’t in my nature anymore.”

  “But I thought—” Anna began, her eyes flickering down to her pussy.

  “When you come, you’re going to come around my dick, and you’re going to scream my name,” I told her, pressing my tip against her entrance.

  Anna opened her mouth, but I’d had enough of her arguing. Feeling her pussy throb against my dick tore my last tether of self-control to shreds.

  Her words turned into a shocked gasp as I surged into her. She was so fucking tight that I had to hold myself together to stop myself from coming straight there and then. I fought through, taking deep breaths, looking down at Anna as her eyes closed in pleasure, her tight walls accommodating my size. I had waited three long years for this pussy, and the feeling of her velvet walls hugging my dick was better than I’d ever fucking imagined. The more I realized how long I’d been anticipating this moment, the more my impatience grew.

  I knew Anna hadn’t completely adjusted yet, but I couldn’t stay still any longer. “Anna,” I growled, my voice cracking on the sound.

  Her blue eyes flickered open, looking up to meet mine.

  “Don’t close your eyes.” With that, I pulled back, watching as she gasped in surprise, before I surged back in, filling her to the brim as she let out a long, loud groan.

  I pulled back again, watching her face every time I pushed my length back in until we began a steady rhythm that got faster and faster with every thrust.

  “Harder,” Anna demanded, her heels digging into my ass. I removed all reserves I had and thrust into her with all my strength. She cried out in pleasure, her hands finally reaching to grab the headboard to stop herself from falling off the bed. I did it again and again until she let out a cry louder than the rest.

  Found it.

  I pulled out and leaned back, both of my hands going to her hips, her legs sliding down to my thighs as I repositioned myself against her entrance. I pushed back into her, the angle and the speed making it possible to hit that perfect spot, and I saw as the intensity of her pleasure cross her face. Her delirious cries filled my room as I filled her over and over and over again until I felt her tight cunt ripple around my dick and her thighs tighten like a vice around my hips. I leaned forward, my body covering hers again as I leaned my mouth over her neck and bit down.

  Anna’s orgasm hit her hard and fast, and her walls clamped around my dick with all her strength as she cried out her pleasure.

  I was only two thrusts behind her as I crashed back into her pussy, my dick exploding inside of her as my own orgasm rocked through me.

  As we both came down, I pulled my teeth from her neck, placing a soft kiss against the bruised skin before I sat back.

  I pulled out, watching as some of my cum leaked from between her legs before dropping down beside her. Our heavy, panting breaths mingled as we lay there, our hot, sweaty skin clinging to each other. Only a minute more passed before Anna turned to move away, but I didn’t let her. My arm circled around her waist, dragging her back toward me.

  “Wolf—” she began, but I cut her off with a hard kiss against her mouth.

  “Got to sleep,” I demanded, dropping my back down into the mattress.

  “At least let me—”


  I heard the soft sound of Anna’s readied breath one more time, but thankfully, nothing followed and she didn’t argue anymore. My hand reached up to the light switch just above the headboard, sinking the room in darkness as I pushed all and any thought away, figuring I’d deal with it in the morning. I buried my head into Anna’s neck, feeling the small ridges of the bite marks on her neck as I let sleep sweep me away.

  Chapter Ten


  I abandoned my boots at the side of the bed and ignored the stickiness between my thighs as I tiptoed across the hard, wooden floors. The ground was shockingly cold compared to the cocoon of dense heat I had been sleeping in, and I felt goose bumps run up my calves as I stopped to pick up the outfit of clothes I had already laid out so I wouldn’t be rushed into any outfit like I had been yesterday morning. I also became aware of the fact that I had left my stripped clothes in a pile on the floor of the pool room, and had already accepted that the club girls would have claimed them for their own.

  I held back my sigh, sneaking into the bathroom and putting my clothes on the toilet. I wanted to lock the door, but I couldn’t risk making a sound. Wolf may sleep like the dead, and any attempt to wake him was more or less futile, but I had a feeling fate wouldn’t be kind enough to let me rely on that fact. If I were to lock the door, I’d bet it’d be the one time Wolf was sleeping light enough to hear it. Not to mention, the reason he slept as soundly he did usually was because his blood toxicity levels were through the roof, and since he didn’t even drink a drop of whiskey before passing out last night, I couldn’t rule out the possibility that he was naturally a light sleeper.

  So, I gave up on the lock but thanked God that the walls were soundproofed as I turned on the shower.

  I opened the shower door to step in but paused as I caught my reflection in the mirror. My eyes went straight to the mark on my shoulder. Deep red teeth imprints stood out against my pale skin like a prostitute in a nunnery as my skin purpled beneath each mark, the color almost as dark as my tattoo’s ink. That wasn’t all. Small but faint bruises wrapped around my thighs in the shape of big, muscular hands that had held my legs around his waist, stopping me from falling off the bed while he had pounded into me over and over again.

  I quickly looked away, ignoring the hot flush that channeled through my body, and stepped under the shower’s warm spray, loving the way the heat bled into my aching muscles.

  I stood there for a long time, my eyes looking down as if pondering what bottle of shampoo to use despite there only being one, while my mind crawled inside my skull.

  I shouldn’t have done that. The voice in my mind said it with a resignation that allowed me to accept that what we just did had been long since overdue. Ever since I had met Wolf, we were like two freight trains on the same track; we only had so much track between us, and at last, we finally collided.

  It had been a hot and wonderful disaster, as I knew it would be.
The sex was amazing; my tired and worn muscles were the epitome of our clash in the sheets. I wasn’t a virgin, but sex with Wolf was a whole new shade of color. The man had reached me where no other man had been capable of touching before. He’d built me up to a new height, and the ride back down was a roller coaster.

  Now I was stepping off the ride and bathing in the aftermath of our lust.

  My hand reached down to smooth over my now clean thighs, the traces of Wolf having been washed down the drain.

  He had fucked me bare.

  If the breach of our relationship had knocked me off balance, this floored me. Wolf would be the last person to fuck anybody bare. Not if it meant risking everything on the 0.01 percent chance that my birth control pill would fail.

  My arm reached up, as did my other, and they wrapped around my chest, hugging myself as if to comfort me from the sudden loss of stability.

  I stood there a moment longer, my forlorn feelings turning into annoyance at myself for acting like some pathetic girl. Wolf fucked me. So what? That didn’t mean anything had to change. I was strong. Fucking a man once, no matter how great the sex was, wasn’t something that should concern me.

  Riled up at myself, I reached for his shampoo and squeezed a dollop—perhaps a little too big—into my hands before rubbing it into my hair. I was midway through rinsing it when hands came around my hips.

  I let out a sharp gasp, turning on the huge man as he dropped his head beneath the shower’s spray. His dark brown hair, peppered with gray and white streaks, soaked up the water, darkening the color. The strands stuck to his chiseled face as it turned up toward the showerhead. I hated the way my eyes ate him up. I became mesmerized by a tiny drop of water as it rolled down his strong face, then down the edges of his shadowed jaw, following it down his thick neck into the dip of his collarbone. It pooled for a moment and then broke free of the crevice and slid between his crafted pecks, dusted with a dark layer of chest hair and prominent abdominal muscles with a dark trail leading past his pelvis and then down to his...


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