A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 7

by Sable Hunter

  Jaxson lazily rubbed her back as they walked by a line of booths and tents, leading up to one of the big exhibition halls. “You name it, it’s here. What you see straight ahead of you is the birthing center. Farmers and rancher from all around bring their livestock that are about to give birth, just so the visiting school children can see the circle of life in action and visit the baby animals. Before this week is over there’ll be a hundred piglets born, about half that many baby sheep and goats, and a thousand chickens will hatch.” He gestured to his left. “Over there is the fisheries exhibit and the touch tank. Behind it is the beekeeping display, where people can safely view the inner workings of a hive behind glass. On the other side of the exhibition hall there’s an arena used for mutton busting and tractor pulls.”

  “Mutton busting?”

  “Yea, about two thousand kids will try their hand at riding sheep before the rodeo is over.”

  “I didn’t know riding sheep was a thing.” She stood on tiptoe and stared ahead of them. “I think I see camels.”

  “Yes, there are camel rides, chuck wagon races, a milking parlor, and every day there’s different classes and demonstrations, on things like pen design to minimize stress, brush management, and grazing rotation.”

  Tamara giggled. “I don’t know what half that stuff is, I thought this was primarily a rodeo.”

  “The rodeo is the main attraction, although it’s an independent rodeo, not a PRCA sanctioned one.”

  Jaxson wasn’t speaking her language, but she was interested in everything he had to say. She wanted to understand him. “What does that mean?”

  “The PRCA is the ruling body of rodeos, the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. They manage the competitions, tally the points, and award the titles in the individual competitions, like All-Around Cowboy.”

  “A title you’ve won, right?”

  Jaxson was surprised. “Yea, how did you know?”

  “Dylan, my Uber driver, told me. He was a nice guy, he kept me entertained on the drive from Austin.”

  A niggle of jealousy traveled down Jaxson’s spine. “Dylan, huh? You liked him?”

  Picking up on the change in Jaxson’s tone, she elbowed him playfully. “He was a nice kid. Tell me more about this rodeo.”

  “The competitors are here by invitation only, so the directors can advertise who is going to ride on a particular night. They draw a bigger crowd that way. The twenty-nights of rodeo events are set up like the play-offs, so the excitement builds. Before they made that change, folks came for the concert, but not for the rodeo. Now, they host over seventy-thousand people a night for each show.”

  “Yea, that’s what Dylan said.” She grinned at him. “He was very impressed by you.”

  “Dylan. I don’t want to hear about this Dylan,” Jaxon teased as he tugged her sharply to the right and Tamara realized they were in the midst of the carnival midway.

  “Oh, wow! I want to do it all!”

  For the next hour, Jaxson indulged her every whim. They rode the carousel, the Ferris wheel, and the bumper cars. He won Tam a teddy bear and fed her cotton candy. When she begged for a corndog, he didn’t let her finish, because the way she was eating it was hazardous to the health of his stone-hard cock. “Come this way, it’s my turn.”

  She followed where he led, then gasped when she found they were in line for an old-fashioned water ride called The Tunnel of Love. Couples of all ages waited to board the small boats. “This looks fun, more restful than those thrill rides.” Tamara made her comment, then cut her eyes toward Jaxson, hiding a smile. To her delight, he took the bait.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he nuzzled Tam’s neck. “I’ll have you know, I can make this ride the biggest thrill of them all.”

  Once they were in the ride and the small boat had passed into the tunnel, Jaxson pulled her into his lap to face him. “See, there are advantages to these slow rides. No belts and safety bars.”

  The twinkling lights from the surrounding displays of hearts, flowers, and a romantic full moon, gave Tamara the ability to see the desire on his face before he pulled her to him and they melted into the most insane kiss of her life. She nestled close to him, wove her fingers into his hair, and kissed him as if this might be her last opportunity. After a life of disciplined self-restraint, Tamara was ready to indulge. Binge. Splurge. The best part was that this devastatingly hot man seemed as hungry for her as she was for him.

  Her whole body lit up like a solar lamp, powered by the heat of his body. He was the total package of the manly qualities she’d been looking for – rugged, athletic, smart, and kind. Despite her aim to keep things casual, she had to let him know there was more. Sliding her lips from his, she whispered in a rush. “I need to let you know, that I love this.”

