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Garth, Freya - Dragon Rider's Woman [Dragon Riders] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 8

by Freya Garth

  ‘Willingness so far?’ Mabbi asked.

  ‘Good!’ the women replied.

  ‘I think we need to test her responsiveness further.’ Doraya saw a mischievous twinkle in Mabbi’s eyes. ‘And her willingness, too.’

  Before Doraya could protest, the women had lifted her bodily and carried her to the edge of the pool. They laid her on the cool stone floor with her legs in the warm water, carefully positioned apart so the edge of the water lapped against her inflamed labia. Doraya wasn’t sure whether it felt soothing or arousing, but then the women’s hands became insistent, which was definitely exciting. Fiami reared up in her mind with glee, and Doraya gave herself up to sensation, remembering Mabbi’s injunction to enjoy herself as her nipples were tweaked and pinched and sucked, her lips gently kissed with soft tongues inserted to meet her own, her clit rhythmically stroked and her cunt and arse penetrated by enthusiastic fingers. It felt so wonderful. She had never been so thoroughly caressed, and she could not help a moan of pleasure escaping. That seemed to spur on the women to redouble their efforts, and with Fiami adding encouragement, Doraya rose to a screaming, splashing peak. Knowing fingers continued to press and twiddle and drew from her quickly a second, higher peak, and she almost lost consciousness for a moment, aware only of Fiami’s huge delight in her mind.

  Gentle hands stroked and calmed her, and voices murmured approval.

  ‘Willingness and responsiveness?’ Mabbi asked.


  As Doraya returned to herself, she wondered how Goril was faring. She had no sense of him, only of Fiami. Would he know how she was feeling, like he did when they were together? She would have to wait to find out, as the women were once again beginning to arouse her sensitive body.

  ‘Next,’ Mabbi said, ‘the tests of initiative and control.’

  ‘These skills,’ Saban added, ‘are essential for a dragon rider’s woman. However, we must remember that they may be more difficult for Doraya, melded as she is with the dragon Fiami.’

  Doraya was only half listening as the women’s touches made her body tingle from scalp to soles. Slowly, they began to draw a response from her again, although she felt dreamy, a little disconnected from the world, as if she was drunk on sensuality. She wasn’t sure whether she could respond fully once again, but didn’t feel the need to worry about it, just floated on down the river of sensation. That river grew wider and deeper and began to undulate, and just as Doraya began to work her hips, all sensation suddenly stopped as all the women’s hands were removed at once.

  Fiami protested in Doraya’s mind, and Doraya’s eyes snapped open to see Mabbi sitting next to her at the edge of the pool.

  ‘This is the initiative test,’ Mabbi said. ‘You need to choose the way you want to reach satisfaction. Any of us here will help you.’

  The other women were positioned around Doraya, nodding and smiling.

  At first Doraya wasn’t sure what to do. With Goril and Fiami, she hadn’t needed to use much initiative. Their mutual desire always pointed them to where they wanted to go. Then she thought back to the times when she had asked for what she wanted, and remembered the accompanying feeling of power. Would that be the same here? She would have to find out, not so much because of the assessment, more because Fiami was beginning to nag.

  What did she want? She thought back to the last time she’d been in this pool.

  ‘Mabbi, come here.’ Doraya gestured over her shoulder. ‘Behind me, like before.’

  Mabbi eagerly obliged, sliding in behind Doraya, moving them both down into the warm water, which took some of Doraya’s weight. Mabbi’s curvaceous body cushioned Doraya’s own, her nipples hard against Doraya’s back.

  ‘Now stroke my clit,’ Doraya said, parting her legs to allow easy access for Mabbi’s hands.

  The other woman’s arms reaching down across Doraya’s body felt enticingly like and yet unlike her own. Mabbi’s fingers danced around her clit, tracing different paths and rhythms than those she had learned to choose for herself. It was exciting, could have been enough on its own, but Doraya had all the other women to command. That seemed like an opportunity not to be missed, although there wasn’t much time, with Fiami exulting in Doraya’s arousal. Doraya quickly directed one woman to suck and lick each nipple, another to penetrate her cunt, a fourth to kiss her gently, and then she asked Saban to put a finger in her arse. By this time, Doraya was almost blinded by the incredible sensations coursing through her body, but she registered a flash of approval from Saban’s blue eyes.

