A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 8

by Sable Hunter

  “Like what?” Jaxson moved aside the cheese platter as their food was delivered. He waited until the server had departed before glancing over at her again. The sun was going down in the west and the rays coming through the low-hanging branches of the trees made a halo of light around her head. Her beauty took his breath away. How had he ever thought her plain? “Other than my good looks and my cowboy skills, what about ole Jaxson McCoy could possibly be of any interest to anyone?”

  “Well, there’s more to me than what I can do on a race track, Jaxson,” she admonished him. “I’m pretty good at science.” Actually, she’d written a textbook used by several universities. “I’m well-read. I enjoy poetry and jazz. I like animals and I have a damn fine sense of humor.”

  Jaxson picked up his wrapped silverware and waggled it at her, before unwrapping his utensil and placing the napkin on his lap. “Those sure sound like some mighty fine qualities. Not everyone can claim such worthwhile traits, I know I can’t.”

  Cutting her salmon with a fork, Tam considered her response. She knew there was more going on here than mere banter. In her mind…maybe, it was her hope – they were setting the stage for their future relationship. “I’m sure you have many wonderful qualities.” When he met her gaze, raising his chin a bit, as if in defiance, she continued, “You love animals, that tells me volumes.” When he rolled his eyes, her voice grew a bit louder. “You run a ranch, a big ranch, if I would hazard a guess, that’s no small feat. You’re super intelligent, I can tell that by talking to you. There’s no telling at what you’ve accomplished and you’re just too humble to say so.”

  Jaxson laughed in the middle of a bite, sending himself into a paroxysm of coughing. He held the napkin over his face, then took a big drink of water. “Oh, Lord, girl. Do you ever think the word humble could apply to me?” Shaking his head, he winked at her. “You overestimate my capabilities and potential by a mile, I’m afraid.” He spread his arms out. “With me, it’s what you see is what you get.”

  Tamara swallowed, having nothing in her mouth but longing. “I see what any red-blooded woman would want – a perfect man.”

  With a quiet groan, Jaxson bowed his head. “Ye gods, girl. Do you want me to clear this table with one hard swipe and lay you down on it?”

  “No, I’ll wait until we finish our meal and get back to the trailer.” She shook her finger at him, thankful that she’d adorned her nails with pale pink polish. “When we get there, I’ll ravish you.”

  “You’d better not be pulling my leg.” He began to eat a little faster.

  Tam pressed her lips together, then giggled. “Don’t worry, it’s not your leg I want to tug on.” When she saw his eyes bug and his Adam’s apple dip, she put a hand over her eyes, doing her best to get control of her own emotions. “We need to stop this, I’m getting all antsy.” She shifted in her seat.

  “Ha! You think you got problems?” He put his hand in his lap and rubbed his swollen cock. “I’m dying over here.”

  “Oh, goodness.” She took a bite of asparagus. “Let’s talk about something else.” Tam thought a second. “Tell me something you don’t talk about with just anyone.”

  Jaxson paused his fork midway to his mouth – thinking. “Huh.” After finishing the bite, he wiped his lips with the napkin. Thinking quickly, he rejected his first instinct. He wouldn’t tell her about his problem with dysgraphia, that would just make him seem weak in her eyes – which would never do. He wouldn’t tell her about Philip being arrested for murder, his brother was as innocent as the day was long, and the family had full faith he would soon be cleared as a suspect. No, he wanted to tell her something that women liked to hear. Whatever it was needed to be true and not too humiliating. “Well, okay. I like flowers. I mean I like to grow flowers. Mother liked them and so do my sisters. I planted several beds of old-fashioned roses and Louisiana iris for Ryder and Pepper. Sometimes in the early morning, when the dew is still on the roses, I go out and sit down with them. Smell them. Think.” To his relief, he saw Tamara’s face soften.

  “Awww, I love that about you.” She gave him a smile and reached out to pat his arm. “You made my heart skip a beat.”

  “What about you? Tell me something you don’t talk about often.”

  “Okay.” She opened her bag and took out a pen and paper. “Look.” She wrote her name with her right hand. Tamara Grayson. After lifting the paper to show him, she said, “Nice writing, huh?”

