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Prizefight: The Hell Raiders MC Goes MMA

Page 18

by Aden Lowe

  Elena shifted a little, hooking her legs around my waist. I poised for a second to enjoy how she quivered with my cock at her entrance, then sank home. Her inner muscles clenched around me as I withdrew.

  Over and over, I drove into her, and every time she met my thrusts eagerly. The sensations of being inside her threatened to entirely overwhelm my senses, and I stilled to try and maintain control.

  She refused to allow it, though, arching and wriggling her hips, milking my cock. "Don't stop, baby, I'm too close."

  At her urging, I drove into her again, faster and faster, while my orgasm built at the base of my spine.

  "I love you." Her body contracted, pulling me deeper as she fell to pieces once more.

  Her words sank in, and drove me over the edge. "I love you." The realization of what I'd said hit hard. I never used those words, but with her, they were natural. And true. "Don't you ever leave me again, baby girl. I want you with me, always."

  "Always?" She sounded terrified, her voice small and careful.

  I shifted my weight off her and drew her to my side. I should probably have given some deep thought about my feelings, but I didn't need to. "Elena, I know we don't know each other all that well, and it's really fast, but I want time with you. I want more. Will you be my ol' lady?" I held my breath while she processed the question.

  "You're talking about a relationship? Not me being a whore for the club?" Her voice still held that small, scared tone.

  "I'm not sharing you, Elena." I turned so I could see her face. "You're mine. As my ol' lady, you'll be treated with respect and care by everyone in the club. You'll be safer than the gold in Fort Knox. I'll cherish you, love you, and be faithful to you." I took a deep breath, aware of the depth of commitment I offered. And I'd never wanted anything more in my life.

  She smiled up at me. "I'd like that."

  We would have to work out the details, of course, but we could do it. Emotion filled my chest and tightened my throat as I touched my lips to hers. "You want to give it a go?"

  She nodded. "Yeah, I do."

  Her words left me torn between the need to shout the news from the rooftop, and the need to lose myself in her body once more. I bent to kiss her more deeply, choosing to show her how happy her choice made me.


  Keep reading! I have some treats lined up for you! Following are previews from one of my other books, and from some really cool ladies. If you enjoyed Prizefight, please remember to leave a review.

  Here's Chapter One of Kellen's Redemption, Book 1 of the Hell Raiders MC series.

  Kellen's Redemption


  Aden Lowe

  A Hell Raiders MC


  ©2015 by Aden Lowe. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Aden Lowe or his legal representative.

  Thank you for purchasing an authorized copy of this book. By doing so, you say NO to Piracy and support authors so they can continue to bring you the books you enjoy.

  Author's Note: This book contains adult situations and language, violence, and sexual activity. Mature readers only.


  A lot of people made this book possible. First, my wife, Elyse. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement, and your faith in my abilities. Mom, thanks for the occasional smack to the head to knock some sense into me. Ashley Wheels, my Assistant/baby sister…what can I say except thank you for being you. You put up with my weirdness, keep me focused and on track even when it means ten-minute check-ins for hours on end, and you constantly encourage me to do my best. You handle all the frustrating details, put my marketing plans in place, and contribute ideas and suggestions daily. Thank you. Team, remember?

  Aden Lowe's Huntresses are the BEST Street Team on Facebook or anywhere else. Thank you ladies for your enthusiastic support. I'm still amazed that you're willing to spend some of your precious down-time helping me. You kick ass.

  The Lowe-Down – the Official Aden Lowe Fan Group… Thank you ladies. I rely on you for laughs, opinions, and help promoting my books. You constantly excel in all categories.

  All the bloggers who selflessly promote my work, and that of other Indie Authors… You are amazing and without you, the book world would stall out and cease to turn. Thank you!