  The women were astonishingly skilful. With Goril, Doraya would have climaxed by now, but the women tantalised and teased, seeming to know exactly when to lighten their pressure on her sensitive spots to prolong her pleasure. She wanted to come, and she wanted this to last forever, but she didn’t know how to ask for that, so she gave herself up to the wonderful feelings evoked by the women’s touches. Mabbi was whispering words of encouragement in her ear, telling her how well she was doing, how sexy and desirable she was, how all the dragon riders would adore her. Doraya felt as if she was riding a wonderful wave of bliss, soaring on a flight of ecstasy that could go on forever, suspended in perfect delight. She had no idea how long it was before Fiami nudged her mentally, wanting more, and she began to rise toward her peak with little moans and cries that let the women know where she was heading. They took her there slowly and steadily, intensifying their caresses little by little, responding as her hips began to buck, ignoring the water splashed by her kicking legs and staying focused on her approaching orgasm. Doraya screamed as she came and lost herself for a short while, as if she had scattered into a thousand tiny fragments. Mabbi held her close, and the other women stroked and patted her tenderly, murmuring appreciative sounds, and little by little she came back to awareness of her surroundings and her companions.

  ‘Initiative?’ Mabbi asked huskily.


  ‘Let’s take a break before we assess Doraya’s control,’ Saban said. She got out of the pool, beckoning to Paleen and Obadji to join her. They left the cave while the others stayed with Doraya, holding and soothing her for a few minutes until the other women returned with trays of cakes and long, cool drinks.

  Doraya wasn’t hungry, but she was ready to leave the pool and glad of a drink. Her companions fell on the cakes with delight and chattered happily while she took a moment to relax and wonder how Goril was faring.

  She didn’t have long to wonder, as Saban came back and made straight for her.

  ‘Goril is doing well,’ the older woman said, smiling with reassurance. ‘He has some sense of what is happening with you through Fiami, but he says with Fiami’s focus on you alone, it’s easy enough for him to manage.’

  ‘That is good news.’ Relief washed through Doraya, as refreshing as her cool drink. ‘Thank you.’

  Saban smiled again and went to get herself a drink and a cake before drawing the other women together to sit in a circle with Doraya.

  ‘Now we need to consider control,’ Mabbi said.

  ‘As dragon riders’ women,’ Saban said, ‘it is our job to help our riders to prolong their sexual pleasure.’

  ‘It’s hard for them because of the dragons joining in,’ Mabbi said. ‘Although sometimes we’d like our sexual pleasure prolonged, too. We can experience that with each other, if we choose, but with the men we have all the responsibility.’

  ‘Doraya,’ Saban said, ‘we have wondered how that worked with you and Goril, as you’re both melded. Were you able to control yourselves?’

  She had a sudden and vivid memory of sitting on Goril’s lap in the middle of his bed, impaled on his cock, rocking a little and looking into his beautiful, golden eyes while they talked and held each other. That wasn’t an experience she wanted to share with anyone else, but all the women were looking at Doraya with hopeful expressions, so she was going to have to say something.

  ‘It wasn’t easy,’ she said slowly, ‘particularly at first. Fiami is insist
ent, and when she’s encouraging both of us, it’s really hard to resist. We both had to try hard to hold back, and often we just couldn’t.’

  Mabbi leant forward eagerly. ‘Did Goril try, too?’

  ‘He had to, especially at the start when I couldn’t control the meld.’ Doraya described the overwhelming feeling of Fiami’s presence in her mind. ‘It’s still not easy, but at least I can see and hold a conversation now. Mostly.’

  ‘That’s so interesting,’ Ropana said. She put out a hand and touched Doraya’s arm. ‘I confess I felt envious of you when I heard you were melded. It seemed to make you more equal with the riders. But now you’ve explained what it’s like, I’m not envious at all.’

  ‘Me neither,’ Mabbi said.

  The others shook their heads and made sympathetic noises.

  ‘I did tell Goril, once,’ Doraya said, ‘that I thought he’d grown lazy because of you all doing all the work.’

  ‘What did he say?’ Mabbi was agog.

  ‘I got a spanking,’ Doraya confessed, with a blush that rose from her breasts to cross her neck and warm her face.