  “Yea.” For a moment, Jaxson thought she might be on to him. How would she know? Was she making fun of him? “Nice penmanship. So?”

  She raised her left hand. “I’m not right-handed.”

  “Oh, you’re ambidextrous?” he asked, a little surprised. “That’s great, sort of rare.”

  “No, I’m not. I was left-handed, but my father wouldn’t have it. He’s a perfectionist, or he wants me to be.” She shrugged. “He’s taken a keen interest in my athletic efforts.” Yes, she was downplaying his obsession. “He talked to my teacher when I was learning how to write and demanded that she not allow me to use my left hand. She took him seriously. Every time she caught me using my left hand, she hit me. Once, she even slammed it in a drawer.”

  Jaxson was horrified. He’d grown up in a rural part of south Louisiana, where corporal punishment was normal. Students, especially boys, were given a sound paddling if the teacher thought it was warranted. “What you’re describing sounds like abuse?”

  “I thought so, but he was pretty determined. The Olympics was my father’s goal for me, a way for him to accomplish goals he hadn’t been able to attain for himself.” As if the subject was closed, she went on to something else. “If you were going to a deserted island, and you had no choice in the matter, what three things would you take with you?”

  “Oh, my goodness. Are you psychoanalyzing me, pretty girl?”

  “No, just getting to know you.” She ate the last bite of salmon she could hold and laid down her fork.

  “Three things, huh. Let me see.” He propped one hand on his knee and grew pensive. “First, I’d take my trusty bowie knife. Second, I’d make sure I had a mirror, so I could signal for help if a plane passed overhead. Third…” He thought a second or two longer. “I’d take a dog, so I wouldn’t be lonely.”

  She nodded her head. “Interesting.”

  “What are you most afraid of?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

  “Not being independent.”

  Her quick answer surprised him. “Really? I think that’s one of the things that would scare me too.”

  “Well, aren’t we the pair?” She rubbed her hand down his arm, enjoying being close to him. “Do you think you can read my mind, what I’m thinking right now?”

  Jaxson stared at her, loving the twinkle in her eye. “Well to tell you the truth, there’s one thing I can’t get off my mind. Whether or not I’m reading yours, I can’t say, but getting you alone and in my bed is all I can think about.”

  “How about dessert?” Their waiter’s abrupt question caused them both to turn their heads.

  Jaxson glanced at her and she shook her head in the negative. Turning to the waiter, he handed him his credit card. “Just the check, please. We’ve got somewhere to be.”

  Once the bill was paid, Jaxon rose and offered her his hand. When she placed her palm in his, tingles began to dance over her skin.

  “Was I right?” he asked her as they began to make their way through the crowd. “About reading your mind?”

  “What do you think?” She kissed him on the shoulder.

  Her small gesture of affection did something funny to his heart, something he didn’t have time to analyze at the moment. “I think we should hurry.” As he quickened his pace, tugging her along with him, their joyous laughter made every person who saw them smile.


  They were out of breath by the time they reached the trailer. “Don’t forget,” she told him, “we need to put Memphis in his stall.”

yea.” Jaxson grinned and changed direction, still pulling her along with him. “You’ve got me so worked up, I almost forgot my boy.”

  “Can’t do that.” Tamara was still giggling. “I can’t stop laughing. I think I had too much wine.”

  Leaning on the gate, he snapped his fingers. “Memphis.” As the big horse came trotting toward him, Jaxson brought Tammy’s hand to his lips. “Nah, we only had two glasses a piece. We’re high on anticipation, not alcohol.”

  “You’re right.” She couldn’t deny it. “He’s glad to see you.” Tamara walked along beside the man and his horse as he led him by the cheek strap back to the trailer.

  “Always. He’s my best friend, aren’t you?” Jaxson crooned to the App, leading him up the ramp.

  “You’re lucky. I love animals, but my life hasn’t ever been my own. With the training and traveling, a pet isn’t a luxury I’ve been able to afford.” She hurried to help with the food and water, wanting to be helpful.

  “Sorry.” Jaxson tried to imagine how lonely a life without animals would be. “That’s tough. Sometimes I prefer this horse’s company to most people.”

