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Summer of Love (Costas Sisters Book 2)

Page 13

by Carly Phillips

  Zoe was lying on the couch nearby with one arm covering her eyes when the phone finally rang. She jumped up and grabbed the receiver. “Hello?”

  “Hello, this is Francesca at the spa. I think I have someone here you might be looking for,” the woman said in a lowered voice.

  Zoe swallowed hard, her relief so profound her legs began to shake. “How long has Sam been there?”

  “I found her outside the entrance this morning, and she followed me inside. She said she was wondering if I could fit her in for a manicure.”

  She’d been right next door the entire time? Good Lord.

  Nobody had thought to check the spa because since they’d opened, Sam had never once shown an interest in beauty treatments of any kind. Manicures, pedicures and facials weren’t her thing, she’d often said. Sam was more of a tomboy, so looking for her at the spa had never dawned on any of them who knew her well.

  So much still didn’t make sense. Even if Sam had changed her mind about more girlie things, why not just ask Elena for an appointment? Why sneak out the window for something so innocent? Especially the morning after she’d received devastating news.

  Zoe shook her head. There was much more going on, of that Zoe was certain. “What happened next?” she asked Francesca.

  “I told her I was booked for the early appointment, but if she didn’t mind waiting an hour or so, I could fit her in. She sat and watched me most of the morning. But just now, when I said I needed to check on Elena and see why she hadn’t come in today, she freaked out. She begged me not to call, and it was obvious something was going on. She thinks I’m in the ladies’ room now.”

  “Keep her there for me. I’ll be right over. And thank you so much for calling.”

  Zoe exhaled a huge breath of air.

  “Well?” Ryan stood towering over her.

  “She’s at the spa and please don’t ask why we didn’t realize it before now. I don’t have time to explain.”

  “Thank God,” he muttered. “Thank God.”

  She wanted to hug him and join in his relief, but she had to stay focused on Sam. Zoe grabbed a pad and jotted down a bunch of cell-phone numbers. “Please call my parents, Quinn and Ari, and Connor, with the news.” She handed the pad to Ryan.

  “Sure thing.”

  “I’m going next door to get her. And Ryan?”

  “Yes?” He gazed at her with those gorgeous brown eyes.

  Zoe paused, knowing her next words would sound cruel. She truly wasn’t looking to hurt Ryan; she just wanted to look out for Sam. “Could you…could you not be here when we get back? I promise to call you this afternoon. Just let me get Sam here and talk—”


  Zoe blinked. “Excuse me?” She thought he’d be understanding. Reasonable.

  “No, I won’t disappear. We’ll all deal with Sam together, your family and mine,” he said, his gaze encompassing both Zoe and his uncle.

  She could see from his clenched jaw that he wouldn’t budge on this issue. Apparently, she didn’t know Ryan as well as she’d thought.

  In the spa, Zoe found Sam having a grand old time. She sat with her bare feet in a pedicure tub full of bubbling water. Her nails had been freshly done. She had a mud pack spread across her face, and she was currently applying the same salve to Ima Pig’s skin. When she finished, she lifted the animal’s hooves and held them under the dryer along with her own nails.

  Zoe stepped closer. Sure enough, Ima’s nails, or whatever they were called on a pig, had a bold red color that matched Sam’s.

  Zoe cleared her throat.

  Sam glanced up, saw Zoe and jumped. Her nails hit the fans. She put Ima on the floor, then glanced at her hands and frowned. “You made me mess my manicure.”

  “I’m going to mess more than that. Do you realize that everyone in the family is out looking for you? Connor checked all the hospital emergency rooms. Mom and Dad and Ari and Quinn are driving all over creation, knocking on your friends’ doors, and you’re here having a pampering session!” Zoe yelled, not caring about disturbing other customers.

  Sam glanced down, obviously duly chastised. Then without warning, she threw herself at Zoe, sobbing like crazy. “I’m sorry. I was going to run away. I was. And then when I got down the tree by my window, I saw that guy.”

  Zoe’s nerves went on alert. “What guy?”

  “The guy that was in my room the other day. He was lurking in the shadows by the house. Right beneath my window,” she said, eyes wide.

