A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 3

by Sable Hunter

  “And what type of girl is that exactly?” Tamara’s arms were on her hips and Jaxson thought she was the cutest thing he’d ever seen. The more he looked at her, the more he found to admire. In fact, the little scowl on her lips just drew his attention to how soft and kissable they looked to be.

  “Well, a little less combative to start...maybe.” The women he met on the circuit would always giggle and bat their eyes no matter what he said. Those girls had an agenda and rarely talked back. With the buckle bunnies it was always a yes, and they never pulled their hand away when he was holding it.

  “Free advice for you, mister… I don’t even know your name. Dammit,” Tamara huffed.


  “Okay. Mister Jaxson.”

  “No. Jaxson is my first name. McCoy is my last name.”

  “Whatever. Mister McCoy. You were unnecessarily rude. Have you no manners? No woman wants to hear a man tell them their hands are rough – even if it’s true! Remember the old saying, if you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything at all?”

  Jaxson took his wind-tossed hat off his head. He’d been raised right by Caroline McCoy, raised to be a gentleman and to respect all women. Unfortunately, he had erected protective barriers early on, and these high walls he’d built around himself caused Jaxson to come across a bit arrogant at times. In this case, he sure as hell hadn’t meant to be. “You’re absolutely right. I spoke without thinking. I sure am sorry, Miss…”

  “Grayson. Tamara Grayson. Pleased to meet you.” She extended her hand for a formal introduction, then withdrew it just as he was about to take it. “Sorry. I wouldn’t want you to be subjected to my rough, lizard-like skin.”

  “Ha! Good one.” Jaxson couldn’t help but chuckle. “I think I’d survive, Miss Grayson.”



  “Yes. Tamara’s a mouthful. Please call me Tammy or Tam. All my friends do.”

  “Is that what we are?”

  God, the man was gorgeous and charming as the dickens. Tamara found herself totally disarmed by him. Only a few moments ago she’d wanted to throttle him for the rough skin comment, now she was insisting he call her by the same name as her friends used. “We aren’t anything, Mister McCoy.”

  “Well, okay. I guess I deserved that.” Since he wanted to know more about this spunky little gal, he could take what she dished out. “Can I at least be the guy who buys you lunch as a thank you for saving his hat?”


  Have lunch with tall, dark and handsome?

  Tamara stood her ground, pretending she didn’t want to fall into his arms and into his bed if he so desired. “I guess I am a bit hungry. I don’t see a problem with accepting your kind gesture in return for mine.”

  The line for BBQ wound all around the guided path and reached almost to the door when they made their way into Rudy’s side by side. “Smells promising,” Tamara said, giving him a quick glance. She’d wanted him to make another move to hold her hand, this time she knew she would’ve allowed it with no fuss. Unfortunately, Jaxson made no move to do so.

  “Tastes even better, just wait and see.”

  Jaxson was glad she seemed to have forgiven him. Truthfully, he felt bad about the whole rough hand fiasco. Tamara was correct; he doubted very much that any woman would want to hear such a lame-ass comment about her skin. Cutting her a glance, he hid a smile. He would’ve made another grab for her hand if he wasn’t afraid of pulling back a nub. She was feisty – he liked that.

  Sure, his sisters were little firecrackers too…but they were also McCoys, which meant they never took crap from him or anyone else. Other than them, Jaxson wasn’t accustomed to a woman offering him resistance. On the contrary, he was used to women falling at his feet and thinking everything he said, good or bad, was just the most interesting or funny thing they’d ever heard. “I think I ought to tell you something, Tammy.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My sister Ryder’s hands are rough too. She’s a horsewoman and loves the outdoors. She’s also one of the most beautiful, gracious women I know.”

  “Oh, really?” She wasn’t about to let him off so easy. “So, what are you saying?” That she was beautiful?

  “I guess I’m saying you’re in good company.”

  “For true?”

  He frowned, not really understanding what she’d just said. “What?”

  Tamara shrugged. “Sorry, that’s my go-to phrase, my security blanket. A good friend of mine, whom I admired very much, always used it. When I say ‘for true’, I’m asking if you’re being on the level with me.”