  “Aw, baby.” His hot moan caressed her lips. “I love it too.”

  “But…I didn’t just come for this, Jaxson.” She felt him grow still. Maybe, this was a mistake, but she had to let him know. “I like you and I wanted to see you. I wanted to get to know you as a person, as a friend.”

  He cleared his throat, which made Tamara nervous that she’d said more than she should. “I’m glad,” he finally said. “I feel the same way. I think that’s why this is so damn perfect.”

  “What is?”

  “This.” He reclaimed her lips, his big hands sliding down her arms, his thumbs caressing the sides of her breasts. Tamara covered one of his hands with her own and urged it over to cover her breast completely, moaning into his mouth when he cupped the throbbing mound and began to knead it with rhythmic, milking motions. “This what you want?”

  “Yes,” she murmured in between kisses so powerful they were setting off tiny explosions in every feminine pleasure center she possessed.

  “Good.” He moved his other hand around to cup her ass possessively and urged her lower body closer to his. “And I want this.” With measured movements, he slowly began to rock her – back and forth – over the hard erection beneath his fly. Tamara gasped at the sensation as her tender, aching center spasmed in a strong, hot clench.

  Between her panting and the way her body trembled against his, there was no way Jaxson could miss how he’d turned Tamara on. Without letting up on the way he was devouring her mouth, he kept up the erotic massage on her breast, and added another delicious ingredient – an insistent roll of his hips. Up. Down. Again and again. Pushing the large bulge of his cock back and forth over her eager, swollen clit.

  “Oh, God, Jaxson…” Tamara whimpered.

  “More.” Blindly he sought her mouth, his fingers tangling in her hair, his hips grinding and lifting – grinding and lifting. Thrusting his hips, he dragged his need over hers, pumping between her splayed thighs, as close to her softness as he could get through two layers of denim.

  A fiery fever flashed over her. A blaze of euphoria. Her back arched and her pussy squeezed in on itself. Her toes curled in her boots, and she began to shake as a strong climax crashed over her, and she cried out his name in release. “Jaxson!”

  Jaxson cradled her to him, triumphant in her complete surrender. Some of the passengers of the small boats in front and behind them laughed or hooted their approval, making Tamara bury her face in his neck. “Oh, God, they’ll know.”

  “Who gives a damn?” Jaxson laughed, cupping the back of her head as they emerged into the afternoon sunlight. “Just don’t look,” he told her.

  “Okay.” Tamara obeyed, allowing him to pick her up, holding onto his strong shoulders as he moved away from the ride and the not-so-polite whispers of the people who’d heard her explode with pleasure.

  When they were some distance away, he sat her down, and hugged her tight. “By God, I enjoyed that. Hearing you come was hot as hell. I can’t wait to get my mouth on you.”


  I can’t wait to get my mouth on you.

  Tamara’s face flamed anew when she understood what he was saying. “You didn’t…”

  “Yea, you owe me o
ne.” He kissed the top of her head. “I look forward to collecting later.”

  She looked forward to it too, but she didn’t say so. Tam was still vibrating from the incredible orgasm he’d given her. They walked a few dozen yards before she raised her eyes from the ground to see where they were headed next. “Wine?”

  “Bucking broncs isn’t the only thing the lone star state is known for.” He led her to a lush garden area with wrought iron café tables and waiters wearing crisp white shirts and leather vests. The sign over the gate read Champion Wine Garden. “The Houston Livestock Association has been celebrating the Texas wine industry with Rodeo Uncorked for the last ten years or so. They host an international wine competition and auction which raises millions of dollars every season.”

  “Table for two, Mr. McCoy?” A waiter greeted them. “Or would you like to join Miss Stanhope?”

  Tamara was wide-eyed, a little taken aback at the unexpected invitation. She glanced up at Jaxson who met her gaze.

  “Chelsea is a good friend. I was hoping you two could meet.”

  “Of course.” She certainly couldn’t object – even if she wanted to. “I’d love to meet her.”

