A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 17

by Sable Hunter

Ryder held a bowl of popcorn in her hand when she came to join Jaxson in front of the big TV. “Scoot over,” she ordered her injured brother as she plopped down on the couch beside him.

  “Broken leg. Broken leg,” Jaxson protested.

  “Oh, hush up. We all know you’re feeling better.” Ryder passed the bowl across him to Pepper who sat on the other side of Jaxson.

  “My leg is feeling a bit better.”

  “Amazing what love can do,” Tennessee commented from his recliner by the fireplace.

  The race had been underway for a while now and the camera loved Tamara. Every time she was shown on the screen, Pepper and Ryder would wave their signs.

  “Go, Tam!” The girls had taken to calling her by the same nickname Jaxson used, feeling like they knew her because he talked about her constantly.

  “Sixth place!” Jaxson cheered when they watched Tamara come across the finish line.

  The on-scene reporter raced over for an interview. “Tamara Grayson. What a great race you just ran. Sixth place. You must be very happy.”

  Tamara was bent over, working to regain her breath. “I’m very pleased with the outcome.” Pant. “I owe it all to my coaches and the people who supported me.” Pant. “Especially my parents who worked so hard to help me succeed.”

  “Your star certainly is on the rise, Tamara. We’ve seen your popularity this week. Fans have been turning out in droves to meet you. You won their hearts at the Olympics and they just can’t seem to get enough of you on the circuit. How does the attention make you feel?”

  “Well…” Pant. “I’m grateful for the people who make time in their lives to follow what I do.” Pant. “Sixth place. I mean…wow. I would’ve been happy with the top twenty, so sixth is incredible.”

  “Rumors have been swirling all week. My sources tell me they heard if you finished in the top ten, BOKO would be offering you a sponsorship.”

  Richard Grayson had informed his daughter the sports gear company was interested in her, but she hadn’t known the result would influence their decision. Tamara was beside herself with excitement. “That’s amazing!”

  “Congratulations, Tamara. We look forward to seeing you compete next week in Hawaii.”

  Tamara was smiling for the camera. “Wait? What?”

  Jaxson watched the interview. This was the first he was hearing about another contest next week. “Hell.”

  “I’m Nigel Forrester,” the reporter said to the camera. “Now back to my colleagues in the booth.”

  In New Zealand, Tamara grabbed the reporter just as he was about to walk away. “Nigel. Wait. What is this about Hawaii?” She’d remembered someone mentioning the contest earlier, but with everything going on, she’d let the details slip her mind. The competition in Hawaii was prestigious. Tamara hadn’t let herself consider the possibility of qualifying.

  “You’re going to get the BOKO sponsorship Tamara. I’ve been speaking to them this week. They’ve got a sponsor’s exemption spot for the event. Of course, this is all unofficial, but I know the guys over at BOKO and they told me you’re in. They want you to wear their colors next week in Hawaii.” Tamara’s mouth was open, this was the first she’d heard about officially competing next week. “Oh, don’t look so shocked, girl. I’ve heard of other sponsors who want to talk to you, even one from your home area. Have you ever heard of Stallion Investments?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  “You will. Hell, one week in New Zealand, the next in Hawaii. You’re in the big leagues now.”

  “Thanks, this is a lot to take in.” Tamara knew she should’ve been more excited about the new sponsors and a trip to Hawaii, but she’d been counting the seconds until she could get back to Jaxson. Now, it seemed their reunion would be pushed back another week and she wasn’t sure how he was going to take it.

  * * *

  Jaxson pleeeeeaaassssseeeeee!!!! A string of angry face emojis gave testament to her displeasure.

  Tamara had been in Hawaii for four days and her frustration was mounting.

  Not until you get back. Stop pouting. Jaxson’s return message seemed altogether too calm.

  Jaxson had done the unthinkable. He’d put an end to their daily and sometimes, two or three times daily, cyber romps. Tamara’s body had grown accustomed to the earth shattering orgasms while they were separated, but upon arriving in Hawaii she’d tried to get frisky with Jaxson and he had flat-out told her no.

  I think we should take the week off.

