A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 21

by Sable Hunter

  Jaxson placed his forehead against her, rubbing their noses together softly. “I don’t know, I think we’d get a little pruney.”

  His chuckle vibrated in his chest and she retaliated by catching the lobe of his ear between her teeth, then released it to whisper in his ear, “Who knows? Pruney might be a good look on you.”

  Jaxson slipped his hands underneath her bottom and lifted her close. “We don’t have to stay in the water to stay together, Miss Grayson.” He looked deep into her eyes. “We’re having a BBQ next weekend, an annual neighborhood thing. I want you to come. Spend some time with my family, get to know them better. It’s time, don’t you think?”

  A rush of relieved air left her lungs. “Yea, I agree. It’s time.”


  Dreams do come true, she held one in her arms.


  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Jaxson asked as he caressed her hand while sitting in a swing situated on a hill at the highest point of the ranch.

  From this vantage point Tamara felt like she could see forever. The waters of Lake Buchanan twinkled in the afternoon sun to her left while the rolling hills of Highland Ranch stretched out on her right. Everything was amazing, but all of it paled in her eyes to the man in whose arms she was held. “Of course, I am. Although, I feel out of place. I had no idea your family knew so many celebrities.”

  Jaxson scoffed. “Oh, we don’t. Not really. Heath’s friend, Jimmy, knows all these folks. He’s richer than God and people flock around him like sheep, even the celebrities.”

  “Do you think Heath is falling for Cato?” she asked with a conspiratorial tone, her cheek resting against his beating heart.

  “Hmmm…” He cleared his throat. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t hold my breath. He was burned pretty badly before.”

  “I don’t know, I saw how he looked at her. There’s something there, Jaxson.” She ran her fingers over the prominent veins on the top of his broad, strong hand.

  “Yea, there’s something there.” He laughed. “Lust.”

  His answer made her uneasy. She didn’t move out of his arms, but she tensed a bit. Was that all he felt for her? “Are we friends, Jaxson?”

  Jaxson kissed the top of her head. “Sure. Friends as well as lovers. I don’t think I could spend so much time with someone I didn’t like, honey.”

  “Yea, I guess.” Tamara was so in love with him, she wanted more. Holding in a sigh, she closed her eyes and tried not to let her upset show.

  Jaxson chuckled. “Did you see Cato’s face when we tried to get her to eat those prairie oysters?”

  “Prairie oysters, my ass, that’s a misleading term. Those were bull testicles.” At last, something she could huff about to release the tightness in her chest. “Yuck! I wouldn’t put those things in my mouth for love nor money.”

  “That’s fine, as long as you don’t mind putting mine in your mouth.”

  Tamara slapped him on the knee, then realized it was his broken leg. “Sorry.”

  “No worries, sweetie.” He hugged her tight. “It’s all healed. I can’t wait to get this damn cast off, I’m going to sweep you off your feet.”

  His phrasing made her heart skip a beat. “I’ll be ready and waiting when you do.”

  For the next few hours, they mixed and mingled. At Jaxson’s insistence, she took part in some of the games and competitions with the other guests while he cheered her on from the sidelines. She also spent some quality time with his sisters and girl cousins from Tebow. Seeing all the happy couples and how well they got along, made Tamara wish she could be a permanent part of the McCoy family even more.

  At one point, Jaxson stepped away to show off one of his prize bulls to a potential buyer. Tamara followed him as far as the gazebo, where she could see the barn in the distance. Sipping a drink, she crossed one leg over another and let her eyes wander over the beauty of the ranch. She knew how much Jaxson loved this place. The girls were proud to tell her how he was the one who planted the roses their mother had loved so much. They also bragged how well he managed the large ranch and herds of livestock.

  “We all depend on Jaxson, Tamara,” Ryder assured her. “Don’t ever let him tell you he’s handicapped, because he certainly isn’t. He’s one of the smartest men I know.”

  “Handicapped?” Tam asked, confused. “Oh, he’ll be up and about without those crutches in no time.”

  Ryder pressed her lips together. “Right. Of course.”

