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Undercover Intentions

Page 17

by Sapphire Knight

  “She slipped out, and Bruno had his car parked outside the property. Keys in ignition, sure no one would bother it.”

  “Fuck. He’s an idiot,” I groan, as we pull up to my cousin’s massive spread of a vacation home. “Have you found her yet?”

  “Da. The phone was a good plan, sin. I’ve traced her to a small hotel only twenty miles away.”

  Twenty miles too far.

  “Okay, send someone to watch her quietly, please. Leave her alone unless she tries to get any farther or if your man reports anything suspicious. I want to give her space until I return, if possible. As long as she’s safe and no one bothers her, that’s what I worry about.”

  “I could have my men snatch her up, and we can lock her back in the room? Then you don’t have apprehension over her. This will not happen again, moy sin.”

  “Nyet. I appreciate it, but she has to learn to spread her wings. I’m here with Yema and Franchetti, so they shouldn’t be thinking of her right now. Your suspicions were correct about Don Franchetti being in charge of this entire thing.”

  “Be careful Beau; he plays to win.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not used to losing then.”

  “Da. Be safe, and I’ll watch the dove for you.”


  “’Tis nothing,” he replies and hangs up.

  Fuck, fuck, fuckity-fuck. Not good and the last thing that needs to be going on right now.

  I really hate it that she’s out and about with me being in another country. I need to be there to protect her, but by me helping snuff Franchetti out, I will be protecting her from far away. Still, she’s like a newborn colt walking for the first time, and it has me full of anxiety. I don’t want anyone to take advantage or hurt her.

  Hopefully, this will make her stronger and show her it’s not bad being a free woman. What would she do on her own and for the first time? I asked if she wanted to shop or eat anywhere and she wasn’t interested. Could she have other ideas? I should’ve asked more questions, paid better attention to her when I was there.

  “Everything okay, cousin?” Tate’s brow wrinkles as he studies me putting my cell away.

  I know Viktor’s curious as well, but he won’t ask. He keeps his nose out of stuff that doesn’t directly involve him or the Bratva for the most part. Tate, on the other hand, is nosey and not at all afraid to butt in.

  “It’s Sasha; she’s left my father’s.”

  He laughs.

  He fucking laughs while I’m twisting with worry.

  “Typical woman, so stubborn. Give her time; she’ll be back.” He waves it off, clearly used to dealing with tenacious women.

  “How can you be sure she won’t leave for good? I wouldn’t make her stay, but I want her to.”

  “We’re Mastersons. We pick headstrong women, but in the end, they’re loyal, just wait. She may put up a fight with you, but when you show up, she’ll still be yours.” He grins his cocky smile and pops a chocolate in his mouth from the dish on the entry table.

  As much as I love Russia and the food, I’m not a fan of their chocolate. It’s not as sweet as the states or say chocolate from the UK. Australia is another one that has good chocolate and caramel.

  “Vodka?” Viktor offers, heading for the study and I follow. Now Vodka in Russia is a whole other thing. It’s like a fine wine to Italians; it’s dry and utterly delicious.

  “Of course. So what are we doing about Don Franchetti and Capelloni?”

  “He named three places on the slip of paper he gave me. Of course, they’re merely names and no addresses.”

  “Figures,” I grumble, and Tate huffs.

  “One is Italy; the second is China and the last, Miami. I’m suspecting China because it’s so overly populated it’d be easy to snatch women and then also the lure of the small women from there. Italy we can probably figure out. I’m assuming it’s his home residence. Miami is close to the port to take in women from Cuba and then imports from Spain. The downfall is it’s so general; these holding places could be anywhere in these three. We’re going to have to offer him a wire transfer and wait to overtake each place as we figure out where they are unless he trusts us and gives up the location. I’m just worried he’ll eventually send us on with Yema and he will go underground. Most likely his brother will disappear as well, and then we’d have the places but be fucked on taking out the leaders.”

