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Rebel Witch

Page 5

by September Stone

  And beyond the emotional rollercoaster of dealing with Mona, she also had to say goodbye to Silas and Poe. Although part of me was sad to have to break up our unit after all we’ve been through, all day I’ve been expecting a sense of relief to kick in. Finally, it’s just Taj, Bryn, and me. But instead of feeling liberated, their absence is like a physical ache in my chest.

  I move to the foot of the bed and take a seat on the floor. After gently peeling off her socks, I take Bryn’s right foot into my hands and begin kneading the arch. A low hum lets me know I’m on the right track. Taj catches my eye over her shoulder and offers an encouraging nod. In that moment, I know the two of us are on the same page. Today has been difficult for our girl—possibly the most emotionally draining since her escape from Mona’s compound. And we need to do whatever she needs to fill her up again.

  After tending to both of Bryn’s feet, I work my way up her right leg, rubbing and squeezing the muscles, allowing her sounds to guide me to the right amount of pressure. I consider stopping at the knee, but before I can, she shifts slightly on the bed, scooting forward and spreading her legs just enough to allow me access to her thigh. I give the upper part of her leg the same treatment as the lower half, but I don’t venture too far toward the joining of her legs. As much as the thought of stripping her from the waist down and making a meal of her pussy makes my cock throb, I remind myself that it’s been one helluva a day for Bryn, and that might not be what she needs tonight.

  But as I begin work on her left leg, she grips the hem of her shirt and tugs it over her head, giving me a gorgeous view of the lacy turquoise bra she must have gotten from Sophie—a kind witch in Twin Rivers who helped us find the great mage Elowen. The bright fabric is thin enough to see the reddish-pink of her areolas through, and my mouth waters at the thought of sucking at the bud of her nipple through the cloth.

  Still, despite my increasing desire, I stay my current course, slowly massaging Bryn’s left leg. I watch, cock swelling, as Taj’s dark hands slide around to Bryn’s creamy stomach before slowly working their way up to the mounds of her breasts. As much as I want to be the one touching her that way, I find it’s almost as satisfying watching Taj at work. When we’re like this, I never feel like it’s a competition between him and me. Instead, we’re part of a team with a singular goal. And with a lover as giving as Bryn, there’s never a need to fight to reach the finish line first.

  Taj sweeps Bryn’s long blonde hair away from her neck and brings his mouth down onto her skin. She tilts her head against his shoulder, her back arching and making her breasts even more pronounced. As Taj pinches her nipples through the fabric of her bra, Bryn gasps and begins twisting her hips on the mattress.

  “Calder.” My name comes out breathless on her lips as her fingers fumble with the fly on her jeans.

  It’s more than enough invitation. I displace her hands and make short work of undoing the button and working the zipper down. She pulls away from Taj just long enough to help me tug her pants and underwear over her hips, but it’s enough time for him to slip out of everything but his boxer briefs.

  Although I’m the only one still fully clothed, I’m too focused on the nest of curls at the apex of Bryn’s legs to disrobe before diving in. The first time I went down on her, I wanted nothing more than to give her pleasure. The same is true tonight. If this is all she needs, it’s enough for me. More than enough. The intoxicating spicy tang of her juices collide on my tongue as I explore her intimate folds. One of her hands slides around to the back of my head, her fingers scraping against my scalp as she grinds against me.

  “Yes,” she moans when I find a rhythm she likes. “Calder, just like that. Taj—harder.”

  I glance upward as Taj follows the edict, pushing down the cups of Bryn’s bra to get a better grip on her nipples. Her expression rides the line between agony and pleasure, but neither side gains ground over the other.

  I return my attention to her clit, relishing the feel of her nails skimming through my hair. When I side two fingers into her slick hole, she moans again and her bucking becomes wilder as I vary the speed of insertion. Watching her face closely, I add a third finger, which makes her gasp in little needy gulps of air. Still, something inside her is still wound too tight. I can see it in the strain on her face, feel it in the frantic way she rocks against me.

