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Don't Shoot...I'm a Werebear

Page 4

by Angelique Voisen

  “W-what are you doing?”

  I liked the uncertainty in his voice and the excitement underneath.

  “I need to taste you, more of you.”

  Zack didn’t fight me. “You better be ready to pay for that shirt.”

  “Not a problem.”

  The less horny and logical part of me reminded me I still had a bullet in my shoulder. Not silver, but I needed medical attention, to yank out the line still caught in my arm. None of the little aches mattered now. I made a trail of kisses down Zack’s throat. His leaping pulse pushed me to the edge of my sanity. I could bite him right now and tie our souls together, but I’d never take a man against his will.

  I shouldn’t be thinking in terms of ‘til death do us part. Zack and I just met, but I had a feeling I would be extending my stay in Ironwood. Leila would be elated. I would be happy. Never mind how impromptu the plan sounded. All my life I’d made careful choices. Debated the pros and cons of every single thing—latte or cappuccino, tell Hamish I loved him or keep quiet.

  Seven rocks lay strewn around us, and an equal number of oak trees loomed in the distance. Reckless and acting on impulse hadn’t ever been me, but everything about this moment felt right.

  I planted seven kisses down Zack’s chest. At eight, I took his left nipple into my mouth, sucking, loving the way he buckled underneath me. Zack dug his hands into my shoulders, nails sinking into skin, bound to leave marks, but I didn’t care. The bud hardened and I bit down, leaving the perfect imprint of my teeth. Zack groaned, clearly turned on by the pain.

  “By the time I’m done with you, everyone will know what you are.”

  “What am I?”


  I took his right nipple, sucking, leaving another bite mark there, before kissing my way down his torso. Zack tasted of sweat, of the soap he used before he left his house. He smelled a little of the woods too, of pine and fresh mountain air. I didn’t come all the way from the city to connect with nature, but with Zack.

  Zack called me delusional and crazy. I might be those things, but not this. My bear Zack had been waiting for me all along. Forget Hamish. Zack was the one. Did Zack have any idea what finally finding my mate meant to someone like me? Night after night, unable to sate myself on one-night-stands, the loneliness continued to eat at me. Not anymore. No matter how much Zack would fight me, this, us, I’d prove him wrong.

  Observing the way his body reacted once I put my hands and mouth to work, I knew it wouldn’t be hard.

  Moving lower, I hooked my fingers into his belt loops. Zack sucked in a breath.

  “Barry, we can’t do this. Not here. I mean, I love all the attention, but—”

  “Why not? No one’s watching. It’s just the two of us.”


  “Go ahead, human. Deny it all you want, but it’s not just your arousal I smell, but also your longing and need. Tell me, it’s been a long time for you too, right?” I didn’t phrase it as a question, but a statement.

  Not hard to guess Zack hadn’t been with another man for some time, judging by how he reacted to my touch, my kiss. Electricity threatened to erupt between our bodies, painful and stinging, but it was the kind of pain we both craved. Like called to like, and two hurting souls healed.

  How else to explain the fact I smelled him from a mile away?

  Zack’s resistance died before it started. Biting on his lower lip, Zack nodded. I pulled, revealing the V of his hips, and set my teeth to the flesh there. Crying out, Zack sunk fingers into my hair. I studied the perfect mark of my teeth, red against his tanned skin. A surge of possessiveness swept through me. Far from done, my bear wanted to leave more marks on Zack’s body, to claim, to possess. I didn’t pursue that frightening line of thought further, not here, not now.

  I fumbled for his belt buckle, unzipped his fly. Hunger surged inside me, raw and feral. It felt like another entity, a living force that slept dormant inside me for so long, waiting perhaps, for the right man to come along.

  Zack, the missing piece of my soul … my better half and my mate. I kept my mouth shut for now though. Spoiling this, whatever this was, had never been on the agenda. Unloading the truth on him would scare him away and I couldn’t have that. I’d spent the majority of my adult life, doubting, feeling miserable, and throwing all energies into loving a man who’d never been mine in the first place.