  Theatrics aside, Sam had obviously been spooked.

  “Are you sure he was the same person?” Zoe asked, then shivered. Because if Sam was right, they’d been searching for someone with a beef against her parents, but maybe someone wanted something from Sam.

  “I’m sure. He had dark hair like the guy who was in the kitchen that morning, ugly face with big teeth and everything. I got scared, and I hid behind the tree. Even if I wanted to go back, I couldn’t. I’m good, but not even I could climb back up that tree as easily as I got down. And I didn’t want him to see me and end up following me. I could end up like someone on those Without a Trace or CSI shows, you know?”

  “Heaven forbid!” Zoe said.

  “Well, there was no place for me to go even if I changed my mind. The alarm was set, and I’d forgotten my key, and I couldn’t just ring the doorbell and tell you all I was going to run away again, so I just hid, praying that man wouldn’t see me,” she said, her voice rising.

  “Slow down, okay?”

  “Okay.” Sam sniffed and drew a deep breath. “When I looked out from around the tree again, I didn’t see him there. So I started to walk, sticking close to the house, and then I saw Francesca opening up the spa, and I thought, safety in numbers.”

  “So you told her you wanted a manicure.”

  Sam nodded. “Besides I didn’t want to leave you guys. I really didn’t. So I thought I’d hang out with Francesca and maybe by the time Elena came to work, I’d have figured out some story and wouldn’t get in any trouble.”

  Zoe rolled her eyes. “Trouble is your middle name, missy. Go wash the mud pack off your face. By then let’s hope everyone will be back and we can deal with all this.” She prodded Sam’s back.

  “I’m going,” she muttered. She picked up Ima, and they started for the bathroom. Five minutes later, Sam and Ima returned, all cleaned up.

  Zoe ushered them to the door, pausing at the front desk where Francesca sat. “Don’t you have something to say?” Zoe asked Sam.

  “Thanks for this morning,” Sam said. “And I’m sorry that I lied.”

  Francesca smiled. “You’re a good girl, Samantha. You take care of yourself and that piglet.”

  “I will.”

  They traipsed back to the house, Sam dragging her feet as they walked. “You called everyone and told them I’m okay?” she asked in a low voice.

  Oh boy, Zoe thought. Now came the fun part. “I didn’t call. I came right over to get you. Ryan made the calls for me.”

  As Zoe had expected, Sam dug in her heels. “If he’s there, I’m not going back.”

  “Something tells me you’re in no position to be making demands right now. Besides, you can’t hate Ryan just because he’s related to you.”

  “Well, where has he been up until now?” Sam pouted like a little girl, but in her eyes, Zoe saw the ache deep in her heart.

  “I’m sure he can answer that better than I can.” Zoe met Sam’s gaze. “But my understanding is that when your mom ran away, he was young, about your age. And by the time he was able to start looking, she’d managed to make herself hard to find. He just found out his sister had a child and he came to find you right away.” Again, she found herself defending Ryan at the expense of her own interests.

  “So maybe he can come visit once a year at Christmas,” Sam muttered.

  Out of the mouths of babes, Zoe thought, and she couldn’t help but laugh dryly.

  While Zoe had gone to pick up Sam from the spa, Ryan had
talked his uncle into taking his car and making himself scarce. Ryan would have liked him to stay, but the family didn’t need an unfamiliar face and more important, neither did Sam.

  When she’d returned, he’d waited while Sam had had her reunion with everyone and then sat through the Costas’ lectures about running away and letting everyone worry about her. Then Sam had gone to her room while the family had excused themselves to meet alone in the kitchen.

  Now Ryan sat with them in the den. Actually, he sat apart from them, as nobody wanted to get within inches of him. They stood united on one side of the room protectively huddled around Sam who’d stomped down from her room. All except Zoe eyed him with distrust and Ryan shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

  “We found footprints near the tree where Sam said she saw the intruder,” Quinn said.

  “I told you!” Sam raised a victory hand in the air.

  Zoe sighed, grabbed Sam’s wrist and pulled her arm back down. “Go on,” she said to Quinn.