  Jaxson nodded. “Understood.” He held out his hand and she placed hers inside it. “For true.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jaxson let out a sigh of relief. “Do you know what you want?” he asked as the line started to move.

  She took her eyes off the placard on the wall to glance at him. Since his attention was on the menu, she took the opportunity to let her eyes skate up and down his rock-hard form. “I haven’t decided yet.”


  Tamara knew exactly what she wanted.

  Jaxson McCoy – with his pressed up tight against hers.

  “Whew!” She blew out a breath as a vision of their entwined bodies engaged in a most splendid carnal encounter filled her brain. She felt her skin grow warm. “God, it’s hot in here.”

  “Really?” He blew a puff of air onto the exposed skin of her neck. “Better?”

  Tamara was speechless. Her entire body trembled, shaking with a wave of desire so strong, she almost went to her knees. “Oh, yeah. Much better.”

  “Good. Let’s get you something to drink, that’ll cool you off.” Long, twisting lines guarded by chains kept the que moving inside Rudy’s. At the midway point was a metal trough filled with ice and cold drinks. “I just love the self-serve idea of this place.” He plucked a couple bottles of water out of the ice, unscrewed the cap on one and handed it to her. “Reminds me of being on the ranch.”

  “Thanks.” She took a long sip, then held the cold drink to her cheek. What she really needed was to shuck her clothes and hop in for an ice bath to cool her down. The thoughts she was having about Jaxson were getting sexier by the moment and she felt like she was on fire. In no time, she’d drained the bottle.”

  “Wow, you were thirsty. Let me get you another,” he offered.

  “No, let me.” She grinned at him. “I want something different this time.” Plunging her hand in to dig a cold can of soda out of the bottom, she let the sudden sting of the ice on her skin take her mind off the sexy hunk of man at her side…for a few seconds.

  Again, she did something Jaxson wasn’t used to. “Dr. Pepper?” he asked when she drew out a familiar burgundy can. “I think they have some diet ones down there somewhere.”

  Tamara gave him a sideways look. “I don’t want a diet one. I like my regular Dr. Pepper just fine, thank you.”

  Jesus! Jaxson wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a woman order anything but alcohol or water in his presence. The occasional diet soda maybe, but never an actual soda. He opened his mouth to ask if that was going to ruin her diet – but closed it quickly.

  “What?” Tamara asked suspiciously. She could almost see the wheels turning behind his big blue eyes.

  Jaxson shook his head. “Uhhh...Nothing.”

  Tamara cracked the tab and took a long sip, enjoying the way the bubbles burnt her tongue. She knew he was holding something back. “Don’t give me that. You got something to say, say it, cowboy.”

  “Who are you?” Jaxson asked with a slack jaw. She was like no woman he’d ever met before and he was truly enjoying it.

  “A girl who likes her Dr. Pepper.” That’s when it dawned on her. “Don’t worry. I’ll burn off the calories later.” Jaxson almost looked offended and that was when Tamara knew she’d been correct.

  “I wasn’t…”

  Tamara cut him off. “Yes, you were.”

nbsp; Saints above, the little girl beside him had taken the lead in the power dynamic unfolding between them and Jaxson loved it. “Well, okay. So…let’s say, hypothetically, that I was concerned about you burning off the calories. And I’m not saying that’s what I was thinking…”

  “But it is what you were thinking.” Tamara took another sip and grinned at him from over the top of the can.

  “Even if it was, I’m not about to admit it, sugar.”

  Hearing him call her sugar sent a tingle straight to Tamara’s clit and she blinked hard to clear her head.

  Mercifully, the line had moved while they were talking, and Jaxson found himself standing at the front counter. He was glad to get away from the topic they’d been discussing and ready to order. “I’ll have the jalapeno sausage with a jumbo smoked potato on the side,” he told the man behind the counter before turning to look at Tamara.

  “That sounds good. I’ll have what you’re having. No smoked potato though please.” Jaxson smiled at her. “What? I had a late breakfast.”

  He led them to an opening at one of the long tables Rudy’s used to seat their guests.

  “I’ve been by these places tons of times, but I’ve never actually come in for food,” Tamara admitted after they’d taken a seat.

