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Agent E2: Aidan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency)

Page 9

by Hahn, Joni

  Aidan turned over the bullet in his hand. It looked exactly the same as the bullets inside Buckner’s gun – except Buckner’s were shiny and new.

  “Where’s this gun?” Rachel looked inside one of the pistol cases, her fingernail tapping the glass top.

  Brody shook his head. “I don’t know. It’s been missing for months. We’ve looked all over the place for it. Ben thinks it was stolen. If it was, why wasn’t the glass broken or anything else taken?” Brody gave a sheepish grin. “I just chalked it up to Ben getting senile.”

  Aidan frowned. “What kind of gun was it, Brody? Ben used a Governor when he shot the Naylor agent.”

  “No, he bought that one new right before he moved into the assisted living center. This was a Colt 1903.”

  “Something doesn’t sound right.” Aidan mumbled under his


  “Nope.” Tristan said.

  “You folks need anything else?” Brody scratched his

  whiskered jaw.

  Smiling, Rachel took his hand in hers. “No, I think we’re good here, Brody. And, I don’t want you thinking anyone’s job is in danger. Things are going to remain as is, okay?”

  The man’s shoulders slumped slightly as he gave her an appreciative grin. “Thank you, Rachel. I appreciate that.”

  With a wave to Aidan and Tristan, Brody left the house.

  Tristan held open his arms to Rachel. She crossed the room and hugged him tight. Thoughts of Cass flooded Aidan’s head. He turned away from the tender scene to study more guns.

  “You look exhausted.” Tristan’s voice held a note of worry.

  She sighed. “I am.”

  “You ready to go? Aidan has to leave in a couple of hours, anyway.”

  Aidan walked to the front door and stared out. Yeah, won’t that be grand? He and Mitchell would travel to Nevada with Cassandra and Dar. He had hours to just sit and stare at the one woman that meant something to him. The one woman that he couldn’t have.

  Rachel said, “Let’s go look at Ben’s cars. I know you want to see them, Tris.”

  When he heard them come up behind him, Aidan opened the front door and walked outside. Rounding the side of the house, they made their way to the limestone garage several feet away. Aidan took the keys from Rachel and opened a side door.

  Heat blasted him in the face, dust mites floating in the sunlight filtering through the garage door windows. Eight classic cars sat side-by-side at an angle, each pristine in itself. Tristan immediately went to the 1963 red, split window Corvette and climbed in the driver’s seat.

  “This is sweet.”

  Rachel climbed in the passenger side as Aidan walked around the perimeter.

  “Want to take it for a spin?” Rachel said.

  Tristan shook his head as he studied the dash. “No, I don’t want to get a scratch on it.”

  Squatting down, Aidan noticed a scratch under the keyhole on the trunk. “Too late.”

  “What? Where?” Tristan hopped out and came around back.

  Aidan pointed at the scrape. “There.”

  Grabbing the keys out of the ignition, Tristan returned and

  popped open the trunk.

  Aidan whistled low. An old pistol lay inside, along with a laptop computer and a single gold coin. “Holy shit.”

  “Holy shit, is right.”

  Rachel came to stand between them. “That looks like one of Dad’s computers, Aidan.”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’d bet my last paycheck it is.”

  “So, does that mean Ben was there the night Jim was shot?” Rachel looked at each of them.

  Tristan said, “Considering he was a friend of your father’s, and the evidence is hiding in the trunk of his car, I’d say yeah.”

  Rachel slammed the heel of her hand on the trunk lid. “Dammit, why didn’t he say something?”

  “He was probably afraid, baby.” Tristan rubbed her back.

  “Or wanted the gold for himself,” Aidan chimed in.

  They looked at each other. “The barrels.”


  Cassandra sat beside d’Artagnan on the D.I.R.E. jet. She had a perfect view of Aidan standing over Mitchell’s shoulder, studying something on a computer screen at a work table. He wore a forest green t-shirt, the sleeves skintight around his muscled biceps. His jeans molded to his backside with mouth-watering perfection, his thick, copper hair mussed from his fingers running through it. She wanted to wrap her arms around his waist from behind and smooth down his messy hair with lazy fingers.

