by Peter Byrne
Don Eigler, June 2008.
Charles Everett, Dec. 2007.
Jean Everett, Dec. 2007.
Mark Everett, Mar. 2006.
Robert Everett, Aug. 2007.
Paul Federbush, June 2005.
Arthur Fine, Apr. 2008.
Paul Flanagan, Dec. 2007.
Kenneth Ford, April 2006.
Fred Forman, Nov. 2007.
Joanna Frawley, Dec. 2007.
Tom Greening, Nov. 2007.
James B. Hartle, Apr. 2006 and June 2008.
Matthew Kleban, Aug. 2009,
Harold Kuhn Feb. 2008 and Apr. 2008.
Leon Lasden, Feb. 2008.
Jan Lodal, Nov. 2007.
Keith Lynch, Jan. 2008.
Gary Lucas, Oct. 2008.
Juan Maldacena, Apr. 2006.
David Mermin, Apr. 2006.
Charles and Susanne Misner, Nov. 2004.
Ralph Mohr, Apr. 2008.
Louis Painter, Nov. 2007.
Donald Reisler, Apr. 2006 and Feb. 2009.
Charles Rossotti, Dec. 2007.
Simon Saunders, May 2009.
Ivan Selin, Nov. 2007.
Leonard Susskind, Apr. 2006.
Max Tegmark, Apr. 2006.
Hale Trotter, May 2007.
Elaine Tsiang, Apr. 2006.
Deborah van Vechten, Feb. 2009.
Ken Willis, Dec. 2007.
Elaine Tsiang, Apr. 2006.
David Wallace, Apr. 2006.
Fred Wilson, May 2008.
W. Zurek, Apr. 2006.
Interviews with others
Mark Everett interviews with Harvey Arnold, Charles Misner, Susanne Misner, Hal Trotter, June 2007.
DeWitt-Morette interview by Kenneth Ford, 2/28/95, AIP.
Wheeler interview with Ken Ford, May 2006.
Everett and Misner cocktail party tape, 1977, basement.
Interview with Zeh recorded by Fabio Freitas 7/25/08. AIP.
Wheeler/Ford, Transcript X, AIP, 3/15/94.
Wheeler/Ford, transcripts I–IX, AIP, Oct. 1994–April 1995.
Unpublished basement documents
Everett, Hugh III. A dozen boxes of papers, photographs, and memorabilia, basement, including handwritten drafts of thesis, thesis notes, thesis abstract, etc. Including “Random Notes on QM thesis” file and “Footnotes” file.
Everett, Nancy Gore. Diaries, correspondence, financial records, basement.
Everett, Katharine Kennedy. Music in Morning, short stories, correspondence, basement.
Everett, Elizabeth. Letters, basement.
Everett, Hugh Jr. and Everett, Sara Thrift, correspondence, military and financial records, basement.
Available at National Security Archive (NSA) web site:
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 130. (2004). “The Creation of SIOP-62.”
Blackburn, P. P., Jr. “Office Memorandum U.S. Navy Eyes Only,” 10/26/60. NSA No. 130.
Blouin, F. J. “JCS memo SM-679-60,” 7/15/60. NSA No. 130.
Burke, A. “Memorandum to Chairman of JCS from Office of Chief of Naval Operations,” 9/30/59. NSA No. 130.
Burke, A. “Admiral Burke’s conversation with Secretary Franke,” 8/12/60. NSA No. 130.
Burke, A. “NAVAL MESSAGE TO CINCPAC,” 11/22/60. NSA No. 130.
Blackburn, P. P Jr. & Burke, A. “EXCLUSIVE U.S. NAVY EYES ONLY,” 11/24/60. NSA No. 130.
Burke, A. “Special Edition Flag Officers Dope,” 12/4/60. NSA No. 130.
Kistiakowsky, G. “Annex” to “J.C.S.2056/208,” 1/27/61. NSA No. 130.
“Memorandum for the Record, Secretary McNamara’s visit to JSTPS,” 2/4/61. NSA No. 130.
Shoup, D. “J.C.S. 2056/220,” 2/11/61. NSA No. 130.
Twining, N. F. “J. C. S. 2056/131,” 8/20/59. NSA No. 130.
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book 173. (2005). “The Nixon Administration, The SIOP, and the Search for Limited Nuclear Options, 1969–1970.”
Wainstein, et al. (1975). “The Evolution of U.S. Strategic Command and Control, and Warning, 1945–1972,” Institute for Defense Analyses Study S-467, June 1975. Partial text, original classification: top secret.
Other resources
American Philosophical Society: John Archibald Wheeler Papers.
American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Archive: Everett files.
Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen: Wheeler, Bohr, Rosenfeld files.
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University: Everett’s transcripts and student file.
