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Twisted Tales

Page 17

by Brandon Massey

  Earlier that evening, he’d tried again to initiate lovemaking with Tina, and again, she spurned him. He wasn’t surprised, really. She’d always had the strange idea that there was something sinful about having sex on Sunday.

  So he fell asleep fantasizing about the woman next door. Those breasts ...

  When he awoke in the middle of the night from an erotic dream, he sensed that there was someone in the room with him and his wife.

  He blinked, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. A slim figure stood at the foot of the bed. A sweet fragrance teased his nostrils.

  It was Diana.

  His heart clutched.

  Diana raised her finger to her lips. She spoke in a whisper. “Hush, Eric. Don’t say a word, or I’ll leave.”

  He pressed his lips together tightly. It took a mighty effort to suppress the words he wanted to say, such as: How did you get in my house?

  On the wall beside the bedroom door, a red light glowed on the security system control panel. The system was engaged. There was no way someone could get in without tripping the alarm. It was impossible.

  But she was there.

  He kept silent, nevertheless, his eagerness to see what she was going to do more powerful than his desire to ask any questions.

  Beside him, Tina slumbered deeply. Nothing short of a nuclear blast could ever wake her.

  Diana was nude; it was dark, but he could see her nakedness. As if a switch had been clicked in his body, his dick immediately grew stiff and ready.

  In front of him, she knelt, lifted the bedspread. She burrowed underneath.

  What is she going to do to me?

  He felt her warm fingers tracing circles across his thighs. It was a sensual, tickling sensation. A thrill of pleasure ran through him.

  The shape of her head slid closer, to the juncture between his legs.

  Oh, God. I don’t believe this.

  Her fingers loosened his dick from his boxer shorts. She stroked him, gently, insistently.

  He moaned.

  Her pliant lips kissed the insides of his thighs. Soft, teasing kisses.

  He squeezed his eyes shut.

  Then she slid her warm, moist lips over the head of his dick. She flicked her tongue across the tip.

  He grabbed fistfuls of the bedsheet in his sweaty hands.

  She pleasured him with feather-light flutterings of her tongue. Then she took him all the way into her mouth. She worked him in and out—expertly, lovingly.

  I don’t believe this, this is the best blowjob I’ve ever had in my life, oh, Jesus ...

  Underneath the sheet, her head bobbed rhythmically.

  As he rushed toward what would certainly be an explosive climax, she suddenly withdrew her mouth.

  No! He nearly shouted the word. He teetered on the edge of an orgasm.

  But she slithered from underneath the bedsheet, and rose.

  “You can’t do this to me,” he said in a choked whisper.

  Diana blew him a kiss. She quickly left the room. He stumbled out of the bed on wobbly knees. His wet member jutted in front of him like a pole.

  He searched the house for the woman. But she was gone, and all of the doors were locked.

  How the hell had she gotten inside in the first place? Why was she doing this to him? This was torture.

  He looked out a window, at the house next door.

  He caught, briefly, a flicker of strange, greenish light coming from a second-floor window. Then the house grew dark.

  I’m warning you, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep away from her.

  But Ted’s warning, whatever its true meaning, was useless. Right now, he could no more keep away from her than he could keep from drawing breath. He had to have the woman.

  He had to have her, no matter what.

  And he began to hatch a plan to do it.

  The next morning, Monday, Eric played sick. He lay in bed and spluttered out fake coughs.

  “I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well, honey,” Tina said, dressed for work in a blue pantsuit. She lay her palm against his forehead, checking his temperature. “You want me to stay here for a little while? I can go to the office late.”

  “I’ll be all right, you go ahead to work,” he said, in the raspiest voice he could manage. He coughed. “I’m just going to pop Tylenol and stay in bed all day.”

  “Okay, baby. I’ll call and check on you at lunchtime.” She kissed him on the forehead, and left.

