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Fight 4 Us: (Book 3): Refuge

Page 5

by Grenda, Brian

  TJ says, “We may have to kill these people. Is everyone okay with that?”

  Everyone is okay with that, except Matt. At least we all say that we are okay with killing another person, but only time will tell how it affects us.

  We finalize the plans of the attack and then leave from the garage. The guys go inside and mentally prepare themselves for the attack as I walk with TJ and Odin to his jeep that is parked in Ray’s driveway.

  I look at TJ and ask, “Do you and Odin live close to here?”

  TJ responds, “I live pretty close by. I will meet you guys at the police station in a couple hours. Get ready for tonight.”

  TJ and Odin hop into the jeep.

  I say goodbye to TJ and Odin as they pull out of the driveway and leave the neighborhood.

  I make my way back to my garage and pull the garage door closed.

  Lauren hears me in the garage and comes in to talk to me.

  Lauren walks over to me and says, “I just heard what is going on. Are you sure this is the best plan? I don’t want you or any else to get hurt.”

  I look at Lauren and say, “It’s what we have to do. The building supplies and materials are there, and it’s not right that they are controlling the store.”

  Lauren says, “But I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Trust me, I don’t want to get hurt either sweetie.”

  I open the door to go inside the house and say, “The people controlling the hardware store need to be stopped and you saw what they did to Shaun.”

  Lauren and I walk inside the house and see that everyone is in the living room.

  Matt and Kylie are sitting on the left side of the sofa, Phil is standing next to the sofa, and Bobby G is sitting next to Shaun and Lisa on the right side of the sofa.

  Lauren and I enter the living room.

  Kylie asks, “Ryan. Can you explain to me what is going on?”

  “Sure Kylie. We went to the hardware store and some group has taken it over. They attacked Shaun and pissed us off.”

  Kylie replies, “Is attacking the store the right move? The best thing to do?”

  Nicole and Ann walk into the living room, each holding a baby.

  I walk over to the babies and say, “Yes. We need the supplies from the hardware store as the neighborhood won’t be safe until we have walls and gates at the entrances.”

  I look down at Mason and Mia and say, “I want this neighborhood to be safe for us and safe for our future generations. We tried to reason with these people at the store, but they aren’t willing to reason with us.”

  I point to Shaun’s face and say, “They attacked us and that isn’t right. I don’t want to perform any unnecessary actions or kill anyone, but we must do what we must do now to survive. It’s them or us, and I choose us.”

  Kylie says, “I understand now. I like the idea of making this neighborhood safe, but don’t want anyone of us to get hurt or killed.”

  Phil says, “We know we aren’t soldiers and no one is doing anything that they can’t handle. We have a good plan and we will be as safe as possible with the attack on the store.”

  “Okay guys. We need to get going to meet up with TJ. Let’s gear up and head out. Plan to leave in 15 minutes.”

  I exit the living room, as everyone says their goodbyes and final words to each other.

  I go into my master bathroom. I wash my hands and face and take a second to gather my thoughts and calm my nerves.

  I look at myself in my bathroom mirror and see the beard that I have. I feel that I may start to lose my touch of humanity and empathy for things and people in this world.

  I have always been an empathetic and humane person. That is what made me a very understanding and helpful doctor.

  Martial arts have also taught me to defend myself, but never to be the aggressor. The hardware store plan is an attacking measure, but also a defensive measure from the previous attack on us.

  We need the supplies from the hardware store and we need to end any and every aspect of dictatorship that we come across.

  This won’t be the last time that we deal with someone taking over a store, or being a tyrannical dictator by any means, but this may be the last time we ever question acting against it.



  It’s night, and it’s silent. No one is saying anything. My group and I are quiet and focused on what to do.

  We enter our vehicles and mentally prepare for what may happen next.

  I lead the way to the police station. I feel a combination of emotions, but the biggest one is nervousness.

  I can’t help but feeling that we are going into the danger zone, and I hope that we all make it out unscathed.

  I pull up to the police station rear gate, scan Ray’s ID badge, and drive over to TJ’s parked jeep.

  The rest of the group drives their vehicles into the police station parking lot and parks them in various parking spots next to my car.

  I get out of my car and walk over to TJ, who is standing next to his jeep.

  TJ asks, “You ready for this? How are your nerves?”

  “I’m doing okay. I’m more anxious then anything.”

  The rest of the group walks over to TJ and me. We all have the look on our faces of a combination of nerves and anxiety, but ready to fight.

  TJ has taken out all the supplies and weapons from the police station that we can use. He hands Matt a pair of night vision binoculars. He hands Bobby G a bulletproof vest and he hands Shaun a riot gear shield.

  TJ says, “Does everyone know the plan?”

  Everyone nods and says, “Yes.”

  TJ points to the hardware store map and goes over the plan and what we all are supposed to do.

  TJ says, “I’m glad you are all wearing dark clothes as blending in and staying hidden is key. We can’t go in guns a blazing. This isn’t an 80’s action movie. This is real life. We need to create distractions, diversions, and quickly take down the people inside.”

