Wolf (Black Angels MC Book 2)

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Wolf (Black Angels MC Book 2) Page 11

by A. E. Fisher

  A growl made my eyes jump back up. His eyes were fixed on my face, his body leaning over my short stature, arms pressed against the wall by my head and behind me as he closed me in. The water from the shower cascaded over his face before it dripped onto my shoulder and across my back, the warm heat now feeling like a scalding burn as it trailed my spine.

  I swallowed, my eyes not leaving his dark brown ones as they leaned closer to mine. His face was shadowed from the bright bathroom light, which gave his hard face a deep sharpness.

  “What are you doing?” he growled, his voice husky and cracked from sleep.

  “I… uh…” I broke my eyes away from his. They went to the small gap between me and the shower door and the door that was key to my escape that lay beyond it. “I was just leaving.”

  “I don’t think you were,” Wolf growled, his body closing in on my tiny bubble of space. I stepped to the side, attempting to duck under his arm in the gap, but he saw it coming and stepped in my way before I could take a single step. When I went to the other side, he did the same thing, each time his body moving closer and closer. My space diminished, and I felt my back hit the wet, cold tiles of the wall. I let out a gasp at the cold touch.

  Wolf took advantage of my surprise and pushed his body up against mine. He held me against the wall as his hot shaft pressed against the base of my stomach. His eyes narrowed on my body, but having me trapped made the rest of him relax as his hands came down from the wall, reaching to the sides of my face. The room was filled only with the monotonous sounds of the shower hitting the floor, the both of us now moved out of the way of its spray. My body broke out in goose bumps, and the heat of his hands felt as if they were burning through my skin as they moved down my jaw, my neck, and my shoulders, his eyes tracing the path.

  He paused over the bite indentations on my skin, his fingers running over them softly before moving them away. His head came down and his mouth fixed over the marks, making me whimper as his tongue traced each ridge with its tip.

  Heat burst up from my core, lighting my body with a feverish quiver that made me feel as if Wolf had only been buried between my legs moments ago. “Wolf,” I breathed, my hand reaching for his hip as I steadied myself against the bathroom wall. When his teeth raked over the mark, my thighs clamped closed, trapping his long shaft between them.

  A reverberating growl came from the depth of his chest, so dark and deep and rough in a way I’d never heard it ever before that my body tensed at the sound. His mouth abandoned my neck, his eyes taking on a feral sharpness as they locked onto mine. He kept his focus on me as he slowly pulled his hips back, his dick pulling away from between my soft thighs until only the tip was pressed between them.

  A long, hard groan came from his lips as he slowly pushed it back in.

  The small action made me feel hot and dirty as he pulled out of my thighs again before thrusting back in. My damp thighs were coated with a second layer of wetness, and Wolf growled his appreciation as he slid his dick out and in as far as he could before his tip came out the other side, just brushing against the globes of my ass. My eyes settled on the few inches that my thighs didn’t cover, and I couldn’t resist as my hands went down between us, reaching for him.

  “No touching.” Wolf’s sharp voice had my hands freezing. I looked up to where his arms were both pressed tightly against the seemingly small shower cube, his hands tightly squeezed into hard, white fists. Seeing him on the end of his tether with his dick pressed between my legs spurred me to move. This man was at my mercy, and the idea of it made my body buzz with boldness.

  “Fuck your rules,” I purred, my hand reaching down and encircling the remaining length of his dick. He hissed as my fingers wrapped around him, my nails grazing his wide shaft as my small hands just fit around his width.

  Wolf’s mouth clamped down shut, his jaw ticking with the tension he was using to keep his teeth pressed together. His whole body flinched as I squeezed, his pupils dilating with pleasure.

  “Move,” I demanded, my other hand pushing against his hip.

  He growled at me, his eyes flashing with annoyance at my tone, but he was soon lost to his desire as his hips coaxed back out from between my wet thighs and hand. I parted my legs and lifted his dick, repositioning him a few inches higher so my wetness touched his length. I closed my thighs back around him, watching his muscles tense at the pressure before he pushed his hips forward.