  He felt guilty as he watched his wife leave. Tina loved him, trusted him, and he was lying to her. In spite of her faults and her inability to please him, she was a good woman. A genuine wave of sickness passed through him.

  The ill feeling faded when he thought about Diana’s soft lips kissing his dick last night.

  Ted’s right, I’m thinking with the wrong head—which gets brothers in trouble all the time, he thought. But I’ll be damned if I can help it.

  He lay in bed until he heard Tina’s car drive away. Then he threw off the bedsheet.

  He called in sick to work, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, made some coffee, and hunkered down on the sofa near the window that faced Diana’s house. And waited, and watched.

  At precisely 8:05, Ted drove out of the garage in the Expedition and pulled away. Diana wasn’t with him. She didn’t have a car, and she didn’t work. At first, Eric had thought that was odd, since they didn’t have any children. Now, he thought it was the perfect situation for what he wanted to do.

  Within three minutes, he was at Diana’s front door, ringing the doorbell.

  No answer. But she had to be in there.

  He knocked. When knocking brought no response, he put his hand on the doorknob, and turned. The door opened.

  You’re about to walk into another woman’s arms, his conscience told him. You’re going to cheat on Tina. Is it worth it? Think about the consequences.

  He was a man who always did the right, responsible things. Treated his wife with respect and love, worked with integrity, carried himself with dignity. His being here, standing at the door of a gorgeous woman who he wanted to fuck so badly it hurt, was like an episode out of a sinful fantasy. Eric Richards didn’t do stuff like this in real life.

  But he was there on the threshold, and though his conscience shouted at him to run away, his body hungered for the woman.

  Hunger won out.

  He stepped inside. He called out, “Diana? Are you here?”

  Silence. He walked deeper into the house. A sweet, spicy scent hung in the air.

  Diana’s scent, he thought, and felt his loins stir.

  But the weird thing was that the house had no furniture. No sofas, tables, chairs. No televisions or radios.

  He looked in the refrigerator. It was packed with cases of bottled water—dozens of bottles in all. That was it. There was no food in the freezer, either.

  Puzzled, he went upstairs. “Diana? It’s Eric. Where are you?”

  Still no answer. He wandered into the master bedroom.

  A large, circular bed lay on the floor. It reminded him of those low, padded beds that dogs slept on, except it was large enough to accommodate two adults. Red-stained sheets lay crumpled across the cushions. Blood?

  As he was bending closer to examine them, he saw movement outside the window that overlooked the backyard.

  It was Diana. She was walking into the woods behind their property. He got a glimpse of her backside. She was nude.

  His mouth grew watery. Forgetting about the stained sheets, he ran out of the house to follow her.

  A fine morning mist covered the forest. The woods stretched on for at least half a mile, Eric remembered, from his initial tour of the housing community. Anything could happen back there ... and no one would know.

  He raced through the underbrush, searching for Diana. After several minutes of running without seeing a sign of her, he reached a clearing, and stopped to regain his breath.

  Where had she gone? She hadn’t been that far ahe
ad of him—

  Someone shoved him from behind.

  He stuck his arms out just in time to cushion his fall.

  Behind him, Diana laughed. “Gotcha, Eric.”

  She was completely nude. The dark, crispy hairs of her sex glimmered in the morning light.

  He had several questions he wanted to ask her. How had she gotten in the house last night? Why wasn’t there any furniture in their house, and only water in the refrigerator? And what was the deal with that weird bed?

  But he didn’t ask a single question. It didn’t seem to matter, right then.

  “You led me on a hell of a chase,” he said. He started to get to his feet.

  Diana put her foot against his chest and pushed him back down.

  “Stay. Lie there and take off your clothes.”

  He obeyed. Stripping out of his T-shirt and shorts took only half a minute. His dick strained against his boxers.

  “Boxers, too,” Diana ordered.

  Okay, now this is getting freaky, Eric thought. But he did as she asked. The air was cool against his skin. His dick stood up like an exclamation point.

