The SciFi Triple Pack

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The SciFi Triple Pack Page 11

by Adam Drake

  During the fighting, I missed a message.

  Quest Completed: Slaughter the Enemy

  10/10 Burned Men Slain

  Reward: 2 skill points.

  So I could get skill points, too. How many kinds of points were in this sim?

  I glanced over my skills. My Butchery had increased to 6%, yet, I'd never even looked at it before.

  Butchery: 6%

  This skill allows you to do more damage when fighting three or more combatants at a time. +1 Weapon Damage will be applied for each 5% increment.

  Well, that was an appropriate skill to have, all considered. My axe skill also increased to 5%, giving me a +1 damage bonus when using axes.

  My Light Armor had increased to 2%, though I wasn't sure how, but I wasn't going to complain. Perhaps simply by wearing light armor in a fight caused it to go up.

  When I tried to consider what to do, my eyes kept going to Butchery. There was no telling what weapon I would have at a given time, but Butchery would always give me a damage bonus, regardless.

  With a mental shrug, I placed both into it, raising it to 8%.

  As I'd been going over my skills, Pullman watched the screen which floated in front of me. “It really is a game, isn't it?” he said, amazed.

  “Yes, a very disturbing one, too.”

  “Who made it?”

  “Absolutely no clue, but I aim to find out,” I said, dismissing the screen.

  Pullman pointed at my hide shirt. “That thing your wearing is ripped to shreds.”

  I looked down. The hide had been cut to pieces, both the back and the front, barely hanging together by the cords.

  Durability: Useless

  Armor: 0 (Damaged beyond repair)

  I cursed. So much for this thing. But it had served its purpose.

  Removing it, I contemplated throwing it on the ground, then on a hunch, placed it on the slab. Nothing happened. I'd hoped there was a repair option of some sort.

  Shrugging, I stored it, then took out another axe. I held it out to Pullman who recoiled. The slaves grouped near us gasped.

  “What? You need to help with the fighting, so you need a weapon.”

  Pullman shook his head. “I can't. This harness won't let me.”

  I felt my annoyance return. “Just take the damn thing!” I said, and shoved it in his hand.

  Suddenly, the harness he wore contracted, the various cords getting shorter. He dropped the axe and his pick and fell to the ground, doubled over. The cords yanked his wrists down to his sides at the waist, and folded his legs up, curling him into a fetal position.

  He gasped with pain. “Captain!”

  Surprised, I grabbed at one of the cords and tried to cut it. The cords cinched tighter and Pullman screamed, his face going red. “Stop! Don't!”

  I jumped back, confused. One of the slaves, a woman, shook her head vigorously and waved her hands back and forth. No.

  It took several seconds before the cords loosened. Pullman gasped for air. When he could finally breathe again, he said, “These things prevent us from using any weapons. Those bastards demonstrated it on me before. Pretty damned effective. If you try to cut them off, or remove them, they'll crush me.”

  So that's how they kept the slaves in line, I thought. Brutal, but effective. So much for my idea of having Pullman fight at my side.

  It took a minute before he could stand, and I pulled him up. “Don't worry, Pullman. We'll get you out of that thing soon enough.”

  “When is that going to be?” he said, wiping spittle from his lips and gasping.

  “I'm hoping once this phase that Chak is working on is finished there will be an option to exit.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I don't. But we can't be stuck in this thing forever. Maybe once we complete whatever section we're in, we might be given a break.” Honestly, I was just spit-balling. I had no clue whether that's what would happen. But I wanted to give Pullman some hope. We both needed it.

  “Okay, so what next? We go to this Chak asshole?” Pullman said.

  I nodded. “Follow me and stay close.”

  We moved out, the slaves right behind us. When we got close to where the large yellow mound could be seen in the distance, I made everyone stop.

  To Pullman, I said, “I want you to hold back, I'll bring the others to Chak.”

  “Okay, but why?”