  Her rush of laughter hit him hard right over his heart.

  “Would you two like to be alone?” she asked as she handed the food bucket over the stall door.

  He cut her a quick glance, turning off the hose he’d been using to freshen the water in the trough. “Hell, no. I have plans for you, girl.” With one quick move, he swept her up into his arms and out of the trailer. “Lock it.”

  She leaned over and fastened the latch. “I’m pretty heavy,” she cautioned him.

  “No, you’re not. Besides, I’m pretty strong, in case you haven’t noticed.”

  After righting herself in his arms, she reached over to squeeze his bicep. “I noticed.”

  Jaxson wasted no time getting them inside the living quarters. Setting Tamara on her feet, he held her gaze. Her eyes were full of desire, her chest rising and falling, her skin tinged with the palest shade of pink. He was used to women wanting him, but he’d never felt this incredible wave of tenderness. Glancing around at the spartan surroundings, he shook his head. “Dammit, I should’ve taken you to some fancy hotel.”

  “No, this is perfect. There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”

  “Me either, honey.” He removed his hat and began to toe off his boots. “Have I told you how fucking hot you look in those jeans?”

  “Not exactly, but thanks.” Watching him undress was heady stuff. As he unsnapped his shirt, revealing a sculpted chest, her mouth grew dry. Her own hands trembled with hesitation as they fumbled at the buttons of her blouse. Even though her body was her greatest asset, rarely letting her down on the field of competition, there were times – like now – when she wished it was more lushly feminine. “Remember, I’m not like most girls you’re used to.” She clutched the sides of her blouse, reluctant to unveil herself to his view. “Smaller.”

  As he shed his jeans, he recalled saying those dumb words to her. “No, you’re not like most girls I’m used to.” Jaxson reached for her. “You’re better. Classy. Sweet. Smart.” He wanted to make everything so perfect for this woman that she wouldn’t be able to forget a moment – she wouldn’t be able to forget him. “And so very beautiful.”

  His praise emboldened Tamara. She didn’t know if she agreed with his assessment but seeing herself through his eyes was tantalizing. “I made you some promises, didn’t I?”

  “That you did, and I haven’t forgotten.” Wearing only his briefs, Jaxson climbed upon the platform bed, easing back against the center of the headboard. “Come up here and let me love you.”

  After slipping off her outer clothes, Tamara stood before him in just a pair of pink panties and a lacy pink bra. Truth be told, she loved pink. Perhaps it was her way of protesting the hard, demanding life she’d been forced to live. “Okay. Ready or not here I come.”

  Winding her hair into a ponytail and stowing it over one shoulder, Tamara began to come toward him on her knees. Despite her brave words, he could see the hesitancy and uncertainty on her face. A wave of protectiveness swept over him and he couldn’t have kept his hands at his sides if he tried. Reaching out for her, Jaxson took her hands and held them as she eased herself onto his lap, straddling him. “This is becoming my favorite position.”

  “Mine too.” His body shook with excitement when she rested her hands on his shoulders. Placing his palms at her waist, Jaxson anchored her right where he wanted her. Even through the cotton of his underwear, he could feel the heat of her pussy nestled over his cock. “Damn, it’s going to be hard to go slow with you.”

  “You don’t have to. I don’t mind.”

  “I do.” Jaxson let a possessive hand slide up the silk of her back, toying with the clasp on her bra, but leaving it in place – for now. “I want to savor every inch of you.” Taking a strand of hair between his fingers, he toyed with it, tugging gently. When she followed his lead, leaning her head back, he couldn’t resist kissing her neck, little licks and nips all along the elegant arch. “You’re so soft, so sexy. I can’t resist you.”

  “I’m glad,” she whispered with a gasp when his lips traveled up to the tender flesh beneath her ear – sucking, licking. He loved that she shivered and held onto him greedily. “You’re good at this.”

  “Hell, yea, I am,” Jaxson chuckled as his lips connected with hers and he gave her a suggestive kiss, his tongue darting in and out. A kiss designed to make her want his tongue elsewhere. “Hmmm, good.” To his satisfaction, the kiss worked. She shifted her bottom and scooted up his thighs, crushing the tender flesh of her femininity against the hard ridge of his erection. “Oh, yea, that’s right.” Jaxson let his hungry hands rove over her. As they necked, he debated with himself what to do next. God, he wanted to do it all.

