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The Wand-Maker's Debate: Osric's Wand: Book One

Page 24

by Jack D. Albrecht Jr.

  “I'm glad you asked.” Kenneth grinned at him, “Do you remember that chamber in the eagle caves? The one you showed me the day before the vial broke, with the smooth reflective walls.” Osric nodded his head reluctantly. “Ero tells me that Argan originally designed that chamber as a stronghold. It is heavily shielded. Ero just hasn't activated the shields since there has been nothing inside to guard.”

  “Well, that sounds like the perfect place for all of these weapons.” Osric waited for Kenneth's inevitable response.

  “I thought so, too. That's why you are going to take it there.” Kenneth's grin widened.

  “You want me to travel with a wagon full of weapons to a cave half a world away?”

  “You are the only one that can do it, Os.” He stated seriously, “I will have your breakfast waiting when you return.”

  Osric grinned over at him wryly, “I want honey cakes.” He approached the wagon as Machai levitated the last dagger into the back and raised the gate.

  “It be all ye'rs. That be every dwarven blade, poorly made sword, crooked blade, dull axe and kitchen knife in the volcano. I will'nt leave Aron and his men with a stick to pick their teeth if I can be helping it.” Machai latched the gate on the wagon and walked outside to assist Thamas in rigging Treethorn for flight and loading their supplies.

  Osric rested his hands on the side of the wagon and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and envisioned the chamber in the caves, and gripped the wood tightly, “Eo ire itum!”

  He opened his eyes and sighed in relief to see the wagon had traveled with him. There was nothing else in the chamber, and the smooth, reflective walls had an ethereal shine about them. The only entrance into the room was a narrow doorway and Osric walked over to it slowly.

  “Frigus Adaugeo!” He said it softly, but his words echoed back to him, and he saw the shimmer of the shields as they activated. Osric turned his thoughts back to the volcano, and spoke the words again, “Eo ire itum.”

  Osric stood where the wagon had rested, and Kenneth stepped up to him with a plate of honey cakes, “Amazing! I barely had time to get these from the kitchen before you returned. Are you alright? I know that was quite a journey.”

  Osric took the plate and bit into a honey cake. “I'm fine, just hungry.” He said with surprise, around a mouthful of the pastries. He finished his breakfast, and then he and Kenneth went to see Machai and Thamas off.

  “We be ready to depart.” Machai stated, as Osric approached.

  “I wanted to see you off, my friend.” Osric smiled at Treethorn's impatient excitement, as she danced around, ready to begin the long flight. “Are you sure those straps are snug? She is the fastest dragon I have ever seen, and I would hate to hear that you plummeted into the sea.” Osric grinned as they climbed up onto her back.

  “Aye, they be tight.” The dwarf looked behind him and reassured himself that the saddlebags containing their supplies and the gold were securely strapped behind his seat. He lashed himself in just as tightly, and with a word that they were ready, Treethorn launched herself into the air and streaked across the sky.

  Back inside the volcano, Bridgett and Gus were saying their goodbyes to Kenneth and Ero. As Osric walked through the entrance, Pebble ran up to him and Osric picked him up.

  “I's is gonna miss you's bunches, but I's gets to see unicorns!”

  “I will miss you too, Pebble, but we will see each other soon. Will you take care of Bridgett for me?”

  “Yeppers! You's got's more colors now! Wanna play's I's see's somethin' you's don't? “

  Gus distractedly started to correct his son, “Pebble, you must not use your gift to look at someone without…” His voice trailed off as he turned and looked over at Osric. “More?”

  “Are you really going to start with the inspection thing again, Gus?” Osric asked, setting Pebble down gently.

  “You better believe it, boy. Now sit down and look happy for a change!” Osric knew that he would not be able to deter Gus from inspecting him, so he sat down in a chair, arms crossed, and waited for Gus to tell him what he saw.

  Gus activated his gift and gazed at Osric from head to toe. Centered in Osric's breast was a bright red sphere that he recognized, “You picked up the dwarf's gift; Elemental Fire by my reckoning.” Pale blue waves ran down his arms as well, in a hypnotizing motion he found all too familiar. “And somewhere along the way you acquired another Elemental gift; Water!” One more gift caught his eye, and again he found himself staring at something he did not recognize. Pastel yellow orbs hovered throughout his body, joined by long, transparent strands. “You have another gift I have never witnessed, boy.” Gus shook his head in amazement.

  Osric stood and looked down at Gus, “I am just as confused as you are by what is happening to me. I imagine this new gift is what allows me to be invisible, but I don't know how I acquired it. I don't know how I have any of them, but we don't have time to figure it out right now. Find out what you can from the unicorns, and I will return to Stanton and learn what I may. Contact me tomorrow.” Osric walked over to Bridgett and took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips. “Be careful. I intend to see you again.” He turned and walked away from her, unable to say more without emotion betraying him.

  Gus watched him go, and Bridgett lifted him to her shoulder for the journey. As she picked Pebble up, Gus spoke in her ear, “The debate is over- he obviously has the wand from the prophecy. I just wish I understood why I can't see it.”

  Bridgett gently kissed his cheek, and spoke softly, envisioning her home. “Eo ire itum.”

  # # # #


  My daughter Molly is, without a doubt, the greatest blessing in my life. I hope that she can be as proud of me as I am of her. I love you, Jelly Bean!

  ~ Jack

  Family is thy beginning, thy middle, and thy end; such a story shall be blessed. I cannot even begin to put words to my gratitude, but each of you have had a hand in my tale.

  ~ Ashley


  Edited by Kris Kendall of

  Cover designed by Rodrigo Adolfo at

  Many thanks to the family, friends and strangers who contributed their time and talents to help us along the way. We want to extend a special thank you to all of our beta readers. Samantha Pugsley, your expert eye and meticulous grammar were a lifeline in a sea of inexperience. We wish you luck with your own novel and in all of your future endeavors.


  Copyright © 2011 Jack D. Albrecht Jr. & Ashley Delay

  ISBN-13: 978-1466269477

  ISBN-10: 1466269472


  Jack D. Albrecht Jr. resides in Colorado. He is a devoted father and a full time student. His new found passion for writing consumes most of his time, but once in a while he can still be found under the hood of a car or studying for his Pharmaceutical degree.

  Jack has been an avid reader for most of his life, with Sci-Fi and fantasy being his favorite genres. Osric’s Wand: The Wand-Maker’s Debate is his first novel, co-authored by Ashley Delay.

  Ashley Delay resides in northern Colorado.

  She is a single mother, full time student, and owner/operator of three businesses. Osric’s Wand: The Wand-Maker’s Debate is her first published novel, co-authored by Jack D. Albrecht Jr.

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  Title Page

  Begin Reading


  Map of Archana

  1 – At Round's End

  2 – The Meadow

  3 – Rude Awakening

  4 – Questions

  5 – Interest and Intrigue

  6 – All Aboard

  7 – New Ground

  8 – Fear Filled Flight

  9 – The Caves of D'pareth

  10 – Lessons Learned

  11 – The Road To Braya

  12 – Blood in the Water

  13 – Rubble and Rumors

  14 – A New Direction

  15 – The Elven Realm

  16 – Braya Volcano

  17 – Chance Encounter

  18 – Training Day

  19 – Damsel In Distress

  20 – Dragon Fire

  21 – Chain Interrupted

  22 – Homeward Bound





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