  “Very good,” she said. “Now, spread your arms and legs.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Shut up and do it.”

  He obeyed again, grass brushing against his skin. One of his secret fantasies, that he’d never shared with anyone, was for a woman to dominate him.

  In fact, it was another of his fantasies to have sex in the woods. And it was another to—damn, how does she know this? he thought, as he watched what she was doing—be tied up.

  Loops of rope encircled the surrounding trees; she had planned in advance for this, it seemed. Using them, Diana bound his ankles, then his wrists. She drew the ropes tight—not painfully so—but taut enough to immobilize him.

  Spread-eagled on the forest floor, he was under her control. His breaths came in short, excited gasps.

  Diana stood over him, a smile curved across her radiant face.

  “How do you know so much about my fantasies?” he asked. “It’s like you’re reading my mind.”

  “Maybe I am.”

  Then she slid on top of him, his dick pressed against the damp hairs of her sex, yet not penetrating her. She lay against him and rubbed her body against his, her breasts sliding across his chest. She kissed him, and her tongue was like warm liquid.

  He groaned. His erection throbbed almost painfully.

  Diana reached down between them, dipped her fingers into her juices, and then wrapped her slick hand around his dick. She stroked it.

  “I want this,” she said. “Can I have it?”

  “It’s all yours.”

  She smiled. “Can I have you?”

  “I’m all yours, too.”

  Closing her eyes, she leaned back, her hand guiding him inside her. It was a miracle that he didn’t explode right then. She was so warm and so tight, wrapping around him like a wet, second skin. She began to rock, with nearly excruciating slowness.

  He closed his eyes and allowed ecstasy to overtake him.

  A distant part of his mind thought: I’m lying here in the forest, tied up, getting my brains fucked out by the most beautiful woman in the world. I can die after this, because nothing will ever feel this good ...

  He heard a soft hissing coming from somewhere nearby. Lulled into a sexual stupor, he opened his eyes lazily.

  The hissing came from Diana.

  Or rather, the creature that used to be Diana.

  It was the same size as the woman, but the similarities ended there. It was a reptilian thing, with green-purple scales, a large, egg-shaped head, and glowing, alien yellow eyes. Sibilant hisses issued from the creature’s fang-filled mouth.

  Eric screamed. He struggled to break away.

  But the ropes had trapped him in place.

  Oblivious to his terror, the beast continued to move on top of him. Its muscles squeezed his dick insistently, as if it was milking him, and in spite of his revulsion, he felt his body thundering toward a soul-quaking orgasm.

  Oh, God, help me, please help me, God ...

  When the orgasm came, it was like being turned inside out. He howled, emptying himself into the creature’s womb, and the creature shrieked, too, and he simultaneously felt a warm fluid saturating his pumping dick. Daring to look, he saw a greenish substance pooling across his groin. It burned, like rubbing alcohol seeping into an open wound. Tears filled his vision.

  I’m infected, shit, this thing’s infected me with something ...

  He prayed that he would pass out. But he didn’t. He closed his eyes, as if this was only a nightmare that he would wake from when he opened his eyes.

  When he opened his eyes, the woman was back. She leaned over him, smiling.

  She was so gorgeous that he wondered whether he had imagined the monster.

  “You saw me as I truly am,” she said, dashing his hopes that his imagination had run away with him. “I’ve never been able to keep up my disguise when I get that turned on.”

  His stomach roiled. But he had the presence of mind to ask, “What ... What are you?”

  “Ever heard of a succubus?”

  He vaguely remembered what the word meant—something about a female demon that seduced men—but he couldn’t think clearly enough to trust his memory.

  Her brown eyes gleamed, like a cat’s that had trapped a mouse under its paw.

  “You’re mine now,” she said. “You’ll come when I call you. Be ready.”

  She bent to kiss him. Repulsed, he tried to turn away. She only laughed. She kissed the corner of his mouth.

  “Good-bye, baby. For now.”

  Climbing off him, she strutted away and vanished into the woods.