  That would be a little hard to do with her feet chained to her seat.

  He wouldn’t look her way, wouldn’t give her the time of day. She couldn’t blame him. They’d shared something very beautiful and personal last night, before she turned against him and chose her family. As far as he was concerned, she’d made her choice.

  If she had it to do over again, she’d trust him and stand beside him in that hall. Choices were always easier in hindsight.

  She sighed aloud.

  “Of all the men in the world, you had to pick Aidan Monroe?”

  Coming out of her reverie, Cass frowned at her twin. “It’s not like I chose him. It just… happened.”

  Dar laid back his head and closed his eyes. “You watch the Love Story channel too much.”

  She elbowed him. “Shut up.” Cass turned to look out the window. “It doesn’t matter anyway. He hates me.”

  “He doesn’t hate you. The guy took out an entire team of Naylor agents to protect you. The prick.”

  Calling in that team of agents had been the downfall of Naylor Interests. Her idiotic decisions had ruined everything. She knew her brother had to feel lost.

  She turned back to face him, her eyes straying to Aidan’s wide shoulders. “I’m sorry, Dar.”

  He blew out a breath. “For what? Trying to save us?” He shook his head. “I can’t believe all of this has been about Kate Monroe.”

  “I don’t think it is.”

  He turned to stare at her. “Why?”

  “Didn’t you hear Mitchell last night? He said Father had thrown him in hell. Father isn’t innocent in all of this, either.”

  Dar turned back around with a bitter laugh. “When is he ever innocent?”

  A stewardess approach Aidan and Mitchell. Straightening, Aidan smiled at the pretty blonde while she spoke. They all shared a laugh before the woman touched Aidan’s arm just above his armband. Cassandra’s hands fisted on her armrests.

  “Go kick her ass, Sis.” Dar chuckled.

  More than kick her ass, Cass wanted to claim Aidan for herself by shoving him down in a chair and straddling his lap.

  The stewardess wasn’t the problem, it was Aidan.

  She pressed the call button on her chair.

  Aidan whipped around to stare at her, his mouth turning down at the sides. He sauntered toward them with a deep scowl.


  Cass gazed up at him, hoping her eyes, her face, her voice told him how much she missed him. “I need to use the restroom.”

  He knew, as well as she, that Cass didn’t need to tinkle at all. She just wanted him to acknowledge her existence, acknowledge that he still felt the way he did last night outside of Willie’s.

  Squatting down, Aidan cupped her calf as he unlocked the braces at her feet. A tingling sensation trickled up her legs and sprouted throughout her body. She fisted her hands to keep from fingering his hair.

  He stood. “Let’s go.”

  When Cass stood, she found herself inches away from him. That crisp, light scent of his filled her nose, his green eyes glittering with swelling darkness.


  He backed up and motioned for her to precede him.

  Sighing, she walked to the back of the plane.

  She heard Dar say, “You’re a heartless asshole, mutant.”

  A zap sounded behind her.

  “Ow, shit.”

  Cass pulled in her lips over he
r teeth to keep from laughing.

  Reaching the bathroom door, she turned to find Aidan right behind her.

  “Don’t pull anything.”

  She felt like a basketball sat in her throat. “I won’t.”

  Opening the door, she bit her bottom lip. “Want to come inside?” She tugged on his hand.

  “I’ve done the mile high club, Cass.”

  Heat exploded in her face while her heart shattered. She dropped his hand like a hot coal before whipping away from him.


  She slammed the door in his face. Leaning against the lavatory, she covered her face with her hands. She would not cry. Knowing he stood just outside gave her the strength to hold them back. He wouldn’t get the satisfaction of knowing how much he’d hurt her.

  How much she hurt without him.

  Why did she beat her head against this wall? They would always be on opposite sides. Always. Their situation had years of history and roots to ground it. How could new feelings of love and desire ever overcome it?

  Just because her father lay in a hospital bed under D.I.R.E. security didn’t mean he had no power, either. She’d seen him pull off miracles in the past – Riordan for one. Not one bread crumb had been found in his disappearance.

  She would never take that chance with Aidan. Never.

