My Brother's Best Friend
Page 14
I don’t have anything I want to do, though.
What about a movie?
It’s not my birthday.
Thus the Happy Birthday To YOU.
I know. I was asking if you would go too.
I don’t want to just go with my family.
How is that supposed to work?
I don’t see a feasible way
I put my brother’s name into my phone.
Hey Mitch, Megan said you’d do something with me before dinner?
Sure. You have something in mind?
Sent from the iPhone of Mitchell Walsh
Me and Devin were going to watch a movie while
you guys were away but we never got around to going.
Maybe we could all go see a movie before dinner.
Sure. Sounds good. Just pick the movie and time.
I’ll be home in ten minutes.
Should we invite Devin
since you had planned on it earlier?
Sent from the iPhone of Mitchell Walsh
Sure. He’d probably appreciate that.
I can let him know.
Okay. Thanks, Christy.
Maybe you should invite him to dinner too.
He is practically family,
and he helped out this past week.
Least I could do is buy him dinner.
That is, of course, if you agree.
Sent from the iPhone of Mitchell Walsh
Fine. We probably owe him. He did do a lot of the cooking.
Actually that probably works better, because Larissa and
Zach invited him for dessert too. They are all like best buds
at the studio. Thanks, Mitch.
Good. I’m glad he’ll be going.
I know you get on really well with Larissa, but
I wasn’t sure how I felt about you going alone.
Sent from the iPhone of Mitchell Walsh
I am 23 and capable of taking care of myself, you know.
But I’m glad you are looking after me.
See you soon.
Devin... You are invited to the movie and to dinner.
And I managed to make Mitch think it was his idea.
Hmm. This might actually work.
Though I don’t know how to explain driving
you to dessert with Larissa and Zach.
Sent from a pondering man
Don’t ponder too hard. I already handled
it and Mitch actually liked the idea
of you going with me.
You think of everything.
I bow down to the Master
You must have your mind on other things.
Now help me pick out something to watch.
There’s a 3:45 showing or a 4:00 showing
of that new action movie that just came out.
Sent from “I’m good with either of those”
Let’s do the 3:45 showing.
A woman who knows what she wants.
Should I meet you at the theatre?
Sent from a man who also knows what he wants
I walked downstairs, my phone in my pocket, and found Megan unpacking things in the master bedroom. “Hey,” I said, leaning against the doorframe.
Megan jumped a little, startled by my voice. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there. What’s up, Christy?”
“So I took you guys up on the offer. I decided I wanted to watch a movie. It starts at 3:45, so it will end just in time for dinner afterward.”
“Awesome. Mitch said he was on his way home, so we could leave in maybe an hour?”
“Sounds good. I’ll go tell Emily.”
I walked to the living room and found her watching TV. “Hey, Em, we’re going to the movies in an hour and then going to dinner.”
“Whatever, I’ll be ready.”
“Glad to hear it. It wouldn’t have mattered to me if we took you still in your pajamas and no makeup.”
“You would never get me out of the house looking like this,” she said, shooting daggers at me with her eyes.
“Just be down here in an hour, ready to go.” I pulled my phone out and texted Devin the time we were leaving.
Awesome. I’ll see you there.
Just make sure Emily doesn’t sit next to me
Sent from a slightly terrified man
Haha. She’s not that scary, but that’s a no brainer.
I wouldn’t dream of making you sit next to her.
Thanks, CJ.
Sent from a grateful man
You can thank me later.
Believe me, I will.
You can count on it
I grabbed a quick snack then went upstairs to get ready and get through some more of my book. I looked in my closet and chose the blue and black dress I bought on sale off a designer clothing website that sold all sorts of things for half off when certain places were getting ready to put new lines in their store. It was a Dolce & Gabbana dress cropped above the knees with intricate lace and beading.
I paired it with a black jacket that matched the dress well and my Steve Madden shoes. I was pretty proud of the ensemble when it was time to go. I didn’t feel too dressed up nor did I feel second rate.
“You look amazing, Christy,” Megan said, looking pretty good herself. “Are those shoes Steve Madden?”
I looked down at my shoes, even though I didn’t have to see them to answer the question. “Yes. I found them for forty percent off because they had a small spot on them, but I got it out pretty easily.”
“Nice,” she said. “I definitely have to go shopping with you if you can find those for nearly half off.”
“Sure, anytime.”
Mitch emerged from the bedroom in a nice suit and tie just as Emily walked down the stairs clad in her own ensemble. “Does she know Devin is coming?” I whispered softly to Mitch.
“I might have said something to Megan, and Em just happened to overhear.”
I shook my head. “Devin’s going to hate you so bad.” I almost smiled at the hilarity of it all.
“Okay, let’s go,” Mitch announced and soon enough we were piled into his Mercedes and driving to the theatre.
