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Wolf (Black Angels MC Book 2)

Page 33

by A. E. Fisher

  I growled, turning on my heels as I came eye to eye with the frame in front of the stairs.

  I looked for a moment at the torn property cut hanging on the wall. The bullet marks made some of the writing indistinguishable, but if you looked carefully enough, you could still see the words would match Anna’s new property jacket hanging in the wardrobe. It would be the same jacket Anna never made a single mention of as I hung it up where I would see it every time I walked into our bedroom, reminding me of the same thing every single time I left and every time I came back home.

  It reminded me of what I had to cherish. What I had to protect. And what I could never ever risk losing again. It was a warning and a reminder to never take for granted what I had.

  A warning I would never forget.

  “Wolf!” Anna hissed in a whisper, cutting off my heavy thoughts as she stood in the doorway, her silk dressing gown gone as she exposed herself in her beautiful, curvy glory, tits out, ready for battle as she cocked her finger at me, and with the grace of no lady, purred, “Come get me, you fat bastard.”

  “Oh, I will,” I growled quietly, my foot taking a step forward, her eyes growing with pent-up lust. “I’m gonna come take my bitch, however I want her.”

  “Fuck you,” Anna hissed under her breath. “I’m not your bitch.”

  She was.

  I was her fat bastard, and she was my bitch. That’s how it was. And how it would stay.

  I wouldn’t have it any other way.




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