A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  Once she connected with her relieved mother on the phone, she proceeded to reassure her. “It’s beautiful here, mom. I’m just super tired. I think I’m going to take a nap soon.”

  Sheila wanted to talk, but Tamara was too pooped to party. All she wanted was a hot shower and a few hours rest. After bidding her mom goodbye, she thought about contacting Jaxson. They’d talked before she left, and he seemed interested in hearing from her, but the long flight had given her insecurities time to rear their ugly head. Despite his sister’s reassurance, Tamara couldn’t forget how he’d introduced her. “I want to be so much more than his friend,” she whispered.

  Just landed in New Zealand. No sign of hobbits yet.

  She typed the message into her phone, then hit the backspace bar until it disappeared.

  Was that really what she wanted her first text with him to be?

  Flopping back onto the bed, she fussed at herself, “Stop being ridiculous, Tamara.” Calling up the screen, she typed out another message.

  Landed in New Zealand safely. Need a nap, lol. Talk to you soon, hopefully.

  The word hopefully was deleted, then re-added three times. In the end, Tamara opted to leave it in. She wanted to make sure he knew she was eager to hear from him, yet not come off as too desperate. For once, she regretted not being close with any of her fellow triathletes, she sure could have used a little girl-talk.

  “Oh, screw it,” she told herself with half-closed eyes.

  Hitting SEND, she let the message go off into space. Jaxson was probably asleep anyway. She was planning on closing the blinds, brushing her teeth, and climbing right into bed. A shower could wait. To Tam’s surprise, her plans were brought to an abrupt halt when the phone buzzed only a few moments after she sent her message.

  Wait no longer. Here I am. The text included a photo of Jaxson lying in bed in a dimly lit room with his shirt off.

  Tamara gasped audibly in the empty room. “Holy…frankfurter.” Where her eyelids had been heavy only a moment ago, now they were wide open as she gawked at the hunk. “Be still my heart!” The man was ripped, and she couldn’t help but look him up and down, remembering what it felt like to be cradled naked to all those muscles.

  Rolling over onto her back she began to type.

  Glad to see you are doing well. Sorry if I woke you.

  Jaxson was smiling ear-to-ear back State side. Maybe I was up waiting to hear from you. It’s been over a day since we talked. I’m going crazy here. A crazy-eyed emoji accompanied Jaxson’s words and Tamara laughed out loud.

  Had he actually missed her?

  How are you? Leg feel better?

  Jaxson lifted his leg to take a photo and sent it back her way. Damn thing itches. But people have been stopping by to sign it.

  Tamara looked briefly at the cast in the picture, but what drew her eyes the most was how Jaxson’s six-pack stood out stark in the photo, drawing her gaze down toward a most intriguing V. She licked her lips, knowing what lay beneath those burnt orange Longhorn shorts.

  How on earth she could be this tired and still be horny eluded Tamara, but her feminine parts just gave up and went with the flow. Every inch of her body remembered what being with Jaxson felt like. “God, I’m having withdrawal pains,” she whispered to herself as a tingle between her thighs caused her to cross her legs tightly.

  Another text from him came in before she could regain her focus to send a response.

  What’s the hotel look like?

  The room was ordinary, nothing special, but Tamara snapped a few shots and sent them back.

  What’s Tamara look like? A smiling devil accompanied this most recent message.

  Panic set in quickly. She’d just spent an entire day on a plane and she knew she looked like it. Never a girl to wear a lot of make-up to begin with, Tamara wished she’d took the time to freshen up before starting this conversation.

  She looks tired.

  Jaxson laughed in his bed. I bet she still looks hot.

  He felt a bit bad for being so overtly sexual with her, knowing she’d just been on a long journey. But Jaxson couldn’t help himself, his cock had stiffened the moment he’d seen her first text come through on his phone.

  “I should let her get some sleep,” he told himself. Thumbing words onto the screen to tell her so, Jaxson stopped typing abruptly when Tamara sent a picture back of herself standing in front of the bathroom mirror, one hand holding the phone, the other lifted to cover her face. Too tired to be seen by the public.