  His chest vibrated with a deep rumble as he pulled his dick back out and then in again, his body building up a steady pressure. My hand worked the rest of his length at the same time, alternating between squeezing my tights and my hand and watching his strong façade falter just a moment as he teetered on the edge of insanity. Controlling him like this made me go crazy with power. I had this big, almost seven-foot Russian ex-con motorcycle club president literally in the palm of my hands.

  He must have seen the look in my eyes because he gave a warning growl, one of many different ones he had mastered, and pushed his hips forward suddenly. His dick pressed up against my folds and my whole body flinched at the sudden blast of pressure through my core.

  Wolf didn’t stop there. He pulled back and thrust forward, making sure his dick slid with slick ease through my lips. I moaned, my hand weakening around him as he moved faster. His shaft rubbed along my core; it was like the table had suddenly turned and I found my own hands reaching out to his arms to steady myself against him.

  The sound of the shower drowned out my gasps and moans and whimpers as I built higher and higher, and when I thought I couldn’t go much more, Wolf pulled out further, his dick catching my clit as he rammed back in.

  My orgasm hit me like a sledgehammer, and I cried out at the burst of pleasure that flooded me. Wolf moved like a powerful, fluid beast as his hands came up under my ass, picking me up off the ground, and pushed his dick straight into my core. With two hard thrusts, heat burst through my abdomen.

  Wolf held me tightly as the two of us rode down from our highs, my body quivering against his rock-solid mass before he teetered forward and his head dropped down against my neck.

  We both leaned against the wall, panting and quivering in the aftermath of our pleasure for what felt like the longest time before Wolf pulled out, lowered me to my feet, and stepped back underneath the water.

  He reached for the shampoo, pouring it into his hands before reaching up and massaging it into his hair. I watched him for a long minute, still resting against the tile walls now, covered in sweat. “What are you doing?”

  “Washing my hair,” he said, putting his head underneath the water as all the suds washed away and down the drain. “Come here.” Before I could answer, his hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me forward. Cold soap pressed against my skin as Wolf moved his hands across my body, starting at my shoulders and working his way down. I watched silently as his hands smoothed over every curve as if savoring each one.

  His hands slid down between my thighs, and the muscles flinched at his touch. My hand reached to his shoulder to steady myself as he rubbed close to my sensitive center before moving away again. He washed away his cum without blinking as it slid down my leg.

  “What are we doing?” I whispered, too tired and raw to beat down my growing concern.

  Wolf didn’t flinch as he continued his path down my calf, soothing the soap over my pale skin. “Don’t label it.”

  “Three years, Wolf,” I said. “Three years we played this game, and now it’s finally over, so I want to know what it is we’re doing.”

  He sighed, placing the soap back on the holder in the shower before rising to stand. His dark brown eyes looked into mine, the height difference between us feeling non-existent as he reached out and smoothed a hand over his mark on my shoulder. “We’re doing what you’ve been running from for three years.”

  “Me?” I scoffed. “You were running just as much as I was.”

  “You think the reason I didn’t take you was because I was running from you?” Wo
lf shook his head, the water from his long hair flicking against the shower walls. “I wanted you since the second you walked through those doors demanding I make you my lawyer. And I know you’ve wanted me, too. But you know what else? You were hesitant. Every time I came close, I saw your walls go up. For whatever reason, you thought you couldn’t have me. You’ve got your past; I’ve got mine. Your past taught you not to get close. Mine taught me that you have to hold on to what you got while you got it.” His hand wrapped around the back of my neck, his fingers tightening around the muscles until my head tilted back. He leaned forward, his dark eyes pinning mine. “I waited for you, Anna. But after the other day, the waiting is over. No more running away.” His hand came down and ran a finger through my sore pussy. “This is now mine. You’re going to come around my dick screaming my name every time, and that’s all you’re allowed to do. I’m not going to fuck you with a condom on. I’m clean, and I know you’re on the pill, so bare is the only way you’re allowed to take me. You’re mine now, Anna. And nothing is going to stop me from taking you.”