  Thinking back on the conversation, Tamara wondered at his sister’s odd reference. Not having an answer, she shrugged and let it go. Handicapped was not a term that could apply to her Jaxson in any way shape or form.

  “Tamara, may I join you?”

  She glanced around to find Joseph coming toward her. “Why, yes. Of course. How are you?”

  “Just fine.” He looked around. “Nice here, isn’t it?”

  “Very.” She pointed down the fence line where Jaxson stood with a man while they surveyed a large red bull. “I’m observing a cattle transaction in progress, I think.”

  “Oh, Jaxson lives for this stuff, I tell you.” He crossed one booted foot over the other and leaned back to cross his arms. “I have a proposition for you.”

  “Oh, you do?” Tamara knew he meant business, still she had to smile, knowing how most females would react to hearing those words from a man like Joseph McCoy. Not her. The only man she wanted to proposition her was Jaxson. “Let’s hear it.”

  “When we contracted to sponsor you, I thought we’d be limiting our scope of advertising with you to our work with paralyzed children – the rodeo, the camps, and other things we put on for them.”

  “Yes, and I’m very impressed with what you’ve accomplished. My heart goes out to those kids, to not be able to walk or run, to be trapped in their bodies must be so hard. Whatever I can do to help you in any way, I’ll be glad to.”

  Joseph nodded. “I’d love for you to make appearances at some of the functions, the kids would love that. You’ve got lots of fans, you know.”

  Tamara blushed. “I don’t know about that.”

  “Well, I do. I mentioned your name at one of the rehab centers we sponsor, and you should’ve heard the squealing.”

  “I’m humbled.” She shrugged. “Now, what’s your proposition?”

  He took off his black Stetson and held it between his fingers. “Some friends we know have come up with a product, an energy drink they’re calling Fever. We’re thinking about investing. Beau and I want to donate part of our profits to research spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries.” Joseph smiled sadly. “I don’t know if you know it, but I was paralyzed once.”

  “No!” Tamara was surprised. “How?”

  “Flipped my dirt back. I couldn’t walk. I was in a wheelchair, didn’t want to live.”

  “What happened?”

  Joseph chuckled. “A miracle.” He glanced over his shoulder. “She’s standing up there watching the children. My wife, her name is Cady.”

  “Oh, we’ve met. She’s amazing.”

  He nodded. “She is, Cady’s a physical therapist and she…” Joseph looked at his wife with love in his eyes. “She healed me with her magic touch.”

  “Amazing, very few people are so blessed.”

  “Very true.” He leaned back and turned to face her slightly on the bench. “Anyway, I was telling you about Fever. The whole concept is health related. We want to offer a safe energy drink, one that will give a person a jolt of natural energy, but also provide potassium and other needed supplements.”

  “I’d love to try some,” Tamara offered.

  “Great. I’ll fix you up before you leave. I want you to meet with a lab tech and go over the ingredients. If you like what you see, give it a try.”

  “I’ll do it.” She shook his hand. “I trust you, Joseph.”

  “I’m glad, because I have a favor to ask you.”


  “I’ve talked to th
e Connolly brothers about you and we want to shoot a few commercials starring you.”

  “Wow.” Tamara was stunned. “I’d love to.” She laid a hand on her chest to stem the rush of excitement. “I still would like to try it and see the reports, just in case someone has questions, but knowing you and your reputation, this is just a formality. So…the answer is yes. Where and when will the shoot be?”

  “Colorado. We’ll be heading to a little town called Saguache in the upper San Luis Valley. Beautiful area. We’ll fly out the day after tomorrow and I’ll take care of everything.”

  “All right,” Tamara agreed. “Sounds wonderful. I’ve always thought I might enjoy living in Colorado someday.”

  “Perfect.” Joseph stood as Jaxson returned. “You McCoy folks know how to throw a party, cuz.”

  “Yes, we do.” He came up and took Joseph’s place on the bench, picking up Tamara’s hand possessively. “What are you doing talking to my girl?”

  “Business. All business.” He waved at Cady who was motioning him to join her. “I’ll let her tell you all about it, I think I have some honey-do chores to take care of.”

