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Page 8

by Alana Khan

  “The few survivors from my vessel were enslaved. I never saw my brother after the initial fight. Many of our people lost their lives.

  “Mythrian twins share a mindlink. I haven’t felt a twinge from him since that day. I assumed Braxxus was dead.

  “Cally writes a daily briefing about anything she hears that might be of interest to us. Because she knows my race, she wrote down everything she heard about a huge Mythrian warrior, a captain who tried to organize an escape.” He smiles tightly at this, obviously proud of his countryman who coordinated an insurrection.

  “They didn’t use my brother’s name, but I believe it’s him. I’m not aware of any other captain who was downed or captured. The two aliens Cally overheard were laughing about what bad shape the male was in, that he was being tortured and if he didn’t die they were going to take him to Aeon II, castrate him, and sell him as a docile house slave.” His jaw tightens so hard I expect to hear his teeth crunching; this is obviously destroying him.

  Axxios is the image of pure athletic power. I picture his twin, equally vigorous and masculine, and feel deep compassion for the male slated to be killed or castrated.

  “I’ve talked this over with Zar and he’s agreed to a plan to rescue this male, whom I believe to be my brother.”

  I know I was called to the bridge for a reason; there must be a part for me to play in this rescue. I wait, I’m certain it will soon be revealed.

  “Aeon II is a Federation planet, it’s not like the sleazy end-of-the-universe planets we’ve visited thus far,” Zar explains. “We’ll need all appearances of Federation compliance. There’s nothing more above board and respectable than a Dacian—a physician no less. What we want from you is pretty much what you did on Bellona, doc. We’d like you to walk through the slave pens and buy this male before he’s sold to someone else. With enough credits, this should be achievable.”

  My mind reels with all the holes in this plan. I haven’t begun to quantify them all when Zar continues, “If you agree to do this, we'll be calling ahead and, acting as your administrator, inquiring about possible slaves for purchase. When they mention the Mythrian, we’ll express our interest. You’ll simply walk off the ship, looking for all the galaxy like the well-heeled doctor who’s looking to buy some fighting flesh for your stable, make the purchase, and return to the ship.”

  I wait to see if there is more to this poorly-thought-out plan than they’ve disclosed, but Zar has stopped talking.

  “I’m sure I don’t need to inform you that plans like this seldom work flawlessly. I can shoot about ten holes into this proposition before I even give it serious thought. The most obvious question is whether this is even Braxxus. And where will we get the credits? Then there is the little concern for all of our safety. If two cartel ships were discussing him, we can only assume he’s their property. Haven’t we provoked the cartel enough?” I’m aware of Nova squirming on my lap. She told me the head of the cartel tried to rape her only days ago. I worry he took her rebuff personally.

  “I’m a doctor,” I continue, “if he’s in bad shape, I can take care of that, but why would I buy him in the first place if he’s so ill? How would I explain my interest?” My questions could continue for hoaras, but I'll stop here.

  “To answer one of your questions,” Zar continues, “that’s why Petra and Shadow were asked to the briefing. Petra, we tossed around a lot of suggestions, but the best idea we could come up with on how to earn quick credits was your ability to make money on the rope.”

  Shadow’s eyes narrow and he jumps up, his anger flaring. “You want Petra to go to a strip bar? Do her acrobatic routine on a rope wearing little more than her undergarments? In front of hundreds of eyes, Zar? She’s a mated female. You can’t really be asking this of her? Of me?” He looks to Axxios for confirmation. “Axxios, I understand your love for your brother, I want to help, but you can’t ask a mated male to allow his female—”

  “Are you shitting me, Shadow?” Petra interrupts. She stands to her full height, which is two heads shorter than Shadow. “You don’t allow me anything! We’ve had this discussion a hundred times. Mate or no mate, I’ve always been my own person and I will make my own decisions.”

  She turns her attention to Axxios “Your twin? I assume you were close.”

  “Mythrian twins are more than close, Petra, we—”

  “Petra, no. Please. I couldn’t bear it.” Shadow’s voice is strangled; I imagine just thinking about his female dangling partially clad in front of dozens of aroused males is tearing him apart.