  With that, his mouth crashed down on mine, his force almost overwhelming me as his tongue plundered into my mouth, tasting every inch of me, touching what he could reach as if he had to have every part of me, dragging desires I had tried to suppress to the surface as my body raged with a fire I was beginning to think would never be sated as he showed me everything I could have. Everything I told myself I didn’t want. Everything I fooled myself into believing I didn’t need.

  Wolf pulled away, releasing me as he stepped back and out of the shower’s spray, leaving me standing there under the water, my body on fire. His eyes raked down over my quivering body, and with a wide, devilish smile, he opened the shower door.

  “No touching the showerhead,” he commanded as he stepped out into the bathroom and shut the shower door behind him.

  I stood there for all of a second in shock after he left me there, obviously with the intention of getting me hot for him again and leaving me hanging. My lust turned to annoyance, and a loud voice rose from my chest. “Fuck you!” I seethed, reaching for the showerhead.

  I heard his laugh as he shut the bathroom door.

  Fat bastard.

  Chapter Eleven


  “I wasn’t going to ask, but I’ve changed my mind,” I began, watching as Lamb’s gaze cut to me. I was ignoring his advice, and from the looks of it, Lamb wasn’t surprised at all. He’d spent the whole ten years we’d known each other picking apart my personality for his own amusement, and in return, I ended up seeing all of his. I knew all the sides of Lamb, including the darker sides he hid from the rest of the brothers.

  I looked among my club brothers, watching as curiosity painted their faces. “We reckon this bastard wants a certain person for some kind of personal grudge or whatever. When he passed on the message, the key should have known who he was. I trust you bastards enough that you would tell me if you had connections to a person who would interest this guy.” I paused, giving them a moment in case anyone had anything they wanted to confess. But when no one spoke and the brothers looked around at each other expectantly, I carried on. “This means we still don’t know who this guy wants. It seems none of you know him personally, but someone you know has a connection, so I want you to make sure the people close to you don’t know him.”

  “What about the girls?” Jax asked. Of course, the girls would be the first thing that came to mind.

  “We’ll get Baby or Anna to check them,” Lamb answered, looking to me for a final approval. “They’re more likely to get straight answers from them. They’ll clam up if they think they’re in trouble.”

  I nodded. Most of the girls had the same deal as the guys. There were only so many ways a girl could end up at an MC club, and the majority of them weren’t good.

  “Right. Do that. But remember, boys, loyalty is what protects the club because—”

  “If the brothers have our backs, then we’ve got our brothers’ backs,” Jax interrupted.

  “And that’s what keeps us alive,” Pretty finished, bumping fists with Jax as the two gave me a childish grin.

  “Cocky shits,” I grumbled.

  Jax and Pretty shared a laugh between them, and I watched Mint look away from them, hoping not to have any part in their antics. Just like the night of drinking, I doubted Mint would be able to escape. He was a part of the younger sect of the club, and the young ones all liked to group together, with Jax normally being their ringleader.

  My eyes moved over to Hunter, wondering if he had anything to add, and from the amused smirk he had on his mouth directed at Jax and Pretty, he had obviously been beaten to the punch. Hunter was thirty-seven, making him the oldest of the little shits, but considering I’d known him when he’d been running around the clubhouse at sixteen, following his older brother everywhere, he would forever be a kid to me.

  When he caught my eyes, his smile dropped. Only a second later, a knock sounded on the door and Hunter was the first out of his chair. Jax mouthed something to him along the lines of “pussy” as Hunter reached for the door, earning Jax the finger.

  Hunter swung the door open, and a tall, dark-haired Amazonian woman stood behind it. Hunter leaned down, and Baby quickly spoke in his ear. The lightened mood in the room faded quickly as Hunter straightened back up and swung his head around until his jade eyes hit mine.