  “You and I need to go check something out first.”

  “Captain, I don't mind playing slave and digging for this fool if it might help us get closer to getting out of this place.”

  “It's not that. There's something I need to make sure of first.”

  He shrugged, and I motioned for the five others to follow me, their picks in hand.

  When I passed through the perimeter, Chak spotted me from the pedestal and waved me over.

  As I got closer, I could see that a third of the dull red gems were now glowing brightly. Whatever he was up to, he was making progress.

  Chak removed his hand from the pedestal and looked the group of slaves over. “Bah! Is this all you could manage? I need a dozen, at least!”

  I felt my temper flare, but I kept it in check. “Hey, I went through a lot just to get these ones. I'll find more.”

  “You better!” he shouted. “The Molten God conspires against me! Look! He is flooding the chasm with his vile crap!”

  In the distance I could easily make out sheets of lava cascading down the chasm walls. Barely any portion was untouched. Also, the lava was pooling up and slowly filling the chasm, forming a low red wall which was creeping toward us from all directions.

  “This isn't good,” I said. “We need to get out of here.”

  Suddenly, Chak stepped forward and slapped me across the face, catching me off guard. “Don't speak such cowardice! We are here to aid the Blood God, and we will go nowhere until we have done his bidding!” He raised his staff, and for a moment I was certain he was going to use it on me.

  Not for the first time, I wanted to hit him. But I restrained myself. I knew that it wouldn't end well for me if I did. Besides, as much as I hated to admit it, I needed this fat pig.

  “Sorry,” I said. “Won't happen again.”

  The anger on his piggish features rippled away, and he lowered the staff. “Good. Now, you still have more slaves to get. Another seven. We'll never make progress without them.” He looked me over, noticed I was hurt, then placed his hand on my shoulder.

  I hated having him so close to me, but had no other way to regenerate my health points quickly.

  Chak leered over my body, and grunted when he saw the new Mark. “Ah, that's a good one to have. More health means you can kill more enemies. Need to keep my weapon in top form, eh, bitch?”

  I didn't take the bait, and ground my teeth together.

  Finished, he stood back. “Now stop wasting time, and go get me more slaves!” He turned and shouted at the group beside us. The slaves moved quickly and he corralled them over to the mound.

  As I walked back to where Pullman was hiding, I watched as Chak instructed them to pick at the mound on the side with the pedestal. Eager to please, or perhaps simply terrified of being punished, the slaves jumped to the task, hacking away at the mound. Yellowish resin cracked and chipped under their pick axes.

  It was obvious something was inside the mound. But what?

  When I reached Pullman, he said, “What a piece of garbage that fat bastard is. I thought you were going to cut him up, right then and there.”

  “Not worth it,” I said. “Besides, I think we need him. For now.”

  Pullman nodded. “I know there is another group of burned men with slaves. They were with us when I arrived, then went to go work somewhere else.”


  “No clue, but they headed further down the chasm from the spot you found me.”

  “How many?”

  “Maybe six or seven slaves, and three of those burned bastards.”

  Only three burne
d men, I thought and smiled. That should be easy enough.

  Pullman said, “One of them was a big brute, had one of those tattoo things across his shoulder. I think he's their leader. The others were scared of him.”

  “Okay, good. Come on, let's go.”

  “You haven't told me where we're going.”

  “You'll see.”

  We moved through the rocks, mindful not to be seen by Chak. I took us back down the path the Priest and I had originally arrived from. Soon enough, we got to the little clearing with the Life Crystal.

  “So that's what it looks like, huh?” Pullman said, looking the glowing monolith over. “Kinda pretty. And this pool of blood is where you reappear at? Gruesome.”

  I motioned to the Life Crystal. “Put your hand on it and see if it asks you to bind to it.”

  The engineer arched a brow at me, but did as I asked. After a few seconds, he said, “Nothing. It doesn't come up with anything.”

  “Try again,” I said, growing concerned.