  As the waiter led them through the restaurant grounds, they maneuvered around tables, ducking under umbrellas. Jaxson waved at people who recognized him, even stopping to sign a few autographs. When they drew near a secluded part of the garden, Tamara didn’t have to be told which one of the women watching them approach was Chelsea. Several of the ladies viewed Jaxson with appreciative eyes, but only one gazed on him with an intent and proprietary focus. When the woman’s stare widened to include her, a shadow passed over the brunette’s face, an expression of distaste made her eyes hard for a second – almost serpentine.

  Tamara shivered.

  This woman considered herself to be more than Jaxson’s friend – and she certainly wasn’t happy to meet Tamara.

  “Hey, cowboy.”

  She’d learned long ago how to hold her own in most situations. Not many people intimidated Tamara – but this woman did. Chelsea Stanhope exuded power, self-confidence, and wealth. She was beautiful, sophisticated, and the way she slid a hand up Jaxson’s chest and kissed his cheek, confirmed Tamara’s earlier impression. She had feelings for Jaxson McCoy.

  “Hey, Chels.” He placed a hand on Tam’s shoulder and eased her close to his body. “I’d like you to meet my date, Tamara Grayson. Tamara, this is an old friend of mine, Chelsea Stanhope.”

  Tamara offered her hand to the woman, determined to stand her ground. “Hello, Miss Stanhope, it’s so nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise, I’m sure.” She motioned for them to join her. “Please sit. Miguel is bringing us a bottle of this year’s winning wine and a cheese platter.”

  Tamara noticed Chelsea managed to end up a little bit closer to Jaxson than she was sitting. “This place is an unexpected surprise.” She motioned around them. “The food smells great.”

  “Are you hungry, baby?” Jaxson asked, holding up his hand to ask for a menu.

  “A little,” she admitted. “I can wait for the place you intended for us to eat.”

  “This is it.” He gave her a smile. “A little oasis of sophistication in the midst of cowboy paradise.”

  Tamara smiled. Sharing a meal with another woman wasn’t exactly how she’d wanted to spend the evening. But for Jaxson – she’d be gracious. “Great!”

  “Oh, I can’t stay.” Chelsea glanced at her watch. “After one glass of wine, I need to head over to the arena. I’m riding tonight.”

  “Riding?” Tamara asked, showing what she thought was an appropriate amount of interest.

  “Chelsea is a champion barrel racer,” Jaxson announced proudly as a waiter approached with their food and drink.

  “Congratulations, you’re both champions. That’s so neat,” Tamara said with a gracious smile, leaning back in her chair as her wine glass was being filled. “And thank you, Chelsea, for allowing me to leave my bags in the lobby of your building.”

  A tiny smirk mired Chelsea’s smile as she took a sip of wine. “Oh, you’re welcome. Diego is a loyal employee. I’m glad he could help you out. Did you find everything okay?”

  “Oh, yes. I haven’t unpacked, but I’m sure everything is fine.” She glanced from one to the other of her table companions. “How long have you two known one another?”

  Chelsea cast an adoring look toward Jaxson, who was sampling the cheese and crackers. “We met five years ago at a rodeo in Montana. He was my knight in shining armor. Right?”

  Jaxson nodded, pushing his hat back from his forehead. He winked at Tamara. “I found her broke down on the side of the road.”

  Chelsea giggled. “You make it sound like I was lying in a ditch. My trailer had a flat.”

  While they laughed about the past, a young girl sidled up next to them with a small bound book. “Could I have an autograph?” she asked.

  Chelsea turned to beam at the girl. “Why, sure, honey? Do you want mine and this handsome cowboy’s signature?”

  The girl shook her head. “Actually, I want Miss Grayson’s.” She pointed to Tamara who blushed but reached for the girl’s pen and paper.

  “Sure, who do I make it out to?” she asked.


  While her young admirer waited, Tam wrote out a small message and signed her name.

  Georgina, I hope you run fast and jump high enough to reach all your dreams.

  Tamara Grayson.

  Seeing Chelsea’s confusion, Jaxson nodded toward Tamara, raising a hand to touch her shoulder. “Tamara’s an Ironman triathlete.”

  Georgina nodded. “She’s amazing. I want to win an Olympic gold medal like Tamara someday.”