  “Reaper,” was all he had to say. I was out of my chair in a flash. I abandoned my gavel and stormed past Hunter and Baby with the brothers following me through the clubhouse.

  My eyes scanned the entire room, and of course, Anna wasn’t there. Instead, my eyes found her ass standing by the gate with her hands on her hips as I came out the door and into the car lot.

  The biker had his face covered with a gray face mask, his helmet hiding the rest of his head. Behind him, two other Reapers sat on their bikes, covered in a similar fashion, so it was impossible to tell the three apart. But I didn’t have to recognize them to see the one who rose from his bike to come to the gate was the messenger.

  Anna whirled to see me standing there, and she must have read the anger on my face, because whatever she opened her mouth to say, she snapped it shut pretty quickly and stepped aside next to Pipe as I came through.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I snapped. Even though I asked, I had a pretty good guess why he was here.

  His eyes, shaded by his helmet, scanned across the metal gate.

  “I’m not fucking opening it, so you might as well state your business and get lost.” I folded my arms over my chest.

  “Charon wants a meet,” he said, his voice deep and timbered. He was of an average build for a biker and didn’t have anything to identify him by.

  “Then why didn’t the fucker come here himself? Last time I checked, he was still a dumb enough fuck to come onto my compound without permission.”

  His eyes narrowed, obviously pissed at my disrespect, before he shook his head and the emotion disappeared. “Figured this time you wouldn’t be so welcoming, considering you’re on lockdown. Can’t have our prez having his head blown off,” he explained.

  I let my eyes drop away to scan his vest, noticing the V.P. badge on his chest. It looked like the big, mysterious biker group liked dealing with their business personally. Color me surprised.

  “Where?” I said. I noticed Lamb on the edges of the group. Instead of watching the brothers, he was watching me. He had probably long since finished looking them over and instead was reading me.

  “Connie’s in Redwood,” he answered. “Third booth in the back. He said you can bring the spunky blonde if you like.”

  I saw Anna’s spine straighten out of the corner of my eye and quickly shot her a glare. Her head then snapped to me and redirected her fight. She faced my glare with one of her own, but thankfully didn’t say anything and instead huffed, folding her hands over her chest and looking away. Yeah, no way in hell was she going.

  I looked back to the Gri
m Reaper’s vice president. “Two hours,” I replied to the rider. He nodded.

  The brothers and I remained a united front as we watched the Reaper to get back on his bike and them to fire up their engines. We waited until they had pulled out and driven long out of sight before I turned and led the group back to the club.

  The girls looked up as we stepped in, scanning us for any signs of harm. At their relief, some of the kids got the go-ahead to start running around and playing within the small confines of the clubroom.

  I didn’t want to head back into Church, so I just called to Lamb, Jax, and Ripper above the crowd. “You’re with me. We leave in ten.”

  I wanted to give those Grim Reapers time to get the fuck out of our town and had a certain blonde to corner before I left.

  Lamb came up to my side as I carried on toward my office. “He picked a place outside of town,” Lamb stated.

  “Yeah, I don’t like it,” I replied. I pulled out a key from my pocket; then we entered my office. “Which is why I’m not taking many. I don’t know what Charon’s up to having us meet outside of town, but it’s not good. I don’t want to leave the club unprotected. I want you to get a proper read on the guy, tell me if he’s holding back.”

  Lamb nodded. “I’ll go get my shit.”

  I dropped into my office chair, putting the key in the lock above my drawer. I pulled it open, seeing my .500 Smith and picking it up. I slid the revolver into the back of my jeans, covering it with my shirt, and pocketed an extra pack of ammunition before shutting the drawer closed and locking it.

  In the less than the minute that I’d been gone, the brothers had spread out in the room, and so had the girls and the kids, business trying to return to normal after our unwanted guest. I found Anna sitting on one of the club couches, a book in her hand as she read despite the noise. She only looked up when Mallory stood above her, and the two began talking about it. She looked down at her phone quickly before sighing and putting it back down.


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