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Melted Iron (Blue Bandits MC Book 3)

Page 23

by Michelle Woods

  Roz looked at him nervously, not answering because fear had clogged her throat.

  “Fuck, are you sure?” Reaper asked looking after the man.

  “I don’t know for sure, but why else would he kill them? If he had nothing to hide then he wouldn’t need to kill them, would he?” Roz asked. Her legs were about to give out on her, she could tell, because all the fear and adrenaline were leaving her and it was making the already shaky feeling in her limbs increase. She leaned heavily on Iron who held her around her waist tightly, taking most of her weight without her needing to ask.

  “Damn, he’s the informant? Blade?” Burner said, looking after the man who was long gone by now.

  “I think he is,” Roz told them.

  “That’s interesting. He was an enforcer the last time I checked. If he’s still in that position, we might need to rethink following his leads cause it might lead us right into a trap,” Burner grumbled, his face grim as he pushed his gun into the holster at his hip.

  “We’ll discuss this at church. Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Reaper growled, his look somber. Animal walked towards them, reminding Roz of Blade’s last words to her.

  “He also asked me to give Animal a message,” Roz told them, earning four hard gazes on her.

  “What did he say, Roz?” Animal asked, then waited for her to speak.

  “I don’t understand it but he said we’re not all lost,” Roz said

  “Well that’s cryptic. Do you know what the hell he was trying to say, Animal?” Reaper asked him.

  Animal shook his head. “No, I don’t have a clue unless he was trying to tell us that he wasn’t fucked up like the others? I just don’t know.”

  Reaper let out a loud growling sigh before he met Roz’s eyes with his. “You betrayed the club. You know that, right?” he asked and Iron growled angrily, his arm tightening around her.

  “This can be discussed at another time, Reaper. She’s been through enough tonight,” Iron told him, his voice hard.

  “I want her to understand that this is a one time concession. If she pulls anything like this again it’s death for both of you, Iron. She needs to understand that,” Reaper told him as he holstered his gun.

  Roz felt her heart almost stop, not because she would ever betray the club on purpose but because he wasn’t just threatening to take her life but also Iron’s. Reaper had just tied his fate to hers. Roz could feel her mind protesting such a concrete ultimatum.

  “I won’t,” she whispered, her body shaking harder against Iron’s.

  “Don’t speak of this with anyone either, Roz. This deal is only good as long as no one knows it ever happened. I won’t lose the club because I trusted the judgment of a man I call my brother. You talk or you fuck up again and it’s death for both of you.” Reaper voice was hard and she didn’t for a second doubt that he meant every word he spoke.

  “I understand. I will never speak of it and I won’t betray you.”

  Reaper didn’t respond, just held her eyes with his own for a long silent moment before he turned away and whistled for them to wrap it up, calling out, “Get the wounded and the dead and let’s get the fuck outta here.”

  Roz watched him walk away with Burner on his heels. She glanced at Animal, who was still frowning over the words Blade had said earlier. When he saw her watching him he frowned at her.

  “He means it, don’t test him,” Animal said.

  “She said she gets it, Animal. Don’t need you to scare her anymore than she already is,” Iron growled from behind her.

  “Just warning her, Iron. You’re sure that was all Blade said when he told you to give me a message?” Animal asked her after glaring at Iron for a moment.

  “Yes, just that. He didn’t have much time if he wanted to get away. I don’t know but that was all he said,” Roz told him.

  “Huh, not sure what the hell he meant,” Animal grumbled before he too headed back towards the bikes.

  Iron turned her in his arms and kissed her on the nose. “Come on, baby, let’s get you home.” Then he led her over to the bike he’d taken from a Headhunter, helping her on before roaring away from the scene of death and destruction that had once been a Headhunter safe house.

  Chapter 23

  Iron took Roz to the rec center. After helping her off the bike, he lifted her into his arms and carried her towards the door. He knew she was tired when she didn’t protest his lifting her but instead laid her head on his shoulder. She’d been through a lot tonight and he was ready to just get her inside where he knew she’d be safe and hold her. Just hold her because she meant everything to him and he’d almost lost her.