  What we’re doing isn’t enough.

  She brings both of her hands to rest on top of Taj’s, stilling his hardworking fingers. “I don’t think it’s going to happen for me tonight.”

  There’s a note of regret in her voice that grips me to my very core. It’s like she wants to apologize for wasting our time. Doesn’t she understand that no time with her is wasted?

  Taj wraps her in his arms, pulling her back tight against his chest. “You’ve had a rough day, love.”

  She nods, but her expression is closed off. “I just can’t keep everything out of my head. It’s like, for a moment everything is clear and I’m fully with you two—but then something slips back in.” She shakes her head. “I’m sorry.”

  I get my feet under me and rise up until I can press a kiss to her lips. “You don’t need to apologize.”

  “I know,” she murmurs, but she doesn’t look convinced. “We should just… go to bed, I guess. Early morning tomorrow, right?”

  Before Taj or I can answer, she slips out of his embrace and crawls to the head of the bed. She pulls back the covers and removes her lacy bra before climbing under the comforter. Already down to his underwear, Taj slides in on her left, leaving me to kick off my shoes as I walk to the light switch. I pull my shirt over my head and kick off my pants. After a moment’s hesitation, I push down my boxer briefs, too. After spending several nights beside Bryn with nothing between us, even the smallest scrap of cloth feels unnatural.

  When I slip into the bed on Bryn’s left side, she turns toward me and rests her hand on my chest. In the weak light streaming in through the gap in the curtains, I can make out Taj’s figure spooning hers.

  “Goodnight, Calder,” he says. “Goodnight, my love.”

  Bryn tenses beside me, her arm stiffening. In the next second, she rolls away from me until she’s facing him. “I love you, Taj.”

  Bryn and I have exchanged those words before, and it strikes me now I never thought to ask whether she’d shared them with Taj. I’m glad the topic never came up. If she had confided with me she wanted to say it to him, I’m not sure how I would have reacted. Given my track record, I probably would have done something stupid. But, in this moment, I can’t for the life of me figure out why that should be my knee-jerk reaction. Bryn may as well be saying those three special words to me for the swell of pleasure that rises in my chest.

  Even in the dimness, I can make out the smile that breaks across Taj’s face. I also don’t miss when his gaze flicks to me for the briefest moment before he leans in and presses a slow kiss to her mouth. “And I you, my love. I love you.”

  Bryn melts against him, as if hearing those words was enough to break the tight rod of tension that kept her from fully relaxing. My heart fills to bursting as she wraps her arms around him, continuing their kiss like he’s become the one thing that keeps her alive.

  Part of me can’t help marveling at how far I’ve come. A couple of weeks ago, I’m sure I’d be feeling jealous and left out by now, but the complete opposite is true at this moment. I’m being included in his beautiful moment. The only thing that tinges my pleasure is the knowledge that Taj wasn’t there when Bryn and I renewed our proclamation of love to each other.

  As Taj kisses his way down her jaw and to her neck, Bryn presses in closer to him, hiking her knee over his hip. “I love you. I love you both so much.”

  I scoot closer to her, my cock thickening and lengthening as it nestles in the crack of her ass. I slide my hand up and down her thigh, my fingers bumping against Taj’s when we skim her hip at the same time.

  “I love you.” She murmurs the words over and over, and peac
e and confidence like I’ve never known flows through me. I don’t know what the future holds for any of us, but I know that love is the way we’ll get through it.

  I kiss down the back of Bryn’s neck and along her shoulder blades, delighting as goosebumps break out across her skin. She kicks at the blankets covering us and rolls until she’s on top of Taj. I rub her back as Taj’s hands tangle in her hair. She kisses along his neck, murmuring “I love you” at intervals. I bask in each repetition, allowing the words and their meaning to wash over me.

  But when she shifts to straddle Taj’s hips, working down his boxer briefs, it strikes me that unlike our previous nights together, this experience might not be meant for three. While I know Bryn’s proclamations of love are meant for both of us, the words hold special meaning for Taj tonight.

