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Wolf (Black Angels MC Book 2)

Page 16

by A. E. Fisher

  I shut the door, the lock clicking and snapping Anna out of her head. The light glinted off her glasses as her head flicked up to see my face. The whites of her eyes widened in surprise. “Wolf!” she exclaimed, her hands slamming down on the lid of the box.

  I looked down at the box. “What’s that?”

  “Something for a client,” she said, lifting it off her desk and moving to place it in a chest on the other side of the room, filled with more brown boxes stamped in red ink reading “Evidence.”

  She locked the chest, depositing the key back into a small compartment in her desk before turning to face me.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, propping her hand up on her hip like she did every time she felt like taking a bite out of me.

  “Looking for my bitch,” I growled, my steps slowing as I prowled closer to her end of the room. “She hasn’t been around recently.”

  “Maybe she got tired of your demanding ass calling her a bitch,” Anna retorted, crooking an eyebrow at me. It was a pathetic effort to try to disguise the slow step back behind her desk.

  “I don’t think so.” I passed the side of the desk, watching as her tight-ass dress suit’s blouse couldn’t hide the quickening of her breaths. Her back hit the edge of the desk, and her hands fell back to brace her.

  I reached out to grasp her hips, loving how her skirt hugged the curves. I let my hands skim down the sides until my fingers just grazed the skin below the hem of her skirt.

  I kept my eyes on my hands as I watched them wander with a mind of their own when they hooked one finger under the edge of the skirt, sliding up her thighs and pushing the material up along with it.

  My hands slid up under her ass, cupping the soft, full cheeks. I squeezed them in my palms, looking up to catch the hot, breathy moan as it tumbled out of her lips. A hot flush overtook her cheeks, but it was the glazed, lustful eyes that held mine through the lenses of her glasses that had me lifting her ass and dropping her onto the edge of her desk.

  “How about you tell me how much you missed me?” I growled, pressing my nose into the nape of her neck, my short beard brushing along her skin, the thrum of her pulse like a drum in my ears. “Come on. It’s my birthday after all.”

  “Fuck you,” she hissed.

  “Yeah, definitely my bitch.” I chuckled, pulling back to see her scowl at me.

  I was jerked forward when her legs hooked around my back until the denim of my jeans pressed into the silk panties exposed as her skirt rose over her hips. “Are you going to stand there all day, or are you going to fuck me, old man?” she growled, punctuating it with a squeeze of her thighs.

  “You better hold on then, girl, because I’m going to give you the best fucking of your life.”

  “Bring it on, big boy.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Wolf kept his word, and my ass was no doubt going to be bruise tomorrow from the pure strength I had to muster to stop myself from being thrown over the other side of my desk from the pounding he gave me. I liked to joke that Wolf was an old man, but truth be told, he’d proven to me many times that he was still kicking.

  But my ass was the least of my problems. I stood looking at myself in the mirror, wondering what the fuck I was doing. My red little number came down to the bottom of my ass, and it was what I had been planning to treat Wolf to as my birthday surprise to him.

  What I hadn’t planned to treat him to was the jacket on my back.

  That jacket being the “Property of Wolf” cut I was practically glaring at in the mirror. The same one that Mallory had so kindly ordered for me, thinking that Wolf and I were already officially old lady and old man like the rest of the club did. Mallory had dropped by my office in the morning to give me the privilege of being one of the first to see her new property jacket while also handing me mine.

  I had opened my mouth, ready to blurt out my actual status with Wolf—his confession of love and my absolute confusion about my own feelings—but before I could, Kay had the thing out of the box and on my shoulders before I could argue.

  She shoved me in front of the standing mirror on the back of my office door and spun me around before I could argue.

  I couldn’t breathe.

  I near verged on a panic attack when suddenly everything hit me at once. I wasn’t one of those people to believe in “moments.” Just like eureka moments, they belonged in story books or movies. Certainly not ones starring me.

  But it had been swelling in my chest ever since Wolf had told me he loved me on the rooftop last week, and it all came slamming into me in said moment.