  “Really? Don’t let the slogan outside fool you, the food is incredible.”

  “I love the barn feel.”

  “Yea, it’s rustic, but very much Austin.” He pointed to the mural on the largest wall depicting iconic images of the Texas capital city.

  She noted the large wooden beams jutting out to hold up the ceiling. “I love the wood work, it’s almost like a log cabin.”

  As Jaxson surveyed the area, he caught sight of the two blondes he’d spotted when he first arrived. Despite the way he could see one of them eye-fucking the living shit out of him, he no longer felt the slightest interest. His dinner companion was proving to be fascinating and he wanted to spend more time with her. Also, it didn’t hurt that beneath the big table covered in a red and white checkered tablecloth, his cock was beginning to come to life.

  When Tamara turned her attention back to him, she gave Jaxson a bright smile and brushed a lock of hair back over her ear, bending her neck in a way that made him want to lick every inch of sun-kissed skin he could see. Sweet Jesus, now his cock was definitely hard.

  “Listen. I’m truly sorry about that rough skin comment earlier. I really didn’t mean anything by it.”

  Tamara straightened in her seat and placed her palms on the edge of the table. “Yes, you did. But it’s okay. Really.” She held up her hands and showed him the rough spots. “I came by these calluses honestly.” Before he could ask how, she turned the tables on him. “So, Mister McCoy, tell me about yourself.”

  Jaxson wiggled in his seat, trying to give the throb in his jeans a bit of relief. “Not much to tell. My family owns a ranch. You know. Texas stuff. We breed cattle. I ride and rope.”

  “Are you just passing through Austin?”

  Tamara took her fork and was about to spear a sausage link when Jaxson stopped her. “I’d let those cool for a second or two longer. I don’t want you to burn that sassy mouth of yours.”

  “Maybe I like hot stuff in my mouth.” She gave him a wink, then giggled when color rose in the cowboy’s cheeks.

  “Like I said. Sassy.” He threw back his head and laughed. “You’re a handful, aren’t you?” Even as he made the comment, his eyes fell to her chest, where the silky end of her ponytail was curled around one tempting breast.

  “Maybe,” she teased, her eyes waiting to lock with his when he lifted them to her face. “Are you?”

  “Damn, girl.” Every time this woman opened her mouth, Jaxson liked her more. She had an engaging personality and even though she’d slipped up earlier when she admitted he made her nervous, Tamara came off as confident – if not flat out tough. Jaxson was quickly becoming very attracted to her and that beautiful face of hers.

  “You never answered my question. Are you just passing through?”

  “No, I live about an hour north of here. I’m headed out of town for a couple of days. My brother told me I need to get laid, so I’m taking his advice.”

  Tamara nearly choked on her Dr. Pepper. “What?” Had he just casually stated he was on a quest for sex?

  “I’m joking,” he teased with a smile. “I’m actually headed to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.” With his dry sense of humor, Jaxson normally assumed people knew when he was pulling their leg. And such a sexy leg it was. Besides, getting laid had certainly crossed his mind – no use denying that fact.

  His explanation seemed to satisfy her.

  “Oh, how nice. Buying or selling?” The sausage smelled good and Tamara figured she had let them cool long enough. Taking a link from the basket, she placed the tip to her lips, pulling it back when it was clear the sausage needed to be approached with caution.

  “Told ya it was hot,” Jaxson said with a smirk.

  Tamara pooched her lips and blew gently on the tip of the sausage only inches from her mouth. This time it was Jaxson’s turn to almost choke on his drink. Awestruck, he gazed as Tamara moved the sausage back to her mouth, this time nibbling on the end. He swallowed – mesmerized. Another quick nibble sent warm juice gushing from the sausage and down Tamara’s chin.

  “Lord have mercy,” Jaxson mumbled under his breath as his cock swelled to a considerable size under the table. “Here.” Handing her a napkin, he looked to the side.

  “Thank you. You were right, these are delicious.”

  Jaxson offered a pained smile and gazed down into his own basket of sausage.

  “We’re having trouble with our conversational skills. You never answered my question,” Tamara said after another bite. “Buying or selling?”