  Jaxson marveled at the parts he could see. He studied the picture in great detail, letting his eyes indulge in those smooth shoulder and the tapered shape of her waist. “Jaxson McCoy,” he said to himself, “you are a bad, bad boy.”

  He might be a bad boy, but his thoughts were hot as hell. A flash of their time together in Houston was seared into his brain – Tamara on top of him, riding hard between whimpers, her pussy locked tightly around his cock.

  “Fuck this,” Jaxson hissed, lifting his behind off the bed so he could free the hard, aching dick in his shorts. “Goddammit!”

  He’d spent every second since they’d talked dwelling on Tamara and the time they’d shared together. The sex had been out of this world, but more than that, he’d loved spending time with her. She was smart, funny, and drop dead gorgeous. Besides, what else did he have to do? Lying in bed with a broken leg didn’t give him a lot of options and Tamara Grayson was a very pleasant topic to ponder upon.

  Stroking his dick up and down, Jaxson stared at the picture.

  On the other end of the conversation, Tamara was worrying that he hadn’t liked her picture. Why wasn’t he responding? She found herself wondering if hiding her face had caused Jaxson to lose interest.

  Panicking, Tamara snapped a quick picture with her face in it and sent it as fast as she could.

  HO-LY SHIT!!!! An almost endless line-up of heart emojis came after Jaxson’s appreciative words.

  Tamara crawled back onto the bed, the emojis throwing water on the flame of her doubts…but not on the burn in her clit.

  Sorry. I was typing with one hand there for a minute. Again, a smiling devil was included.

  Tamara’s nipples perked at his insinuation. So much for small talk. Shouldn’t you be getting to bed?

  Tough to sleep alone in such a big, empty bed. If only I had a sexy lady triathlete here to help me get tired enough to sleep.

  Jaxson knew he should behave, but their sexual chemistry in Houston had been off the charts. Now, his body needed more of Tamara. Sliding the pad of his thumb over the tip of his cock, Jaxson spread a drop of pre-cum all over the mushroom head. Groaning, he gripped the stiff stalk and pumped a few times.

  His words were driving Tamara crazy. She’d been a good girl all her life. Oh sure, she’d been naughty with Jaxson a few times, but he seemed to be hinting at a bit of cybersex and she was a virgin in this new territory.

  Awww. That’s such a shame. An injured boy like you needs his rest. Anything I can do to help? She put her hand over her mouth, aghast at how bold she was being.

  “You are a wet dream, Tammy Grayson.” Jaxson considered calling her to hear that sultry voice, but this was too much fun to put a stop to. I can think of a few things.

  Why don’t you tell me?

  Jaxson moved on the bed, letting his cock stand at full attention. Snapping a picture, he sent it back her way. Well, they all kinda center around one thing.

  This time it was Tamara’s turn to respond with heart emojis. Her sex was fully flushed now, clenching and releasing to create a sensation pleasurable enough to make her writhe. She longed to be filled, stretched, and taken by Jaxson McCoy.

  Take your pants off, Jaxson’s next text ordered. The time for teasing had come and gone.

  Yes, sir. Tamara slid out of her pants and underwear, keeping on the pink tank top she wore to cover her breasts.

  Jaxson groaned at the picture that came back his way. Tamara was sprawled out on her back, naked from the
waist down. At first, he was disappointed she hadn’t removed her top, but the tease quickly grew on him. You are the hottest woman on the planet. Now rub it for me.

  What about you?

  Oh, don’t worry about me baby. I’ve got my hands full.

  Tamara did as she was ordered, strumming her clit in circular motions.

  Put the phone down and put that extra hand up your shirt for me, beautiful. I can’t be there to enjoy you, so you need to enjoy yourself for me.

  Again, Tamara was a good girl, following orders. She laid back, phone balanced on a pillow beside her, so she could read his incoming messages.

  Jaxson took over the conversation, stroking his cock with one hand while typing misspelled messages with his other.