  I should never have been one to realize I was in love with a man by having his name stamped on my back. Not me. Never me.

  But I did.

  And now the words were like a balloon filling my mouth, making me want to spit them out as fast as I could. But when I had been wondering what to do, Wolf had snuck into my office, and I panicked, shoving the cut and the box in my evidence locker.

  I looked at the cut now hanging over my dress and turned to face myself in the mirror. My dark makeup and grim expression made it seem like I was facing a firing squad, not a confession of feelings.

  I sighed.

  “What is that?”

  I shrieked in surprise, spinning on my heels to see Wolf’s dark, wide eyes. They were fixed like weights on the cut that suddenly felt heavy on my shoulders. My hands reached up to fist the material, trying to alleviate some of the weight.

  “This is... um…,” I mumbled for the first time in my life.

  Fuck, I wasn’t prepared for this.

  “A property jacket?” Wolf offered, stepping into the room and quietly shutting the door behind him. “With my name on it?”

  “Well, yeah. But this… it doesn’t mean—”

  “I think it does,” Wolf interrupted, catching me before I quickly came up with any excuse to ruin whatever the fuck I was attempting to do.

  “It doesn’t,” I snapped back on reflex.

  Why was it so hard for me to be honest?

  Wolf smirked, stepping into my space as his hands reached out to touch the cool leather. His fingers slid under the collar and slowly drifted down the length of the jacket until they reached my waist, where his hands stopped but didn’t let go. “Say it,” Wolf whispered, the rumble of his voice drawing me closer toward him. He leaned his head in towards mine, swallowing me into his bubble. “Say the words.”

  “I...” I took a deep, shuddering breath, my eyes looking up to catch his. It was like they suddenly grew a gravitational pull, dragging me into their depths with such a force that my body screamed to resist. I could feel myself wanting to fight what I knew would change it all, and despite the urge, looking into Wolf’s waiting face, patient and absorbed in me, I couldn’t hold it in. “I love you,” I blurted.

  It wasn’t my most graceful announcement, nor my most confident one, my body bracing for the impact the second the words were out, but I had said it, and when I found the courage to look up, it only took a second for me to know I wasn’t wrong.

  The smile that Wolf returned had the ice around my heart turning into a puddle of mush. I wasn’t a mushy person, but all of this felt so sweet, so warm and gooey, and if I had to admit it, made me want to throw up in my mouth just a little bit. The words felt almost... changing, as if some part of me was now different from the rest. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit frightened by the change, but there was a different part of me, a bigger part of me, that welcomed it. That wanted it.

  I shook my head, Wolf’s smile suddenly becoming contagious.

  “What have you done to me?” He chuckled, taking the words right out of my head.

  I opened my mouth to answer, but Wolf’s mouth took mine instead. It wasn’t like the hot, rough kisses we’d shared before. This one was soft, slow as he kissed my lips, pulling them into his mouth as if he was tasting them for the first time. When his tongue slipped into my mouth, it was gentle, explori
ng with a patience that had a slow-burning heat rising from the tips of my toes across my whole body.

  My hands held on to his waist, scared my knees were about to collapse underneath me.

  I was panting hard when his lips pulled away from mine. They weren’t gone long, though. They moved to the edge of my jaw, his short beard and lips tracing the curve of the bone until he met my ear, where he placed a trail of kisses down the length of my neck to my collarbone. My legs quivered and my mind went fuzzy just from Wolf’s soft kisses, his hands holding on to my waist as my own hands weakened on his hips. “W-Wolf,” I breathed. “We can’t.”

  He ignored me, his lips moving between the valley of my breasts, generously exposed by my little red dress.

  “Your party,” I continued my futile excuses, knowing that I would probably kill him if he stopped doing what he was doing for some fucking party.

  “It’s the president’s party,” Wolf grumbled, the tremor on my skin sensational. “The president can do whatever the fuck he wants.”