  You’re mine now.

  He couldn’t accept what he had seen and heard. Wouldn’t accept it. It was too crazy to believe.

  Frantically, he worked to free himself from the ropes. The ropes loosened after a few strong tugs. He freed his wrists, then his ankles.

  As he dressed, he noticed that his pubic area was red and sore. The green fluid ...

  It didn’t happen, he told himself. Don’t think about it.

  But he was starting to feel feverish and weak.

  Somehow, he made it out of the forest and back to his house. He didn’t even look at the neighbor’s house. He stumbled inside and collapsed on the sofa.

  When Tina called at lunch to check on him, he wasn’t lying this time when he told her that he felt awful.

  Eric was bedridden for two days. He faded in and out of nightmares in which he lay on a bed, and a serpentlike creature curled up against him, attached its tentacles to tender parts of his body, and steadily sucked his blood.

  The evening of the second day, Tina came into the bedroom with a bowl of chicken-and-noodle soup on a tray.

  “Dinner,” she said.

  “Thank you, honey.” He scooted up into a sitting position. His strength was beginning to return.

  Tina placed the tray on his lap, and then sat on the side of the bed. Although she wore her usual T-shirt and baggy sweatpants, she had never looked more beautiful to him.

  That’s what guilt does to you, he thought. Makes you appreciate the things you have.

  He ate with gusto.

  “You know, about an hour ago, an ambulance was at the house next door,” Tina said.

  He nearly dropped his spoon. “It was?”

  “The paramedics carried out a man on a stretcher. From the looks of it, he had died. What a shame. Those folks moved in only a couple of weeks ago. I never got the chance to meet them ...”

  With a shaky hand, Eric pushed away the soup. “I’m full.”

  “You sure? You seemed hungry.”

  “I’m fine. I’m going to go back to sleep.”

  Her brow was furrowed with worry. “Let me check your temperature—”

  “Later, Tina. Please, just let me get some rest.”

  When she left, he lay there, heart

  Ted was dead. He’d looked unhealthy since Eric had first met him. As if he was just wasting away.

  Dread sat in his stomach, like a ball of ice. He didn’t understand where it came from, but it was there.

  Something terrible was going to happen to him, he knew.

  It happened at midnight.

  Eric lay in bed beside his wife, trying unsuccessfully to relax and slip back into sleep, when the voice rang in his mind like a clear bell.

  Come to me, Eric. It’s time.

  As if he was a puppet manipulated by strings, he bolted upright. He climbed out of bed and left the house.

  As he walked, he ordered his body to disobey the call, turn around, and go back to bed. But it was impossible to resist the command. His body was no longer his own.

  It was hers.

  She was waiting for him at the front door of the house next door. Although she looked like a woman, her eyes glowed faintly with that yellowish light.

  Terror made his heart pound wildly, but he was powerless to run away.

  She embraced him tightly, her hand pressed against his buttocks. He felt a sharp pain in the flesh of his left hip and then blood being siphoned out of his body.

  Even if he’d had the ability to control his body, he would’ve been too scared to look over his shoulder and see how she was doing this to him.

  “I hope you’ll sustain me longer than Ted did,” she whispered. “Maintaining this wonderful female body demands a great deal of hot male blood.”

  Everything finally came together for Eric. Diana, truly, was not a woman at all. She was some kind of creature—that fed on men. It explained why Ted had looked so sickly. It explained why Ted had warned him to stay away from her.

  But he’d been too drunk with lust to listen.

  “We’re leaving for a new home tonight,” she said to him. “I don’t like to stay in one place for too long. Humans are too nosy.”

  He hoped he would see his wife again, but suddenly he realized it was never going to happen. Diana was never going to let him go.

  “Go upstairs and pack our bed,” Diana ordered.

  Dutifully, he lowered his head and shuffled to the stairs.

  His life was over. She was going to use him, like she’d used Ted, and then pick her next victim.


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