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Holding Tight Five in a Bed 03

Page 18

by M. A. Blisher

  The boys broke their embrace to do as they were told. Mitch made sure not to leave Ricky’s bottom unattended, and swatted him as well when he turned to go to the bathroom. “I want you both in bed sleeping tonight, not fooling around until the wee hours of the morning,” he called after to hurry them along. Heading back to his first lover’s childhood room to join his newest lover in sleep, Mitch marveled at where his life had taken him.


  Before they were to leave New Orleans, the men made plans for the five to go out for dinner and music. They got to the door of a hip establishment not far from Bourbon Street on warm breezy night. It was a three level joint that offered elegant dining with live jazz on the first floor. A sultry blues band was playing on the middle level. Lively funk was blasting on top. Each floor offered a long bar and plenty of opened space for dancing.

  Louis stood up to wave the men over to a large table in the back of the dining area. A round of drinks was already waiting for them. “Over here, cuz!”

  As they walked over, Ricky whispered into TJ’s ear with awe. “Wow, I can’t believe this place.”

  “I knew you’d like it here. At least one member of Antonio’s family is playing on each floor.”

  “True story,” Louis confirmed with a slap to TJ’s back. “Music is in our blood.”

  Ricky’s fingers were itching to get to the keys of his saxophone. He had made plans to play the blues later that night. Antonio put a calming hand on the shoulder of his sprightly boy who was almost bubbling over. “I’ve never seen him so alive.”

  “He’s not alone,” said Marcus. “A lot of mild mannered musicians wake up at night. Something mysterious happens when da moon comes up.”

  Louis took a seat tapping his fingers rhythmically against the table–playing an invisible keyboard. “Dere’s a different energy at night–a beat in da undercurrent of da air dat pumps in da lungs of all artist.”

  “Let’s drink to da night,” Marcus volunteered, as he raises his glass.

  Danny lifted his beer to join the cheer. Mitch allowed one swallow before taking it away. Danny reddened when Mitch called for the waitress to order him a soda.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” Louis said with a pat to Danny’s back. “Which reminds me, he won’t be allowed past da first floor dining area. You have t’ be at least twenty-one t’ get upstairs. Dey been pretty strict lately wid carding people.”

  “Dey fo’ sure notice Danny being as young as he is,” Marcus agreed. “‘Specially wid his baby face.”

  “That’s no problem. We completely understand,” Antonio said. “When it’s time, why don’t you three go? Mitch and I will stay down here with Danny.”

  “We’ll stay, too,” Ricky insisted. “I’ll play another time. I like the music here, and you can’t beat the company.”

  “No, no, you go up. You don’t get too many invitations to play in one of the most famous clubs in New Orleans. You’re not passing that up. I’ll come up later to check it out.”

  “Are you sure, Antonio? I don’t mind. It’s not like we won’t be back to N’awlins.”

  Danny scowled at the fizzy fountain drink the waitress placed in front of him. “It’s okay. You guys can all go up. I’ll stay here nursing my Pepsi.”

  “Nobody is leaving you here alone. Besides, we have time. The band’s not playing for another hour.”

  After the waitress took everyone’s meal order, TJ took the last swig of his beer. “Who wants to dance while we wait for our meal?”

  “Not me,” Danny grumbled.

  “I’ll dance with ya’,” Ricky said, getting up. “Come on Danny, join us.”

  “Nah, you go.”

  Ricky waited, hoping he would change his mind.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me, kid.” TJ pointed his empty mug at Ricky before whisking him out to the dance floor.

  Danny sat wistfully with his chin on his palm watching TJ twirl Ricky around. Mitch nudged him. “You know, Antonio cut a mean rug in his day. Why don’t you ask him to dance with you?”

  Danny lifted his head. “Cut a rug? When was his day? Nineteen-forty?”

  “Stop with the sass and ask Antonio out on the dance floor. It seems to me that you want to.”

  “Yeah, honey, why don’t we? It’s been a while since I’ve gotten funky at a club. I miss it.”

  “Funky?” Danny scoffed again. “Why don’t you go boogie with Mitch?”