  He did, but still the same result. “What do you think it means? I can't respawn or whatever? Is that what your thinking?” He looked more worried than I felt.

  “I don't know, but I suspect as much. I think the sim sees me as a character who the story is based around. Whereas you are...”

  “Like a thing that dies and gives points,” Pullman said. “Like those burned men back there. They won't be coming back, right?”

  I nodded. If Pullman died, what then? Would he really die, or would he simply be logged out of the sim?

  Frustrated, I said, “Well, I got my answer.”

  Pullman, despite his earlier display, was making an effort to be strong. “Hey, better the answer you don't like than no answer at all. That's what my commanding officer use to always tell us grunts.”

  We hurried back, talking along the way, trying to figure things out.

  Pullman suddenly said, “I want to apologize for my behavior before.”

  “You don't need to,” I said.

  “No, I do. Since I arrived here, I haven't been myself. Everything scares me, and I have this overwhelming need to placate everyone. Like a damn dog.”

  “I've experienced something similar. I think the sim is effecting our minds somehow.” I didn't want to admit it, but I had caught myself enjoying killing.

  “What should we do? How can we fight it?”

  “No idea, but we play along until this is done.”

  We moved on in silence, both lost in our thoughts.

  When he entered the area of the mound, I brought Pullman over to Chak who was back at the pedestal. He didn't say a word, simply pointed at the area where the slaves were working. It appeared they were slowly gouging a section out of the mound, from the top all the way down to its base.

  With a nod at me, Pullman joined the others. He knew the role he needed to play.

  Before I left, I looked over the scene for a few moments; the slaves hacking away at the strange substance, Chak in a trance at the pedestal and the approaching line of lava in the distance.

  Whatever was going to happen here, I knew it wasn't going to be good.


  I jogged away from the area of the mound with no real idea where I was going. All I had were the vague directions Pullman had given me. Finding another six slaves appeared to be crucial to completing the phase Chak was working on, and might get me one step closer to getting out of this sim.

  My eyes went to the clouds above. How long until Otto would be overhead? I had no idea, but it couldn't happen soon enough. Now that he'd given me hope, I desperately wanted more answers. Barring that, I'd take addition bits of information which would help better understand this screwed up world I was trapped on.

  Part of me still bore a heavy worry, one that couldn't be ignored. If the Corena had been destroyed, we would be trapped here. If that were the case then the future would be as bleak as the clouds overhead.

  Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly saw movement between the rock piles a short distance away and stopped. For a moment, it looked like a large boulder had trundled past. Carefully, I approached, keeping hidden as best I could. When I got close enough, I peaked around a tall column of stone.

  It looked like a giant armadillo, low to the ground and with a large curved shell on its back. It stood on four stout legs, and its thick grey hide was covered in patches of fine brownish hair. Its head resembled a pig's, but with two large curved tusks protruding from its mouth which it was using to scrape at a section of ground.

  What an ugly creature, I thought.

  Juvenile Ghourda

  Health: 100%

  Magic: nil

  Armor: 6

  So this was the creature who's hide I'd been wearing. For a few moments I considered my options. Sure, I had to find those slaves quickly while there was still time, but I had a quest to skin this thing, and I really wanted another set of armor to wear.

  Making up my mind, I darted through the rocks, trying to get closer. The thing didn't noticed as it was entirely focused on scraping at the ground, probably foraging.

  A spear would've been nice at that moment; hit it from a distance then close in for the kill like the ancient hunters did.

  Getting around behind it, I moved out from the rocks and slowly padded in its direction. The thing still hadn't noticed me, so busy with its duties. As I got close enough to swing, I hesitated. Where should I hit it? Having worn its hide, I knew it was tough enough to absorb an axe hit.

  At that exact moment, the thing suddenly spun around and grunted in surprise.

  Equally caught off guard, I tried to swing at its head and missed when it cantered back. Then it charged.

