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Red White and Werewolf

Page 8

by Girl, Breukelen

  “We don’t have any other siblings if that’s what you mean. There’s been a relationship but for Thane, he’s always had this me first approach. If they can’t accept me, they can’t be a part of us.”

  “Sounds awful.” I reply.

  “Guess it’s hard to feel safe, when you have someone like Nicholas Norden and his connections hanging over your head. Point in case,” He says waving an arm out wide to indicate the gym surroundings we find ourselves in.

  “Why does this guy want to hurt you two so badly?”

  “You mean, the three of us Bg. You’re in this now too, whether you like it or not.”

  “I realise that.” I reply picking up the pace on the machine. “But how could he know about me?”

  Phelan shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know, but he’s made his mission to mess with us, any chance that presents.”

  “And he figured out, I was your twin sister? Come on Phelan, that’s a huge leap. Out of everyone stateside, how the hell did he find me and connect me to you and Thane? Who else knows about me?”

  “No one, just our parents, Thane and me. I mean, we knew you existed. Well Thane did and when I could speak, he’d tell me about you, so I’d remember I had a sister. Growing up though, we never spoke of you. You’re absence, like our parents, was heavily felt.”

  I try to stop moving on the machine but it’s got a mind of its own and I trundle along awkwardly for a few steps.

  “Whereas by comparison I had no idea you two even existed.”

  “It’s the way it was meant to be. Our mother wanted to protect you from Nicholas Norden,”

  “What was my name? I mean, my birth name, when she named us,” I ask excitedly waving a hand between us.

  Phelan shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know. I never heard of one for you. I just knew you existed. And that she gave you up to protect you.”

  “I’m sure she wanted to protect you two both as well.” I reply hitting buttons on the keypad quickly. Somewhat disappointed that I don’t have another name.

  Did my mother not have time to name me? Or did she subscribe to the theory that you shouldn’t name things that aren’t yours to begin with? Or was it about keeping me hidden from Nicholas Norden, by not naming me as anyone related to her?

  “Of course, but she thought if I had Thane, he’d be able to look after me should something happen to her.” The walker stopped slowly and I dismounted it to stand beside Phelan. “At least, that’s the way Thane tells it to me.”

  “What was she like?” I ask unable to stop myself and I know damn well that I should. Questions like this rip wounds open and create gaps in a person.

  I’ve always loved my adoptive mother and family. But for some reason I never felt like her child, even though she raised me. I always felt like my father’s daughter though. We had a special relationship, him and I.

  “I don’t remember much about her. I was five when we were exiled, Thane was fifteen. She’s like a beautifully faint memory that might be something I made up, like a dream that you can’t tell if it’s a dream or real.”

  I stand there beside him, amongst the cardio machines, transfixed by the expression that crosses his face when he speaks of his, our, mother. Its pure honesty and love, that resides in him.

  “What about you?” He asks snapping out of something beautifully upsetting and looks at me. “You’re family, with Markus, what are they like?”

  We move out from between the machines and stroll a few steps before stopping. “They’re the best.” I say softly, trying to look empathically at him. “Couldn’t have asked for better.” He nods his head.

  “You got a mom and a dad and a brother?”

  “Uh, not exactly. I have a mother, and three brothers, Markus, Aksel and Joss and one sister, Bodil. My father, uh, he, uh,” I let out a heavy breath and feel my words and feelings catching in my throat. “He passed away, almost a year ago.” I finish and begin wiping at my eyes. Unable to stop myself.

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry.” Phelan offers and we both look around the gym, it’s easier than looking at each other.


  “He was such a great man. I loved him. Whole heartedly loved him, guess that’s why it still hurts so badly.”

  “I know.” Phelan mutters softly looking at the ground and scuffing his foot over the floor. Like he has a great interest in the carpet in the gymnasium. And then I remember, back at the motel room when I was drenched in the emotional energy of his pain. We’re twins, it’s a two way system for all access feeling.