  “Mitch is a man of many talents. Dancing isn’t one of them,” Antonio said, patting Mitch’s back in mocked sympathy. “His Irish blood is best known for clogging in a line.”

  “My people are hardly the Riverdance type. They’re more likely to do a hoedown at a shindig.”

  Danny held up his glass of soda to hide his smirk. “Why don’t you go out there and do the jig? Make your redneck ancestors proud.”

  “I could go out there and make you do the jig to the beat of my hand swatting your bottom.”

  Danny stuck his tongue out at Mitch.

  Mitch waved a finger at Danny.

  Danny bit his lip to keep from giggling. He wanted to stay angry longer to make his point felt.

  Antonio stood up and held out his hand to Danny. “Whaddya say? Give your ol’ Daddy a thrill.”

  “I-I can’t really dance either.”

  “I’ve seen you dance plenty of times.”

  “Yeah, at home. Not out in public, completely sober.”

  “You don’t need alcohol to find your rhythm.”

  “You do to find your nerve,” Danny mumbled under his breath.

  “What was that?”


  “Come on,” Antonio said, flattening out his hand for Danny. “For me?”

  “I’m always tripping over my feet. I don’t wanna make a fool of myself.”

  “You won’t.”

  Danny hedged.

  “Trust me.”

  Danny grumbled, then placed his hand on Antonio’s.

  Antonio pulled him from his seat. He put an arm over Danny’s tense shoulders. Walking him to the dance floor, he whispered in his ear, “Thank you, sweetheart.”

  Before Danny could respond, Antonio spun him out and whirled him back in. With a hand to the small of Danny’s back and the other holding onto his left hand, Antonio gently swayed. Moving his hips to the beat of the music he encouraged Danny to do the same.

  “Let go baby, I got you.”

  Danny leaned his head against Antonio’s chest and closed his eyes. He concentrated on the feel and smell of his man. A tingling sensation rose through his body as he caught onto Antonio’s rhythm. Matching his steps, and anticipating his moves, Danny began to float.

  TJ nodded his head in their direction. “Hey, Ricky, look over there. The lil’ one’s got one of the big guys to the dance floor.”

  “Aw, aren’t they sweet together?”

  “Yeah, a little too sweet. Whaddya say we try to spice things up?” Not giving Ricky time to answer, TJ grabbed his hand, dragging him closer. “I got dibs on the tiny dancer.”

  “Okay, I’ll go for the big one. I always had a thing for tall dark and sexy.”

  “Deal. Then maybe we can switch off.”

  “Sounds good.”

  The band started a new song as TJ weaved his way through dancing patrons with Ricky’s hand clutched behind him.

  Danny was lost in the tempo of the music. His eyes were glued to Antonio’s loving expression.

  TJ winked at Antonio as he came up behind Danny with his arms raised, swinging his pelvis low against Danny’s backside. “Hey baby, how ‘bout ditching that old guy for…”

  “Careful, brat!” Stopping Antonio from further objections, Ricky distracted him by dancing seductively against his hip. “I think we’re being ambushed,” he told Danny, as Ricky reached up and bit his earlobe.

  TJ took the opening to whisk Danny away.

  “What the hell, Jay?”

  “You were so sexy dancing with Antoe, that I
had to have you.”

  Danny buzzed. It was thrilling to be chosen above the others for his unintended seductiveness. “You had Ricky,” he laughed, slipping out of reach.

  TJ caught his little enchanter. “Yeah, but that cute butt you were wiggling lured me away.” Holding him firm against his body, he dipped Danny back, kissing him up his neck. Danny squirmed at the ticklish sensation. “Stoooop!”

  “NEVER!” TJ pulled him up and sucked in the soft nape of his neck. “You’re so damn delectable. I wanna eat you up.”

  Humming in pleasure, Danny began oscillating to the vibrations of the live music.

  His enthusiasm enticed TJ to start singing along to the lyrics I Just Wanna Make Love to You, matching the musky voice of the female vocalist.

  Danny’s cock perked up in appreciation. He slid his arms around TJ’s waist, grinding his hips into him.

  Afraid he was getting too heated, TJ swung his hot lover out to relieve the pressure building between his legs.

  Antonio was there to catch him, reclaiming his boy. “Gotcha!”