  “Oh,” I breathed, my fight lost as his finger slid down the cup of her bra, brushing the tip of my nipple. “Thank fuck for that.”

  Apparently, Wolf and I were the only ones who thought that.

  “Wolf!” Kay’s voice bellowed from the other side of the door, her fist banging against it. “You better put your dick away and get out here before I come in there and drag you out myself.”

  “Fuck,” Wolf hissed, his head dropping onto my shoulder. “There goes my boner.”

  I fought the laughter bubbling out of my chest, not doubting for a second that Kay would come in here and be able to drag him out by force if need be. The woman could move a mountain if she wanted to.

  Wolf lifted his head, his eyes twinkling down at me. “We’ll finish this later.”

  “If you last that long,” I purred, offering him a wicked grin that made his eyes turn from lust to confusion and then concern in the blink of an eye.

  He didn’t get time to think too much about it, however, because true to her word, Kay barged in two seconds later and Wolf was dragged outside.

  Time to get the party started.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I should have known the second the stripper music started playing that Anna was up to something.

  Jax and Pretty both wheeled in a huge birthday cake, and by huge, I mean almost-the-size-of-me huge. I should have been overjoyed or at least turned on when the top burst open, confetti flying everywhere, covering the glittery pink “Birthday Girl” banners that Lamb—the asshole—had hung up everywhere, and a hot, blonde-haired and silver-eyed stripper appeared, wearing only a G-string and flashing nipple tassels.

  She strutted her way over to me, her eyes eating me up.

  I wish I could say I had an erection as she came over, but fuck, I was too scared to have one. My eyes scanned the room full of hooting men and women for my old lady, and when I couldn’t see her, I didn’t feel good about it.

  I wasn’t sure if she knew about the stripper, which was no doubt Jax’s idea, but I couldn’t relax. Something wasn’t right.

  I was too distracted looking for Anna that I didn’t notice the girl had climbed up onto my lap until it was too late. Her small ass ground against my jeans and my arms immediately went to lift her off my lap, only to never make it off the arms of the chair.

  I looked down to my wrists to see the metal cuffs chaining them down to the bars of the seat. “What the f—”

  “Look, don’t touch,” Anna’s hot voice whispered in my ear, making my dick stand to attention.

  “Anna?” I growled, more with weariness than lust as she sauntered around the chair, coming up behind the stripper.

  “It’s your birthday.” Anna gave me a hot, saccharine smile as she leaned her face down into the neck of the girl, her hand coming around the girl's side and plucking one of the tassels hanging from her nipples. The girl gasped in pleasure. “Enjoy.”

  I looked around the room for some kind of clue as to what was going on, because I didn’t dare believe what Anna was saying. It had to be a trap.

  My brothers offered no help as more girls came parading through the doors, taking their attention. Drinks were getting passed around and everybody abandoned me.

  I looked back to Anna as she leaned back, reaching for the birthday cake on the nearest table and swiping a long streak of white icing onto her finger.

  “You can thank Mallory and Hunter for this idea,” she purred, smothering icing on the nape of the girl’s neck.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed, completely mesmerized as Anna flashed her teeth and dropped her mouth down onto the girl’s shoulder, sucking on the skin with enough force to make the girl wither on my lap, a quiet moan beginning at the back of my throat and exiting my mouth as Anna pressed a kiss to the bite mark, her eyes flashing up to me, reminding me of the time I did the same thing to her.

  She reached back for some more of the icing, the girl patiently sitting on my lap, awaiting Anna’s return.

  With Anna’s clean hand, she cupped the girl's chin and brought her to face her. Her iced finger pushed into the girl's mouth, watching with intense eyes as the girl obediently sucked her finger clean. I saw Anna’s knuckles curl as her finger moved inside the girl’s mouth, and whatever she did, the girl liked it, groaning and shifting her hips on my lap, making me groan in return as my dick strained against my zipper.

  My hands jerked forward, wanting to grab her, but the metal dug into my skin, preventing me. “I said no touching,” Anna purred, clicking her tongue.