  He entered the rec center after having Roz open the door for them and found three women sitting in the front room. Laci stood, coming over to them.

  “What’s wrong with Roz?” she demanded, her face paling when she took in Roz’s dirty appearance.

  “Nothing, she’s just tired and she went through an ordeal tonight but she’s fine,” Iron informed the young woman. Thea came forward, her shy demeanor changing to one of concern.

  “What happened?” she asked, stepping up beside Laci who was standing a few feet away looking at them.

  “Guys, I’m fine. It’s been a long night and I just want a quick shower and the bed. We can discuss what happened tomorrow, okay,” Roz told them and neither woman looked as if they liked that answer but they nodded, accepting Roz’s decision.

  “Okay, but if you need us you just have to let us know,” Laci told her.

  “I’m staying with her so she’ll be fine,” Iron informed her before heading in the direction of the room they’d been sharing.

  “They were just trying to help, Iron,” Roz whispered against his still bare chest.

  He hadn’t managed to get any other clothes because he refused to wear anything the two men in that house had been wearing. Both men had smelled like they hadn’t changed in a week and he hadn’t been about to put their clothes on. Iron snorted because she would soon find out that he was the one who took care of her now and he would guard that right jealously.

  He didn’t speak, just carried her into their room kicking the door shut behind them. He took her into the bathroom setting her down on the counter. He helped her strip off her clothes, shucking his shorts before lifting her again. He stepped into the shower, letting her feet down so that she could stand. Iron grabbed a bar of soap and began washing them both.

  “I can wash myself, Iron,” Roz said, her voice tired and her eyes heavy-lidded because she was exhausted.

  “I know, baby, but I want to do it. I want to be sure you’re okay,” he told her, knowing that despite her protests that she could do this herself she wasn’t in any condition to attempt it.

  “Okay.” She gave in easily, confirming his suspicions that she was nearing the end of her strength. Tonight had been an emotional and physical battle for her and he knew that she was close to the end of her endurance.

  He cleaned them quickly as she held his shoulders, allowing him to run the washcloth over her without protest, then he rinsed them both off and turned off the water. He grabbed a large towel and began drying them. When the task was finished, he scooped her up again, carrying her to the bed to settle her in the center. Roz smiled softly at him, her eyes slowly slipping closed.

  Iron joined her in the bed, his arms wrapping around her pulling her close, grateful that she was still alive and here with him. Roz was asleep within seconds and Iron leaned on his arm watching her sleep for a long while, his fingers slowly running over her face with an awe he hadn’t felt in years.

  Roz stood before the mirror staring at her hair, which she was trying to tame into a less messy arrangement. It had been three weeks since the night Patricia and the Headhunters had taken her and Iron. She was supposed to be getting ready for tonight’s bonfire but she wasn’t really feeling it. She hadn’t really been around the club much since that night and she was feeling a bit nervous because she didn’t want to cause any issue
s between Iron and his brothers. She hadn’t even worked at the clinic with Lance, she’d just stayed here locked away.

  Iron had told her an hour ago when she suggested that she not go tonight that she was being silly, that no one was angry with her, but she wasn’t so sure. Iron wanted to believe that everything was the same as it had been before that night. Roz didn’t know that Reaper and the others felt the same and she didn’t want to be the reason things were uncomfortable for Iron.

  Iron had brought her to the rec center the night they returned and they’d stayed there for two nights while the house was being fitted with the security shutters. They’d moved in when they were installed, having gone shopping in Titusville for furniture. Roz sighed as she gave up on taming the frizzy mass of hair because it wasn’t going to do anything despite the amount of hair product she’d just dumped on it.

  Stepping away from the mirror, she walked into the bedroom looking at the large bed with its ornate headboard, wondering if she would be able to seduce him into staying here instead of going to the party. Iron had been very easy to convince to stay home since the night they’d been grabbed, likely because they were both grateful to be alive and together.