  I can certainly sympathize. My nostrils flare as I remember all the males in the arena panting over Nova’s nude body. I have a fleeting urge to go back to Bellona on a killing rampage.

  “Shadow,” Petra responds tartly, “I think you should come to protect me, but if you can’t put your possessive instincts aside for a few hours, perhaps Dax could defend me.”

  That silences Shadow. I know he could never let Petra step foot on Aeon II without being by her side to safeguard her.

  “That addresses the question of credits.” Zar takes control of the conversation. “Petra, you still have some credits from your last performance. I would never ask if it weren’t a life and death matter for Braxxus…”

  “Of course,” Petra responds. “I never really considered the money mine. It was always meant for the good of everyone.”

  “So,” Zar continues, “Shadow will act as security for Petra. Doc, choose any of the other males to accompany you on your part of the mission. If you act the part and have enough credits, you should be able to buy Braxxus with no problem. He sounds badly injured, they should be happy to let you take him off their hands.

  ”To address the question of why a proper Dacian doctor would be on this mission, we addressed this before you went to Bellona with Dax. I understand the Dranna sect on your planet specializes in the gladiator slave trade." He shrugs as if this addresses all possible concerns.

  “Yeah,” Nova interjects sardonically, “what could possibly go wrong with this plan?”

  All eyes are now on her. Her eyes widen as she realizes her mistake.

  “There’s one small additional problem,” I admit. “Nova has to come with me.”

  “I thought we just dispatched all the masculine aggression in the room,” Axxios sighs.

  “I’m a Dacian male. I’ve bonded.” I say this as if it explains everything. By their questioning looks, it did not.

  “Dacian males bond for life. When we bond with a female we have to complete the consummation quickly, very quickly. If not, we begin to go insane. It begins with pain, constant…” I realize there are females present, but I know I have to continue, “erections, difficulty concentrating, and extreme possessiveness.

  “I’m not able to tolerate being in the same room with another male present when Nova is there. The only reason I’m not growling and defending my territory right this minima is that she’s on my lap. Even so, I’m barely hanging on by a thread.

  “By the way Shadow, if you don’t back the drack down and move five paces away I will kill you where you stand.” I stare him down. I know I’m acting like a feral beast, which is fitting because at this moment I am one.

  I don’t remove my gaze from Shadow until he’s at the far end of the room, his back against the windows. When I tear my eyes from him, I’m greeted by shocked expressions on everyone’s face, even Nova’s. I clear my throat. “It’s a biological imperative. I can’t control it. Believe me, I’m trying.”

  “What do you know?” Shadow doesn’t contain his surprise. “Doc, it seems like you’ve grown a pair.”

  “Grown a pair, indeed,” Zar adds.

  “There’s no one else on board who could pull this off.” Axxios reminds everyone. “No one else has the breeding, the carriage, the demeanor to stride into the slave pens, pull out their credits and buy fighting stock.”

  There’s silence on the bridge for long moments as everyone tries to think of another plan.

  “I was actually tolerating the close quarters until Shadow stepped a bit too close. I might be able to do it with Nova at my side. What if Steele accompanies us? In addition to providing protection, he could make certain no male gets too close.”

  “You could keep Nova on a leash; no one would interfere with your ownership if she was tethered to you. She couldn’t get too far,” Axxios offers, warming to the idea.

  I want to tell him to drack off. How dare he suggest I put a leash on Nova? I don’t, however, because frankly the idea of her no more than a few fiertos from me greatly pleases my bonded male sensibilities.

  “Does Nova get a say in this?” Petra asks harshly.

  All eyes turn to Nova.

  “I was a gladiator. I can take care of myself, don’t forget. Will we arouse suspicion if Steele accompanies us? If not, give me access to a dagger and a gun, either hidden in my clothing or Drayke’s. I can be lethal if I need to be.”

  “Absolutely not,” I shout at the same moment Zar says, “Great idea, Nova.”