Accidental Universe, The (Davies), 350
action-at-a-distance, 98–99
Adams, Sherman, 204
Advanced Research Projects
Agency, 277, 283
Aharonov, Yakir, 252–53, 259–60
Albert, David, 374, 384
Allende, Salvador, 129
altruism, 45, 70, 206, 231, 266, 271, 298, 389, 393
American Institute of Physics, 351
American Journal of Physics, 302, 311
American Management Systems (AMS), 294, 296–97, 339, 345
American University, 13, 38
American Women for Peace, 212
Analog magazine, 319–20
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, 359–60
Annals of Mathematics Studies, 209
anthropic principle, 228n3, 350, 386
anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs), 268, 283–84, 290, 389
Applied Physics Laboratory, 37
Argonne National Laboratory, 56, 323
“Armor Against Autumn” (Kennedy), 20
arms manufacturers, 129, 197
arms race, 74, 129
missile gap and, 193–94, 213–15
Report 50 and, 227–37
Wargasm and, 193–94, 197–99
Arnold, Harvey, 57–58, 89, 178
assured destruction, 69–70, 215, 227, 230–36, 241, 293
Astounding Science Fiction magazine, 31
atheism, 29–30, 32–34, 350
Atlas missiles, 128, 235
atomic bombs. See nuclear warfare
Atomic Energy Commission, 57, 74–75, 124, 127
Atomic Scientists of Chicago, 124
Atoms for Peace award, 214, 327
attribute values, 293–94, 296
Austin, Texas, 321–23, 331–32, 339, 376
Bacon, Francis, 175
Bailey, Georgia, 339
Ball, Desmond, 236
Banner Press, 17
Barry, John, 288
Battelle Memorial Institute, 126, 306–7
Bayes, Thomas, 287–88
Bayesian Machine, 287–91
Bayesian statistics, 198, 287–91, 379n27, 380n30
Bay of Pigs invasion, 268
Beach, Frank, 41
Belinfante, Frederick J., 107–8, 316–19
Bell, John Stewart, 314–16, 328, 363–64, 373, 389
Beller, Mara, 84
Bell Telephone Laboratories, 37, 82, 189–90
Benioff, Paul, 323
Bergmann, Saul M., 250
Beria, Lavrenti, 200
Berliner Tageblatt, 10
Bethe, Hans, 127, 179, 1791
Bethesda, Maryland, 15, 25
Beyond Armageddon (science fiction anthology), 361
Big Bang, xii–xiii, 387–88
Big Crunch, 329
Biological Origin of Human Values, The (Pugh), 298
Bissell, Richard M., 268
black holes, 119, 161, 162n9, 328–29
Bohm, David, 57–58
Copenhagen interpretation and, 111–12
death of, 374
decoherence theory and, 363
firing of, 124
hidden variables theory and, 111–14, 148, 257–58, 287, 314, 373, 374n4, 389, 391
Kuhn’s defense of, 124
many worlds th
eory and, 134–35, 144, 148
Bohr, Harald, 87
Bohr, Niels, xii, 7, 73, 76, 81, 83, 110–11, 215
anti-realist approach and, 83
atomic bomb and, 327
Atomic Scientists group and, 124
Atoms For Peace and, 214, 327
classical physics and, 87–88
complementarity approach and, 88, 101 (see also complementarity)
interpretation and, 1, 42 (see also Copenhagen interpretation)
decoherence theory and, 363–64
DeWitt and, 307–8, 311
dialectical materialism and, 249
dualism and, 101
Einstein and, 89
electron shells and, 87
EPR paradox and, 98
Everett’s battles with, 160–77
experimental approach and, 89–90
experiment design and, 105–6
family background of, 87
Feynman and, 326
Fock and, 216–18
free will and, 106–8
Kantian philosophy and, 106–7
many worlds theory and, 144, 160–77 (see also many worlds theory)
measurement problem and, 84, 87–91
“The Nature of Time” conference and, 267
Nobel Prize of, 87
nuclear war and, 8
Oppenheimer and, 89
personality of, 88, 327
pictures of, 82f, 85f, 86f
Popper and, 362
positivism and, 217–18
power of, 327
prestige of, 84, 87, 89
Rosenfeld and, 249–51, 316–18
Schrödinger and, 87
sharing of nuclear information and, 123–24
Shimony on, 301–2
superposition principle and, 84, 87–91
Trieste symposium and, 328
von Neumann and, 89
Wheeler and, 8, 89, 118–19, 121, 143, 160–77
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 58–59
Bondi, Hermann, 266
“Bone of Mutt’sburg, The” (Everett), 26
Boone, William W., 38
Borge, Jorge Luis, 320
Borgia, Lucrezia, 52
Born, Max, 96, 100, 165