  Wanting a taste of him—no, more than a taste, I blew against his needy prick, already at half-mast. I kissed him there too, right at the tip of his dick, tongue swirling around the cock head. I gathered his pre-cum on my tongue, enjoying his distinctive taste.

  I looked up, liking how he pursed his lips, trying to stifle his moans, and his eyes, clouded with pleasure.

  “You taste better than honey, Zack.”

  Unexpected color rose to his cheeks. I took his shaft between my lips, sucking, savoring every inch of him. Zack hardened under my ministrations in no time, thrusting his hips towards me. I clamped my hands on his thighs, grip like iron, urging him to be still, yet knowing he’d take what I’d have to give.

  “Barry, I can’t—” Zack faltered, unable to say the words. Fucking cute.

  Sensing he was close, I pulled off my mouth in time. Pinching his tip, Zack whimpered. Expression growing slack, the muscles of his body relaxed as he spurted sticky warm cum on my belly and chest. I swiped his cream, raised my digits to my mouth and tasted him again, fine and sweet. Zack’s eyes widened at the sight, lips parting, but no word came out.

  I enjoyed rendering him speechless far too much, but I couldn’t help myself. I began to suck on my fingers again, but he grabbed them. Pressed so close, I could hear his heart, beating a staccato rhythm. Challenge blazing in his eyes, Zack licked my fingers dry. His gaze dipped lower and settled on my erection, thick, and close to bursting.

  Zack curled his fingers around my member, mischievous smile on his tempting mouth. “Should I return the favor, bear?”

  I blinked away my surprise. All the guys I blew never returned the favor. They followed the standard script, starting with a minimal exchange of words, a blowjob, and they’d begged me to fuck their brains out. Often, I wondered if that did it for all those faceless strangers whose names I didn’t bother knowing. Did the casual sex really elevate the emptiness that existed within us? Me? Once the high faded, hollowness awaited, holding hands with a mixture of self-pity and self-disgust.

  Good times.

  Looking at Zack, I wondered if he was real. Worse, was he a product of my imagination, a delusion? Did I hit my head on a rock somewhere, when I rolled downhill like a furry mess?

  Couldn’t be, because I might fantasize a lot, but the heat of Zack’s body and mine felt real enough.

  “What’s wrong?” Zack’s smile faltered.

  I began to kiss away that doubt, but a wave of dizziness swept through me. My vision faltered. Zack’s handsome features blurred. Keeping my body steady seemed like a Herculean task.

  “Barry?” Zack asked, concerned. He gripped my left bicep to steady me, and stared hard at the line of the rod, cutting through my skin, drawing blood, and swore.

  Fuck, I couldn’t lose consciousness. What kind of bear shifter lost his momentum the moment he gained it? Zack saw me at my worst, knew I wasn’t the best example of my species, but what would he think if I fainted now? I willed my mind and body to be strong, to remain the fuck upright and steady.

  The muscles of my body grew slack. I slumped against Zack, trying to open my mouth to tell him to give me a second but no words came out. I remembered Zack’s lips on my unshaven cheek and the words he uttered before the world turned black.

  “It’s okay to rest, crazy bear. When you wake up, I’ll be there.”

  Why those words gave me consolation, I had no idea. How he knew I needed to hear them eluded me as well. The haunting realization Zack knew me, despite my body and mind shutting down, chilled and frightened me.

  Loneliness—it’s a greedy worm that n
ever stops eating the good parts of you. I didn’t come back to Ironwood so I could win back Hamish. I was simply sick of being alone. With Zack’s reassurance though, I succumbed to sleep.

  Chapter Six


  “Fuck, you’re heavy. Get off me.” I pushed at Barry’s unconscious body lying on top of me and grunted.

  No response, but I expected that. Barry was built like a solid brick wall. Awake and cranky, I imagined running my fingers over the hard planes of his chest.

  Sweat coated my back. Tiny rocks and dirt dug into my back. When Barry went down on me, I hadn’t been aware of the little details when all I could focus on was his amazing mouth. The intense expression on his face when he put his wet fingers to his mouth to lick had been enough to jumpstart my limp dick again.