  I scan through the guys and say, “We already saw that they had at least six men in the building, but I’m sure they have plenty more. The plan is take them out as quietly as you possibly can. Keep them from yelling and talking. Use the duct tape to cover their eyes and mouths. You don’t want to be seen or recognized, as we are trying to avoid another conflict with these guys after we get what we came for.”

  Phil addresses the group with a meaningful tone, “Keep the words to a minimum, keep your masks on, and stick to the plan. TJ use to be part of SWAT before joining the K-9 section. He knows what he is doing.”

  Phil’s speech motivates everyone and helps build everyone’s confidence that the plan will work.

  Matt looks at TJ and asks, “Where is your dog at?”

  TJ replies, “Odin is in my jeep. You want to pet him?”

  Matt looks at Odin who is sitting in the jeep and replies, “No thank you. Just curious if he was around.”

  TJ asks, “Okay guys. Any questions?”

  Shaun replies, “No sir.”

  Everyone is ready for the plan of attack on the hardware store.

  I walk over to Bobby G as he is standing next to his car that he is using for this attack. I’m nervous that he will be okay and don’t want him to get hurt.

  I look at my dad and ask, “You okay with all this? You comfortable with your part?”

  Bobby G replies, “Yes son. I’m okay with this. Like you said before, it’s them or us. It may be a drastic measure of attacking people for building supplies, but that’s what the world has turned into now. In my 40 years of being a salesman, I know these types of people. You can’t sell them anything, and they want nothing to do with you.”

  I reply, “But you never got shot trying to sell a product to someone. There is a little more on the line than a sales commission here.”

  “Trust me son. I’ll be fine. If it’s my time to go then I accept that. I’m just glad that I got to see you again and I was able to help my so
n,” replies Bobby G.

  I open the car door for Bobby G and say, “You ain’t dead yet, and I don’t plan on seeing that today.”

  We all get into our cars and drive towards the hardware store. The hardware store is only a 5-minute ride down the street from the police station, but it felt longer.

  I pull up to the intersection that the hardware store is on and I wait. Matt and Phil get into position at the building that is across the street from the hardware store.

  Matt hands Phil the night vision binoculars, and they survey the building.

  Phil picks up the radio and says, “I see three guys outside where we saw them before, no one on the roof, and two guys at the south entrance of the building.”

  “Okay. Good, I’m glad no one is on the roof.”

  Phil replies, “Shaun and Bobby G get into position. The coast is clear for your positions.”

  Shaun and Bobby G get in their positions as TJ and I wait in our cars and Matt and Phil provide a lookout.

  Shaun says, “Tell me when to move on the fence Phil.”

  Phil says, “Wait. The two guys are going back inside the building…. Okay…. Go now.”

  Shaun leaves his car, runs down towards the outdoor building section. He cuts the lock and chain that was holding the fence closed with the bolt cutters.

  He grabs the chain and lock and starts to run to the rear gate of the building material section.

  Shaun turns the corner to go around to the rear of the building and runs into a man that is smoking a cigarette outside.

  The guy says, “What the hell?”

  Shaun out of instinct swings the chain with his right hand and clobbers the man in the face. The man immediately falls to the ground and is knocked out. Shaun wraps some duct tape around the guys eyes and mouth, then drags his body away from the building and next to one of the parked cars behind the building.

  Shaun runs back to the rear gate and cuts that lock and chain off.

  Shaun grabs the chain and lock, and runs back to his car.

  Shaun picks up the radio and says, “The gates are unlocked, but I had to take out one of their guys.”

  Phil replies, “Are you okay?”

  Shaun says, “Yeah. I’m fine. Let’s keep going.”

  “Okay great. Dad you are up. You ready for this?”

  Bobby G replies, “Yup. Let’s do it.”

  Shaun drives into his next position while Bobby G starts driving towards the front of the store.

  Phil hands Matt the binoculars and radio and says, “You are the lookout now. Please keep everyone posted if they are in danger, and what is going.”

  Matt says, “I will. I’ll be your eyes and ears.”

  Phil gets into his car and drives to his position at the back of the store.

  Bobby G pulls up to the front of the store in his green sedan. No one is around, and he starts to honk his horn.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  No one comes out of the store.

  He puts the car in drive and slowly starts to creep forward while beeping the horn.

  Beep. Beep.

  Bobby G lays on the horn with one long horn blast.


  Three men rush towards Bobby G’s car with their guns raised.

  Bobby G slowly drives towards the far exit of the store and the men follow him.

  Bobby G shouts, “I can’t stop the car, it’s stuck in drive.”

  The men order him to stop the car and get out. Bobby G slowly drives from the front of the store, down the exit ramp, and towards the main road.

  As Bobby G creates a diversion at the front of the store, Phil and Shaun setup the next diversion at the rear of the store.

  Matt says over the radio, “Bobby G did his job, three guys went with him. Phil and Shaun, you are up with Ryan and TJ on deck.”

  Shaun and Phil light fuses of a dozen fireworks at the South rear entrance. Which is at the other end of the store away from the outdoor building materials.

  Shaun picks up the radio and says, “The fuses are lit, Ryan and TJ you are up.”

