The SciFi Triple Pack

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The SciFi Triple Pack Page 12

by Adam Drake

  Close to me, about two dozen paces ahead, was a cage. It was round in shape, its bars made of stone, as if the entire structure had been carved from a single rock. Within cowered several people, both men and women. Slaves.

  Standing next to the cage were two burned men. They were shouting at each other, and waving their weapons. One had an axe, the other wielded a weapon I'd not seen before; a sword which appeared to be made of bone. The one with the sword also had a Mark across his right shoulder.

  A body lay next to them on the ground, blood seeping from fresh wounds. Another burned man, dead.

  “The Molten God shall claim them!” the sword wielding man yelled. “Same as he shall claim this entire chasm!”

  “You idiot!” the axe man yelled back. “They're good for trade! There are plenty of other slaves in the world for the Molten God to have, why waste these?”

  Oh, what do we have here? I thought. From what Pullman had told me, I expected three burned men to fight. But with one dead and the other two at odds, I decided to wait a minute.

  Sword Man pointed his weapon at the body on the ground. “He wouldn't listen, either. Do you want to end up like him?”

  Axe Man shook his head, but didn't back down. “We shouldn't be fighting each other. The Blood God is the enemy. Him and his blighted followers.”

  “Then go fight 'em!” Sword Man said. “I'll stay here and ensure the Molten God gets his offerings!”

  I surmised that the one with the sword wanted the slaves to be given to the advancing lava. A horrific way to die. But that wouldn't happen on my watch. I needed them more than the Molten God.

  “No!” shouted Axe Man. “They're too valuable. Let's take them out of this place and trade them. No sense in having them die here.”

  Frustrated, the Sword Man suddenly punched him. “What kind of follower are you? They're for the Molten God, and that's final!”

  Momentarily stunned by the punch, Axe Man roared and swung his weapon, slicing the Sword Man across his free arm. Sword Man shouted in pain, then swung his sword. Soon, they were in a full on fight.

  Well this makes my job a lot easier, I thought, as I watched them hack at each other.

  They swung and kicked at each other for several moments. Axe Man was getting the upper hand, landing most of his swings. But Sword Man was no slouch, either, having bloodied his opponent almost as badly.

  Then, just when it looked like Axe Man might finish him off, Sword Man suddenly lunged forward and swung his sword crosswise. The weapon cut right through Axe Man's neck and sent his severed head spiraling away, where it fell to the ground and rolled.

  Wow, I thought. That'd come out of nowhere.

  Sword Man looked down at his fallen comrades. His own body was covered in cuts and gashes. Focusing on him brought up a little information screen showing his health was at 35%.

  Perfect. Easy prey.

  I waited just in case other Burned Men were nearby who may come to investigate the noise. The Sword Man fell to his knees, arms at his side. He looked despondent over what he'd done.

  After a couple of minutes, I grew impatient. Besides, the wall of lava was creeping ever closer.

  I moved out from behind the rocks, keeping the cage between me and the Sword Man. As I got closer to it, the slaves within saw me, but didn't make a sound. They watched me wide-eyed. Was I their rescuer, or just another master for them to be bound to? I was both, actually.

  Creeping around the cage, I positioned myself so the burned man's back was to me. When I was certain he hadn't detected me, I sprinted forward, axe held high. My aim was to crack him over the back of the head.

  The distance between us shrank, and my heart beat hard in my chest with anticipation. This was going to be easy.

  Then, right when I was about to bring the axe down, the burned man sprang to his feet and turned. This messed up my swing, but I did bury my axe deep into his left shoulder, cutting through bone.

  The man shrieked, but despite the pain, suddenly brought his sword up with blinding speed.

  I didn't even feel the blade pass through my neck. In the next instant, the world swirled as my severed head spun through the air.

  It hit the ground and bounced, and I felt nothing. As my head settled against a rock, I could see my headless body fall over, gushing blood from the neck.

  The burned man collapsed to his knees, clutching at the handle of the axe in his shoulder, screaming.

