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Forever, Please (Please #4)

Page 10

by Willow Summers

  “He’d really like you, you know,” I told Hunter as he took my hand.

  “Why is that?”

  “This—all the thoughtful stuff you do. He’d know that you were taking good care of me. And that you made me happy. That was always his chief concern.”

  Hunter walked me up the grassy berm. As we approached my dad’s tombstone, I sucked in a breath.

  Growing on his plot and around the stone were sunflowers. They pointed toward the sun, welcoming me. Filling me with memories.


  “I hope you don’t mind—I hired a gardener to tend his plot. He was such an important man to you, I felt you’d want him looked after.”

  I stood in front, dumbfounded. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I hope I didn’t step out of bounds.”

  I shook my head, my lip quivering. “How do you think of these things for me while still being the rudest man alive to everyone else? It doesn’t make any sense.” I laughed through my tears. “No, I don’t mind. You didn’t overstep anything. I wish I could come here more often.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask him a question.”

  Hunter stepped in front of me. Confused, because this had just become weird, I moved to the side.

  “Sir,” he said softly. He took a deep breath. “I wondered if I could ask your permission for Olivia’s hand in marriage?”

  Chapter Nine

  My world bleached of color for a moment as I processed what he’d said. I looked at him with incredulous eyes as my stomach flipped over.

  He stood for a moment, just looking at the headstone, before turning to me with small worry lines around his eyes. As soon as his gaze hit me, though, I could see the anxiety melting out of his expression.

  The idiot wasn’t sure I’d say yes! What woman on the planet would turn him down, especially one as head-over-heels as I obviously was?

  “Yes,” I said in a gush. Tears flooded my eyes.

  A delighted smile lit up his face before his brow furrowed. “Eavesdropping is rude. I haven’t asked you yet.”

  He ran his fingers under my chin before bending slowly to run his lips across mine. “Shall we go?”

  He straightened up and placed his hand on the small of my back. When I didn’t move, I felt a little pressure, urging me on.

  “Are you serious?” I asked. I wasn’t budging. “You’re going to tease me with that but hold out on the goods?”

  His hand slid to my waist and pulled me into his hard body. “All good things to those who wait.”

  I crinkled my nose at him and let him direct me back to the car. It took everything I had not to jump up and down in utter excitement. I had to call Kimberly! She would flip her lid!

  Hunter opened the car door for me and waited to assist me in.

  “Could you just…” I flicked my finger toward the front of the car. “Head to your side?”

  His smile combined with a confused brow furrow, like he was flashing me right now, might’ve been my favorite of his expressions.

  I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. I felt his arms come around me, just as eager. I explored his mouth with my tongue, then backed off to nibble a little, before tilting my head and going for it, infusing the moment with all the love and passion I felt. My body got light, lit on fire, and tightened up, all at the same time.

  I broke away, panting. I eyed the car. How much would my belly get in the way in that confined space?

  “Not in a cemetery,” he murmured. His hot lips trailed down my neck. “Anywhere but a cemetery. Or a church.”

  He had a point.

  I pulled him down to me for one last kiss before letting him step back. His eyes lingered on me, full of longing. His lips quirked, a grin threatening. He didn’t say anything, though, just walked around the car to the driver’s side.

  I took my chance.

  “Yay!” I quietly squealed, something only a girl could do effectively. I balled my fists and hopped around with a manic grin, delighted. Excited.

  Hunter Carlisle wants to marry me!

  How did I get so lucky? Seriously! There were no words!

  As the last bubbles of exuberance swam up my insides, I slowed to the speed of a normal person. Hunter’s door opened on the other side of the car, showing that confused grin again. Man, the guy was so freaking hot. I could not believe this was happening.

  Taking a deep breath, I wiped the back of my hand across my brow, moving my hair away from my perspiring face. It was a terrible cover, but it would have to do.

  “Need help?” he asked, not climbing in yet. He was probably waiting to see if I would falter getting into the car.