  When Joseph was gone, Tamara put her arms around Jaxson. “I missed you. Did you sell a bull?”

  “I think I did. And I missed you too.” He cradled her close, rubbing his face against her soft hair. “What are you and Joseph cooking up together? I presume something with the sponsorship.”

  “Right. Stallion is thinking about investing in an energy drink and they want me to be a part of the advertising campaign.”

  “Damn, that’s great.” He cupped her face and tilted her head up to receive a kiss. “I think that calls for a celebration.”

  “I hate leaving you again,” Tamara frowned, playing with one of the buttons on his shirt, her finger dipping in to caress his chest. “It seems like I’m always leaving you.”

  “Yea, I don’t love it either.” He traced her lower lip, tugging on it a little bit, then dipping his head down to claim a kiss. “Unless…you consider all the hot reunion sex we can have.” Jaxson pulled her over into his lap.

  “I like sex with you anytime I can get it.” She rubbed his leg. “Aren’t I hurting you?”

  “Nah. I’m tired, but holding you makes me feel better, not worse.” He gathered her hair up into a pony-tail. “When you come back from Colorado, let’s take some time off, just the two of us. These stolen nights here and there isn’t enough for me.”

  “What are you saying?” Tamara felt joy bloom in her soul. “You want us to go away together? Where?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Somewhere we won’t be disturbed, somewhere we can be together and…”


  Tamara looked so hopeful, Jaxson hid a smile and agreed. “Oh, yea, talk for sure.”

  “Good.” She laid her hand on his chest and snuggled close. “I love to talk to you.”

  All the closeness was giving him ideas. “How about we sneak off to my bedroom and let our fingers and other body parts do the talking for us?”

  Tamara curled her fingers into his collar and let out a teasing resigned sigh as she tugged his face closer to hers. “If we must.”

  Jaxson gave into impulse and went in for the kill without hesitation. He couldn’t resist her luscious mouth. Her head fell back on his cradling arm and she whimpered sweetly enough that if there’d been any extra room in his tight Levi’s, his fly would’ve tented with an erection big enough to beat the band. “We must.” His hand slid to plump her tit and by now she was breathing as hard as him. “We definitely must.”

  * * *

  In Colorado…

  “Fever energy drink is the one I need to get me through the long days of competition.” As Tamara held-up the bright blue and yellow can to take a sip, she put a foot on the pedal of her bike and mounted it, looking back at the camera with a teasing smile. “Gotta go. Catch me if you can.” After pedaling off a few yards down the dusty rail, she hit the brakes when the director yelled.


  Joseph joined her with a big smile on his face. “I think we might have the next Red Bull on our hands, Tam.”

  “That’s great news, Joseph.” She wiped a few dots of perspiration from her brow. Even this high in the mountains, the temperature was climbing the thermometer. “I definitely feel a difference, but not as artificial a high as Red Bull.”

  “I like that attitude so much, we want you to be the face of the brand.”

  Tamara practically choked on the sip of Fever she was trying to swallow. She was shocked. Her life had been a whirlwind in the last few months. Her popularity online and in the extreme sports world was growing steadily every day and she could hardly keep up. She’d been doing publicity shoots, attending press conferences, and wearing sponsor’s products for a while, but never had she been asked to be the face of a product. “Me? Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack. I want you to meet the Connollys this afternoon, Maddox and Storm. They’ve already agreed to go along with my assessment, but we need to make it formal.”

  “I’m all yours.” She held up the can in a salute.

  Joseph shook his head, gazing up at an eagle flying overhead. “I’m sure Jaxson wouldn’t agree with you.”

  A pang of loneliness hit Tamara. She’d only been away from him for three days and already she felt withdrawal pains in her heart. “I wish he could’ve come with us.”

  “I’m sure he hates to leave the ranch in the midst of all the upheaval that happened at the BBQ.”

  “You’re right.” Tam nodded. “I can’t believe someone took a shot at Philip and hit Cato instead.” She and Jaxson had missed all the excitement. They’d been in Jaxson’s room enjoying post-coital bliss when Pepper came banging on the door to tell them what had happened on the trail ride.