  “We have nothing specific to tell us that this person is targeting Sam, but it’s the only conclusion since he was in her room the first time and beneath her window this morning. Add to that she’s seen his face and can identify him. If you ask me, Sam’s definitely at risk.”

  Each family member murmured in agreement, and then Quinn continued. “We talked in the kitchen, and we agree that Sam needs to get out of here for a while.”

  Ryan hadn’t been included in the family discussion, but he remained silent as he listened to their concerns.

  Elena rose from her seat. “I’ll take her to Greece.” She nodded and folded her arms in front of her, the long flowing sleeves of her outfit hitting Nicholas in the face as she moved.

  Ryan stiffened at the suggestion, but before he could react, Quinn shook his head. “Nothing that drastic is necessary and it wouldn’t work, anyway. First, you won’t get Social Services to approve the trip and second, you can’t run away from the other problem.” With that pronouncement, his dark gaze settled on Ryan.

  He took that as his cue. Rising from his seat, Ryan faced the family. Their angry stares and hurt gazes weren’t easy for him to bear. Zoe and her feelings would be even more of a challenge, but he would have to deal with them later.

  “I apologize for lying to you all. The first time was a misunderstanding, and after that…well all I can say is that it seemed like the right thing to do.” He was careful not to lay blame at Zoe’s feet since he’d started the charade and had chosen to let it continue. “I wanted you to know and like me before I gave you the news about who I was.”

  Zoe shot him a quick smile of gratitude and, dare he hope, respect? But in the silence that followed, Ryan couldn’t begin to judge the rest of the family’s true feelings or reaction to his confession.

  “What is it you want from us?” Nicholas asked, his hands firmly on Sam’s shoulders.

  Ryan wasn’t ready to answer that and start a war, not when they had so much to deal with, beginning with the break-in and, most important, Sam’s welfare. “I want time to get to know Sam and for her to know me. I’m willing to start with that.”

  “I already know all I need to about—”

  Zoe slapped a hand across Sam’s mouth before she could insult him and it was his turn to shoot her a grateful look.

  “Wanting to get to know each other sounds reasonable enough,” Zoe said.

  “I agree,” Quinn said, seeming to be the spokesperson for Zoe’s parents. “What’s your situation in Boston?”

  Ryan let out a laugh. “Something tells me you can answer that as well or better than I can. I’m sure you’ve dug deep into my history.”

  Quinn inclined his head. “True. So let’s cut to the chase. After your sister ran away, your parents didn’t go out looking for her. They were glad to be rid of the problem, weren’t they?”

  Ryan’s stomach cramped at the harsh reminder. “It’s more complicated than that, but they didn’t do much more than report her disappearance and let the police handle things. By the time Faith ran away, they’d lost their ability to handle her and didn’t know what more they could do to bring her in line.”

  “Children have wills and minds of their own,” Ari, the psych professor, chimed in.

  “And my parents failed to respect that. Why are we even discussing this?” The last thing Ryan wanted was to showcase his family’s shortcomings when Sam was in the room, and when it would do nothing to strengthen his claim to having her in his life.

  “Because Sam needs to get out of New Jersey until we figure out who wants something from her and why. And though you’ve been careful not to say it, obviously you’re contemplating asking for custody of Sam and bringing her home to Boston with you.” Quinn stepped between Ryan and the group across the room, obviously sensing they’d take issue with his words.

  “The hell I’ll go—” Zoe again shut Sam up with a hand across her mouth.

  “I think we can accomplish dual goals if Sam takes a short trip with you. I just want to make sure that the atmosphere there isn’t hostile, that your parents won’t make her feel unwelcome or traumatize her in any way.”

  Ryan was still reeling from Quinn’s words. They were letting him take Sam to Boston without him having to ask? He glanced down and realized his hands were shaking.

  “She’s perfectly safe with me.”

  Nicholas eyed him warily but obviously had agreed to defer to Quinn.

  Quinn nodded. “Okay, then. You should know that Elena and Nicholas have agreed to let Social Services know about you and your relationship to Sam. But they aren’t giving up their rights as foster parents or their adoption desires. Not yet. We’ll have to fully discuss everything over time. But for now, you have the right to get to know your niece and, for her safety, she needs to get out of town.”