  Lay her down and eat her out.

  Suck on her tits until they were throbbing with desire.

  Fuck her into the middle of next week.

  Turn her on all fours and take her from behind, reddening her heart-shaped ass with the palm of his hand.

  “Christ, baby,” he rasped against her lips. “I want you so bad.” Right. He wanted it all. With any other woman, he’d push her on her back and ravage her – checking each thing off his list with unbridled lust.

  But Tamara was different. He wanted to take his time. He wanted to please her. He wanted to make her want more – of him.

  “Jaxson?” She said his name like a question, but she didn’t voice one. Instead, she reached behind her and unhooked the pink bit of confection covering her tits.

  When she leaned back to pull the straps over her arms, he couldn’t help but stare. His heart was hammering so hard, he was afraid he’d have a stroke. “Oh, baby.” He’d imagined what her breasts would be like – every man did that. Tits were an endless source of fascination for men and he was no different. Their shape. Their tilt. The nipple. The sexy areola that topped mounds of creamy flesh like icing on a cupcake. “You are damn perfect.” For long moments, he let his eyes feast. Twin pillows of enticement. Two perfect temptations. Round. High. Firm. Just made to fit his hand. Jaxson held his breath as he covered them with his palms, loving how the large, puffy nipples caressed the hollow of his palm. “Are these mine? Can I have them?”

  “Yes, they’re yours.”

  Her admission stole his ability to breathe. God, he was fucked. Supremely fucked. His aching dick was about to explode. When she pressed against him for another kiss, her delicious weight massaged his impatient, demanding manhood, and he couldn’t stop the begging moan from escaping his lips.

  “Maybe you should lose your shorts?”

  “Sounds like a good idea. Will you help me?”

  Jaxson chuckled when her eyes widened in understanding. “Me?” When he nodded, she moved back a half inch or so and hooked her fingers in the waistband – giving it a downward tug. Jaxson grunted with relief with his cock popped out, bobbed with relief, and slapped against his stomach.<
br />
  “Oh, you’re big.”

  The words sprang from her lips before she could call them back.

  “Not too big,” he said to reassure her, wondering at her blush. “Tamara? I’m not going to hurt you, you know.”

  “I’m not a virgin, Jaxson,” she told him, but Jaxson could hear a hint of uncertainty in her voice.


  “I mean, I’ve done it before. Twice.”

  “Twice?” Jaxson gazed at the beautiful woman he wanted more than air. “Well…” He wasn’t sure what the proper thing to say would be.

  She began to pet his chest. “My first time was at the Olympics. You’ve probably heard about all the sex that goes on, so much that they give away condoms by the case.” She shook her head. “I didn’t really know about that. There was this guy…I liked. I thought he liked me. I didn’t know he’d taken a bet to see how many girls he could…”

  “Shhhh, this is different. We’re different.” Even as he made the declaration, he knew it was true. This wasn’t one of those times when he was getting laid just because his loins demanded satisfaction. This woman was different. “Hey, come closer.” Jaxson skated his palms up her thighs and around her hips until he cupped the cheeks of her bottom. “Do you remember how you came in the Tunnel of Love?”

  “Yea. Hard.”

  “The ride was too short. Let’s do it again. Rub on me until you make me come. Can you do that?”

  “I think so.” She gave him a nod, chewing on her plump lower lip. “If that’s what you want.”

  Oh, he wanted a lot of things. He wanted to push her to her back and fill her up, giving her what they both needed. But what he craved most was for her to want him so much she couldn’t stand it. He wanted to take her when she ached for him so bad she couldn’t stand to wait another moment. “Show me.”

  Holding his gaze, Tamara lifted herself until she could fit the cradle of her sex over the trunk of his cock. Jaxson closed his eyes and banged his head back against the frame of the bed. Heaven help him, she might as well be naked. The little sliver of silk separating them did nothing to mask her heat and the dampness of her arousal. He bit the inside of his cheek to maintain control – and that was before she began to move.


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