  “Thank goodness she’s going to be all right, the bullet just grazed her. Zane is sure the real killer took a shot at Philip, he seems to think this could give them the break they need in the case. Ten and a few others are combing the area for clues.”

  “I hope they find something soon.”

  “Yea, me too.” He clapped his hands together and pointed toward the rented SUV. “Are you ready to meet the Connolly boys?”

  “Sure. I’m always ready.” Not true. Tam glanced down at her athletic shorts and top. “I probably should change first.”

  “Nonsense. You’re fine.” He said his goodbyes to the film crew, then took her bike and carried it to the back of the vehicle. “Those are your work clothes.” After securing the Bianchi to the bike rack, he came around to help Tamara into the passenger seat. “For all their money, don’t let these guys intimidate you. They’re a riot. Maddox is the older of the two by a few minutes and he isn’t shy to remind his brother that he is the eldest and the wisest.”

  Seeing Joseph roll his window down, she did the same. “Being an only child, I can only imagine.” As the wind whipped through the cab, she tucked a strand of hair back into her ponytail. “I’m sure you and Jaxson never experienced any such thing.”

  “Yea, right.” He held the steering wheel with his right hand and propped his left arm in the window. “I haven’t known Jaxson’s older brother Heath long, but I get the distinct feeling he’s very much like Aron. Bossy. Bull-headed. Arrogant.”

  “A man who’d die for you in a heartbeat.”

  Joseph nodded. “You’ve got a good read on us already, Miss Grayson.” He pointed up ahead at the snowcapped mountains. “The Connally’s have a beautiful place in those foothills up ahead. They raise some of the finest horses in the states. We’re in luck too, they’ve offered to put us up at their place for the duration of our stay.”

  “How wonderful! I love it up here, it’s gorgeous. I’ve always enjoyed the mountains. There are some gorgeous trails through here, I could get in some great practice runs.”

  “Heck, with your job, I guess you could live anywhere,” Joseph noted as he shifted gears in order for his truck to adjust t
o the steep grade of the road.

  “Yea, I guess.” She didn’t tell Joseph that right now, her whole future and happiness hinged on Jaxson McCoy. Her heart skipped a beat when she remembered their plans for when she returned. He’d promised to plan a trip for them, so they could enjoy some time alone. She kept her fingers crossed, hoping he planned to propose. If he did, what would her answer be?

  A resounding ‘hell, yes’, of course!

  While gazing out the window at the dramatic landscape, Tamara saw none of it. She was daydreaming about Jaxson getting down on one knee with a ring in his hand.

  “We’re here, Tam.”

  “Oh, good.” She blinked her eyes as she took in her surroundings. A lodge-like house sat against a backdrop of hills and valleys, and a rushing stream flowed down into a rock-strewn grotto. “This place doesn’t look like it was constructed, it makes you think it’s always been here, part of the countryside.” On one hand, the majestic mountains stood like eternal sentinels, and on the other a lush valley spread before her with verdant pastures dotted with sleek, prancing horses. To say she was entranced would be putting it mildly.

  “Welcome!” Two tall, handsome men came forward to make her acquaintance.

  Wanting to make a good impression, Tamara didn’t hesitate. She stuck out her hand to greet them. “Hello, I’m Tamara. You must be Maddox and Storm Connolly.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Miss Grayson.” Maddox spoke first. He was dressed in a nice suit, his thick black hair perfectly quaffed. He looked like he’d stepped right out of a board meeting, instead of off the front porch of his home. “I hope you had a good flight.”

  “I did.”

  “We’re looking forward to showing you around. I think Storm has a whole itinerary planned for your stay.”

  He looked to his left where his brother stood with a patient smile on his face. “Why don’t you take the lady’s bag, while I help Joseph unload? I told him we had everything to keep him entertained, but Mr. Extreme likes his own gear.”

  “Hey, Tam, don’t mind my brother,” Storm gave her an easy smile. “He loves to think he’s in charge of everything.”


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