  Admiration could wait. “Think about sex later.” How did I let the were-bear convince me this had been a good idea? I knew he wasn’t in the best condition. Shot, line still in his arm, and all banged up, Barry was a fine mess. Still, I knew the answer.

  “Tell me, it’s been long for you too, right?” Barry had asked.

  Those words prickled at me, galled me. How could he know, with just one look?

  Growling under my breath, I grabbed his shoulders and flipped. Tried to anyway, but when that didn’t work, I locked my legs around his waist. Jesus. I could feel Barry’s erection, digging against my belly.

  “This isn’t how I imagined the rest of the afternoon going, bear,” I muttered under my breath.

  Great. When had I started talking to myself? Going insane like the unconscious were-bear on top of me? But I did promise to stay by his side when he woke … didn’t I? What made me do that? I could get myself away from him. Leave the crazy bear to rot here and fend for myself.

  My insides twisted. I’d never do that. The sun began to set on the horizon. Barry wouldn’t last a night out here, alone and scared. Thinking back, Barry didn’t charge at me because he’d lost his mind. Frightened, hungry and lost, I remembered him saying. No matter what it took, I’d get us both out of here. With renewed energy, I strained all my muscles, finally managing to reverse our positions by some bloody miracle.

  For the next couple of moments, I could do nothing but lie on top of him. Getting free had sapped everything in me. I rolled off Barry, lying on my back. A chill blew from the river. Above me, night chased away the sun.


  Shifters might possess thick skin. They wouldn’t die from the cold … but with Barry, I became uncertain. How the hell would I drag him all the way back to civilization by myself? I needed help.

  “Phone. Right.” I fished out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans, any fragment of hope dissipating when I saw the dead screen. “Out of battery … this is really my fucking lucky day.”

  Kneeling beside Barry, I gingerly untangled the line from his arm. It left a thin line, but the blood had dried. I touched the wound, relieved to see it started to heal. The bruises on his skin looked like they were a day old too.

  “Good to know you’re normal in that sense.”

  I tried getting Barry on his feet, to help him up, but we both ended up falling back on the ground with a thump. Too heavy. No other solution but to head out of the woods and onto the road to call for help. I didn’t like the thought of leaving Barry alone, though.

  “There’s no other choice.” I took off my shirt, and placed it over his body. His skin felt cool to the touch. Weren’t shifters supposed to possess warmer body temperatures than humans? With trembling fingers, I reached for his pulse. Strong. Good.

  I kissed his cheek. “Stay here. I’ll be back with help before you know it.”

  Fear thudded in my heart and kept me going and streaking into the woods like a mad man. Barry was a stranger. Why did I care so much if he lived or died? He wasn’t my damn responsibility—except he was. Roles changed the moment he claimed my lips and called me his. Never mind the implications of those words. I couldn’t blame a hungry and injured man for muttering nonsense, except his eyes were clear and when he held me, it felt right: a perfect fit.

  My shoes crunched on dried leaves. Being human, I made my way blindly through the woods. One wrong step and I could break a leg. How would I help Barry then? Slowing my pace, I looked upwards, using the constellations for guidance. Thank God the sky was clear tonight.

  I froze, listening intently. Leaves rustled. Tiny paws scrambled up trees or ventured out of daylight hidey-holes. Did I imagine hearing voices?

  Torchlight winked in the distance. I let out a croak, disbelieving. Did Barry have someone looking for him? I’d take random campers at this point.

  “Here––we’re over here!” I shouted, projecting my voice.

  The lights came my way. Two men made their way to me. Seeing their uniforms, I let out a sigh. Forest rangers, and judging by the little patch sewn on their sleeves, they belonged to the shifter division.

  “Thank God, you guys are here. I have an injured were-bear by the river. He’s not badly hurt, but he’s barely conscious.”

  “Barry Smithson?” The first asked. They looked like they were both in their thirties, tall and broad-shouldered, no doubt strong and capable.

  I nodded. Relief washed over me.

  “Branson, you take this human back to the cruiser. I’ll retrieve the were-bear.”