  She lifted the patch up from the bed. Pushing her arms into it, she settled it over her back enjoying the feel of the heavy leather on her. Iron had brought it back to her the next morning after that hellish night with the Headhunters. Roz was excited to wear it even three weeks later because it meant she was Iron’s and that made her heart sing despite her worry.

  “Hey, you look beautiful, babe.” Iron spoke from the doorway, making her jump a little before turning to him.

  “Thanks,” Roz whispered, her smile genuine.

  “No, we aren’t staying in tonight so don’t even try it,” Iron growled.

  “What do you mean? I wasn’t––” Roz began but he held up his hand and chuckled at her.

  “You were planning to try and seduce me into staying, don’t deny it. I know how your mind works.” Iron’s grin was wide and he wiggled his brows at her. Roz crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I was not!” she denied, even though that was exactly what she had been thinking of trying a few minutes ago.

  “Uh-huh, sure you weren’t,” Iron muttered, walking over to lean down, his lips hovering over hers and his hand caressing her butt in the tight jeans she was wearing. Roz sighed, falling into his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Do we have to go?” she asked on a loud sigh.

  “Yes, Rozzy, we do. You’ve avoided the club long enough.” Iron’s look was serious and she realized her attempts to avoid the club hadn’t gone unnoticed by him like she had thought.

  “I wasn’t avoiding them,” Roz said, looking away from him before adding, “I just figured none of them wanted to see me after they found out what happened.”

  “No one except Reaper, Lock, Animal, Burner, and Pansy know anything about it, babe.” Iron shook his head at her, his frustration clear.

  “Sarah and Sammy know I’d bet and besides, that’s enough people who hate me to make tonight awkward for you.”

  “Nobody hates you, Rozzy. I’ve told you that several times these past few weeks. I explained everything you told me including that your intention was always to die after you killed Patricia. Which still pisses me off by the way.” Iron turned a dark frown on her then and she sighed because he had been extremely mad at her over that when she’d finally told him what her plan had been that night.

  “I still think me going tonight is a bad idea, Iron. They have to still harbor some anger over how things happened,” Roz stubbornly insisted.

  “Enough, babe. We’re going and nothing you say is going to get you out of it, so let’s go.” Iron squeezed her ass before releasing her and stepping back, taking her hand to lead her out of the room. Roz followed him, still unsure about this but she knew he wasn’t going to let her get away with not going.

  Roz heard the party before they arrived. It was already in full swing because she had been dragging her feet trying to avoid coming tonight. Laci came running up to them when she entered the area around the fire, followed by Thea, Nancy, and Bull.

  “Roz, come dance! Reaper let me come tonight, isn’t that great!” Roz found herself laughing at the girl’s enthusiastic rambling.

  “Maybe in a little while,” Roz told her. Laci frowned but a few seconds later she was off towards the bonfire with a nod.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of her,” Thea said as she headed after her. The others waved and followed after them.

  Roz followed Iron towards the clubhouse, seeing Reaper and Sarah sitting on a couch someone had brought outside with Animal and Sammy nearby. Roz stopped walking but Iron’s hand at her back pushed her forward. Roz felt like she was marching to her death because she was that apprehensive about their reactions to her being here tonight.

  As they got closer, Sarah looked up and a bright smile split her face briefly.

  “You two finally came up for air I see. We were beginning to speculate that you two were going to end up dying in that house all shuttered up having wild monkey sex and we’d find your shriveled corpses wilting in strange sexual positions,” Sammy said loudly from her place in Animal’s lap earning a snicker from him. Roz’s mouth dropped open at the woman’s wild imagination.

  “Oh my god! Sammy! ” Sarah cried, looking at Sammy in disbelief. Reaper let out a snorted laugh of his own and Roz could feel Iron’s body shake with silent laughter.