  Rub it for me Tam. Let one of those fingrs of urs slide in.

  The first few typos caused Tamara to lose focus, but she quickly let the grammar slide. His typing wasn’t important, it was the way he gave orders that turned her on.

  Let it slip into that extra tiht pussy of yours. I’m so jelous of that damn finger. I wish it was my cock in you instead baby.

  His words drove Tamara insane. Bucking and grinding her hips on the bed, she fucked herself slowly with a finger that didn’t come close to bestowing the pleasure Jaxson’s thick cock could.

  I need you inside me, Jaxson.

  Her return message was unexpected, and it sent a shockwave down Jaxson’s back and right to his cock. It flexed in his hand, the head swelling large and broad. Her words were just too much, and he felt the finish line approaching.

  Cum for me baby. Let it go. I want to hear you from here. Don’t be shy.

  Tamara twisted in the blanket, turning her head to one side to bite the pillow beside her as the torrent of her orgasm blasted through her body. Gritting her teeth, Jaxson’s name spilled from her lips in a long, ragged breath. “Jaxson!”

  More than seven thousand miles away, Jaxson erupted in full force, jutting white spurts from the end of his cock out all over his abs. “Jesus Christ,” he hissed, letting a few last blasts come forth. Looking down, he was shocked at how covered he was. “Damn, looks like I haven’t jerked off in a month.”

  He hadn’t even touched her, but his orgasm was super intense, resulting in a release of epic proportions. Dialing the phone with one hand while he wiped himself off, Jaxson rang-up the girl who’d just rocked his world.

  Tamara struggled to get her breath back. The phone beside her head began to ring. “Hello,” she said between gasps of air.

  “That was incredible,” Jaxson said from the other end of the line.


  “Listen. I’m sorry about that. I mean, it felt incredible. I hope you had a good time too.” He chuckled when a satisfied moan from Tamara told him all he needed to know. “Well. I’m glad to hear that. I just can’t help myself with you. You are so fucking sexy.”

  The heavy feeling returned to Tamara’s eyelids. “Don’t apologize to me. I had fun, this was my first time for phone sex or sexting… Anyway, thank you. We should do it again.”

  “Right now? I mean sure, just give me a second and I’ll be ready to go again.”

  Tamara giggled. “I was kinda thinking about tomorrow, but sure.”

  “I bet you’re tired.”


  “All right, I’ll let you get to bed. I’ve got a heavy duty clean up job to do here on myself. I just wanted to hear your voice before I went to bed. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course, it is. I wanted to hear from you. Very much.” Tamara sank down deeper into the covers. “I have to go for a run tomorrow, but I’d love to do this again when you’re ready.”

  “Baby, you tell me when and I’ll be there. But for now, you sleep tight.”

  “Okay, Jaxson.”


  “Goodnight.” Tamara said goodnight and fell asleep with a big smile on her face, knowing incredible dreams awaited.


  Leading up to the competition, Tamara trained every day, buckling down on her diet and pushing through practice sessions. Twice a day, every day, she ran, swam, or rode her bike, learning the course and getting herself geared up to compete.

  “Visualize yourself on the course,” Richard Grayson repeated himself every afternoon when they spoke on the phone. Even from such a distance, he still tried to stay on top of her progress.

  “I do, Dad,” she told him. “I haven’t forgotten what you taught me.”

  “I need for you to do your best on this race. BOKO Sports Gear seems serious about sponsoring you, Tamara. This could be your big opportunity.”

  She could hear the passion in his voice. Not for the first time, Tam wished he could’ve followed his own dreams…instead of trying to dream for her. “I know. I’m not going to let you down.”

  “See that you don’t.”

  Her father wasn’t her only source of pressure. When she didn’t train, Tamara met with sponsors and attended public events. Each day, she was amazed to see how many people turned out to meet her, to get the chance to have a picture taken with her or tell her how much they loved her.