  TJ put his hands on his hips. “No Fair!”

  He quickly recovered when Ricky glided by. They coupled back up for the next slow dance. Ricky rested his chin on TJ’s shoulder, feeling completely at peace. The lights hanging from the ceiling made his vision blink in a warm hazy glow. TJ’s body was a magnet of pure tranquility.

  Unexpectedly, TJ felt himself sink into a darker place where he could examine the truth too abrasive in the light of day. “It pisses me off that Danny had to suffer the way he did. He is too young to have been through so much. When will it be enough?”

  “Danny’s fine,” Ricky reassured him. “Antonio has him now. You brought him to a good place.”

  “Yeah,” TJ agreed. “I need to stop worrying so much.”

  Ricky reluctantly broke away. “Louis is calling me over. He’s with the band. I think they want to discuss my number. Text me when our dinner gets here.”

  “Go then, my ravishing muse, leave me to weep in your absence.”

  Ricky laughed. “Such poetry from my fervent lover.” He gave TJ a kiss that lingered on his lips. “You’re always full of surprises. Save the last dance for me.”

  “Sure thing, babe.”

  Left without a dance partner, TJ swaggered over to Antonio and tapped him on the shoulder. “May I cut in?”

  “Not a chance.” Antonio lifted Danny off his feet, carrying him away from TJ.

  Thwarted, TJ imitated Danny again by crossing his arms and sticking out his bottom lip.

  A hearty laugh erupted through Danny, enjoying the moment of being fought over.

  “I’ll dance wid ya’, sug’,” a tall man in drag requested in a deep voice. Dressed in a long chiffon gown with stiletto heels from the show he was performing at a nearby theater, he’d been waiting for his opportunity to waltz in on the unusual partners.

  TJ shrugged. “Why not.”

  “Come here often?”

  “Visiting from New York.”

  “Dat explains why I haven’t seen ya ‘bout. Ya n’ dat dark haired boy an item?”

  “We are.”

  He placed TJ’s hands on his hips and gave them a shake. “Ever consider a ménage a trios?”

  “All the time,” TJ confessed. “But I do believe I have my hands full at the moment.”


  The band ended the song and Antonio finished the dance with a kiss. “Thank you sweetheart. That was fun.”

  Danny licked his lips in satisfaction. “Uh huh.”

  “I’m going back to check on our meals. Why don’t you go after our blond Casanova before he tries to turn our five-sum into a six-um.”


  “Go ahead, don’t be shy,” he said patting Danny’s bottom.

  Blushing, Danny puffed up his chest and walked as tall as he could over to TJ who was busy flitting around with other dance partners. Seeing his young lover coming over, TJ mouthed a request for Danny to dance for him.

  Danny cocked a flirtatious dimple and sauntered over.

  TJ pulled him in closer by his butt cheeks.

  “Seduce me with your moves like you did the other day when you were trying to get out of that spanking I gave you.” The remark went straight to Danny’s groin. His whole body went flush as he swooned in TJ’s arms. He was beginning to really loosen up when TJ twirled him into a man who was getting increasingly agitated that so many homosexuals were taking up space on the dance floor.

  “Watch it, faggot!”

  Danny’s face dropped. The light went out of his eyes as deep feelings of shame resurfaced. He wanted to retreat, but his anger forged ahead. “What’s your problem asshole?” He was about to leap forward when TJ blocked him.

  “He’s not worth it.” TJ said, trying to calm him down.

  The man became increasingly agitated. “Step aside and let him at me,” he taunted.

  “Is there a problem?”

  The mounting hatred de-escalated when an irate white man with massive biceps and a New York accent suddenly appeared in front of them.

  A more rational buddy came up behind the agitator. “Come on,” he said, “let it go, the girls want a drink.”

  The man turned with contempt and walked off with his friend.

  TJ was disheartened by the drastic change in Danny’s demeanor. “Are you all right?”

  Danny tried to shrug it off. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Don’t let narrow-minded douchebags ruin our fun. We have every right to be here and if they don’t like it, then they can find some other place to go.”

  Danny nodded. “I know.”