  I sincerely hope you enjoy reading Kellen's Redemption. This book is one of those rare ones that just happened. After you read it, I hope you'll take a moment to leave an honest review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

  If you enjoyed Kellen's Redemption, you might also like my Hunted Love series:

  Big Game: Hunted Love #1-

  Bounty : Hunted Love #2-

  Captured: Hunted Love #3 -

  Chapter One - Two Weeks Ago

  Kellen came awake fast and pushed away the sweaty sheets. Fucking smokes were too far away. He sat up with a groan, squinting against the monster head-ache eating his brain. Finally got the cigarette free of the pack, in his mouth and lit. The JD Black bottle beside the bed still held half a mouthful, and he snatched it up in relief, swallowed, then wished for more. Considered falling back into bed and sleeping the rest of the day away. No, he had business to handle.

  Not bothering to cover up the morning wood, he stumbled out of the room and into the dark hallway and four doors down to where the bathroom stood open. A healthy piss later, he turned the shower on and stepped under the scalding spray. The filth from the last twenty-four hours took some convincing, but finally gave up and went down the drain. Road dirt was the easy part. The stains on his conscience for the part he'd played in that debacle out west would take a while to fade. He scrubbed harder. He'd done far worse, so why did he give a damn?

  Feeling somewhat human, he halfway toweled off and went back to his room long enough to pull on his jeans and boots. Back out in the hall, something almost smelled good. One of the old ladies must be up and about, feeling domestic. He followed his nose to the kitchen out of sheer curiosity.

  In the big kitchen, Tanya, Trip's old lady, stood over the stove. She glanced over her shoulder, cautious as always, then relaxed visibly when she realized it was Kellen. "Have a seat. It'll be ready in a couple minutes."

  Kellen followed orders and dropped into the chair at the head of the big dining table. "Why you cooking?" Some of the old ladies liked to cook when they were at the house, but usually in the mornings someone just made coffee and breakfast was whatever you could find.

  Movements guarded, she lifted one shoulder. "Figured you guys might want to start the day on a full belly." A survivor of slavery in another MC, Tanya was careful about everything she did or said. She'd only just become slightly comfortable with Kellen, and only because he didn't bother to take enough notice of her to be intimidating.

  He grunted. "Thanks. Smells good." Hmph. Good thing none of the boys heard that. They'd think he'd gone soft. The President of an outlaw motorcycle club did not thank another guy's old lady for anything.

  Tanya ignored the slip and went on with what she was doing, leaving Kellen to his thoughts. Eventually, she reached for plates and dished up what she'd cooked. "Here you go." She deposited a plate in front of Kellen, and turned to pour coffee, placing it beside him.

  Keeping himself in check, Kellen nodded his thanks, and dug in. Burritos filled with scrambled eggs, sausage and peppers, smothered in a cheese sauce. "This is good." Back inside his head, he ate methodically, preoccupied with the upcoming day. He had to take care of some business.

  Hack, his VP, shuffled in, fully dressed and looking like hell had eaten him for breakfast and puked him back up. Old boy was partying too hard lately, and it showed. He dropped into a chair and scrubbed his hands over his face. Tanya, smart girl that she was, slid a plate and coffee in front of him before he could look up. The bastard h
ad a rep for being rough on women. Hell, even his name said it. In the middle of a party at the clubhouse, a girl had been going down on him and he'd shoved his dick so far in her throat she started coughing and hacking. Frustrated that he couldn't finish, he'd backhanded her off him and stomped out. From then on, he was known as Hack.

  "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

  Rather than answer, Hack shoved his plate aside and pulled a cellophane packet from his jeans. He'd used the outer wrapper from a cigarette pack and sealed a pill inside by melting the end with a lighter. With the obsessive care of a long-time addict, he laid out his pill, lighter, card and straw, pulled a new cellophane off his cigarettes to cover his pill before crushing it down. More careful ritual as he cut and snorted his first line. "You want to bump it?"

  Kellen shook his head. "Lay off that shit, man. I need you clear headed." For the millionth time, he wished the club had chosen a different VP, someone who didn't constantly chase the next pill. Hack was a good, solid Brother, but he wasn't VP material.