  I step away from him quickly. “Shit I’m sorry, I forgot about the empathic thing.” I keeping moving backwards.

  “It’s new to me too.” Phelan says looking at me. “Guess we’ve both got some adjusting to do now, huh?”


  “Never had a twin before.” He half smiles at me. “Or a sister.”

  I smile back at him unable to help myself. “Always been outnumbered by brothers before.” I reply back because I can’t think of anything else witty enough to fill the gap.

  “Five brothers,” Pehlan lets out a low whistle and I know he’s trying to ease us back onto light and easy conversation. To elevate the heaviness of both our connected pain.

  We fool ourselves with our inane talk but we both know, I can feel the depth of pain like a well spring connected to my very being, then so can he. We both drink from the wellspring of connection in our disjointed lives, connecting through discomfort.

  “Wait till you meet them.” I groan before I realise the implication of what I’ve just said out loud. We look at one another and the realisation we are connected hits me as the ding of the elevator interrupts and Paris strolls out of the lift and walks into the room. He’s topless and in loose fitting black pajama pants, and bare foot. He looks sexy.

  “Bg,” He mutters softly anxious, striding over to me. “Don’t do that to me, baby.” He says kissing the top of my forehead and hugging me quickly. “Leaving me like that. I woke up and immediately thought the worst when I couldn’t find you in the suite.”

  “You have suite, not a room?” Phelan says raising his eyebrows at me. I look from him back up at Paris.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to freak you out. I just couldn’t sleep and Phelan and I got talking, lost track of time.”

  “You should both be in your rooms, if not for sleep then just pure safety. At least make the bad werewolves work hard to get at you for god’s sake.” Paris says taking my hand and leading me back to the elevator.

  I walk back into our suite and again, look out at the night outside. I love night time, it feels so right to me. Like it is my world. I walk over to the glass windows and look at the view. It’s not that the night should be trapped away from me like this.

  “You okay?” Paris asks me putting his hands on my shoulders.

  “Guess so.” I sigh looking back over my shoulder at him.

  “Bonding with Phelan?”

  I turn around to face Paris. “Getting to know a bit about him, his life before this.” I stretch up on my tip toes and kiss him. Paris’s mouth picks me up and works my lips against his. It feels so great to be so loved and to know he is here for me and that he wants to be here for me. I’m lucky, I get it.

  “If you don’t want to sleep, why don’t you talk to me about back in the forest, what happened there?” He asks parting for air. “Cause I know something went on between you three and you just selectively forgot to mention it to me earlier, right?”

  One of the reasons I’m attracted to Paris. He’s smart and he knows me well enough to know I was not that emotionally traumatised that I didn’t think to purposely be evasive with him when we were reuniting.


  “Whatever makes you say that?” I decide to play innocent all the same.

  Paris is highly protective of me. For god sakes on a good day, back in New York, I’m allowed to go out into the city with just one body guard.

  “Seriously B,” Paris says look
ing at me skeptically and herding me back to the bedroom, by walking me backwards. “Did you think I missed that little comment you made in the car today at Thane?” I feel my legs back up against the edge of the bed as Paris looms tall up against me, in my space. “We don’t do secrets, remember?”

  My mouth feels dry but I manage to remember my nod my head as I loose myself in his dark blue eyes.

  We learnt throughout our relationship that secrets do damage to one another and we’ve decided to be honest with one another, more so since I told him about my attack at fourteen. Especially since that day. Our relationship has deepened more than I could’ve ever anticipated it would.

  “Now, little wolf,” He says his hands running up the sides of my body. “We’re going to talk, now that we have the time to talk.”

  I shiver not because I’m cold, or afraid of the werewolf male pressing against me and touching me. But because I desire him so much. But sometimes playing games with Paris is just the tip of the pleasure scale. Of course I’ll talk to him about the forest it just wasn’t the right time before, I had to placate him so he wouldn’t rampage against the Cavello brothers.

  “Make you a deal,” I say softly back at him. “Start the spa bath up and we’ll talk in there.”