  Then my vision brightened, and a whiteness consumed me.

  You have been slain.


  The whiteness shifted and changed. Then the familiar yellow and purple colors formed, and I felt blood slosh against my face.

  I tore through the membrane of the blood pool, and flopped onto the ground, coughing and hacking.

  Well, damn, I thought. He cut my head off!

  Disoriented, I sat up, trying to wipe blood from my eyes.

  I'd been so convinced he'd be an easy kill. To have that snatched away from me in such a horrific manner took a few moments to process. Impulsively, I checked my neck. The memory of the sword cutting through my throat made me shiver all over.

  A sudden realization that I was burning up made me take stock of my surroundings.

  Lava was spilling over the rock walls at the other end of the clearing, submerging the Life Crystal. The slow moving wave bubbled toward me, and I scrambled to get away from it.

  I watched in shock as the pool was covered as well, the blood within evaporating in an instant.

  Looking about, I could see lava was advancing over the surrounding area, and for a moment I feared I might be cut off from escape.

  Quickly, I ran out into the pathway to find lava slowly heaving over the walls on one side. Panicking, I sprinted down the path as the lava reached the ground.

  Ahead, the lava had nearly covered the left turn I needed to pass through. Seeing no other choice, I leapt over the flowing mass of the stuff to land on the other side, and fell to the ground. My head came within a foot of a protrusion of lava, the heat searing the side of my face.

  Shouting in pain, I got to my feet and ran into the first clearing where I'd killed the two burned men.

  Lava was spilling into it as well, but thankfully hadn't reached the other side.

  I ran as fast as my bare feet could carry me.

  The Life Crystal was gone. The blood pool – my respawn point – was gone. What did that mean if I died again? Would I pop up back there, under all the lava?

  As I navigated through the rocks, I glanced over my body. My blood covered skin had no Marks on it. I'd lost them both. Add to that the loss of a whole bunch of Blood Points, and I was beyond angry when finally reaching the area with the giant mound.

  The slaves were toiling away, almost feverishly. It appeared the deep trench in the yellow excretion was getting deeper, and wider.

  I ran over to the inventory stone and took out an axe and a pair of green mushrooms. As I did, I saw Pullman working diligently away at the huge trough, playing his part. He looked over at me with concern and I shook my head.

  Chak was standing with his hand on the pedestal, eyes half-closed. It appeared most of the red gems were now alight.

  Back on the path to the Sword Man and the caged slaves, I cursed myself over and over. Replaying the scenario of my gruesome death in my mind didn't present any other solution to how I could have avoided it. Either that guy got extremely lucky with his swing, or something else was going on.

  Roughly halfway there, I gulped down both mushrooms, trying to keep my Power as high as possible. Fortunately, I didn't run into anyone or anything else to hinder my way.

  I arrived back at the wide open area, and snuck up to a pile of rocks to look.

  The lava was a lot closer now, having made progress at an alarming speed. It'd already spread into the clearing, and was advancing quickly. The slaves were still in the cage, watching the approaching lava, and whimpering.

  To my relief, the bodies
of the burned men were still there. The skaggs hadn't claimed them, yet. Perhaps the lava kept them away. Also, my axe, hide shirt, and skull cap were gone, maybe as part of the price of my resurrection.

  I moved out from my hiding spot and down to where the Sword Man's body was sprawled on the ground. Sightless eyes stared up at me. At least he paid a price for killing me. I grabbed his sword.

  You have taken an item: Fine Bone Sword (Enhanced)

  Durability: Good

  Damage: 8-12

  +5 Enhanced Damage


  Oh, hey, this was interesting. Talk about damage. What was the enhanced stuff about? I'd ask Chak later.

  I noticed something was dangling at his hip. It was a large brown key. Pulling it loose, I could see it was made of stone. I went to the cage, where the slaves gaped at me in fear.

  “Don't worry,” I said, finding the lock in the cage's door and inserting the key. “I'll get you out of here.”