  “Hunter, for the last time, I am pregnant, not incompetent.” I climbed in. “It’s not like this is a monster truck or anything.”

  Hunter sank into his seat, waited until I had my seatbelt on, and started her up. “How are you with fatigue?”

  “In general?” I asked. To his nod, I said, “I’m actually okay. I feel good. This stage is like a second wind after you’ve been working out or something.”

  “So this is the glory time, right? The second trimester?”

  I gave him a sideways glance. “Trust you to do the research. But yeah, I think so. My food aversion isn’t as strong as it was, and I’m not uncomfortable. These are the glory days.”

  He reached across the space and put his hand on my belly. “Do you want to know the sex, or should we wait until he or she is born?”

  As we headed up the freeway, I was surprised when he pulled into the lane to take us across the bridge to the East Bay. “Where are we going now?”

  I scowled at him, which was ruined by the smile drifting up my face. “Fine, keep your secrets. Um…” I scratched my chin, thinking about the sex. I didn’t much care if it was a girl or boy. I really hadn’t thought that far ahead. “I’ll probably want to know just so I can plan the colors. I hate yellow and don’t want a baby decked out in all green. Pictures would be ruined with that color scheme.”

  “We can have everything picked out while we’re in the hospital.”

  I frowned as we slowed for traffic to go across the Bay Bridge, both because my curiosity over where we were going was getting the better of me, and because I hadn’t thought about not having to go baby shopping.

  I looked at him thoughtfully, enjoying the view while I pondered how lazy I wanted to be. “I think I’d rather buy them. With you. That seems like a nice thing to do together as we get closer. Like a valve to release some of the excitement or something.”

  Hunter glanced over with soft eyes. He moved his hand from my bump to then thread his fingers between mine. “I agree. So we’ll know the sex, then?”

  “Would that be okay with you?”

  “Either way is okay with me.” After another moment, he said, “I wonder what he or she will look like. If…”

  I squeezed his hand. “I hope he or she looks like you. You’re hotter.”

  His chest expanded and then deflated. “It’s still surreal. But I’ve realized something. If it wasn’t mine, and you admitted that to me, I’d still want you both in my life. You could admit you’re cheating with my father, were never faithful, and I’d still ask you to marry me, Olivia. I can’t imagine a life without you in it. I still have moments of doubt, but that’s just remembering the pain. I wouldn’t turn my back like I did with Denise. I couldn’t. I love you too much.”

  I brought our held hands to my belly. “I should record this conversation for when I gain fifty pounds and wander around in nothing but sweatpants.”

  “We’ll get you the best sweatpants money can buy.”

  “Or how about when I am home all day, wading through dirty diapers and hormones, have forgotten to brush my teeth and hair—forget about a shower—and want to toss you out of a window when you ask how my day was. You’ll probably think back and wish you hadn’t broached the subject with my father.”

  Hunter chuckled as he pu
lled into a parking place on the side of the street. Lining the way were little shops and restaurants. People passed by, some in a hurry, but many meandering along, checking out the wares in the store windows they passed.

  “I’ll cherish those days. I’ll take lots of pictures. Nothing like stress and hormones for blackmailing purposes.” He winked at me before getting out of the car.

  Warmth filled my chest as I followed. He had no idea what he was talking about, but it made me feel better that he wasn’t scared of the beast I would probably turn into. I’d heard the stories. I’d definitely need a lot of assurance Hunter wouldn’t just leave me for the line of suitors waiting at his door, hoping I’d bugger off.

  Song lyrics popped into my head: “If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.” Wasn’t that the truth.

  Hunter waited for me to get to his side before guiding me up the street. I heard my name called before Kimberly hastened toward me with a huge smile and loose, bouncing curls.

  “Oh, hey!” I said, giving her a hug hello. “What are you doing here?” I looked around, suddenly realizing I didn’t know where here was. I was pretty sure we were in the Peninsula somewhere, but the exact town eluded me.

