A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 4

by Sable Hunter

  “Wow, that’s awesome. Call me impressed.”

  The uncertainty of sharing drained from Tamara’s body at his reaction. “Are you?”

  “Hell yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I don’t know. I think some guys can be intimidated by what I do. I’ve been told its kind of butchy.” Admitting one of her inadequacies was difficult to do.

  “Well, I think you’re hanging out with the wrong guys. I think it’s totally hot.”

  “Really?” She felt her heart began to pound. Was he hitting on her?

  “Give us a flex, girl,” Jaxson insisted.

  Tamara giggled and held her arm up to flex it. “Oh my god,” she laughed at how foolish she felt.

  Jaxson pinched her small bicep between his forefinger and thumb. “Oh yeah. Those are pythons for sure. Watch out Hulk Hogan.”

  “Your turn.”

  Jaxson raised an arm without hesitation and curled his hand in. Even with his arm covered by material, Tamara’s eyes bulged at how big it was. She could see the fabric straining to keep its shape. There was no denying it anymore, she was turned on. “Wow.”

  “It’s okay,” Jaxson gave her a wink. “You can touch it.”

  “I’m not sure I could get both hands around it, let alone one.”

  Jaxson’s face stayed stone serious. “Yes, that’s a common problem women have with me.”

  She realized he was teasing again, but there was no missing his implication and the thought caused Tamara’s nipples to harden. Crossing her arms over her breasts, she rose from her chair. “I came into town to do some shopping. I should probably get going.” If she didn’t extricate herself from this situation post haste, Tamara feared she might embarrass herself.

  Jaxson stood along with her. “So soon? We were just getting to know each other.”

  “I really should be getting back. I’ve got a client in a few hours and I still need to go home and get changed. I’m a mess.”

  “I think you look just about as perfect as can be.”

  Tamara didn’t know whether to believe him or not. His comments about her rough hands and her not being the type of woman he was used to…they still rankled a bit. He’d made her feel like an oddity, and she couldn’t be sure his interest didn’t stem from seeing her as some type of challenge.

  Jaxson snatched his Stetson from the table top. He headed off after his lunch date who was now practically running away from him. “Hold up. Let me pay and I’ll walk you out.”

  Tamara paused, letting him catch up. She followed him to the register, where he presented the check and his credit card to the cashier. When the clerk handed him the ticket to sign, he did so.

  “Hey, you must be a doctor.” The cashier stared at his signature. “I can’t read your writing worth beans.”

  “Maybe you need glasses, kid.” Jaxson felt embarrassed. He didn’t want Tamara to know about his weakness. “McCoy, it reads Jaxson McCoy.”

  “Got it. Thanks.”

  He let out a harsh breath, then turned to meet her gaze. “Sorry about that. “Do you want to meet Memphis before you go?”

  “Pardon me?”

  He smiled at her confusion. “Memphis. My horse. The rig is parked outside. You’ll like him, he’s a beaut.” Sure, Jaxson was proud of Memphis, the big App was striking with an interesting array of white spots on his dark brown body. There was even a dynamic white diamond right smack dab in the middle of his forehead. More than showing off his prized stallion, however, Jaxson just wanted a few more minutes with this girl. When they first met, he’d hardly noticed her as a woman, but every second he’d spent with her since made him hungry for more time together.

  “Come on.” He slid his hand down her arm to take her by the hand. “Memphis is just like me. He likes to be around pretty girls.”


  Tamara felt the heat spread out over her body. Being with Jaxson McCoy could easily become her favorite thing in life. He was the type of man she could fall for easily – sweet, handsome, and charming. She enjoyed his smile and his attention, but the thought that he might be playing her kept niggling at the back of her mind.

  “Well…” Run, Tamara. Run, before you do something stupid. “I uhhh…” Shut up, girl! Just go with it. Uncertainty filled her mind. Ah, hell. Be brave, Grayson. “I guess maybe just to say hello.”

  “Yeehaw!” Jaxson waved his Stetson in a circle above his head. “Sorry. That was a bit much, wasn’t it?”

  Tamara held her thumb and forefinger close together. “Maybe just a bit.”