  Paris tilts his head to study me. “Are you dictating terms to your alpha? Or trying to distract me from the task at hand? I’m aware that I’m not the talker in this relationship.” I half smile at him. He has me on that.

  “Negotiating.” I smirk back at him as his hands settle back on my hips. “I mean, wouldn’t want my alpha to lose all respect for me if I became a complete walk over.” The chemistry between Paris and I is charged and ready. He’s contemplating whether to play a game with me here or pull back completely. I can tell, he forgets I can read him better than most people can.

  “How about, if I’m pleased with your…performance, we’ll have a spa bath together?”

  I smirk back at him. “Performance?” This feels familiar, like our usual rhythm together.

  Paris’s hands drop off me and he backs up and walks over to a corner of the bedroom and grabs a chair and pulls it out from the corner slightly and sits down in it. “Yes, performance.” He says waving a hand at me. “You’re going to strip and tell me about your time in that forest.”

  I can’t help but smile back at him, broadly. This is so us. Making me get naked to talk honestly with him. “Yes, my alpha.” I reply back at him, so he knows we are going to play this scene out.

  “Proceed.” He instructs me.

  I stand there before the end of the bed and turn to face Paris sitting in the darkened section of the room, watching me. He’s relaxed and slouched in the chair. Ready for a show. I’d better give him one. I pull my hair out of the ponytail I’d tied it up into.

  “In the car today, that remark I made at Thane,” I say shaking my hair loose and smoothing it down. “It was about something, the brothers tried to do to me.” My eyes zero in on Paris’s hands gripping the ends of the chair arms.

  “Bg, you said you would tell me if…”

  I put up a hand to silence him and then reach to pull down the left side of my singlet top over my shoulder. “They’re Dire wolves, like me. They have telepathic ability, like me.” Paris’s grip eases and he relaxes back into the chair and I pull down the right singlet strap of my top.

  “Go on.”

  “None of us felt we could trust one another out there. We didn’t know one another, we’d been kidnapped. And yet, we’d been lumped together, and figured we had to fight, together. Even if it still was every wolf for them self.” I roll the singlet top down my midsection to my hips and watched as Paris’s eyes moved down over my body too, lingering over my breasts.

  “And Phelan thought he would try and see if he could get into my head. They wanted to know if I was weak willed.” I say holding his gaze.

  “They picked the wrong woman to associate that thought with.” Paris comments back at me.

  I keep rolling my top down and over my hips, till it fell down my legs and pooled at my feet as I bent forward, my breasts hanging down heavily as I kept my head up and looked at Paris the entire time.

  “That’s what I let them know.” I grin straightening back up and stepping out of the top on the floor. “I threw Phelan away from me, with just a thought.”

  Paris eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Really?”

  We haven’t had much chance to test my new found abilities yet. I guess we didn’t see a need to rush its exploration.

  “It was just like I’d shoved him with both my hands on his chest. Only I didn’t raise my hands at all. I gather now, it worked so well because of our twin connection and heritage.” My hands rest on the waistband of my sweat pants. “I made it clear to both Thane and Phelan that I didn’t want them trying to get in my head, ever.”

  “Good.” Paris comments.

  I push down my sweat pants down my legs and step out of each leg, slowly. “Later on, when a hunter came for us. We had a plan to entrap him. Only the two brothers, also had a plan that they didn’t let me in on.” Paris eyes slide up my legs and I see his breathing become heavy as he lingers over the small patch of hair between my legs.

  “What happened?” He asks, looking back up at my face.

  “Phelan and I had the hunter, trapped against a tree trunk when I felt a surge of power around me and inside me. Thane and Phelan know how to harness their telephonic abilities to give a person, their power.”

  Paris’s eyes widen at my words.

  “Add me to the mix and the whole twin thing with Pehlan,” I say kicking the sweat pants out of my way as I move slowly towards Paris. “And I’m like extra battery power to an energy source on top of your exceptional alpha werewolf abilities.”