  “It’s turning into a shit storm. We’ll have to keep Franchetti with us. Maybe say we won’t buy unless he personally escorts us, like a deal without him there would be disrespectful?”

  “It could help sway him.” Tate nods. “But who’s to say he’ll bring more women back to these areas? We need to get the women out and have each location watched and ready for a takeover.”

  “It’s a lot of men.” Viktor taps his finger along the bar thinking, then pours three tall glasses of vodka. If I hadn’t gotten accustomed to more Vodka lately, I’d be on the path to blitzed with this amount of liquor. When I was undercover, I drank but limited myself to a few shots. It was always smart to keep my wits about me.

  “Aw, bro, we can pull it off.” Tate takes the glass from him, tipping it slightly in a salute before downing a large gulp. Their fathers always drank like a fish and started Tate and Vik on it when they were eleven. Thankfully they can pace themselves and haven’t let the alcohol ruin their lives. I’d be surprised if they don’t need a new liver at some point though.

  Viktor holds the glass to me.

  “Spaseeba,” I acknowledge before taking my own drink. It’s good—chilled and crisp—just the way fine vodka should be.

  “We’ll figure it out. I propose we offer one point five million for the group he has here.”

  “No way, he’ll never go for it. I say we start at five million,” Tate counters.

  “The auctions I’ve been to the women go for a few hundred thousand each easily, and that’s only one woman at a time.”

  “Right, but we’re proposing to buy him out this week in three locations. Fine. Twenty million, with payout at the end of the week when all sales are final.”

  “You’re going to try to get the women and take him out before transferring the money?”

  “Of course. He thinks we’re fools. We play this patiently like the past month, and we’ll come out on top with what we want and keep our money.”

  Tate snickers and I smirk. His plan is good, and with the relationship I’ve already built, it could happen.

  “Let’s do it.”

  “Hell yeah.”

  “Good, I’ll call my men and get them into place. Tatkiv, I trust you’ll organize your men, and Beau, keep up the charade. I can see that they buy everything you feed them and it’s perfect.”

  We toast, clinking our glasses together lightly and down a good portion.

  “What about Niko’s saystraa? None of those women he has were tall like she would be.”

  Tate’s fist hits the counter top. “Fuck, I don’t know if we’ll ever find her. It seems like crate after crate we find or each woman we come across and not an inch closer. I feel so terrible for moy brat.”

  Viktor nods, gazing into his drink. We have a lot on our plate, and Niko will be brokenhearted if we return without her.

  “I need sleep,” I admit, exhausted even with sleeping on the plane ride over.

  “Me too,” Tate agrees easily, throwing back the rest of his liquor before placing the empty glass on the bar and standing from the stool.

  “I’m taking a nap,” he announces, and I follow, standing up.

  “Me too.” Hopefully, my father has eyes on Sasha at this point as well.

  “Good. I’ll put in a call to my Printyessa and do the same.” Vik nods to each of us, “Brat Beau.”

  “Brat,” Tate replies to his brother and pats me on the shoulder.

  “Viktor.” I nod back, and we all head in our separate directions.

  I try Sasha again before I go to sleep but get nowhere. I wasn’t
expecting her to answer, but that’s fine. I’m just grateful she’s not mindful of the tracking device her phone has, so I can keep tabs on her. One thing is for certain; I sure do miss her next to me in bed.

  Beau’s called twice now, and I feel guilty for not answering. He’s helped me, but my anger overshadows his kindness. He left me again, and this time didn’t say a word about it. He could be killed, that’s a very real scenario, and he shook me off as if I know nothing. I can’t sit around and just wait when he is in danger like that. I should be with him, helping them with the Master and Yema.

  Yema already didn’t care for Beau; he thought he was just a stupid Russian, but not my Beau. He’s smart and resourceful. If anyone can survive, it would be him; he’s good at hiding. At least that’s what I have to keep telling myself, so I don’t freak out.