  Jaxson didn’t care, she’d said yes to spending more time with him and that was all that mattered. Refusing to let his grip on her hand go, he led them through the crowd and out the front door. Once they arrived, he helped her step up into the second stall, so she could go inside and meet Memphis face to face.

  “He’s beautiful!” Tamara exclaimed.

  “He’s the best horse in Texas.” Jaxson put a hand up to his face to cover one side of his mouth. “Just don’t tell him I said that, or it’ll go straight to his head.”

  Tamara felt like a teenager again, as if she’d never spent time alone with a guy before. Jaxson McCoy was a dream – gorgeous, funny, and one who loved his horse. Could he get any better?

  “Give him a little pet. He won’t bite.”

  Tamara stepped up to the interior gate and held her hand over the edge. “Here, boy.” She snapped her fingers to get the horse’s attention. Memphis seemed only mildly interested, raising his head long enough to blink at her before returning to his feed bucket.

  “He does have a bit of a rude streak at times,” Jaxson quipped. “Here, tempt him with this.” Reaching into a feed sack, he pulled out a hard four-inch nugget.

  “What is it?”

  “Horse candy, it tastes sweet. He won’t be able to resist.”

  “Okay.” She took the nugget and held it out. “Want this, cutie pie?” Taking a big whiff, the horse jerked its head up and bumped Tamara’s hand, knocking the nugget for her grasp. “Oh, poot.”

  Jaxson chuckled as Memphis gathered the treat from the ground. “Try again.” He gave her another nugget. “Wait until he raises up and let him take it from your hand.”

  Tamara followed his instructions, bouncing on her tiptoes with excitement when the horse gently took the food from her outstretched palm. “I did it! I did it!” she whispered with delight.

  “Yea. He likes for you to scratch between his ears too.” Moving close beside her, Jaxson gave Memphis a good scratch on the forehead.

  “Oh, let me, let me.”

  “Sure. Give it a try.” Taking her hand in his, he placed it on the diamond between Memphis’s eyes. “Like this.” He moved her hand back and forth. Memphis was enjoying the way he was being stroked, but not nearly as much as Jaxson was enjoying holding this woman in his arms. Being close to Tamara sent Jaxson over the moon. He took a long inhale, smelling the sweetness of her hair.

  His admiration didn’t go unnoticed. Tamara’s knees wobbled a tiny bit when he drew in another long breath at the side of her neck.

  “I’m sorry,” Jaxson said, nuzzling his face to her shoulder. “You just smell so good.”

  Trembling at his touch, Tamara closed her eyes and reveled in the sensation of his stubble rubbing across her skin. Technically she was no virgin, but her experience with men was very limited. She’d spent her teenage years under her father’s thumb, then been thrust into the world of the Olympics where every moment of her life was monitored and scheduled. Even though she was free of those constraints, trying to make her mark as a professional athlete left little time for a social life.

  Without a doubt, she was in over her head.

  “I…I have to go.”

  She broke away and made a move to step down the ramp, but Jaxson caught her by the wrist. Spinning her to face him, she looked up into his blazing eyes. His jaw clenched as he pinned her with a stare. I want you so fucking bad! His eyes told her plainly. Tamara could
scarcely breathe. Never had she been looked at this way in her life and it scared her how good it felt.

  Jaxson McCoy was a man of action and he maneuvered Tamara until her back was pressed to the wall just inside the trailer. “May I?” He asked, looking down at her lips with hooded eyes while he raised one finger to slide down the elegant line of her neck.

  Tamara felt the husky texture of his voice and the butterfly touch between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together, her breath coming in uneven gasps. Her head was swimming with the unadulterated heat of the moment. Nodding her head slightly, she communicated her consent as she watched Jaxson slowly lower his mouth to hers.

  He was still touching her neck, strumming with slow brushes designed to drive her crazy. The man was bigger than life, making her long to push her body to his and crawl straight into him. “God, you’re adorable. Open your mouth, Tammy.”

  She found it hard to concentrate, his palm was cupping her nape, his thumb sliding up into her hair, and her pulse was fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings in her throat. “Is this a good idea?”