  My swing took me a little off balance and I barely dodged out of the thing's way as it brushed past me. It turned around and charged again.

  I was a little confused as to what to do. Up until now, I'd fought opponents who swung at me with weapons. This thing was short, squat and had no qualms about trying to run me over. I had not tactics to deal with it.

  As it got close, I tried to swing sideways at it, figuring an overhead strike wouldn't slow its momentum. I hit it across the top of its head, slicing through the flap of an ear. But it still managed to get me.

  Charging into me, it tossed its head sideways, knocking me to the side. I felt a tusk slice my lower abdomen, but it didn't pierce deeply.

  It stopped a short distance away, and we eyed one another, each breathing heavily.

  I hefted the axe in my hand, eager to kill the creature. “Come to momma,” I said to it. “I need a new hide shirt.”

  As if encouraged by my words, it snorted loudly and charged.

  When it was within range, I scooted to the side as fast as I could, and swung at its head. I managed to hit it hard just above the eyes, burying the blade deep.

  This time, it ran a little further away before turning back at me. Blood gushed from the wound, covering its face and eyes. It shook its head, trying to see.

  Sensing an opportunity, it was my turn to charge.

  The ghourda seemed taken aback by this, and hopped on its forelegs in agitation. Then it, too, charged.

  In less than a second we met at the middle. Unfortunately for me, my foot caught on a protrusion of rock and I stumbled.

  With piggish glee, the creature snorted, and barreled right into me.

  Thankfully, my fall and forward momentum allowed me to twist my body away. Just as one of its tusks was about to gore me in the stomach, the Mark of Dodge tingled. Defying all laws of gravity, I found myself tumbling over its head, tusks inches away, and bounced off its backside.

  I fell to the ground hard, and scrambled to my feet. That was close. My guts would have been spilling all over the ground right then had it not been for the Mark.

  The ghourda was angry now, but instead of charging, it ran up to slice at me with its tusks. I danced back each time, narrowly missing getting hit. I saw an opportunity and swung the axe at its head, using Bash. />
  The impact cracked it right on top of its head, piercing the skull. It wobbled on its legs, squealing loudly and thrashed about in pain.

  I knew it was over. Two more swift strikes to the head and the creature collapsed to the ground, dead.

  I stood panting for several minutes, trying to catch my breath. The thing was tough and had only been a juvenile. I hated to see what the adult version would be like in a fight.

  Hunkering down next to the ghourda's body, I looked it over. I'd removed Marks before, but this seemed to be a different kind of operation entirely. Carefully, I worked the blade of the axe into its side and started to cut.

  You have learned a new skill: Skinning

  Allows for the proper removal of hides and various skins.

  What? No incremental bonuses?

  Suddenly, an outline appeared on the side of the creature's body, showing me where I should cut. It took longer than I wanted, but eventually I managed to remove two square flaps of hide, one from each side. The sinew was in its legs and took a while to properly remove, even with the glowing outline as a guide.

  Finally finished, I admired my handy work.

  You have completed a quest: Ghourda Skinning

  2/2 units of Ghourda hide

  1/1 unit of Sinew

  Congratulations! You have learned a new schematic: Simple Ghourda Hide Shirt.

  Good, I thought. I was going to need it as I felt completely naked without one.

  I took the items over to a nearby glob of obsidian and placed them on its flat surface.

  Simple Ghourda Hide Shirt


  Units of Ghourda Hide: 2/2

  Units of Sinew: 1/1

  Craft this item for 200 Blood Points – Yes/No?

  I said yes, and grinned as the shirt appeared. Satisfied with my newest creation I slipped it on. My armor was now at six; two for the hide shirt and four for the skull cap.

  Now better protected, I moved on.

  It took only a few minutes before I heard shouting ahead. It sounded like men in a heated argument. Finding cover, I picked my way forward until I was looking over a large flat plain. Far in the distance the approaching lava formed a solid red line, the air all around it wavering from the intense heat.


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