  She’d screenshotted his evil text and looked at it whenever she felt frustrated. Not that I don’t love fucking you, Tam. Believe me. It has quickly become my favorite activity. I just think it’ll make it that much more mind-blowing when you do get back and we can finally touch each other.

  The first two days proved to be hell. They were still in contact every free moment she could spare, talking on the phone or skyping, continuing the process of getting to know each other and falling in love more each day. Tamara was absolutely smitten and longed for their physical connection. Day three was spent in training and meetings, but never was the idea of being with Jaxson very far from her mind. When she wasn’t training, she spent the time thinking about their reunion. Imagining what it would feel like to touch his body, to feel him pressed against her, to be claimed by him once again.

  Day four was another thing all together. An entire day of thought, anticipation and driving herself crazy led to an almost insatiable need. Tamara sent a dozen lewd pictures of herself to the man of her dreams. First her lying in bed, then her tugging down her underwear to tease, and getting much more suggestive as the day went along. She knew Jaxson’s cock had to be rock-hard because the pictures even gave her a thrill. But he stood his ground, not being shy with his admiration for her body, but also not submitting to her feminine charms.

  Just think of how good it will feel for me to sink balls deep into that sweet little pussy of yours after a week of not cumming. Jaxson sent a single eggplant emoji to underscore his point.


  She knew he was right, but that knowledge did nothing for the ache in her clit.

  Surprisingly, Jaxson’s edict had a positive effect on her competition performance. Tamara was laser focused all week and had oodles of pent-up energy and frustration to put toward her performance.

  Back at Highlands, Pepper cheered aloud as they all watched Tamara cross the finish line. “Third place!”

  Jaxson took phone in hand and sent his girl a simple text he knew she would get later. Looks like all that frustration worked. Congrats, sugar. A heart emoji punctuated his feelings for Tamara.

  Hours later a return text came in with Jaxson already in bed for the night. Thanks baby. Hopping on a plane bright and early. You better be at my house when I get there. I need a healthy serving of eggplant.

  Frustration made her bold and Tamara made her intentions crystal clear. Highlands was only about twelve miles away from Tamara’s house in Burnet and she wanted him there waiting when she arrived.

  …Once her plane landed, Dylan couldn’t drive fast enough to suit her. Her parents had offered to pick her up from the airport, but she’d begged off, pleading exhaustion. She loved them, but they would want to take her to dinner to celebrate, then come to her house to spend some time with their little girl. Tamara understood their expectations, but she was determined to put her own desires and needs first for once. And what she needed was simple.

  A man. Her man. Jaxson McCoy.

  Tamara fidgeted in the seat next to her Uber driver, unable to sit still or calm down. She enjoyed hearing the news that he’d passed his personal trainer exam and she told him so. He’d even applied to a few of the gyms she’d recommended. “If you need references, let me know.”

  “I will.”

  When the car pulled up and she didn’t see any other vehicles there, Tamara grew worried.

  “You gonna be all right, Miss Grayson?”

  “Yes, I will. Thank you.” She
tipped him well. “I appreciate you always taking my calls.”

  “Of course, you’re my favorite customer.” After he helped Tam with her luggage, he was on his way.

  Looking up and down the road, she saw no car lights. “Pooh.” She’d sent Jaxson a text when she was about an hour away, letting him know when she would be home. She’d expected to find him waiting on the porch, ready to knock some damn boots.

  “Oh, well. Maybe he’ll be here soon.” In the dim light of the remaining day, Tamara could see how much the grass of her lawn had grown. She’d forgot to ask someone to give it a cut while she was gone, but she didn’t care, she was home and that was all that mattered. She couldn’t wait to open her own door, go into her own house, and sit on her own couch. “Ahhhhh,” Tamara sighed, sliding down onto the soft cushions. Rolling to her side, she pulled a pillow in behind her head and just enjoyed the feeling.

  After lying there a few minutes, she started thinking about Jaxson. “Dang, I need to freshen up.” Jumping up, she put her phone on to charge, then ran upstairs to shower.