  The lock clicked, and the door swung open. Timidly, the slaves filed out, then stood in a group, watching me for instructions.

  Ignoring them, I went over to Sword Man's body and stared down at the Mark on his uninjured shoulder. That was my Mark. I'd earned it.

  Glancing at the advancing lava told me I wouldn't have time to work here. To free a hand, I dropped the axe and hefted the big guy onto my shoulder.

  “Follow me and stay close,” I told the slaves. Together we hurried away from the clearing.

  About five minutes later, I spotted a crafting table, its obsidian contrasted against a outcropping of white rocks. Commanding the slaves to wait, I dumped the body next to it, then set about removing the Mark. I was very curious to know what it was.

  Finished, I dumped the slab of skin onto the obsidian.

  Mark of Decapitation

  +50% chance an attack with a bladed weapon will decapitate an opponent.

  Claim this Mark for 300 Blood Points – Yes/No?

  So that's how he did it! Well, it was mine now.

  But it would have to wait as I'd lost all my Blood Points.

  Grumbling, I put it in an inventory stone. How long would it be before I could start loping people's heads off?

  Shaking my head with frustration, I led the slaves away. Behind us, the lava advanced and was getting faster.

  Finally returning to the mound, I found chaos.

  The slaves were standing at the top of the mound in a cluster, Pullman amongst them. At the base, by the pedestal, Chak was sparring with two burned men. The blood priest was keeping them at bay with the staff.

  Blinking in surprise, I sprinted in his direction.

  One of the men must have seen me, and turned to look. Chak lunged forward with the staff, thumping it against the man's chest. The burned man shrieked, as the acid rushed across his body.

  The other man had seen enough and turned to flee, but not before I brought my new sword down upon his head, using Bash. His skull cleaved in two and fell to the ground next to his companion, who was shrieking as his body dissolved.

  You have learned a new skill: Swords

  I looked to Chak, half-expecting a thanks.

  “Where have you been?” he roared. “It's almost time! Protect the perimeter!”

  Before I could respond, he ran off to scream at the new slaves, ordering them to work.

  You have completed the quest: Slaving Away

  Reward: 400 Blood Points

  I could easily see the advancing lava flows from all directions. It would only be a matter of time before they arrived at this spot.

  The slaves had made tremendous progress. The slice was now deep into the mound. Through its opaque yellowish resin, I could see something large at its center. Whether it was the play of the light of the advancing lava or my imagination, but I thought I saw movement.

  “Bitch!” Chak bellowed. He pointed at a burned man who'd appeared. “Kill!”

  I ran over to take care of the intruder, something I was getting quite good at.

  The fight was brief, my motions almost on a kind of murderous autopilot. With the burned man dead at my feet, I realized something.

  Quickly, I ran to the inventory stone and removed the Mark of Decapitation. Slapping it on the table, I paid 300 Blood Points to claim it.

  I felt the satisfying itch of the Mark drawn across my right shoulder and down over my breast. Finally.

  Suddenly, a shout from the mound made me whip around. The slaves were scampering away from the gouge. From my vantage point, I could easily see something inside moving and thrashing. Whatever it was, it was trying to escape.

  Chak was wide-eyed with glee. His hand on the pedestal, he watched as the thing within the mound fought to get free. “Yes!” he cried. “It is time!” The last dull gem winked on. All gems glowed brightly on the pedestal.

  From within the mound, something screeched.

  I felt a shiver race up my spine. What in the hell was it?

  The sudden appearance of another burned man forced me to look away. Only after I'd practically butchered him did I turn back.

  Something was breaking free of the mound, pushing its way through the gouge the slaves had created for it. I saw something white poke out, its obscured body rippling and pulsating. It was long and fat, but I still couldn't make out what it was.

  Chak suddenly screamed, dropped his staff and fell to his knees.

  I ran over, confused. Looking around, I didn't see any burned men. Had he been attacked?