  Shaun and Phil park their car as they block the entrance to the back alley behind the store. They wait along the building, next to the South rear entrance door.

  I drive to the fence of the outdoor building material section and wait.

  TJ makes his way over to Bobby G’s position and waits out of sight.

  The fireworks go off and it’s a 4th of July fireworks show. Two of the men that went with Bobby G run to see what the commotion is.

  TJ comes flying around the corner and takes them out with his jeep. Bobby G grabs the man that was left to watch him and slams his head into the hood of the car.

  The man is knocked out cold. Bobby G wraps several pieces of duct tape around his eyes and mouth.

  Bobby G gets back into his car and sees that several zombies are coming towards the hardware store now.

  He puts his car in reverse and backs up to the store front. He meets up with TJ and helps TJ move the bodies of the two men that TJ took out.

  Bobby G looks at TJ and says, “We can’t leave the bodies here. A group of zombies are making their way towards the building now.

  A huge boom from the fireworks fills the air as Shaun and Phil stand next to the building at the South rear entrance.

  Suddenly the door flies open, and 4 men come running out.

  Phil pushes one man into another and they both fall onto the pavement. Shaun charges the two men with his riot shield and they trip on a curb.

  Phil kicks one of the men in the head and instantly knocks him out. The other man gets up and tries to punch Phil, but hurts his hand on Phil’s riot gear helmet. Phil laughs and tackles the man down the ground.

  Bobby G and TJ drive around the side of the building and meet up with Phil and Shaun. TJ exits his jeep and helps Shaun take out the last remaining man with a punch to the face.

  The fireworks stop but several of the zombies are making their way towards the back of the store towards Bobby G and Phil.

  Shaun says, “I have plan. Let’s feed these guys to the zombies.”

  Phil and Bobby G pick up a guy and place him in the center of the road where the zombies are walking. The zombies are about 20 feet away from where Phil and Bobby G are standing.

  TJ and Shaun each drag a body and place the bodies towards the zombies. Phil drags the last body and places him next to the other 2 bodies.

  Shaun, Phil, Bobby G, and TJ all get in their vehicles and drive to my location.

  Screams come from the men that the guys took out as zombies start to devour the flesh from their limbs and bodies.

  As the guys make their way to my position. Several more men from inside the store come out and try to kill the zombies.

  Matt says over the radio, “Ryan, the guys are coming your way now. Get ready to get inside. Zombies are at the far South side of the building and your side is clear of people and zombies.”

  “Good work Matt. I’ll have to keep my radio off while in the store to avoid making noise, but I will have it on me. The guys are here, we are going in.”

  Shaun, Phil, Bobby G, TJ and Odin all make it safely back to my position. I open the gate and we make our way into the outdoor building material section.

  We all have our knives ready just in case we need to use them.

  We make it to the closed store entrance. Bobby G, TJ, and Odin wait outside in the outdoor section, while Shaun, Phil and I head inside.

  I lead the guys into an aisle and wait. The store is dimly lit as they only have a couple rows of light on to conserve power.

  They have several generators working to keep the store lit and power running. As we hide down an aisle, we hear several men run towards the South rear entrance.

  The coast is clear. We run down the center aisle and duck behind several appliances in the appliance section.

  We overhear two men talking in a nearby aisle.

  One man says, “Joseph is not going to like this.”

bsp; Another man shouts, “Joseph isn’t the one I’m worried about right now.”

  A loud scream is heard through the hardware store as a man comes back inside the store after being bit in the neck by a zombie at the rear entrance.

  The two men run over to help him, but there is nothing they can do. One of the men goes outside through the South rear entrance door and sees that the zombies are overwhelming the men.

  There are only two men left and they are shooting at the zombies.

  The man is terrified at the sight of the zombies and runs back inside the store. He closes and locks the South rear entrance door.

  The two men bang on the door to be opened, but the man inside the store doesn’t open it for them.

  The men plead with the man to open the door, but the man is scared and doesn’t open it.

  The two men scream as the zombies overwhelm them and rip them to shreds.

  A group of men come running towards the crying man at the rear entrance. They see the one-man bleeding profusely from his neck as he lies on the floor, one man crying near the door, and another man trying to help the man who was bleeding on the floor.

  A man shouts, “How the hell did this happen? We had this place locked down.”

  Shaun recognizes that voice as it’s the man that hit him in the face before.

  That same man shouts, “How many people are left alive here?”

  One of the men replies, “This is it. It’s only us 5 left in here Dave.”

  Shaun, puts down his riot shield, puts away his knife and grabs his shotgun. I see that Shaun is ready to kill these guys, but I gesture for him to wait.

  Dave looks at the man bleeding on the floor, takes out his revolver and shoots him in the head.

  The gunshot echoes throughout the store. The man who was crying is startled and lets out a scream of fear.

  That angers Dave. He walks over to the crying man and shouts, “What are you crying about you big baby? This is how the world is now.”

  Dave points his gun at the crying man and says, “Get up. Stand up.”

  The man doesn’t listen and is paralyzed by fear.

  Dave walks over to the man and grabs him by the shirt. The man stands up and is scared for his life.


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