  But no sooner do I roll away with half a mind to take my time getting a drink in the bathroom—and maybe douse myself in a cold shower—than Taj reaches out to grab my wrist.

  “Stay.” His voice barely carries over the sound of Bryn’s kisses and hums, but it’s loud enough.

  Just like that, I know tonight will be different than those that came before. If the only thing capable of distracting Bryn from all the worries and painful memories on her mind today is love, then Taj and I can give her more of that than ever before.

  I give Taj’s wrist a quick pat to assure him I got his message before slipping out of the bed and snagging my discarded pants from the floor. During the wait for our table, I walked to a hotel on the other side of town to ask about a room for tonight. That establishment was all booked, so I hoofed it toward this hotel. On my way, I got thirsty and stepped into a drug store for a drink. But I took a wrong turn and ended up near the condom aisle. Although there’s no reason for condoms since Bryn is still affected by a fertility safeguard spell Mona’s people cast on all incoming “pets,” I picked up a tube of lubricant, figuring it might come in handy at some point. I had no idea it would be necessary so soon.

  With the tube gripped firmly in my hand, I return to the bed. It’s clear, even in the darkness, that Taj is inside Bryn now. The slick sound of their joining fills the room. Carefully, I position myself behind Bryn on the mattress. Taj adjusts his legs, allowing me access to Bryn’s backside.

  I rub my hands along the luscious globes of Bryn’s ass, my cock swelling in anticipation. But the last thing I want is to move too far too fast. “Baby, I want to try something—if it’s okay with you.”

  Bryn’s steady rhythm comes to a halt. “Okay.”

  The word sends a pulse of excitement straight to my dick, and I pop the cap on the lube and spread a generous portion onto my fingertip before continuing my massage of her posterior, moving steadily inward with each pass. Bryn squirms under the touch, but she doesn’t protest when my finger slips between her cheeks to press against her tightest hole.

  “Too far?” Although the question is for Bryn, my gaze connects with Taj’s in the dimness. He gives an encouraging nod.

  “No. Not too far,” Bryn murmurs finally. “I… I want this.”

  She whispers the last bit like a confession, as if it’s a secret that’s been growing inside her that she’s been too scared to admit. Guilt twinges my heart; I’m sure her reluctance to share this wish is at least partially my fault. I haven’t been the most accepting of new facets of our relationship, and I could see why she wouldn’t want to assert this desire. Going forward, I’ll be more open. I love Bryn, and I don’t want her to feel she has to hide anything from me. I want to give her everything.

  And with that commitment in mind, I gently rub the tight muscles, easing in one slick finger—and then two—to make sure she’s relaxed enough to begin.

  When I finally press the head of my cock against her back entrance, Bryn shivers. “Yes,” she whispers. “Please. I want to feel you both inside me.”

  In this moment, there’s nothing I want more than to give her just that, but I take care to slide in slowly, allowing her time to adjust as I go. Her soft sighs of pleasure urge me on until I’m buried to the hilt.

  But it’s at that point that it occurs to me that I’m not sure how to proceed. I didn’t take the time to think through the mechanics of what happens next. Although Taj and I have fallen into a pattern of attending to Bryn at the same time, this goes beyond any maneuver we’ve tried before.

  Moments later, my concern proves unfounded. Bryn makes the first move, and the feel of her immense tightness sliding around me is so intense it takes all my concentration not to lose my nut right then. When she starts to rock against Taj’s pelvis, steadily building up speed, I’m glad I was able to hang on. Of all the times I’ve been inside her, it’s never been like this. Wave after wave of bliss crashes over me as I move in her again and again. If I could make this moment last forever, I would do it in a heartbeat. Never mind that I can hear Taj’s grunts as clearly as Bryn’s soft moans of pleasure. Never mind my balls are definitely brushing up against my best friend’s. If possible, those sensations make this moment even sweeter. In this moment, I know for a fact that we can get through whatever life throws at us—be it friends leaving, the return of old enemies, or even the addition of another member into our unit. As long as I’m with Bryn, I’m home.