  “Roger that, Johnson. Please come with me, sir.”

  “Wait.” I bit my lip. It was a logical decision. They possessed the ability to see in the dark and superhuman strength. I would be a hindrance. The first forest ranger looked back at me, impatient to do his job. “Please, just bring him back.”

  Sympathy crossed Johnson’s features. “I see. Don’t worry. I’ll retrieve your mate.”

  Mate? Before I could correct him, Branson began nudging me to the path leading to the road. Once Barry woke up, we would have plenty to talk about.



  I dreamt I went back to my hometown and our car broke down. I remembered making the worst decision of my life, entering the woods without preparation and being shot at by a sexy and snarky human who turned out to be a walking contradiction. Best day of my life: a good dream.

  Moaning in my sleep, I fisted the sheets, expecting the familiar texture of my favorite black silk sheets. I clutched cotton sheets instead, soft and worn away by time. My eyes flew open, adjusting to the darkness. I knew these walls, this bed. Unlike most kids, nothing hung on my walls.

  No posters of rock stars and half-naked chicks—or in my case, gorgeous half naked men. Like my apartment back in the city, my room had been devoid of personality. As if I remained at the ready to pick myself up when my life kicked me in the balls, and move on.

  I ran a hand through my short and sweat-soaked hair. Had I been running my entire life, too terrified to face reality?

  Consciousness returned but so did the aches sustained over my unfavorable decision to frolic in the woods doing God knew what. Crazy bear, Zack called me. Zack. I jolted upright, fully awake. Reaching for my bare arm, I touched the fading line where Zack’s fishing line bit into my skin.

  “Zack’s real.”

  Someone cleared his throat. I looked up, seeing Zack seated on the armchair facing the bed. He looked like shit. Dark circles hung underneath his eyes, but his lips—lips I remembered tasting like honey, just like the cream from his cock, quirked to a smile.

  “Silly bear.”

  I frowned. “Crazy human.”

  Zack stared at me for a couple of moments, a look of disbelief on his face, before breaking out into a laugh. That sound, startled and unscripted, made it easier to breathe. Unable to help myself, I joined in, barely recognizing the sound of my hoarse voice.

  My bedroom door banged open, revealing Leila. I swallowed. Guilt slammed into me like a bag of bricks. She glared at me, biting on her lower lip, before launching herself at me. I caught her easily, grunting when she started punching me.

  “Stupid bear,” she h
issed through her teeth. “Idiotic prick.”

  “That much we agree on,” Zack muttered.

  “That wasn’t nice of you, Barry, scaring everyone like that.” At my aunt’s tone and look, I growled.

  “Hey, they were worried,” Zack interrupted.

  “You know nothing about me.”

  Okay, that stung, but I woke up grumpy.

  Not one to back down from a fight, Zack bared his human teeth at me. “I know enough, better than most people in the short time we’ve met. Fuck, Barry. I tried carrying your barely conscious body out of the woods, but you were too damn heavy.”

  “No one told you to do that.”

  Leila gave me a slap, before rising to her feet and clearing her throat. “You two need to talk.”

  “About what?” I called back, but Leila and my aunt retreated from my room.

  “The park ranger that found us called me your mate.”

  I returned my attention back to Zack. Jesus, this human didn’t do subtlety. He needed to go right for the trigger, like the first moment we met. Then again, I imagined what I must have looked like—a rampaging, hungry and irate grizzly, starved for food, too confused whether to sate my physical hunger first … or my hunger for Zack.

  “You know about mating?” I asked instead, deflecting the topic.

  “I grew up here. Of course I know.”

  “Then you know shifters mate for life.” I observed Zack’s reactions carefully, counted the seconds when I’d successfully send him running for the exit door.

  Zack rose from the armchair. By reflex, my hand touched the black and white rocks on my dresser—my coping mechanism. I fingered each smooth surface, counting each one in my head. Zack would slam the door behind him. If I’m unlucky, Zack might give one last parting remark that would haunt me for a long time. A comment, an insult, some measure of truth I’d already known.


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