  “Cass, what are you doing in there?”

  Swallowing hard, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “None of your business.”

  “Damn right it’s my business.” He jiggled the handle. “Open up.”

  “No, I’m… not through.”

  He remained silent a moment. “Cass, what the hell are you doing?”

  Lifting her chin at the closed door, she decided to give him a little shock of her own. “Enjoying the mile high club by myself.”

  Silence met her retort before the door shoved open in her face. Aidan appeared in the doorway, his nostrils flared, his beautiful green eyes nearly black. He gave her a slow perusal before giving her a fierce glower.

  “I miss you.” Her voice shook.

  The glare faded from his face, his shoulders relaxing. He skimmed his gloved knuckles along her jaw. “Cass-“

  “What’s going on in here?”

  Mitchell appeared behind him, looking as big and mean as a bulldog. Aidan’s hand fell away from her face.

  “Nothing.” Aidan turned his back on her and walked out. “Absolutely nothing.”


  “Her mother was just as beautiful as Cassandra.”

  Aidan whipped around to stare at Mitchell sitting beside him on the airplane. Staring out at the Grand Canyon below, Mitchell’s voice sounded low and melancholy.

  Ever since Mitchell found him with Cassandra in the restroom, Aidan’s gut had churned like a garbage disposal. After the warning Tristan had given him, Aidan feared what Mitchell might do, knowing he broke the rules.

  Aidan had never been one for following rules, although his SEAL training had pounded the necessity of it into his brain.


  Now, he sat in a state of shock that Mitchell had made personal conversation with him. He also wondered about the woman that had taken her own life and left two small children to be raised by someone like Robert Naylor.

  Mitchell turned to him. It surprised Aidan to see sadness in the navy depths of his sunken eyes. He hadn’t noticed the black circles until now.

  “The first time I saw Angela, I was tongue-tied. Made a total jackass out of myself.”

  Aidan frowned. It seemed a little odd that Mitchell would speak of Naylor’s wife that way. If it were Cass, he’d kick his ass.

  “Jim and I stopped to change her flat tire. Jim talked while I changed the tire.” He chuckled to himself. “I hit my hand with the damned tire iron I don’t know how many times because I kept staring at her instead of the wheel lugs.”

  “How did she end up with Naylor?”

  Shrugging, his gaze returned to the window. “I wasn’t around when they… got together.” Taking a deep breath, he sat up and faced Aidan. “Anyway, consider yourself notified that D.I.R.E. has a strict no frat-”

  The airplane rumbled and shook before veering left with a sharp drop.

  Cass gasped. Papers and computers fell and tumbled to the floor and sidewalls. Aidan’s water bottle rolled and bumped against the opposite seat. He gripped the armrest to keep from falling out of his chair.

  Hitting the intercom, Mitchell called the pilot. “Tompkins?”



  “We lost a wing.” Dar’s voice boomed like cannon fire in the falling plane.

  Unbuckling, Aidan balanced himself on the lopsided floor. The plane had to be a good forty-five degrees off, and falling. He had to get to the cockpit.

  The cockpit door slammed open against the wall. Lisa’s body fell over the threshold. Aidan could see Tompkins slumped in his seat.

  “They’re dead, Mitchell.”

  Mitchell unbuckled his seatbelt.

  “I can fly,” Dar said. “But, this plane’s going down, either way.”

  Aidan shook his head. They had to get out of there, quick. However, between the canyons and the mountains below, a jump would be tricky. They also had to get out before the plane spiraled. “We need to jump. Now.”

  Mitchell went to a cabinet at the front of the cabin. “I’ll get the chutes.”

  Bracing his arm on the side of the plane, Aidan rushed to Cassandra and Dar. Cass’s blue eyes were huge in her face when he squatted at her feet.

  “Ever gone skydiving, baby?” He unlocked her feet and turned to Dar.

  “No. I’m afraid of heights.” Her voice shook as she braced her hand against the wall to stay in her seat.

  The plane veered hard left again. Cass caught her breath.

  “We’re screwed,” Dar said.

  The plane fell into a nosedive. The three of them tumbled to the front of the cabin and hit the wall where Mitchell already lay.