  "You need me able to fucking move." He hit the rest of the pill and put his shit away, making sure to get every last particle of residue off the table. With his day properly started, he grabbed the plate and started eating. "What we got on today?"

  "We roll over to that deal later. Nobody but us for this one." Kellen settled back with his coffee.

  Hack eyed him, expression cautious. "You sure that's a good idea, boss?"

  The empty coffee cup hit the table with a thump as Kellen stood. "Yeah, I am." Understatement. Hack questioning his decision mattered a hell of a lot more. He'd let it slide one time, but the shit couldn't continue.

  He headed back to the bathroom and his razor. He looked, and felt, much more human after he'd shaved and trimmed his beard. With his ink, gauged earlobes, and the way he dressed, no one would ever mistake him for a good boy. But they sure as fuck couldn't call him a filthy biker either. Satisfied, he pulled on a t-shirt and his cut, ready to head out.

  Back in the kitchen, he came to an impatient halt. "You ready, man? We got shit to tend to."

  Hack was just finishing his coffee. "Yeah, yeah." He shoved his chair back and stood, acting stiff and sore as hell. Probably spent the night fighting or fucking. Dude was getting too old for that shit. Boots thumped on the floor as Hack followed, deliberately making his displeasure known.

  Kellen would deal with that shit privately. Outside, the bikes were placed strategically, closest to their owners' most convenient exit from the clubhouse. His own sat outside the window to his room where he could just dive out of bed and hit the leather. The big stretched out chopper started with its usual purr, giving him the thrill of satisfaction. His design, built with his hands. Nothing like it.

  Hack rolled up on his '77 Harley Low Rider and gave Kellen a ready nod, so he hit the throttle and headed down the lane. Normally he'd have a couple more guys on a run like this one, but this was a new connection and he needed it kept quiet. So it was just him and Hack, which left him feeling unusually vulnerable.

  Nearly an hour on the road and they crossed the River into Ohio. Kellen led them through the run-down residential area of the little town, weaving through the rabbit-warren of alleys and side-streets. Finally, he pulled into a narrow driveway beside a beat-to-death 80-something Lincoln Continental and slipped his bike past it and around to the back of the half boarded-up house.

  He parked by the back porch and dismounted and pulled his helmet off as Hack stopped beside him. "Wait here. If it goes sideways, book it out of here."

  "Yeah, boss." Hack slid the cut-down twelve gauge out of his jacket and pulled the hammer back, ready for trouble.

  Fuck, Kellen hated this kind of shit. The hair stood on the back of his neck as he stepped up onto the creaky old porch. If his middle-man hadn't insisted on the meeting place and vouched for the seller, he wouldn't have considered it. Through the busted down door and a quick step to the side to avoid being silhouetted, everything stayed silent. Kellen strode through the gutted kitchen, his swagger betraying none of his discomfort.

  The living room showed no sign of the destruction apparent through the rest of the house. It had been painted, and set up with a couch, a couple of chairs, and a big screen TV, complete with a gaming system.

  His guy sat stiffly in one of the chairs, looking like he'd rather be just about anywhere else. On the couch, a woman who belonged on the pages of a glossy magazine sat, sexy bare legs crossed at the knee.

  Kellen glared at his guy and mentally crossed him off the 'somewhat trusted' list. "Cheap, I wouldn't be here if you'd mentioned your seller didn't have a dick."

  The bitch's immaculately painted lips tightened. "Does it really matter? I have guns, you need guns."

  Kellen turned his glare to the perfect features and designer clothing. She had a point. "I'm here now. No sense wasting the trip. Show me what you've got."

  She flipped her perfect honey-colored hair back, and opened the leather bag at her side. "What's your poison? Revolvers?" She pulled three revolvers out, different calibers. "Semi-autos? Something with a little more punch?" More than a dozen weapons were laid out on the coffee table before her, ranging from a little .22 derringer to an assault rifle. "I have a truckload, nearly one thousand guns, of which these are a representative sample, all untraceable and clean."