Devin was waiting outside by the ticket booth when we walked up. “I bought the tickets already. It’s the least I can do if you’re doing dinner,” he said to Mitch, but his eyes kept wandering to gaze at me.
“Thanks, man. Oh, and sorry in advance. I created a monster.”
Devin didn’t need to ask what he meant because right about that time Emily walked up to Devin. “Thank you, Devin. It was sweet of you to buy our tickets.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were coming. I would have gotten a child’s ticket had I known. I’ll go get one now.”
Emily huffed and grabbed one of the tickets from his hand. “I’m not a child.”
“You sure act like it,” I blurted out.
Mitch hit my arm, chastising me for my comment.
We walked in the theatre and Mitch offered to buy drinks and popcorn if we saved him a seat. “Em, can you help me?”
She huffed angrily, knowing what he was doing. “I prefer not to.”
��Too bad. Stay here and help me.”
The rest of us walked ahead and entered the theatre, looking for seats. I was the first one in, followed by Devin and then Megan. She left a spot open for Mitch and we waited patiently, watching the pre-preview ads.
“You look amazing,” Devin whispered.
I smiled over at him then quickly glanced to Megan. She was watching the screen. “No funny stuff. Mitch will be right next to you.”
“I wasn’t going to try anything,” he said softly as he maneuvered to take his jacket off. He draped it over his lap slightly over me and moved his hand underneath to stroke my thigh. I jumped slightly and glanced at Megan to make sure she didn’t notice anything. She was watching the screen and every so often watching for Mitch to come in.
I moved my hand under the jacket and grabbed his hand, taking it in mine. “If you keep doing that, this whole theatre will get a show before the show.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” he whispered.
“I’m sure you wouldn’t, but if you’re going to play dirty…”
I let go of his hand and moved mine to his inner thigh. Before I could do anything more, Devin’s hand stopped me. “That’s cruel.”
I smiled. “I’m sorry. It’s just, now you know what you were doing to me.”
“Fair enough,” he said, taking my hand in his and entwining our fingers. “I’ll just be content to hold your hand then.”
I glanced over again at Megan and saw her waving at Mitch. Emily walked up first and stepped over Megan to sit next to Devin. “Emily,” Megan said, “that’s for Mitchell.”
“Whatever. I want to sit here,” she said, plopping down next to Devin. He let go of my hand and stood up. “Mitch can sit here then,” he said, moving to the other side of me. He pushed up the arm rest between us and draped his jacket back over our laps.
“I’m cold, Devin. Can I use your jacket?” she tried once more. I was afraid she would pull the jacket away before waiting for a response and find our entwined fingers.
“You should have brought your own jacket, Emily,” Mitch said, sitting down next to her.
“Whatever,” she said angrily. “I’m going to find my own seat.” She stood up and walked past Devin and I and sat three rows below us.
Mitch shook his head. “Here, I got drinks and popcorn.” He handed me two cups and a bag of popcorn.
“Thanks, Mitch.”
He nodded his head and whispered something to Megan before he leaned over. “We’re going to go sit with Em. You can stay here. I just think we better keep an eye on her.”
I nodded my head and watched as Mitch and Megan stood up and walked down to Emily’s row.
“Well, that’s convenient,” Devin whispered in my ear.
I turned to look at him and smiled. “Hey.”
“Hey, beautiful, I’ve missed these lips,” he said and before I could stop him, he pressed his lips to mine.
I melted into his touch and even lifted my hand to his face. The lights grew darker and I pulled away. “It’s starting.”
“There’s still thirty minutes of previews,” he said, beginning to kiss my neck.
“I—Dev—” I couldn’t finish my thought. Instead I succumbed to his touch and turned to kiss him back. His hand moved to my leg and traveled up it, massaging my inner thigh.
Involuntarily, I moaned and immediately pulled away. “We have to stop,” I said, clearing my head.
“I agree,” he said. “It was fun while it lasted!”
I smiled at his impish grin then grabbed the drink Mitch handed me and touched it to my face. “I need to cool off.”
Devin chuckled but did the same with his own drink. It wasn’t long before the movie started. Devin took my hand part way through the movie and just held it. I smiled at him and stroked the back of his hand periodically. I loved him, it was plain as day to me. I hadn’t missed someone so much in a brief 24-hour period since I could remember.
When the credits started rolling, we stood up and reluctantly I let go of his hand. We walked down and saw Mitch and Megan waiting outside the theatre.
“Where’s Emily?” I asked.
“She’s waiting in the car,” Mitch answered. “If you wouldn’t mind, Devin, could you take Chris to the restaurant?”
“Sure. Do you mind?” he said, asking me.
“No, it’s fine. Same place as always?”
Mitch gave me a strained smile, and I saw Megan looked upset. “Yeah, same one. We might be a little late. I’m taking Emily home.”