  “Sorry, you keep distracting me,” he said with a wink. At the moment, he was a lot bigger than the sausage in her hand, and all he could see when he looked at her was her pouty lips wrapped around his own dick…and the sight was killing him. “I always keep an eye out for good stock.” He took a bite of his own food. “But I’m mostly going there to compete.”

  “Interesting.” Tamara dipped the sausage into a small paper cup of BBQ sauce that had come with her food, brought it to her mouth, and licked the link up and down.

  Jaxson peeked up from his food to watch her dainty pink tongue glide along her food. He had to bite his tongue to keep from groaning. What was this woman doing to him? He was sure he was about to die from unattended erection syndrome.

  “What are you competing in?”

  Jaxson steeled himself and looked up at her. “I do some bull riding. But bulldogging is my main discipline.”

  “Bulldogging? I’m not sure what that is.”

  She wrinkled her cute button nose when she asked the question and he sat there like a dunce, trying to remember how to speak. After clearing his throat, he explained. “Bulldogging is steer wrestling. I rope the steer, jump off, wrestle him to the ground, and tie him up in the shortest time possible.”

  “Oh, how fun. I could tell by those forearms that you did something requiring a lot of strength.” His shirt sleeves were rolled up to the elbow and looking at those thickly muscled forearms of Jaxson’s, made Tamara want to do a bit of riding herself. “You must be very good at it.”

  Jaxson pinned her with a stare. “I’m good at a lot of things.” He wiped a splatter of sausage juice from the side of his mouth with a napkin and ran his tongue across his lips while their eyes were locked.

  Tamara nearly came unglued. For long moments, she couldn’t stop staring at him. He was so damn potent – strong jawline, perfect lips, and the most sinful blue eyes she’d ever seen. Unbidden, an image came to mind of that handsome face looking up at her from between her legs. “I bet you are.” Wow. Her pussy was tingling so much she had to shift in her seat.

  After a few moments of silence, Jaxson broke the spell by clearing his throat. “And what is it that you do, Tammy?

  “I’m a personal trainer in Burnet.” She held up the Dr. Pepper can and gave it a little shake. “So, don’t worry about the calories.”

  “Burnet? We’re practically neighbors.” Jaxson looked away for a moment, still bashful at some of the dumb comments he’d made earlier. “I’m not shocked by the personal trainer thing. You do look to be in great shape.” He let his gaze wash over the parts of her he could see. “Strong shoulders. Firm arms.”

  “Thank you. I like my job. It gives me freedom to work my own schedule and to chase my real passions in life.”

  “Let me guess. You want to be a YouTube celebrity. Strike it rich doing makeup tutorials,” Jaxson teased.

  Tamara wanted to reach across the table and whack him for his comment. “Not my style.” She looked to the side and motioned with her eyes. “I think those girls are more likely to chase that dream.”

  Jaxson didn’t bother to turn his head, he knew she was referring to the two blondes from earlier. He didn’t bother to look their way. Wiping grease from his fingertips, Jaxson pushed his basket aside and leaned on the table with his elbows, fully ready to listen. “So, what is it that Tamara Grayson is passionate about? Animals would be my guess. Maybe starving kids in Ethiopia.”

  “Are you making fun of me, Mr. McCoy?”

  “On the contrary. I sit with bated breath awaiting a response.”

  Tamara pushed her own basket aside. She hated that she couldn’t tell if he was genuinely interested or if he was mocking her. This uncertainty made her feel self-conscious. “It’s nothing.”

  Damn, his dry sense of humor had backfired again. “Well it can’t be nothing. Please.” Reaching across the table, Jaxson placed his hand on top of hers. “Tell me.”

  The sizzle of his skin on hers was divine. Tamara looked down at their joined hands and wondered if she was imagining a connection with him. “I’m a triathlete.”

  “No shit!” Jaxson said loudly, drawing the eyes of more than a few restaurant goers. “You mean, like the ironman competitions?”

  “Right, I’ve competed in Ironman events, as well as ITU, the International Triathlon Union. Running, biking, and swimming. Although, I enjoy other sports too.”


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