  This is why I never became close with any of the other women and children that were kept captive with me. Not only were they competition for staying alive, but because what if I loved one, had an actual friend and then the Master had her sold off or killed? My heart was already too messed up to let anyone close or let any more pain inside.

  I plop down on the uncomfortable bed in the hotel I found off the side of the road I was driving down. I can’t believe I actually drove a car. It was terrifying and exciting all in the same breath. I was lucky to find a bigger road to turn onto a few miles down from Victor’s mansion, and it led me to a motel.

  The man at the front didn’t ask for any form of identification; he just waited for me to hand over some cash and gave me a key that’s hooked to a diamond shaped piece of old blue plastic. I parked the beat-up red car I’d taken on the side of the building, so hopefully, no one will find me; that’s if they even look. I’m sure they’ll want the car back, but I’m not so sure about me. Although Beau did say that he had to pay for me, even being sick and unresponsive in front of everyone. I don’t remember any of it, as I was passed out. Thank God he was there, or I may have died. None of the others there would’ve cared; they would’ve just burned my body to make me disappear.

  That thought has my insides spinning.

  Ugh, those memories make me feel even guiltier for making him worry. Am I being a pest by leaving? I have to do this, for my sanity. If he hates me because of leaving, I will never be able to forgive myself. But he’s a kind man; I think he’ll forgive me. I hope so at least. His father, however, I’m a little frightened as to what he’ll do if he’s the one to find me.

  I doubt I’ll be able to sleep much either. I may be alone here but the walls are thin, and I can hear people yelling, arguing, and swearing about things.

  It’s always better having Beau beside me, his hands securing me to his sturdy body. I hope he’s safe; I want to have him close and inside of me again. I’ve never felt such pleasure as I have with him. Other men were so careless and unpleasant, but Beau, he can make me pant with his fingers alone.

  The first night we were together was surprising with the way he touched me. He made me feel like I was special to him and then there were the intense sensations he made my body feel all over—every crevice was singing in surrender. I’ll never forget him for as long as I live. I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried to. And his beautiful eyes, those will be burned into me for forever—with the way he’s gazed at me so tenderly.

  If the Master kills him, I vow right here, right now, that I’ll find a way to return his punishment. I’ll figure out a way to bring the Master to his death if it’s the last thing I do. I only hope it doesn’t come to that.

  If you chase two rabbits,

  You will not catch either one.

  -Russian Proverb

  The past few days have been hell with all the traveling we’ve had to do. I can’t believe it’s not over with yet. First, it was Russia; I’d forgotten how much I love the country I came from. I want to bring Sasha to visit someday so she can see her home as well. I hope she returns to me. I still haven’t heard from her, and it’s driving me mad inside.

  The second stop was Italy. I’d never felt so outnumbered before, even doing my undercover jobs being knee deep amongst criminals in the States. Don Franchetti could’ve easily had us all murdered had he wanted to, but alas, money is too important when there are high amounts of it involved. On the upside, the food was delicious, even if I was paranoid taking each bite of it.

  Then we stopped to look over the supply of women they had in China. It truly was another country. It reminded me of New York on steroids—so many people and they were everywhere. I was completely jet-lagged by that point; everything was a blur. My stomach is churning from the array of foods. I’m eating Tums like they’re mint candies trying to find some relief.

  When we finally touch down in Miami, I could kiss the ground. It feels great to be back on American soil with the humidity hugging my skin in a warm greeting. The flights were long, stressful, and exhausting.

  “Alexei, remember our conversation,” Viktor orders the General as we come to a stop in front of a Spanish-style mansion. It’s smaller than all the others we’ve visited so far but the cost of living here is much more expensive, so it’s not surprising.

  I was present for the conversation he’s talking about. Someone has to stay with Don Franchetti at all times, and Alexei has to drop a sonar device somewhere that won’t be noticed, so our men have the full layout details to get to the Don tonight when we overrun each property. The men are all waiting for our go to save the women and either kill or take the prisoner, the men working for the Don. Most likely they’ll die. At this point, I have no sympathy for any of them. They lost the possibility of mercy being shown to them long ago.