  “This is the best idea I’ve ever had.”

  His big chest was rising and falling, brushing against her swollen nipples with each inhale. She licked her lips and stared at his sensual mouth, mesmerized by the cleft in his chin.

  “Come on, baby. One kiss. I’m dying here.”

  Tamara couldn’t help but smile. How foolish it would be for her to pass up a chance to kiss this outrageously beautiful man. “Well, I don’t want you to die or anything.”

  His blue eyes went molten as he swooped in and layered his lips to hers. Their mouths melded in perfect harmony as he kissed Tamara like her taste was what he lived for. She almost swooned as he cradled the back of her head with one big hand, the fingers of the other caressing her cheek. Jaxson tilted her hand so tenderly that the hungry sweep of his tongue took her by surprise. Clinging to his shoulders, she went up on tiptoe, endeavoring to get as close as possible to his magnetic body. When he groaned in her mouth, she dug her nails into his shoulder, the power of his kiss stealing her breath and ability to think.

  Holding her right where he wanted her, Tamara knew Jaxson didn’t understand she was his willing captive. He slanted his mouth over hers. Taking. Giving. Demanding. As his talented tongue went on a quest to mate with hers, she wanted to immerse herself in him, to drown in his kiss.

  Jaxson clasped her to him, relishing her softness. Her sweetness. She was so unexpected, so…right, he knew he was hooked. Addicted. When she pushed her lower body into his, he almost went to his knees, his cock flexing in enthusiastic welcome.

  Sliding her mouth from his, she buried her head against his neck. “Oh, God, Jaxson,” she whispered, her lips caressing his skin as she spoke.

  “One more, Tammy. Please. One more.”

  “One more,” she echoed, placing her hands around his neck and pulling his face to hers. Their mouths crashed together, dual centers of hot need. They moaned their pleasure as Jaxson’s hands slid down her sides to cup her bottom, urging her even closer, then moving her to rub from side to side over the throbbing ridge of his erection.

  “Get a room!” Someone called from a passing car with a honk of the horn.

  Shocked, Tamara broke the lip-lock and turned her head. She was embarrassed to see they were on display for anyone in the busy parking lot to see.

  “I have a room in the trailer,” Jaxson said softly in her ear a moment before Tamara felt the rasp of his tongue slide across her right shoulder. “If you want.”

  Tamara’s desire rose to take the wheel. “Please.”

  Jaxson pulled back after placing a soft kiss on her collarbone. “You sure?”

  Tamara gave him the same nodding consent as before and followed Jaxson with her hand in his.

  “Sorry. I know it’s not the Four Seasons,” Jaxson apologized once he opened the side door leading to his sleeping compartment. The interior was fairly spartan, the only furniture being a couch, a sink, and a bed in the loft area that extended out over the truck bed below it.

  “No problem, I like it.” Clearly, the small room wasn’t designed to appeal to a decorator, but Tamara could appreciate the functionality. She liked the cherry wood, the earth tones, and the uncluttered clean lines. She wasn’t the type of girl to need frills and high thread count sheets. “Luxury isn’t exactly what I’m craving at the moment.”

  Jaxson chuckled. “Oh really? Do you happen to have a craving I could satisfy?”


  With a satisfied smirk, he pulled her to him, placing one strong hand at her back to control their union. While Jaxson ate at her mouth, the heat of their kiss escalated quickly, his masculine hunger overwhelming her senses until she was quivering with urgent need. The inside of the trailer was warm, and Tamara felt her skin begin to tingle from the added heat of Jaxson’s free hand roving over her body.

  Grasping her hip, he pulled her close. “Fuck, you are hot,” he exclaimed, pulling his mouth off hers to explore the curve of her neck.

  Tamara keened at his touch. “Oh, dear lord.” Pressing forward, she fit her body tight to his. Fate had led her here and she wasn’t strong enough to walk away – not yet. Feeling emboldened by his reaction, Tamara let a hand slip down to rest on Jaxson’s side. If she were bolder, she would touch him, unbutton his shirt…or more – but she wasn’t that brave.