  Bryn kicks up her pace to a frenetic bucking and I know she’s close to letting go of everything that’s weighing her down and coming undone between the men she loves. I catch Taj’s eye, and instead of it being weird as fuck to be staring into a guy’s eyes as I’m about to let loose, something about the moment feels right. Perfect, even. An unspoken agreement passes between us that we’ll do everything in our power to make sure our girl comes harder than ever before, with a force strong enough to break down the barriers she’s been steadily constructing all day.

  Bryn’s soft sounds turn to urgent moans as her body thrashes between Taj and me. “I love you,” she cries as a shudder tears through her. Taj follows her over the edge, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her flush to his chest as he lets loose inside her.

  It’s the tenderness of his embrace that sends me over the edge. I love Bryn with everything I am, and I know she loves me in return. But she also loves Taj. And that’s okay. Love isn’t a finite resource that can be split in only so many directions. Love is infinite and ever-growing. The more you give, the more you have to give.

  I grip her hips as the world around me melts away. Nothing exists but the feel of sweat-slick skin and the musky scent of sex. When I finally return to myself, I collapse on my side. Bryn rolls and presses a kiss to my mouth as Taj kisses her golden hair.

  I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I know we’ll be all right if we face it together.

  Chapter Seven


  We were supposed to leave first thing this morning, but, yeah, that didn’t happen.

  Last night was perfect on every imaginable level. I don’t know how Calder and Taj knew, but they gave me exactly what I needed, even when I was reluctant to put voice to the desire.

  When I finally convinced myself to get out of bed this morning, Calder joined me in the shower and turned what was going to be a quick rinse into a slow, sultry soaping and slippery sex. Not to be outdone, while Calder went to the lobby to grab us a selection from the continental breakfast offerings, Taj pulled me onto his lap while I was toweling off playing my clit like a violin as I moved up and down his length.

  When we finally leave our room just before checkout time, a delicious soreness keeps the considerable talents of my men at the forefront of my mind as we make our way to the other side of town, where we parked when we arrived.

  “Looks like the festival is in full swing,” Taj says, pointing to the packed town square as we turn onto Main Street.

  I scan the crowd automatically for someone familiar, but I stop short. The only people I might recognize are Connie and Ginger, and it isn’t as if the three of us are best friends after a brief encounter last night.

  But my breath catches wh
en it hits me that those aren’t the figures I long to see. After spending two straight weeks with them day in and day out, I’ve gotten used to picking Poe and Silas out of a crowd. It’s a habit I’ll have to break as soon as possible. There’s every likelihood I’ll never see either of them again. Poe works for the elders, and it’s possible his debt to them will never be paid. Lying to them about where he’s been the last two weeks may have already gotten him into trouble, and I doubt they’ll be letting him out of their sight any time soon. And Silas. How long will it be before he’s bound to another master? I hate to imagine what dark deeds he’ll be forced to do the next time he’s bound. I wish there was a way I could rescue him from that fate, but even if I could figure out a way, I doubt our paths will cross again.

  “Do you want to head over?”

  Calder’s voice rouses me from my thoughts. His gaze is full of curiosity, like someone attempting to solve a puzzle. But I don’t miss the tinge of concern creeping around the edges. “We don’t have to reach the Front at any particular time. If we’re not there until this evening, it’s fine.”

  “Yeah,” Taj says, a beat too late after Calder glances in his direction. “Calder and I can see which of us can win you the biggest stuffed animal at one of those game stalls.”

  I shake my head. Although I’ve grown accustomed to the two of them doting on me, the attention now feels like a spotlight. “No, you don’t have to do that.”

  Taj shrugs. “All right, then. You can win me a big stuffed animal. I’ve never understood why it’s always the man who has to win the prize for the woman. I want a giant teddy bear, and I’m not afraid to say it.”


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