  He clutched at his arm, its hand covered in bright red beetles which where burying themselves into his flesh. The pedestal was bare. It hadn't been gems that were lighting up, but these insects.

  Without thinking, I stepped forward to help, but Chak practically spat at me.

  “Don't you dare!” he shrieked, his eyes on the glowing red beetles. The things seemed to have settled into place, their bodies resembling grotesque holiday lights. “This is needed to control it!” he looked away from the ruin of his hand to the mound.

  From within the gap, the giant white creature burst forth. The yellow resin of the mound cracked and shattered as it finally forced its way through. Freed, it slunk forward, the segmented rings of its body rippling with the effort.

  A gaped in horror. A maggot. A giant maggot bigger than a shuttlecraft.

  What was going on? I thought, fighting back the creeping terror I felt.

  Pullman ran up to me, his eyes wide. “What the hell is that?”

  “No clue,” I said, watching the monster squirm forward.

  A large black orifice at its front end opened and closed like a beak. Suddenly, it twisted around and snapped up a screaming slave.

  We watched, stunned, as the poor man was eaten alive, gobbled up by the beak. To our continued horror, the opaque body of the monster showed the pulped slave travel down its length to its center.

  Beside me, Pullman retched.

  My eyes were drawn to Chak, who stood holding his hand with the beetles in front of him. “Come, my beauty!” he shouted at the thing. “I shall show you the way!”

  As if it could understand him, the maggot squirmed forward.

  All three of us had to backpedal quickly as the monster's body slammed down on the pedestal in its path, crushing it. It kept coming forward, seemingly draw by Chak's hand.

  “What should we do?” Pullman said, as we backed away from the thing.

  A burned man suddenly appeared on the opposite side, directly in the path of the creature. The maggot suddenly moved with terrifying speed, twisting its head around to grab him. In seconds, the burned man was eaten, the shadowy outline of his body traveling down the length of the thing to join the others.

  “I'd say we should stay out of its way,” I said.

  The thing moved forward, trailing after Chak.

  The Blood Priest screamed at me. “Clear the way for us, Berserker! We need to leave this place, and quick!” He spoke through clenched teeth, the pain of his hand must've been unbearable.

  I saw another burned man appear. Whether they were coming to attack or being driven to this spot by the lava, I didn't care. All I knew is that they would each die by my hand.

  “Keep the slaves away from its mouth, and stay close to me if you can.”

  Pullman nodded, bewildered. He ran off, calling to the slaves.

  I ran at the latest burned man, who suddenly stopped to stare in amazement at the huge maggot. Without making any effort to defend himself, I swung my sword and aimed for his neck.

  The Mark tingled on my shoulder as I sliced his head off.

  But I didn't have time to admire my handy work as another burned man appeared and I ran over to take care of him.

  All the while, Chak led the huge maggot along, away from the mound and up the length of the chasm. The ground was rising ever so slightly in that direction, leading to the opposite end which formed a natural stony bridge partway up the wall. Was that where the priest intended the thing to go?

  Around us the lava got closer. It was perhaps less than a twenty meters at its closest.

  Our little procession worked its way up the chasm, slowly climbing the incline of the bridge. I lost count the number of burned men I killed. Sometimes, I'd luck out and lop off a head; most times, I'd quickly dispatch them with a series of calculated swings. They never came at me in groups. Always solo, which led me to believe they were simply trying to escape the lava, not launch a coordinated attack.

  Yet, I was taking a lot of damage, and my health was dropping fast. It wouldn't be long before I couldn't fight.

  The maggot squirmed forward, every once in a while scooping up the body of one of the men I killed and devouring it. Each time, the pulped body slide down to join the others at its middle. It was like watching a morbid version of a play with shadow-puppets.

  So caught up in fighting, we arrived at the end of the chasm before I realized it. The land bridge angled up the side of the chasm wall where it ended halfway. There wasn't a tunnel or any means of escape.

  But Chak still led the thing, until the monstrous creature could climb no further up the incline, and had stopped. After a few seconds, its body began to quiver and shake.


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