  When she started down from the second story, she was thinking about seeing what she could rustle up in the kitchen. Without looking up, she padded down the stairs. When she heard a slight noise, she jerked her head up. “Jesus!” Jaxson was standing in the front hallway, leaning against the door as he stepped out of his sandals, his crutches resting against the wall.

  His eyes met hers and he gave her a wicked grin. “Good to see you too, sugar.”

  “Jaxson!” Tamara broke into a run, her wet hair leaving water droplets on the floor behind her as she flew across the room. Launching herself into his arms, she planted the biggest kiss on Jaxson imaginable.

  Jaxson cradled her to him, both hands cupping her ass to give her support and just because he wanted to enjoy touching her. He felt like he hadn’t seen, let alone touched, Tamara in years. Nothing felt better than to have her in his arms. Her weight went unnoticed, she felt as light as a feather. He was determined to ignore the slight tweak of discomfort in his leg.

  “Oh my!” Tamara wiggled, trying to free herself to climb down off him. “Your leg! I’m sorry. Put me down. I must be hurting you.”

  Jaxson placed her on the floor begrudgingly. “You couldn’t ever hurt me, sugar.” But he knew that wasn’t true. Tamara Grayson had stolen his heart and he knew full well how easily she could hurt him.

  Tamara was on him again quickly, throwing her arms around his neck. “I have been going out of my mind!” Pinning him to the wall, she greedily let her hand come to his chest as she leaned up for a kiss. “Your ‘no-sex-for-a-week’ rule sucked.”

  Jaxson had to laugh. “Well I’m here now.” He gave her a quick kiss. “And the week is over.” The grin on his face was pure mischief. “I’m all yours.”


  “Damn right you’re all mine, McCoy.” Tamara was vibrating with need. Pulling the shade down over the tiny window on her front door, she led Jaxson to the living room and helped him sit on the couch. Taking a seat beside him, she pressed her body up next to his. “I missed you so much.” She ran a hand up his arm and across his chest. Every inch of Jaxson was hard and covered with muscle. God, she just wanted to touch him.

  This impromptu massage felt like pure heaven and Jaxson leaned back against the couch to luxuriate in the sensual moment. Unbuttoning his shirt, Tamara fingers skated across his chest and the smattering of dark hair. He closed his eyes and enjoyed her caress

  “You don’t mind, do you?” Tamara asked as she massaged her way down to the ridges of his abs.

  Jaxson shook his head and mumbled, “Why in the hell would I?”

  “I just need to touch you. It’s been so long.”

  “Touch me all you want, baby.” As Tamara caressed his body, Jaxson let his hand do some exploring of its own. She was wearing a pair of grey shorts and a faded blue top sporting the ProWear logo. “Is ProWear one of your sponsors?”

  “Used to be. Soon, I’ll have some new…” She gasped and lost her train of thought as he trailed a palm from the hem of her short shorts to her knee, then back up, letting his fingers drift to the tender flesh on the inside of her thighs. Soon, his teasing touch elicited the reaction he was seeking.

  Tamara bucked her hips at the nearness of his hand to her throbbing sex. She’d been aching for him for over a week and when Jaxson pressed a firm palm between her thighs, she nearly shattered. His mobility was limited, and she knew it. When he made a move forward to reposition himself to gain better access to the place she needed him the most, Tamara stopped him. “Stay where you are. I don’t want you to hurt your leg. You can still touch me. I just want to enjoy you for a bit longer, please.”

  Jaxson offered no resistance. His only response was a low moan when she scratched her fingernails over the flat discs of his pecs. She knew he was all alpha, and when he let her have control, the feminine power made her head swim. Feeling as if she were about to combust, Tamara needed more. Sliding a hand down his chest, she let her palm come to rest on the bulge in his jeans.

  Jaxson gritted his teeth and let out a growl.

  “Like that, baby?” Tamara whispered. Jaxson nodded in appreciation as he feathered kisses over the part of her face he could reach. Working her hand back and forth over the worn denim encasing Jaxson’s powerful erection, she shifted her body until their mouths could come together.

  The melding of their lips sparked fire in his veins and Jaxson placed a hand on her neck to pull her closer, deepening the kiss. He ate at her lips, caressing her tongue with his. “I’ve been so hungry for you,” he muttered, as he paused to lift his hips and spread his legs to encourage her to touch him any way she pleased.