  Paris’s mouth drops open as he watches me walk slowly, hips sashaying towards him. “I fought it. Because I didn’t know what the brothers were doing, they hadn’t told me their true plan was to kill the hunter we had, because he was their old pack leader’s son. I think, if I hadn’t fought them off telepathically, they’d have used my hands to do what Thane ended up doing to that poor soul.” I stop before Paris completely naked, as if presenting myself for his pleasure.

  “What did they do?” He asks me and I begin to kneel before him.

  “With that much power and ability, Thane was able to punch his way through the guys chest and tear his heart to pieces with his werewolf claw.” My hands slide along Paris’s thighs and he opens his legs for me, so I am between them.

  “Thane was able to rip the guy’s heart out of his chest?” Paris asks seeking clarity.

  “Yes. But it took the power of the three of us to give him that ability. I was an unwilling partner to it all.”

  My hands slide back down his clothed legs and I look for my prize between his legs. Paris looks down at me darkly. Normally this would be where I’d ask for permission to suck him off, or he’d instruct me to pleasure him. But I decide we’re mixing it up here, so I will too.

  “Afterwards, I decided I couldn’t trust them and that I needed to set both werewolves straight so they understood me.” My right hand starts sliding to Paris’s bulging crotch. His hand comes down and stops me before it reaches its intended destination.

  “Finish the story.” He instructs me.

  “So I…” I pause with thought, as it made me sick now to think about what I’d done so easily back then, already things were different between Phelan and me. “I broke Phelan’s leg while he was in his tribal form. Snapped it in two so he’d have to heal it quickly or be unable to move on from the hunt.” I look up at Paris’s face which is a mask of neutral.

  “Is that all?”

  “No, I took the hunter’s sword he’d been carrying. Its blade’s edges were silver coated and I inflicted a hundred cuts on Thane. He barely coped with half of that and still, I cut till I counted a hundred times. He barely had the strength to bring on his shape shift afterwards.”

  Paris’s han
ds glide down towards me and under my arms, pulling me up towards him, across his lap.

  “I’m glad you told me that.” He says as I slide my arms around his neck. “My mind goes to bad places when I think you’ve been hurt in some way.”

  I nod my head silently. I’ve seen Paris go to his bad place. It’s dark there and if he doesn’t have an anchor when he goes there, I’m not sure he’s capable of coming back from it.

  “And what you did to them, it was different back there. None of you knew what you meant to one another and when it comes to a one on one mental challenge sweetheart, no one should take you on.” He kisses me lightly. “Even I’ve leant that much about you.”


  His mouth kisses its way along my neck line and licks at the steam on my skin as I sit straddling Paris in the hot water of the bubbling spa we’re in. Before it descends to one breast and playing with the nipple briefly before latching onto my breast and sucking hard.

  Pleasure spikes through me and I find myself wriggling across his lap. One hand is under the water, stroking him, gripping him, letting him know how much I want him with everything he is doing to me.

  “Oh yes, my alpha.” With my other hand my fingers dig into the tops of his shoulders as I battle the feelings of pleasure that ignite in me. Paris moves to the opposite breast and grazes his teeth over the nipple.

  “Please, I want you inside me, please.” I pant out loud.

  Paris’s mouth changes tactics with my breast and he licks the underside with his tongue. Taking his time to drive me crazy. I wriggle more across him trying to edge myself closer to his cock. But Paris’s hands clamp down firmly on my hips, holding me across his lap with strength he’s barely had to call on.

  “I will be inside you when I come, little wolf. I promise.” He says nipping at my lip as I forgo patience and start kissing his mouth heavily. Of course he would ease my anxiety this way. Because it works and we both know that.

  “Please, Paris.” I utter as my words ghost across his lips before I sear my lips to his again and tango with his tongue as I start rocking myself back and forth on his leg, so that I am rubbing my naked lips against his thigh. Causing myself to groan with the illicit pleasure of the action.


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