  The women giggled and nudged each other.

  ‘Looks as if she liked it,’ Ropana said.

  ‘Bet it made her bottom blush just like her face,’ Mabbi said, causing a general laugh.

  By this time, Doraya’s face felt as if it was on fire, and she hastened to change the subject. ‘How do you assess control?’

  ‘We practice control every time we’re with a dragon rider,’ Saban said, ‘so we usually please ourselves when we’re here in the women’s caves. Assessments are the exception. We’ve all been practicing our own control today.’

  ‘It’s not easy,’ Ropana said, ‘watching you have such a good time without joining in.’

  ‘So for the assessment of your own control,’ Mabbi said, ‘you need to please one of us without taking pleasure yourself.’

  Would Fiami allow her to do that? ‘I’m not sure I’ll be able to,’ Doraya said.

  She saw understanding in Mabbi’s eyes.

  ‘We know,’ Mabbi said, ‘but you need to try, as best you can, so we can assess your ability. You can choose whichever of us you like.’

  Doraya hesitated. Maybe it would be easier if she chose someone she was less attracted to, but Mabbi had been so kind, had led her so gently through the assessment, and Doraya wanted to give her some pleasure.

  ‘I choose you,’ she said, and was rewarded by a beaming smile. ‘Would you like to return to the pool or stay here?’

  ‘Here, please,’ Mabbi said. ‘Feel free to take your time.’

  The other women chuckled, moving back to give Doraya and Mabbi space.

  ‘I will, as best I can,’ Doraya said, echoing Mabbi’s earlier words.

  She reached out to caress Mabbi’s breast, feeling it full and heavy in her hand. Mabbi’s nipples were large and suckable, and her lips were full and kissable. Which to taste first? Doraya leant forward and brushed Mabbi’s lips lightly with her own, flicking with the tip of her tongue to tease and tantalise, gently pinching the other woman’s nipple at the same time. She heard Mabbi’s sharp intake of breath and felt Fiami’s interest begin to grow. It hadn’t occurred to Doraya that watching her assessment would be a turn-on for other women, but she couldn’t help noticing from the corner of her eye that they were all caressing each other now while they watched Doraya arouse Mabbi.

  She moved down to lick and nibble Mabbi’s nipple before taking it into her mouth. Mabbi clutched Doraya’s head, pulling it toward her.

  ‘Harder!’ Mabbi gasped, and Doraya obliged, pinching the other nipple as she sucked with all her strength.

  ‘Oh! Ohhh!! Ohhhh! Don’t stop!’

  To Doraya’s astonishment, Mabbi began to writhe in an unmistakable fashion. She had no idea that some women could reach orgasm simply through having their breasts stimulated, but she was a quick learner, and continued to suck and pinch until Mabbi reached her peak. It was an astonishingly erotic experience, and Fiami was urging her to find stimulation for herself, but she resisted and moved her hand down to Mabbi’s pussy, determined to exhibit as much control as she could.

  Soft noises of arousal were coming from all around. Kisses, moans, and quiet sounds of pleasure. Mabbi was unbelievably wet, and Doraya stroked her fingers back and forth across the other woman’s clit, which was big like her nipples. Doraya wondered what it would be like to suck, but didn’t get the chance to find out, as Mabbi leaned over to suck Doraya’s breast. A jolt of arousal shot through her. It was no good. Fiami’s lust was too large now, so she would have to do something about herself. If she only had a free hand… but one arm was around Mabbi, the other working furiously now in Mabbi’s pussy. If she could only rub her clit with something, even if just for a moment…

  Doraya moved one leg so that her thigh lay between Mabbi’s, and Mabbi’s between hers. Mabbi’s mouth on her breast was so hot. Doraya swayed her hips back and forth, rubbing her clit on Mabbi’s thigh as she used her own thigh to add pressure to her hand in Mabbi’s cunt. Mabbi rocked her own hips in rhythm with Doraya’s, clearly enthusiastic about this development. Doraya was nearing her peak and couldn’t help moving faster, even though a small voice in a corner of her mind was exhorting her to slow down, not to come before Mabbi. She could hear little cries of desperation, then realised they were coming from her own throat. Mabbi began to writhe again, evidently close to her own peak, and Doraya let go of everything and gave herself up to the wonderful sensations of their rhythmic movements. The sweet scent of Mabbi’s arousal filled her nostrils, and Mabbi’s moans of pleasure rang in her ears. Wave after wave of ecstasy surged through her body as they came together, with Mabbi’s juices gushing over Doraya’s hand in irrefutable proof of her delight.