  Tamara worked quickly as they kissed, freeing Jaxson’s erection from his shorts. Again, she was treated to one of his low growls when her fingers laced around his girth and began to stroke.

  “I dreamed of touching you like this,” she told him, pulling back from their kiss only long enough to convey her desire.

  “Touch all you want, sugar. You won’t hear me complaining,” he whispered before seeking her mouth once more. Tamara pumped him fast, then slow, worshiping the hardness she held in her hand.

  Jaxson couldn’t be still, his hands demanded satisfaction also. Turning toward her just a fraction, making sure to keep their lips together, he allowed his palm to return to her inner thigh. To his satisfaction, Tamara parted her legs for him, her body quivering beneath his touch.

  Pushing his hand in the side of her shorts, Jaxson found her warm and wet. Giving her swollen clit a teasing rub, he slipped the tip of his finger barely inside Tamara’s swollen channel as her hips raised off the couch in welcome.

  “Oh, my god, Jaxson” Tamara breathed into their kiss.

  “You’re so hot and ready for me, aren’t you, sugar?”

  Jaxson wanted to push her onto her back and devour her for hours, but the mutual manual stimulation was too good to stop. He worked a fingertip in and out of her delicate sheath while she stroked him. When he plunged deeper or let the pad of his finger explore her clit, Tamara gripped harder and picked up her pace.

  Part of Tamara wanted to stay in the moment, pleasuring him while they kissed slow and sensually, taking turns nibbling on the other’s bottom lip. There was also another part of her that needed more. Needed him. Tamara wanted him so badly she was shaking. “I want you inside me, Jaxson.”

  “Sugar, I thought you’d never ask.” Reaching across to grasp her hips, Jaxson guided her up and together they tugged off her shorts and panties. “Oops,” she mumbled when her leg bumped his cast.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he told her, barely noticing the slight sting of pain her movement had caused.

  “I like worrying about you,” she whimpered as he brought his lips back to hers. Realizing he was letting her set the pace, Tamara reached between them to grasp his rigid cock. Rubbing the tip back and forth through her glistening lips a few times, she moved into positio
n and sank down on top of him. “Oh, fuck,” she whimpered, and he chuckled, panting with his own pleasure.

  “Good, baby?”

  Tamara moaned, “Incredible,” as she pressed her face to his shoulder. Seven days of anticipation had led up to this one magnificent moment. The pleasure was far greater than she’d ever fantasized it could be. Biting Jaxson’s neck, Tamara let him stretch her open. Accommodating his size wasn’t easy at first, but further kissing and the swiveling of her hips allowed her body to gradually accept every long, thick inch Jaxson possessed.

  “You are so tight,” Jaxson growled in her ear with his hands on the small of her back.

  “I love being with you like this,” Tamara keened. This ride had begun with such intensity, Tamara wasn’t sure she could last very long. Already the orgasm inside of her was building. Placing both hands on his broad chest, she pushed back and looked down at Jaxson through hooded eyes. When he returned her gaze, his expression primal and possessive, Tamara began to tremble.

  “Good girl,” Jaxson praised when he saw the look in her eyes. “Cum for me, baby.”

  His words were the catalyst that pushed her over the edge. Every muscle in Tamara’s body clenched in unison as she clamped down and came hard on his thick cock. Starlight exploded behind her closed eyes as bliss rushed through her like a stream flowing inevitably to the sea.

  Jaxson took control as she quivered in his arms, aftershocks still rocking her body. Placing his palms on her sides, he began to shift back and forth. “I want another one, sugar. Cum for me again.”

  Lifting her shirt up in the front, his lips found the swollen buds of her nipples, licking and sucking, coaxing another intense orgasm out of the woman who rode him with abandon. This time her shriek of delight was his tipping point.

  “Oh, God! Yes!” Jaxson hissed.

  Tamara opened her eyes and brought a hand to the top of his head. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she pulled, tugging his head back and looking deep into Jaxson’s eyes. She wanted to see his pleasure, so she’d never forget this moment as long as she lived.


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