  Kimberly asked Hunter, “She doesn’t know?”

  “She knows my intentions, that’s all.” Hunter’s hand slid to my waist and he pulled me in for a sideways hug. His voice took on that commanding tone that gave me shivers. “I didn’t tell her about my plans for the rest of the day and ask that you don’t, either.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth turned into a thin line for a second. Jubilation bubbled up a moment later.

  “Shall we?” Hunter asked, stepping forward.

  Kimberly fell in beside me. “What did your mom say? Was she stoked?”

  “No, actually.” My mood dimmed as I told Kimberly about my mom’s reaction. “She couldn’t wait to get us out of there.”

  Kimberly frowned as we stopped in front of a small shop with a large diamond stenciled on the glass. My troubles with my mom evaporated for the moment. “No way…”

  “Yes! And I get to help!” Kimberly grabbed my hand in both of hers and squeezed. “This is so exciting!”

  “Olivia,” Hunter said, his tone still powerful and commanding. I’d forgotten the walls only came down for me. Not that I minded. He was hot when he dominated the room. Or, in this case, the street. “Would you like to pick out your ring by yourself, or would you like to choose the style and let me surprise you with the details?”

  “Oh my God,” I said in a hasty release of breath. “This is really happening.”

  “I know!” Kimberly danced around again, still holding my hand. She didn’t care that she was making a show of herself in front of Hunter…and a bunch of other strangers.

  I thought about it. The storybooks all said it was great to be surprised, but I would wear it every day. I wanted something I liked. Of course, Hunter was an excellent judge of all things fashion. I could probably trust his opinion better than my own.

  “Maybe I’ll pick out the style,” I said sheepishly.

  Hunter stepped away, leaving me with Kimberly. “There is no ceiling. There are no restrictions. Pick out whatever you want, as big as you want. If you don’t find something you like, we’ll go elsewhere. Just text me when you’re done.”

  “You’re not coming in?” I asked. That weird fear of being left alone with a baby resurfaced. It made no sense. It came out of nowhere. My eyes filled with tears and my lip started to tremble. I stepped toward him, afraid to be left behind.

  His eyes softened immediately. He took the hand I reached out toward him. The other was still held by Kimberly, who hadn’t budged. I felt like a child not wanting to be carted off by the babysitter.

  “I’ll just go grab a cup of coffee so you can have girl time. When you’re ready, I’ll step in. Okay? Or would you rather I was in there with you?”

  “Livy, c’mon. It’ll be fun!” Kimberly stepped closer to my side. To Hunter she said, “My sister went through this when she was pregnant. It’s a good sign, trust me.”

  Hunter didn’t seem to have heard her. He was still looking at me with those sexy eyes, waiting for my decision.

  I dropped his hand and shrugged, immediately pulled toward the door by Kimberly. “I’ll check in with you in a bit.”

  He stood there until I lost sight of him, sucked into the shop like fluff through a vacuum.

  “These hormones are driving me crazy,” I said to Kimberly as the glitter entranced me. “At least I hope it’s hormone related. Otherwise I’m going crazy.”

  “I have no idea if it’s a good sign—I figured saying that would help—but my sister definitely got unbalanced with the hormones. She’d randomly start crying all the time. We saw a kid hugging a puppy once and she went to pieces.” Kimberly stood me in front of the solitaire section. “I cannot believe Hunter Carlisle is going to propose. I mean…he went from an arranged marriage with a woman he was never caught dead with in public to a fiancé and a father. Holy cow, Olivia, you have the magic touch!”

  “I’m just as surprised as you are.” I let my gaze run across all the glitter. Bursts and flares and sparkles tried to capture my attention at every turn. I leaned in to get a better look, and felt overwhelmed immediately. “I don’t know where to start.”

  “Can I help you?” A woman with coiffed gray hair and a pleasant smile came to stand in front of us.

  “Olivia, so good to see you.” Mr. Porter, the man who had fitted me for a few pieces of jewelry when I first started working for Hunter, stepped out of a backroom. To the woman, he said, “She’s Mr. Carlisle’s soon-to-be fiancée.”