  I can’t stop thinking about Sasha. I wish she’d speak to me, but the phone has done nothing but ring each time I try calling her. She’s stubborn, even more so then myself I think. Even with all the drama happening on our end, she’s never far from my thoughts. It’s dangerous being distracted like this, but it is what it is.

  “Everyone ready?” Tate asks, gazing at each of us, waiting for our nod before opening the door on the latest town car.

  I know now, I’d never have been able to pull this entire operation off if it weren’t for my two cousin's help along with their men. Not just because of their money, but also because of the backup they have behind them and the extra bit of strength they offer me that I hadn’t realized I needed. Everything is so much easier in this life when you have people standing beside you. It makes me wonder if I’d been around them growing up, if I would’ve been in this life from the get-go, and if it would be me in Viktor’s position right now.

  I’m happy he has it; I just can’t help but think that things would’ve been different for all of us.

  There’s loud banging, rattling the door and when I peek through the tiny peephole, I’m met with a mammoth of a Sicilian. Part of me thinks my nightmares have just come true. They’ve come to collect me and bring me back to the Master. But how did they find me? I’ve been gone only a few days from Victor’s home. Unless there have people watching me, or maybe Beau. They have men everywhere, I’m sure of it.

  Another bang that shakes the thin wood door and I’m quickly turning to the phone, lighting it up and hitting Victor’s number. He answers immediately thankfully.


  “Sicilians.” I choke out, my hands beginning to tremble. I don’t want to go back there again. “What do I do? “

  He’s shouting at his men is fast Russian while listening to me. He has someone close by he says.

  “You go to the bathroom and lock the door, quiet as a mouse. My men can be at your location in three minutes, barely enough time for them to break through both the main and bathroom doors.”

  I rush to the minuscule hole of a bathroom and lock the door. It’s flimsy and cheap, so I wrap the plastic shower curtain around the handle and tie it to the towel rack. It may only help for seconds, but that could be just enough extra time for Victor to get here.

  “Door locked?”
br />   I whisper, “Da.”

  Is there a window?”

  “Da.” I shakily reply again.

  “Look out it and tell me if anyone is there.”

  “Da, two.”

  “Good girl. Lie in the bathtub and don’t move until you hear my men call you little Dove.”

  “Spaseeba,” I speak the Russian words I’ve heard Beau say so many times. They bring me comfort.

  He hangs up, and I can hear my heart thundering in my chest. It’s been a long time since I was scared enough for the pounding in my ears to be so vivid.

  The door to the hotel room bursts open with what I’m assuming is a curse in their language. My teeth begin to chatter next, and I may chip one if I can’t get myself to calm down. It sounds as if they’re tossing the mattress and the closet door bangs open. The small set of drawers that are screwed into the wall are all ripped out, and I swallow, my throat bone-dry as they tear the room to shreds.

  “Stupid woman,” I hear the pissed off man who was at the door grumble.

  “Check the bathroom, she’s here hiding; no one saw her leave.”

  The heavy steps draw near the room and then three loud sounding thuds. It’s as if there were three of them and they suddenly fell to the floor or into a wall. It’s silent afterward, no noise at all except my labored breaths.

  I concentrate on breathing. I’d stopped when I heard them talking. A few beats pass then a sturdy but kind, “Little Dove? Are you hurt?” It’s said with a Russian accent, not like the Sicilians.

  Relief. Jesus, I feel relief like no other at his voice. It’s Rolo, one of the guards from outside of Victor’s home.

  I stand, but my legs are a bit wobbly with adrenaline thrumming through my body at nearly being discovered by the bad men. I know Victor’s guys aren’t the greatest people either, but they’ve been kind to me.

  Unwrapping the plastic curtain from the door, I open it a bit and peek my head out.

  I’m met with Rolo’s goofy smile. The same one he always gives me when he’s smoking out in the garden and I go for my walks with Beau. It’s comforting to see a familiar face.


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