  Even though she was humbled by the attention, Tam felt stressed from constantly having to be up and energized all the time. Sometimes she dreamed of just curling herself into Jaxson’s arms and being still. As the week progressed, she kept the days for business, but the nights were for a certain cowboy. Her father would’ve pinched her head off if he knew how much of her focus was on Jaxson McCoy…but having that time to look forward to kept Tamara sane.

  While the other competitors took in the sights of Auckland, going out each night to visit local hotspots to let off a bit of steam, Tamara stayed behind. She much preferred chatting with Jaxson and creating a little steam of their own.

  Jaxson wanted daily updates. How long she’d run that day. How far she biked or swam. What was her heartrate? How fast was her time?

  “I’m living vicariously through you,” he always said, “seeing as how I can barely get my ass down the stairs on these crutches, much less go for a run.” Actually, he could only remember running a couple of times - once when he disturbed a nest of hornets, and another time trying to elude an angry woman. Usually…he just sauntered.

  While Tamara trained, Jaxson managed to pass the time. After a couple of days, he felt like maneuvering around the house, coming down to meals, and joining the family around the television.

  “Good to see you’re still alive and kicking,” Pepper teased, bringing him a piece of pecan pie made from their mother’s recipe. “How’s Tamara? She seems to be getting a lot of attention online.”

  “She’s good.” He cut a bite of pie and savored it. “I’d rather talk to her than look at posts online. Those aren’t really from her.” Jaxson stayed away from that stuff the best he could. He’d seen a few pictures of her with fans online, not liking it one bit when a male fan smiled too wide in the picture.

  Still, as soon as the time rolled around for Tamara to be free, he headed to his room to see how her day had gone, but mainly just to hear her voice. Each time they spoke, the length of their calls seemed to grow longer. Last night, they’d talked for two hours. His phone bill was going to be fairly hefty with long distance charges – but he didn’t give a damn – the cost was well worth it.

  “Did you have a dog growing up?” he asked the night before the competition.

  “No. I always wanted one. I’d like to have one someday.”

  “You should have one if you want one.” He held the phone to his ear, wishing he could touch her skin. “What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?”

  Tamara laughed. “What is this? Twenty questions?”


  “White chocolate raspberry truffle.”

  “You’re such a girl.”

  “Uh, yea. How about you?”

  “I’m not a girl.”

  “Stop.” Tamara giggled at his sexy, dry humor. “Ice cre

  “Chocolate. The richer and darker the better.”


  “I’d love to eat some off your tits.”

  Tamara groaned. “I can’t wait.”

  “It’s a date.” They’d spent hours throughout the week just chatting, getting to know each other, and Jaxson knew he was falling hard for her. “You know I really like you, right?” They cyber-fucked every day in one form or another, either via text or on the phone. Jaxson even skyping in on two occasions, so they could see the visual proof of their attraction to the other.

  “I like you too,” Tamara answered in response. The L word had been right on the tip of her tongue, she just hadn’t allowed herself to say it.

  “I’ll be watching you compete. I’m making everyone stay up late so we can all watch it live.”

  “Oh, no.” Tamara put a hand to her face. “That’s so much pressure. I’m sure they’d much rather be sleeping or doing something else other than watching me.”

  “On the contrary, Pepper and Ryder are making cardboard signs to cheer you on. I know. I know. You won’t be able to see them, but they’re going to take pictures of themselves and post them to your Facebook page. They want to support you just like I do. I couldn’t break their little hearts.”

  “Okay, tell them thank you. I’ll do my best.” Tamara felt like she knew all his siblings, they’d spoken so much about them in recent days. In truth, this had probably been the best week of Tamara Lynn Grayson’s life and she felt like things would be even better when she returned home. The possibility of an actual relationship with Jaxson kept creeping into her mind and she was foolishly letting herself think it could be a possibility.

  “Good luck tomorrow, Tammy. I’ll be with you in spirit.”

  “Goodnight, Jaxson. Sleep well.”

  “Dream of me.”

  “Always.” Tamara hung up the phone and held it to her heart.

  She was in love.

  * * *


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