  This time, she reached for the girl’s tassels, grabbing the clips and popping them off to reveal soft pink nipples, dusted with a slight redness on the girl’s flawless, pale skin. Anna spread icing over the sore skin, her eyes locking onto mine as the girl whimpered. “Her name’s Satin,” Anna breathed into the girl’s hair. “I picked her myself.”

  The stripper was Anna’s idea? Fuck, I thought this whole thing was an impromptu revenge on me for Jax ordering a girl. I could never have guessed this was what she had planned.

  “Do you want a taste?” She held the girl’s breast in her hand, her other hand on the small of her back, making the girl lean forward until her icing-covered nipple was in reaching distance. My eyes studied Anna’s face, but all I could recognize was the growing heat in Anna’s eyes as I realized she was enjoying this, too.

  I leaned forward, taking the girl’s nipple in my mouth, the sugary icing coating my tongue before I popped it out of my mouth again and moved to do the same to the other one.

  Anna watched me the entire time.

  By now, Satin was panting hard and Anna’s hand disappeared behind the girl, who now sat on her haunches above me. “Poor Satin looks like she’s near her end.” I only realized what she was doing when I heard the girl’s sudden gasp as Anna pushed her finger inside of her. “How about I help you over that edge?”

  I could hear my teeth cracking, my jaw clamping down hard enough to do damage as I barely held on to my sanity. The girl’s moans grew as Anna’s hand moved faster, and all I could see was Satin’s face as she gasped and cried out, her eyes rolling back in pleasure as she went over the edge.

  Anna pulled out her hand, licking her fingers clean.

  “Fuck,” I hissed.

  Anna looked down at me, at the hard erection imprinting into the crotch of my jeans, and smirked. “Not enough, huh?” she purred, blue eyes flashing with desire.

  Anna helped the delirious, exhausted Satin off my lap. “Go get yourself something to drink,” she said, slapping her ass as the naked girl staggered over to the bar.

  Anna lifted the edge of her skirt before she climbed on my lap, straddling my hips with her soft thighs. She unzipped my zipper, and my angry, red erection sprung out, causing a momentary wave of relief at being free from the small space.

  I didn’t dare open my mouth to say anything, unsure if my jaw could even function properly anymore as Anna traced her fin
ger over the tip, smearing the precum. “I guess I should probably do something about this.” She sighed as if it pained her to admit it.

  I let out a throaty growl as her hand encircled my base and squeezed. “Anna.”

  “Shh,” she purred, moving her hand in firm but slow, torturous pumps.

  She lifted her eyes up to mine and held them, her toying smile fading from her face as the lust grew, her hand moving faster and faster until I was near my edge. She must have seen it, too, because suddenly, she leaned her body forward, her red lips starting a trail of little, sharp nips up the side of my neck, curbing the pleasure with pain.

  “Anna,” I hissed, teetering over that edge, needing that extra push.

  I could feel her smile as she pressed her lips against my ear, her breath rolling over it in hot waves, and whispered, “Ya tebya lyublyu.”

  “Fuck!” I cried out, the chains around my wrists snapping as my white cum sprayed up and over the red of her dress, covering her in my seed.

  My hands came up around Anna’s hips before she almost toppled off the side of the chair. She was panting as hard as me, her skin covered in a sheen of sweat as she gave out a quiet chuckle. “Happy birthday,” she whispered.

  “My birthday’s not over yet,” I growled, somehow finding the energy to grab her, toss her over my shoulder, and barge my way through the crowded room, shoving everybody out of my way until I was in my room, where I threw her sticky ass on my bed and dropped my pants.

  Anna’s eyes rounded with shock when she saw my erection begin to stand again.

  “Take it all off,” I growled, and Anna obeyed, slowly removing the property jacket and draping it over the back of the chair with care before pulling her dress over her head in one smooth motion. I groaned in appreciation when I realized she had gone without underwear and didn’t even bother trying to remove her boots.


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