  They were losing altitude fast.

  Standing, Aidan pulled Cass to her feet. Dar followed.

  “Here.” Mitchell shoved a chute at Aidan. “Get it on her.”

  Aidan strapped the chute on Cass while she watched him work. Mitchell handed a chute to Dar then set Aidan’s at his feet.

  “Where’s your chute, Mitchell?” Aidan said.

  “We only have three.”

  Dar shoved his chute back at Mitchell. “It’s yours.”

  Mitchell stared at him, eyes wide.

  What the hell? Naylor sacrificed his chute for Mitchell?

  “Dar, no.” Cass clutched his arm, her eyes wide.

  Aidan cursed mentally. “Naylor, take my chute.” He shoved it at Dar. “Mitchell get yours on. I’ll go down with Cass. We have to get the hell out of here. Move.”

  Dragging Cass by the hand, Aidan went to the door, his hands on the lever. He looked into her wide, terrified eyes. “Stay behind me and hold on tight. We’ll get out of this. Trust me.”

  She gave him a wide-eyed nod. “I do.”

  With Mitchell and Dar holding onto him, Aidan shoved open the door. Rapid decompression whipped at him, threatening to suck him from the plane. Aidan held the door frame in a white-knuckled grip, his gloves glowing with restrained current. His system revved higher and higher, his blood pumping wildly.

  He had to calm down or he’d shock Cass.

  “Mitchell, go.”

  Without hesitation, Mitchell stepped forward and jumped out of the plane.

  “Naylor, you’re up.”

  Dar stood at the door and stared down at the Valley of Fire below. “No time to be a wuss, Naylor. Go.”

  Dar squeezed his eyes shut and… stood there.

  He had to be afraid of heights, too, but they had no time to mess around.

  Slapping Dar on the back, Aidan shot a jolt of electricity through him. He shot out of the plane with a loud, sharp curse.

  The desert floor rose up fast. Aidan
cursed aloud. They had to hurry.

  Turning around, he hauled Cass against him. Electricity hummed in his body. She jumped back.

  Get a grip, Monroe. This is for Cass.

  “I won’t shock you. I promise.” He held out his arm to her. “We have to go.”

  Nodding, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Wrap your legs around me, too.”

  Cass locked her legs around his waist.

  “Get used to this position, baby. We’re going to use it a lot.” He jumped out.

  The plane smashed into a cluster of rock formations, shooting a fireball into the sky. Aidan covered Cass’s head with his gloved hands.

  His feet hit the desert floor, kicking dust in the air. He dropped and rolled in the sand, with Cass in his arms. He ended up on his back, Cass on top of him, their legs under the parachute.

  “Are you okay?”

  Lifting her head from his neck, she looked around. A beautiful smile blossomed on her face before she looked down at him. “You did it.” She gave him a smack on the lips.

  “Damn straight.” Clutching the back of her head, he pulled her back down for a long, slow kiss.

  “Monroe.” Mitchell called over his armband.

  Breaking the kiss, Aidan raised his armband to his mouth. “Mitchell. Do you have eyes on Naylor?”

  Dar’s voice came over the airwaves. “You freaking shocked me for the hell of it, Monroe. I was going to jump.”

  Cassandra laughed as she ran her fingers through his hair. God, he loved when she touched him.

  “I’ve seen calendars move faster than you, Naylor.” He grinned up at the most beautiful woman on the planet. “I had to get your ass out of there.”

  “You’re full of shit, Monroe.” His voice echoed over the armband. Looking right, Aidan saw Naylor and Mitchell step over the rise.

  “And by the way, get your hands off my sister.”

  Chapter 9

  The D.I.R.E. compound was a large, intimidating complex nestled in the rocky desert north of Las Vegas. Shaped like an asterisk, it contained state-of-the-art fingerprint scanning and touch screen technology throughout, and ultra-modern furnishings of navy, gray and white.

  The center of the complex housed a cafeteria as well as retail and recreational areas. Each wing: security, fitness and training, science and technology, medical, and housing had its own security clearance. Cass had never encountered security systems like those installed at D.I.R.E. Once again, Naylor Interests had been bested.


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