  Lit cigarette hanging from his lip, Kellen dropped into the other chair and began to examine the guns. They were all good, and he wanted them, and more. "First, before we talk business, how does a high class whore get in the gun business?"

  She raised one elegant brow and straightened her back. "First, I might be high class, but I'm no whore. I fuck for fun, not money." Her golden brown gaze dropped, pausing at his groin, as if assessing him. "And second, not that it's any of your business, but I inherited the gun business. Satisfied?"

  His cock twitched in response to her boldness. "Far from it. But I'm on the clock. So talk to me. What terms are you looking for?"

  Her tongue slid across her full lower lip, creating a rush of heat through his groin. "In that case, we'll talk again when you're not so busy." She continued, naming her prices for each type of weapon.

  After a quick negotiation, they settled on a price they could both live with and made arrangements for delivery and payment. Kellen rose, ready to get the fuck out of the creepy place. He extended a hand to seal the deal.

  The woman stood, the top of her head nearly level with his eyes. "Baby, I don't shake on things." She stepped close and leaned up, one perfectly manicured hand going to the back of his neck.

  Stunned, Kellen didn't resist, allowing her to pull him down for a kiss. When she licked at the seam of his lips, he opened for her in an uncharacteristic submission. Her tongue swept into his mouth, clearly staking ownership. What the fuck? He woke from the spell with a little growl and took charge. One hand went behind her to grab a handful of her delicious designer ass and drag her to him, while the other sank into all that hair and grasped the back of her skull to tip her head just right.

  She hissed when she came into contact with his hard-on, but didn't pull away. Instead, she allowed him to taste and explore, to plunder her mouth.

  Kellen finally backed off a little to catch his breath. "How do I reach you so we can finish this?"

  She stared up at for a moment. "Your guy there can reach me. Let me know when you're free for a few hours." One hand slid between them to squeeze his cock. "And don't wait too long. I'm anxious to see what kind of weapon you pack." And just like that, she stepped away.

  Teaching high-class pussy about the dangers of bad boys offered a tempting diversion, but no, he had plans. He turned on his heel and left.


  Pick up your copy of Kellen's Redemption HERE

  Now keep reading, more treats ahead!

  Here's a preview of Winter Travers' Loving Lo, from her Devil's Knights series.

  Loving Lo

  Devil’s Knights Series


  Winter Travers

  Copyrighted material. No Sharing.

  Chapter 1


  How did just stopping quickly to get dog food and shampoo turn into an overflowing basket and a surplus pack of paper towels?

  “Put the paper towels down and back away slowly,” I mumbled to myself as I walked past a display of air fresheners and wondered if I needed any.

  “Oh dear. Oh, my. I… Ah… Oh, my.”

  I tore my thoughts away from air fresheners and looked down the aisle to an elderly woman who was leaning against the shelf, fanning herself. “Are you ok, ma‘am?”

  “Oh dear. I just… I just got a little… dizzy. ” I looked at the woman and saw her hands shaking as she brushed her white hair out of her face. The woman had on denim capris and a white button down short sleeve shirt and surprisingly three-inch wedge heels.

  “Ok, well, why don’t we try to find you a place to sit down until you get your bearings?” I shifted the basket and paper towels under one arm to help her to the bench that I had seen by the shoe rack two aisles over. “Are you here with anyone?” I asked as I guided her down the aisle.

  “Oh no. I’m here by myself. I just needed a few things.”

  “I only needed two things and now my basket is overflowing and I still haven’t gotten the things I came in for.”

  The woman plopped down on the bench chuckling, shaking her head. “Tell me about it. Happens to me every time too.”

  “Is there something I can do for you? Has this happened to you before?” She really was looking rather pale.

  “Unfortunately yes. I ran out of the house today without eating breakfast. I’m diabetic. I should know by now that I can’t do that.” My mom was also diabetic so I knew exactly what the woman was talking about. Luckily, I also knew what to do to help.


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