  “No!” I assert again, “no male worth the air he breathes would allow his female to be in that position. She doesn’t have the use of her preferred arm. The subject is closed. If we are to do this, she will have protection!”

  “We’re two days from Aeon II,” Zar says. “We have the basics of the plan. Steele will go with you, or any other male you believe you can tolerate, Drayke. Whoever accompanies you will be within five feet of Nova some or most of the time. Perhaps you could experiment and see who triggers you the least. Let’s reconvene tomorrow at nineteen hundred.”

  I’m the first to leave the bridge, carrying Nova, who seems to know better than to protest her position right now. I don’t exactly run to medbay, but I will say it is a very brisk walk. I set her down as soon as we’re inside the first door and I loudly throw the maglock home. My elevated blood pressure pounds in my ears, my fists open and clench in a quick rhythm.

  “Drack!” I’ve always been cerebral, always the most level head in any room. My lack of discipline is destroying me. I’ve never been out of control before.

  “Nova, you must think I’m insane. You didn’t know me previously. You’ve only seen me as a bonded male. I graduated top of my class in med school, no easy feat. My elders used to come to me for sage advice. The male you know is emotionally crippled by this dracking bonding sickness. I can’t self regulate.”

  A shadow of fear crosses her face.

  “No. I’d never hurt you, Nova. Never you. I’m bonded to you. I’d die to defend you. I admit, when you offered to protect me on the bridge, it wounded my pride. My job is to safeguard you, not the other way around.”

  “You’re right; I never met the other Drayke. Which is just fine. I like this one.” She smiles up at me. This strong gladiatrix trusts me to care for her. It is an honor.

  “Bonding is 99% chemistry, 1% rational decision.” I pause for a moment and realize my nostrils are flared and I’m panting through my open mouth. “No, I exaggerated. It’s 100% chemistry. Maybe logic is highly overrated, because my body knew what it was doing when it chose you, Nova. You’re a good female. Perfect for me. But I haven’t been perfect for you. I need to check your surgical site, apply more salve and anesthetic, and get you to your own cabin where you can relax and have your own space.”

  She sits on the exam room bed as I cut off the thin padding of gauze on her arm, then peel off the plas-film. She looks away, toward the far wall. I know she hates the appearance of her arm, but it will heal with a clean scar. She’ll be able to tolerate seeing it when it’s fully mended.

  “It’s already better, Nova. Care to look?”

  “Nope, but can I move it around a bit?” After I nod, she rotates her shoulder, then lifts the whole arm. She points up at the ceiling, then straight ahead. She touches each fingertip to her thumb, slowly at first, then faster until it’s an almost dizzying pace. I glance from those swift and nimble fingers to her face. She’s smiling. And she’s looking straight at her arm, not with repulsion, but with fascination.

  “Look at you, Nova. Look how well you’re responding. I think it’s already clear you’ll get all your fine motor dexterity back.”

  “I think you’re right, Drayke. Think I’ll be able to play the violin again?”

  “I...I don’t know.” I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep. “What’s the violin?”

  She laughs, as though this is the funniest thing she’s ever heard. “It’s a very old, very terrible joke from back on Earth. I never thought I’d be in a position to say such a thing. But the punchline is that I never played the violin in the first place.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “Exactly! But I’m happy Drayke, look at this.” She touches fingers to thumb again, even faster than a few moments ago.

  “I’m happy, too,” I tell her. “Happy for you.”

  I watch her merrily exercising her arm and fingers and feel a pang of guilt. I should give her space. I can’t just keep her tethered to me. She should be able to have her own room and get to know her shipmates. My mouth dries at the prospect of her not being at my side, but I’ll just have to try harder to control myself.

  “Let me apply more plas-film, Nova. Then I’ll show you to your cabin. You deserve to move in. To have some freedom from me. I’ll have to check in on you regularly to appease my bonded-male chemistry, but I’ll find a way to make it work.”

  She stops abruptly and her smile disappears. “I’m not a forceful person, Drayke. I grew up in a family with eight older brothers. I learned how to ‘go along to get along’. That’s a saying my father taught me. That’s what he wanted from me. Well, he wanted that and for me to fight so well that I could make a lot of money.