Born rule
defined, 389
Everett@Fifty conference and, 383
Greaves and, 379–80
many worlds theory and, 137, 141, 146, 150–51, 156, 309–11, 315–16, 319, 323
pure rationality and, 378
quantum physics and, 137, 141, 146, 150–51, 156, 255–57, 260–61, 309–11, 315–16, 319, 323, 365, 367, 371, 375, 378–80, 383, 388–89
Boston University, 215
Breit, Gregory, 119
Brezhnev, 293
British Broadcasting Corporation, 6
British Journal of Philosophy, 377
Brown University, 302
Bruno, 385
Burke, Arleigh, 243–45
Bush, George H.W., 297
Buck, Pearl S., 20
California Institute of Technology, 39
Cameron Station, 35
Carlsberg Foundation, 87
Carlyle Group, 297
carpet bombing, 62
“Cassandra, A Prototype Non-Linear Bayesian Filter for Reentry Vehicle Tracking” (Lucas), 289–90
Catholic University, 30–38
causality, 72, 88
DeWitt and, 309–10
Einstein school of, 94, 278
many worlds theory and, 156–57
CBS, 193
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 74, 268, 277, 295
CERN, 314
Chalmers, David, 375–76
Chapel Hill conference, 179–83
“Checkers” (Everett), 26
Cheyenne Mountain, 190
Chiang Kai-Check, 21
Chile, 129
first strike and, 194–96
Report 50 and, 232, 236
Single Integrated Operating Plan (SIOP) and, 238
Christian Science, 263
Churchill, Winston, 88
Classics in Game Theory (Kuhn), 65
Clifford, Joseph, 32
Clinton, Bill, 297
closed systems, 200–1
Closed World, The (Edwards), 200
cloud chambers, 94–95, 99–100, 363
COBOL, 296
cocaine, 339
CODE 50 Model, 292–93
Cold Spot, 387–88
Cold War, xiii, 3–4, 8, 21, 39
arms manufacturers and, 129, 197
arms race and, 74, 127–30, 190, 193–94, 197–99, 231–32
containment and, 47, 390
culture of, 44–47
deterrence and, 195–201, 231–36, 241, 297, 390
game theory and, 65–71
Gore and, 44–47
halting problem and, 200
House Un-American Activities Committee and, 21, 124–25, 266
Kennan and, 47–48
Kuhn and, 75, 75–76
McCarthyism and, 21, 45–48, 56–57, 82, 111, 124, 252n14
missile gap and, 193–94, 213–15, 228, 235
modelism and, 197
mutual assured destruction (MAD) and, 68–71
Report 50 and, 215, 227–37
Single Integrated Operating Plan (SIOP) and, 238–46
Sputnik and, 194
U.S. economy during, 280
Wheeler and, 124–30
Cold Warriors, 11, 70, 127–29, 200, 232
collapse theory
Bohr and, 105–8
Born Rule and, 100, 137, 141 (see also Born Rule)
causal relation and, 111
complementarity and, 102–8
decoherence theory and, 303, 363–64
defined, 389
Furry and, 258
hidden variables interpretation and, 111–14, 148, 257–58, 287, 314, 373, 374n4, 389, 391
many worlds theory and, 133, 142, 145–61
Margenau and, 110–11
measurement problem and, 109
parallelism and, 104
pilot waves and, 314–15
quantum axioms and, 102–4
role of consciousness and, 146–47
Schrödinger equation and, 103
Shimony and, 301–2
van Vechten and, 302
von Neumann and, 102–4
wave function and, 73, 81, 99–108
Wigner and, 258
“Colloquium on Fifty Years of Quantum Mechanics”, 329–30
Coming of the Quantum Cats, The (Pohl), 361
Committee for the Protection of the Bill of Rights, 212
communism, 21. See also China; Soviet Union
Kennan and, 47–48
Nancy Everett and, 44–46
Report 50 and, 229–30
commutation relation, 389
complementarity, 249–50, 267, 363, 389
Bohm and, 134–35
collapse theory and, 102–8
defined, 389
Einstein’s view of, 110–13
Everett’s criticism of, 87, 140, 142, 160–67, 170–71
Everett/Wheeler issues and, 119, 121, 142, 145, 160, 162, 165n14, 168
free will and, 106–8
Kantian philosophy and, 106–7
many worlds theory and, 114, 140, 142, 160–67
quantum world and, 88–89, 101–10, 113
Rosenfeld and, 249–51
Schrödinger’s view of, 110
Shimony on, 301–2
compression algorithms, 294
computers, 56, 293
attribute values and, 294, 296
compression algorithms and, 294
as digital machines, 203
FORTRAN and, 212, 222
Lambda Corporation and, 277
mini-computers and, 341
modelism and, 197
Report 50 and, 215, 236
stock market and, 288–89