  “The Olympics?” Chelsea looked shocked.

  Jaxson looked equally stunned. “Tamara Grayson. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Tam didn’t get a chance to answer. Georgina clapped her hands together and spilled the beans. “The 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil. Her time was one hour, fifty-six minutes, and sixteen seconds. She’s the first American to win Olympic gold in the triathlon.”

  “My God,” Chelsea exclaimed, but it wasn’t a congratulatory tone.

  Jaxon’s exuberance made up for his friend’s lack of excitement. “Hot damn, baby. You’re amazing!”

  Georgina gave her a hug and Tamara bid the girl goodbye. “Thanks,” she told a smiling Jaxson. “I was proud to get to do it, it was an honor.”

  “I’m sure.” He gazed at Tamara with adoration and admiration in his eyes.

  Chelsea blew out an exasperated breath. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Yea, Chelsea is carrying one of the flags tonight.” Jaxson stood up to see her off.

  “That’s great.” Being polite, Tamara rose to her feet to see Jaxson’s friend off.

  “No big deal.” Chelsea gathered her things. “Are you two going to be there?”

  “Not tonight,” Jaxson said quickly, giving Tamara a quick glance. “We have other plans.”

  “Right,” Chelsea said dryly. “Well, I’ll be seeing you.” She gave Tamara an odd look, then lifted her face for a kiss from Jaxson, who turned his head slightly and dusted his lips on her cheek.

  Wondering if she was imagining the drama, Tamara lifted her hand. “It was nice to meet you, Chelsea.”

  “Yea, I’m glad you got the opportunity.”

  Tam blinked, trying to figure out if she’d heard Chelsea right. Apparently, Jaxson didn’t notice his friend being rude. “She’s a hoot, that Chels.” He held Tamara’s chair as she returned to her seat. “Okay, let’s order something good. I’m famished.”

  “Okay, what’s good?” She was just relieved they were alone again. Despite Chelsea’s obvious feelings for Jaxson, he seemed to be oblivious and immune.

  “Steak’s always good, that’s what I want.” He studied the menu a moment. “I’ve tried the salmon too, it’s got a great Cajun sauce topping made with crawfish and a lemon garlic sauce.”
  “Hmmm, sounds good, I’ll try that.”

  After giving the waiter their selection, Jaxson took her hand. “I’m so glad you came.”

  “Me too,” Tamara admitted. “Just think, we ran into one another by chance.”

  “Yea, if the wind hadn’t been ripping so hard that day, we probably wouldn’t have met.” He began to play with her fingers, twining them with his until they were tightly clasped.

  Tamara didn’t say it, but she wondered if Jaxson would’ve even noticed her if she hadn’t been waving his Stetson in the air. “Lucky for you.”

  “Yea, lucky for me.” He turned her hand over to trace Tamara’s lifeline with one finger. “Why didn’t you tell me who you were?”

  “What do you mean? We introduced ourselves.” She used her free hand to lift the wine glass to her lips. “I don’t usually lead a conversation with ‘hey, I won Olympic gold, how about you?’. That would be obnoxious.”

  Jaxson chuckled, his dimples making an appearance. “I guess it would, but you have to know people would look at you differently if they knew.”

  “Look at me differently? How?” She knew her talents lay in her athletic ability, they were the characteristics that most defined her as a person. The achievements she’d obtained gave her a measure of self-confidence she might not have possessed otherwise. Still, she would like to think there was more about her to value than just how fast she could ride a bike or how far she could swim.

  “Don’t get me wrong, you’re damn sexy.” His eyes slid from her face to her chest. “You excite me like no woman has in a long time, but you have to know that knowing you’re some Olympic phenom is a total turn-on.”

  “Like knowing you’re a rodeo star?” She decided to turn the tables on him. “Imagining you mastering a two-ton tornado of a bull, all that power between your legs – something like that?”

  Jaxson let loose a curse and a growl. “Hell. Maybe. You made even that sound sexy.” He licked his lips, setting his gaze on her mouth. “I’ll be glad to demonstrate the power between my legs.”

  Tamara laughed at the direction their conversation had taken. “As much as I look forward to you proving your manly prowess, there are other things I look forward to discovering about you.”


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