I nodded. “You okay, Meg?”
She shrugged. I didn’t want to press anything further. Instead I turned to Devin. “Ready?”
“Sure. See you two later.”
I waved at Megan and Mitch as we headed in the opposite direction. Devin’s voice cut into my thoughts. “What was that all about?”
“Emily’s being her usual bitchy self and probably said something biting to Megan.”
“Maybe we should have offered to take her with us,” he said, unlocking his car.
“Maybe, but I think Mitch probably already said something to Emily. I’m sure she won’t say anything more tonight.”
“I would do the same, I guess.”
We climbed in the car, and I looked over at Devin. “I’m sorry about my sister.”
“You don’t have to apologize. You and Mitch are exactly the same. He always apologizes for Emily’s behavior. She should be apologizing, not you two.”
I smiled weakly. “I just can’t help but be embarrassed, I guess.”
“Don’t be. I’ve known your family since I was little. I’m pretty used to the dysfunctional mess.”
I laughed slightly. “Okay, then let’s go to the restaurant.”
“We don’t have to rush. It will take them at least an hour to get there, especially in six o’clock traffic.”
“What are you suggesting we do?” I said mischievously.
“I think you already have an idea.” Devin smiled back.
“Scoot your chair back and I can show you.”
He pushed his seat as far back as it went, and I maneuvered myself over to his seat and straddled his waist. I bent down and kissed him hard on the lips. I missed his hands on my skin, his lips on my body and the connection we had whenever we were together. His hand went to the side of the seat and together we tumbled backward as the seat reclined.
“Good thing I went for the dark-tinted windows,” he said huskily.
I smiled and kissed away his smirk. His hands went to my hips and pulled on the fabric of my dress until it was resting at my hips. I kissed his neck and loosened his tie. I began to unbutton his shirt as he pulled down the zipper of my sleeveless dress. He only had to undo it a little before he freed my breasts and began to knead one passionately in his hand.
I moaned as my hands ran down the length of his chest. I undid his belt and pants, freeing his member from the confines of his boxers. His lips captured the other breast and I couldn’t help but move my hands to his head, letting him know how much I loved his expert maneuvering.
“Devin, I need you, now,” I moaned.
He pulled away and looked up at me, but instead of lifting me onto him he moved his hand down and pushed his fingers inside of me. I closed my eyes as he rubbed his thumb over my clitoris. I began to moan and buck my hips, hoping he’d explore me further. He continued to tease me, stopping his movements before picking them back up.
I braced one hand on his seat and the other I moved to stroke him. I felt his hand stiffen and I smiled, opening my eyes to see his face. He groaned as I continued my gentle strokes.
“Do you want more?” I asked.
His hand completely stopped. “I want you,” he said tightly.
I continued to stroke him, now with both hands.
“I need you,” he groaned, pulling his hand out of me. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. “Stop teasing me. I want to be inside of you.”
I leaned down to his ear and whispered, “All you
had to do was ask.”
He didn’t respond with words, he just lifted me up and pushed inside of me. I gasped and bit his neck, sucking hard as he drove himself into me. I moved my hips with his and slowly felt the heat rise. I moaned his name and lifted myself up to see his eyes looking at me intently. I kissed his lips to keep myself from crying out in pleasure and together we collapsed in a heap of exhaustion and satisfaction.
“I will never look at this car the same way,” he said, trying to calm his breathing.
I looked up at him. “Me either. I think this is one of my favorite cars now. Great horsepower.”
He chuckled and I gasped at the sensation. We were still connected and I immediately felt the heat rise again. He saw the change on my face. “I’m not sure I can rise to the occasion, babe.”
“Just move for me, I need another release,” I said, moving to his neck and sucking on the sensitive spot I knew could get him going again. My hands trailed down his chest and I shifted slightly in the seat. He inhaled sharply and I could feel his member swelling inside me.
“See you can do it,” I said, looking up at his face.
“Only because you’re so damn sexy. I think I could do this forever with you.”
“I’ll make you a wager,” I said, slowly moving my hips. “One night, let’s just never let go of each other, the first person to break the connection loses.”
“What does the winner get?”
“They get pleasured the next night for as long as they want, any way they want.”
“And if it’s a tie?”
“We’ll take turns pleasuring each other.”
“Deal,” he said tightly. We lost all words after that as we rose together and climaxed one after the other.
“I think we better head over there. It wouldn’t look good for M&M to arrive there before us,” Devin said, kissing my nose.
I shifted off of his seat and sat back down in mine, pulling down the bottom of my dress and then adjusting the top. “Zip me up?” I turned so he could zip the dress up.
We drove to the restaurant, listening to the radio and holding hands. It was a comfortable silence that had me smiling when we pulled into the parking lot.