  “We haven’t seen them for like three weeks, Sarah, and we all know they were having wild monkey sex,” Sammy said, looking at her friend with a wicked smile.

  Sarah shook her head and looked at Roz ruefully. “I am so sorry for her crazy ass, Roz. She just can’t seem to keep her thoughts to herself sometimes.”

  Roz couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped her over Sarah’s obvious embarrassment of her friend. She felt something inside her relax a little at their lack of animosity towards her. Maybe they didn’t hate her after all.

  “It’s okay,” Roz excused Sammy’s nuttiness.

  “It’s really not but she only seems to get worse when I talk to her about it so I suppose the best course of action is to ignore her insanity and pretend that she’s not crazy.” Sarah shook her head and glared at Sammy. Sammy shot her a bird and turned away, giggling at something Animal whispered to her.

  Sarah sighed loudly like a mother would when her child had just disappointed her and turned back to Roz. “We’re glad you decided to come tonight. We were beginning to get worried. That’s what Sammy was trying to say in her wildly inappropriate way,” Sarah grumbled, stressing the last few words.

  “Sorry, we’ve been enjoying our time together,” Roz replied, unwilling to admit that she had been avoiding them.

  “Speaking of I’d like to talk to you for a minute, Roz,” Reaper suddenly said, making her nerves tense and her heart pounded in her ears.

  What could he want to say to her? Was he going to kick her out now or make things awkward for Iron?

  “I don’t think now is the right time, Reaper,” Iron growled, his eyes trained on Reaper when she looked from one to the other and back again.

  Reaper disentangled himself from Sarah and stood. “It will only take a minute or two, Iron. It’s not up for debate.”

  Roz felt Iron tense and she felt her nerves spike as she trembled slightly wondering what he was going to say to her. It didn’t bother her that he hated her but she didn’t want him treating Iron differently.

  “It’s fine,” Roz managed to get out and stepped away from Iron even when he tried to pull her back. He let out a little growl and glared at Reaper. Reaper ignored him however and just turned, walking a few feet away with Roz following. When they reached the porch, Reaper sat down on the steps patting the spot next to him. Roz reluctantly took a seat beside him.

  Her hands were sweaty and she felt breathless as she waited for him to tell her why he had pulled
her aside. Iron was now leaning on the back of the couch glaring at Reaper.

  “He’s still overprotective I see,” Reaper muttered after a moment, a light chuckle escaping him.

  “Yes,” Roz managed to squeak out with her heart in her throat.

  “It’s funny because he used to make fun of me for being that way with Sarah. She’s quite capable of taking care of herself so he thought I was being ridiculous. But now he’s the same way with you and I think you’re able to take care of yourself too.” Reaper paused a moment and Roz nodded. She was able to take care of herself, she’d had to for a long time before Iron came back into her life.

  “I know you think what happened is a deal breaker with the club, Roz, but you’re wrong. What you had planned was something Sarah or I might have done to protect one another. I get why you chose the course of action you did, I really do, but you can’t keep hiding from the club. This agreement can only work as long as no one finds out what really went down that night. The club’s already hanging on by thin threads. Finding out that something like this wasn’t handled with swift justice might break them. Until we get this Headhunter thing under control, things are shaky.” Reaper looked at her for a long while making her uncomfortable. She turned away trying to process the words while her nerves stirred inside her, making her stomach twist into knots.

  “I’m not going to tell anyone,” Roz said, looking at her feet. She pushed the toe of her shoe into the dirt making circles.

  “But that is what you’re doing. People are going to start questioning the fact that you’re acting strangely and then they will start to speculate about what happened the night you guys were taken and none of us can afford that, Roz. No one is mad over what happened and the few who know about it aren’t going to judge you for what happened because we’ve all done things that we regret. I believe that you really didn’t intend to live through the night but not everyone would and that would cause an issue I would have to handle.” Reaper looked grim and Roz realized that he was in a position that left him with few choices if anyone who didn’t agree with his choice discovered what had happened that night.


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