  Mitch lifted the boy’s chin and kissed him on the lips. “I miss you at the table. Come back and share some oysters with me.”


  Mitch laughed. “Then try some of the Cajun shrimp.”


  Mitch put his arm around Danny and walked him back to the table. “I’ll order you some chicken tenders.”

  TJ followed them back to the table determined to lighten the mood. Surveying the seafood platters, he lifted up a crawfish and shook it until the limbs jiggled. Pretending it was talking to Danny he said, “Ya gotta suck da head n’ squeeze da bottom.”

  “Ick!” Danny scrunched his face. “Don’t poke me with that thing.”

  “Don’t be jealous. This cute little mudbug can give you some pointers.”

  Danny smiled at the silly attempt to make him laugh.

  “Sit down next to me. Don’t be afraid of the critters, they’re only prickly on the outside. But, on the inside,” TJ said, as opened one up, “they’re all squishy and yummy, like you.”

  Danny groaned to hide the fact that he was secretly touched. He took the spot next to TJ after making him promise to keep all crustaceans away from him. TJ wiped the butter from his fingers and rested a sly hand on Danny’s thigh.

  Although he appreciated the gesture, Danny remained stoic the rest of the evening. He sat quietly trying hard to show interest among the lively chatter around the table.

  When everyone was done eating, Mitch picked up the dinner tab, and said, “It’s late.” After watching Danny sit solemnly through the meal he decided it was time to take him home. “Sorry Danny, but I’m tired. I hope you don’t mind if I beg out early. Would you be willing to go back and keep me company?”

  Danny nodded gratefully.

  Antonio was conversing with cousins at the other end of the table when Mitch went over to inform him they would be leaving. Reading between the lines of the early departure, he said, “I’ll be just a minute.”

  “No, you stay and take a cab back with the boys.”

  “I’ll drive them back,” Marcus offered. “I’ve only had two drinks and it’s on my way.”

  “That’d be great. Thanks. I’d really like to stay and hear Ricky play with the boys upstairs.” Antonio took another look at Danny. “Unless, you’re not feeling well.”

ch hung his arms over Danny. “I got it covered. We’re just a little tired. It’s a good night to sit back and watch TV with your mama. If it’s not too late, we might wait up in bed.”

  Antonio felt torn. He was about to reconsider when Mitch said, “Ricky is excited for you to hear him play. Make sure to record it for us.”

  “I won’t be long,” he said, kissing them both goodbye.


  Antonio put his worry aside to enjoy watching Ricky. He was exuding sexy charisma. The exuberance sparkling on his heated forehead while he played made him all the more appealing.

  The warm glow of alcohol made TJ shine in his own tipsy luster. He fell against Antonio’s chest. “Whaddya think?”

  “The boy’s got swag I’ve never seen.”

  Ricky put his instrument down and hopped off the stage. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he took a swig from a beer that was passed to him from an admirer.

  The man clapped Ricky on the back. “Tight set!”


  TJ ran up to grab Ricky’s hand, stopping another man from edging over to him. He brought him over to the bar where Antonio was waiting for them.

  When they got there, the bartender motioned to Ricky. “That woman over there wants to buy you a drink.”

  “Tell her he’s with me!” TJ said, declining Ricky’s beverage. “Hot damn, Rick–I’ve never seen you as sexy as when you’re playing the blues.”

  “It’s not me, it’s the magic that comes from stringing the right chords together.”

  “Nonsense, the music is sexy because of you,” Antonio confirmed. “I’m glad I stayed to hear it.”

  Ricky flashed his wide smile. “I’m glad you did, too.”

  “You’re really in your element here. We’ll have to do this more often.”

  “I’d love to.”

  Antonio cupped Ricky’s face and kissed his forehead. “I can tell. I’m going to hail a cab for home. You stay and have fun with TJ. Marcus volunteered to give you a lift back.”

  “What’s the matter? Aren’t you having fun?”

  “I’m having a great time. I’m just concerned about Danny.”

  “Oh, then, we’ll all go.”

  “No, don’t be silly. Danny would feel self-conscious if we all came back early.” Antonio reassured him with a hug and a kiss. “Stay to keep an eye on TJ. And don’t drink too much.”


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