  Ryan stepped forward, gratitude welling in his throat, almost choking him. They could have fought him. They could have engaged him in a prolonged fight for Sam. Hell, they still could.

  But for now, the Costas family was obviously willing to make him a part of Sam’s life and have him help them in protecting his niece. “I don’t know what to say. I’ll take good care of her.”

  “Damn right, you will,” Nicholas said. “And Zoe will go along to make sure you and your family don’t misbehave.”

  “Or stifle Sam’s individuality,” Elena added.

  Ryan opened his mouth, then shut it again, the shock of it all making him mute. Sam and Zoe were going home with him?

  Obviously, this had been the focus of their discussion in the kitchen earlier. Just as obviously she’d agreed.

  He glanced at Zoe, meeting her gaze. Her cheeks were flushed pink, but she didn’t say a word nor could he decipher from her expression how she felt about this turn of events. But no matter how Zoe viewed things, Ryan felt as if he’d been given a second chance with her and with Sam.

  And this time they’d be on his turf. Though normally advantage went to the home team, the old adage didn’t apply here, and Ryan knew he’d have to work extra hard to win Sam over. And not to lose Zoe at the same time.

  Zoe shifted in the passenger seat of Ryan’s car. With every breath she took, she inhaled his cologne and her insides cramped with a burning need she couldn’t suppress no matter how much practicality dictated she ought to.

  She still didn’t know how she’d ended up accompanying Sam to Boston with Ryan. She’d fought the good fight with her parents and Quinn, but even she’d agreed Sam needed to get out of town. And everyone including Zoe felt that Sam couldn’t go alone with Ryan.

  For his part, Ryan had been understanding of Sam’s feelings. He’d even shocked Zoe by convincing his uncle that meeting Sam right now would be too traumatic. So after staying one night with Ryan, Russ had gone home, and neither Zoe nor her family had had to deal with him just yet.

  Just when she thought she’d pegged Ryan, a conservative man with whom she had nothing in common, he went and did something that put him back into high esteem
, leaving her confused about her feelings. She shook her head, knowing she’d lied. She wasn’t confused. She desired Ryan Baldwin. She liked the man a whole lot. Unless he morphed into the uptight man she’d first met. Then he scared her. And now they were heading to his territory, a place where she had no bearings and where she feared he’d definitely become a man she couldn’t understand.

  For now, she sat in the middle of a mini war zone with Sam having entrenched herself in the back, determined not to like Ryan. She’d wanted to bring Ima, and though Zoe had agreed, she’d had a gut feeling Ryan would not. So she’d instructed Sam to put Ima in the dog tote they’d bought for her until she became too big to be a lap pet, and Zoe had placed the covered bag in the back with Sam when Ryan wasn’t looking. Sam had already learned how to keep the pig happy and relatively quiet and each bathroom trip Sam made, she took Ima with her so the pig could relieve herself somewhere besides the car or the carrier.

  Unfortunately, taking along Ima hadn’t appeased Sam. She’d spent their first hour on the road sulking in the back seat. Ryan had long since stopped trying to make conversation with her, and after a short talk about the Red Sox and Yankees, in which Zoe discovered that being a Mets fan made her rise further in Ryan’s estimation, they’d reverted to a silence that included Sam’s prolonged sighs and groans.

  For her part, Zoe tried not to stare at Ryan’s handsome profile or reach out and touch his hand to reassure him that in time he would win Sam over.

  “I have to pee,” Sam said from behind them.

  Ryan glanced in the rearview mirror. “I just stopped for you not fifteen minutes ago.”

  “Yeah, well, I have to pee again.”

  Zoe shook her head. Between Sam’s language and rest stop commands, she was sorely testing Ryan’s patience. Not even Ima, who’d already begun to train, needed to relieve herself that often.

  “I’ll make you a deal. You watch your mouth, especially when we hit Boston, and I’ll stop as many times as you need without complaining.” Despite his dark sunglasses, Zoe could tell he was watching in the mirror for a reaction from the teen.


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