  The woman’s smile became genuine instead of something only a customer service person would wear. “Congratulations!”

  “Thanks,” I said as I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. “This is Kimberly.”

  “Wonderful.” Mr. Porter spread his hands across the glass. “What did you have in mind?”

  “We should decide on cut of diamond first.” Kimberly bent over the glass, taking control.

  An hour flew by like it was a few minutes. Various diamonds were brought out and placed on black mats, glittering in the overhead light. I chose a more traditional round stone, then picked out a few sizes, before browsing styles of settings. Even narrowing it down constantly overwhelmed me. I liked them all while also liking none. My opinion swung between complacent and picky. Like trying on dresses, after the first few, I stopped seeing details.

  Kimberly was a champ, directing my eye and taking over the details that Hunter might have. She yayed or nayed things for whatever reasons, having Mr. Porter and his helper nod thoughtfully or in agreement. Occasionally they bickered about something or other—I had no idea what—and more often than not Kimberly would view the diamond through the magnifying glass. The woman was a pro.

  Once I had a general idea of what I wanted, Kimberly nodded thoughtfully. A smile replaced a concentrated look. “Let’s go get Hunter!”

  I thanked the staff and left the shop, bending over my phone to text message. “I thought that would be more fun.”

  “You didn’t have fun?” Kimberly sounded shocked.

  “I did at first, but it’s kind of brutal with all the specifications. Color and cut and weight—if we had a budget it would be ten times harder.”

  “No budget was definitely a huge perk.” She sighed. “I wish Robby would finally propose. We’ve talked about it, but so far nothing. I have no idea what he’s waiting for.”

  “You to get knocked up?”

  Kimberly shook her head adamantly. “No thank you. I’m very happy for you, Livy, but I’d like a wedding and a house before I get pregnant. I want to go the traditional route. Someday.”

  “That had been my plan before Hunter dazzled me into being careless.”

  “I don’t blame you. I told Nana I had to do lunch another day because Hunter Carlisle asked for my help.”
/>   I dropped my mouth open and grabbed her arm. “Kimmie! You did not.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Nana forgave me as soon as she heard it was Hunter Carlisle. You just don’t say no to him. You’ll see.”

  “Oh, I’ve seen. I’m pregnant, remember?”

  We stopped talking as the man of the hour came striding down the street, wearing those jeans like he might a suit of gold. His broad shoulders swung with each step. His chiseled, handsome face drew the eyes of the passersby. And he was all mine. Or soon would be.

  If it was possible for a heart to sigh, mine just did.

  “Hey, baby,” I said as he came to stop beside me.

  He bent down, still in business mode before touching his lips off mine. It was very odd. “Did you find something you liked?”

  I rocked my head from side to side. “Kinda. There were too many options. I narrowed it down for you, though.”

  Hunter started forward toward the shop.

  “Do you…want me to go?” Kimberly asked hopefully.

  Hunter glanced at me as he held the door. He didn’t say anything or make any sign that he had heard her, waiting for me to make the decision.

  I couldn’t help chuckling. This man, ignoring my friend, was the same guy who had taken it upon himself to arrange for the upkeep of my father’s plot. He was the same guy who had told me he didn’t want to live without me; who had planned this day, which was already one of the best of my life. It was comical when you could see it from both sides.

  “She’s pretty helpful,” I told him.

  “After you,” Hunter said in a brusque tone.

  Kimberly beamed as she walked through the door, followed by Hunter. And then I was left standing on my own in the middle of the sidewalk. I hadn’t really thought that through.

  Fifteen minutes later I was leaning against the wall when Kimberly sauntered out, followed by Hunter. He had a small bag in his hand.

  “That was quick,” I said, pushing away from the wall.

  “You should’ve waited in a café, Livy,” Kimberly said. “It’s in bad taste to see him leaving with the merchandise.”


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