  The two women rocked slowly to a stop and held each other close as aftershocks pulsated through their bodies. Then Doraya was surprised by a scatter of applause from the onlookers.

  ‘Control?’ Mabbi whispered.

  ‘Pretty good, in the circumstances,’ Saban said, and the others murmured agreement.

  ‘Worked for me,’ Mabbi croaked, which made everyone giggle.

  By common consent, they all moved back into the pool and lay in the shallow water. Mabbi kept hold of Doraya’s hand, which Doraya found oddly comforting. Her body felt as if it glowed, and the warmth of the pool was relaxing. Then she had a thought and lifted her head to look at Mabbi and Saban.

  ‘So did I pass the assessment?’ she asked.

  Saban’s blue eyes were kind. ‘I think so,’ she said. ‘If you were not melded, I might say you needed a little more work on your control. As it is, I think you did very well.’

  ‘It won’t do the riders any harm to have to exert some control themselves.’ Mabbi’s pert voice was back, and her brown eyes held a mischievous twinkle.

  ‘Quite,’ said Ropana, with deep feeling. ‘Doraya, I think your arrival may be the best thing that has happened here for a very long time.’

  ‘So tonight,’ Saban said, ‘you will go with Alda. As senior dragon rider, he has precedence after the rider who brought you here.’

  Doraya was glad her second rider would be someone she knew a little. Alda had been so kind to her. Yet her heart fluttered at the thought of pleasing a new man.

  ‘What will he want from me?’ she asked, hoping her voice didn’t betray her nervousness.

  ‘He is an old man,’ Saban said, ‘and you will have noticed that he has an infirmity.’

  Doraya nodded.

  ‘He may ask you to massage his back, which is often stiff and painful, and he will want to talk. That’s all.’

  At first Doraya felt relieved, then another worry hit. ‘What if Fiami…’

  ‘If you have any problems,’ Saban said, ‘tell Alda. He will find a way to help you.’

  ‘And the next night? How will I know who to go with? How do they choose?’

  ‘The riders decide between themselves,’ Mabbi said, ‘wh
o will have a woman each night. It depends on the level of their need. For example, if a rider has been on a long trip away from the caves, he is more likely to have a woman when he returns.’

  ‘They will let us know,’ Saban said, ‘and we will tell you what each rider likes.’

  ‘All the riders are kind,’ Ropana said.

  ‘And hot,’ Mabbi added, grinning.

  ‘It’s the work they have to do,’ Saban said. ‘Caring for dragons, and riding them, is a very physical job. It keeps them in good condition.’

  ‘But Alda—’

  ‘Alda’s dragon is also old.’ Saban’s face clouded. ‘They will not be with us for much longer.’

  The older woman looked so sad that Doraya didn’t have the heart to ask more questions.

  * * * *

  Goril knew that Doraya must have finished her assessment when the tingling in his loins subsided. It hadn’t been too bad, almost pleasurable. In fact, it was only really noticeable because he was alone in his bedcave thinking about her. It would have been easy enough to ignore if he’d been otherwise engaged. Luckily, it hadn’t made him quite horny enough to attract Fiami’s attention away from Doraya’s activities. So far, so good. And she’d be with Alda tonight while he enjoyed Mabbi, so they could work out how it affected her when he became aroused.

  He missed Doraya and longed to see her again, but at the same time, the thought of a night in Mabbi’s company appealed to him. She was so friendly, with her nut-brown eyes, caramel skin, and wide white smile, and her curvaceous body was always a pleasure to encounter. He wondered what role she’d taken in Doraya’s assessment. With luck, he could persuade her to tell him about it. He’d always wished he could see into the women’s caves. They were quite open about the fact that they pleasured each other there if they felt so inclined, and that was something he’d love to watch. He knew how much Mabbi enjoyed her nights with Ricco and Adsel, and he envied her. If the dragon riders had more women, maybe he’d be able to frolic with two women at once.


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