  Jaxson kissed her neck and let his tongue trail up her neck to lick her ear. “It’s okay, sugar.” Placing a hand on hers, he moved it over to rest on his chest, encouraging her to make herself at home. “Touch me.”

  Sweet merciful heavens! “I can?” She wanted to see if his chest was as muscular as his arms.

  “God, yes. Just know I’m going to be returning the favor.” While she worked at the snaps of his shirt, he walked her backwards until she was flattened between him and the dividing wall. He couldn’t wait to get his hands underneath that thin pink shirt she was wearing. He sure couldn’t wait to tug down the cups of her bra and get his fingers on her nipples. He needed to know what color they were and how sweet they’d taste on his tongue. Just thinking about playing with her tits made him wild.

  Tamara gasped as he bit down on the flesh at the base of her neck. The sexy nip made frissons of excitement bloom over her skin. She closed her eyes and moaned at the feel of his hair-roughened chest. “Let me see,” she whispered.

  “Just a sec.” He slipped his hands beneath her tee to caress the silky skin of her stomach. “God, you’re soft.”

  “And you’re hard,” she noted softly, feeling shivery inside and out.

  “You have no idea, honey.” When she pressed a kiss over his heart, he shook in his boots. Giving in to the slight pressure, he stepped back far enough for her to spread open his shirt and place her palms on his pecs. The little groan that escaped from her lips was the most erotic thing he’d ever heard.

  “You’re so sexy,” she breathed as she caressed him, lazily running her hands over his chest and abs.

  Jaxson shut his eyes and let her explore, trying his best to maintain control. He was more than ready to fuck; his balls were so full he thought he’d burst. “My turn. You have no idea how bad I want my hands on you.” Pulling back, Jaxson dropped to his knees and began to lift her tee. Looking up into her face, he peppered a symphony of soft kisses on the tender flesh beneath her breasts. “What say we crawl up on the bed and release this tension building between us?”

  A warning light flashed across Tamara’s brain as she looked down at the man on his knees before her. She glanced up at the bed, then back down to his perfect face.

  Was this real?

  She liked Jaxson McCoy a lot, but something he’d said earlier came crashing back into her mind.

  “Headed out of town for a little while. My brother told me I need to get laid, so I’m taking his advice.”

  Was that what was happening?

  Was she just a convenient way for Jaxson to fulfill his need for sex?<
br />
  Suddenly, she couldn’t go through with it. There was too much at stake.

  He could tease her for her inexperience. She could disappoint him. She could also grow to like him – a lot. There was a million women who’d be into Jaxson McCoy, he didn’t have to settle for a flat-chested tomboy with rough hands.

  “I’m sorry.” Tamara pulled back and wrapped her arms around her middle. “I can’t do this.”

  Jaxson was still on his knees, shocked by the turn of events. “What? Why?”

  “I like you a lot, but this isn’t me. I don’t do things like this.” She had no intention of becoming another notch on this cowboy’s bedpost. He was good-looking, charming, and they seemed to connect, but Tamara Grayson valued herself and she wouldn’t be played again.

  Before he could stop her, Tamara was out the door.

  “Wait!” Jaxson called out, trying to adjust his big cock into a position where he could walk with some semblance of dignity. God, she had made him so hard, it took Jaxson a minute to be presentable in public.

  Tamara hurried across the parking lot, dabbing perspiration from her forehead with the back of her hand.

  “Hang on!” Jaxson caught up with her, halting her progress. “Just wait a second.” He looked into her eyes, searching for some hint that he hadn’t totally blown his chances with this incredible woman. “I’m sorry. I pushed too hard and I apologize.”

  “You weren’t by yourself,” Tamara said in response. She’d gone along without being forced and she knew it. “It’s as much my fault as it is yours.”

  “Sugar, I completely agree with you. You look damn fine and this cowboy has never been kissed like that before.”

  Praising her might not be what she needed to make her feel better, but Jaxson was being honest. She turned him on like no other woman ever had, and there was no way he was the only one who’d felt it.

  “Stop being so damn charming.” She huffed in frustration, causing a smile to creep across Jaxson’s face. “And stop showing those confounded dimples when you smile.”


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