  “So I did both those things. I practiced every day and became the best female Mixed Martial Arts fighter in my age group. I never liked it, but I did it because it was what my father wanted. I spent my life going along to get along, just like he taught. But today I’m not going to do that.

  “I’m not going to do that with you because...this,” she motions between the two of us, “this is far too important and too fragile to drack up with old habits. So I’m going to tell you what I want. You have one chance to get this right. If you don’t listen, I’ll just go back to my old ways of being quiet and going along with what you want. I don’t want that. I’ll grow to resent it, resent you. I’d prefer you really listen, and understand, and believe I know what’s best for me.”

  So many words. This is the most words she’s ever spoken to me. They are her truth. I want to make certain I listen and understand each and every one of them. I lean closer and make sure it’s clear she’s the only thing in the galaxy I’m paying attention to.

  “I don’t want to go to my own cabin. I want to be with you. Whether it’s here or in your room, if you’ll have me. I’ve been alone too long. This,” she gestures between us again, “is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m allowing.”

  I’m not sure what she means by this last part. I don’t want to interrupt, or ask. I’ll wait for her to explain.

  “I’m allowing whatever fabulous, surprising thing that is unfolding here to unfold. I’m allowing whatever deep and remarkable feelings are developing here, to develop. I’m allowing us. I’m making room for us. For the first time in my life, no one is going to tell me what is best for me, even you. How about you take care of you, and I’ll take care of me?”

  My heart constricts in my chest. This wonderful female isn’t just acquiescing to my desperate need to be with her. Nova is declaring a commitment to let things grow between us.

  “The Dacian bonding, Nova? Are you willing to allow that?”

  “Yes, Dr. Drayke sun Omrun, I’m willing to allow that, if that’s what grows.”

  I lift her right hand and kiss it. I kiss the pad of each of those dexterous fingers, and then her thumb. And then I kiss her cut, the stitches, the ‘repulsive’ surgical site.

nd I’m willing to allow you, Nova. I’m willing to allow you to speak as many words as you want. As much of your truth as you want. I will listen. And I will try my best to hear. I want to hear you. After being alone for so long, I want to connect, too. It’s not just about this compelling biological drive, Nova. I want to get to know the remarkable woman sitting next to me.”

  Chapter Eight


  Drayke cleared us out of medbay in less than five minutes. He carried me to his cabin and you know what? I didn’t argue. He’s full of all this mercura-fueled male bonding energy, and I’m going to allow that, too.

  His cabin is about twelve feet square with a small adjoining bathroom. There’s a bed, as big as a Queen-sized bed from Earth, and a dresser/closet combo like in a college dorm. It’s devoid of anything personal except what I assume is his official-looking medical degree hanging on a wall.

  The room is bigger than my bedroom growing up, certainly larger than any of the cells I’ve inhabited in the last two years. What else do I need? Besides, in addition to the furniture, there’s Drayke.

  He’s so handsome it’s hard to take my eyes off of him. I like this room. The light is softer in here, and maybe it’s my imagination, but Drayke seems calmer. Me choosing to be here, him being able to lock us both inside, I think he’s more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him. Well, except for in the solarium.

  I blush when I think about what happened in that private space with the millions of stars and the two of us. Energy flows between my legs just thinking about that. I wonder when we can do that again. And more. I want more.

  He comes out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his lean waist. He’s drying his hair with another towel. If my core wasn’t wet a moment ago, it certainly is now. I had wondered what his chest looked like, and now I know. For a male who hangs out in a lab instead of a gym, this guy has rock-hard abs and a flat stomach. And all that gorgeous blue skin.

  His hair is always that uncommon blue-black color, but now that it’s wet, it accentuates its uniqueness. I don’t hide the hunger in my eyes. I want him. Speaking of hunger, I remember what he did with that apple and dulce only a few hours ago and I actually feel weak inside. My stomach drops. That was the sexiest thing I could ever imagine.


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