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Wit & Intrigue (An Assignation to Remember Book 1)

Page 21

by Angela Johnson

  Barney walked over and took the ropes off his hands. They dragged him from the pole, and tied his hands behind his back again, but this time they added a bag to his hands and ropes to his upper arms. Alex closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Exhausted and in pain, he was ready and reconciled to his fate. The only regrets he had were in regard to Debra and the months he wasted fighting with her. They could have used the time to be in love.

  The most surprising turn of events was when they gagged him, put the blindfold on his eyes, and a burlap sack over his head. And the arguing began anew. Alex strained to breathe and hear their words as he coughed. With the force of his coughs, he hoped it would dispel the gag, but he wasn’t so lucky.

  “Take care of him,” Barney said.

  “Ye take care of him,” Teddy argued.

  They negotiated as long as they could before they needed to leave to collect the ransom.

  “What are we going to do about him?” Barney asked as neither one was willing to kill. It was ironic Baker hired men to kill him during a robbery yet hadn’t taken the time to find out if they had the stomach for the job.

  He heard one of them walk away, then come back and remove the burlap sack from his head. The gag on his mouth came out and they forced a more than generous amount of ale down his throat.

  Alex tried to spit the ale out, but his mouth was forced shut and his nose was plugged. He swallowed so he could breath. Alex gasped for air each time he was able, but air was a luxury, and his lungs couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t long before the room spun. His eyes were still covered with the blindfold, but the sensation of a spinning room was dizzying. His hair yanked and his head pulled back as another taste entered his mouth. He remembered the taste from a long-ago injury, laudanum. They poured the medication down his throat until he slumped to the floor and passed out.

  Chapter 33

  Anxiously Waiting for news of her husband, Debra tried to distract herself by reviewing the characters in her latest novel. But too much had happened since she last wrote, she couldn’t remember their names or characteristics. She could only think of Alex and the last kiss he’d given her before being ripped from her arms.

  “We have tea.” Duchess Waverly handed Debra a cup.

  She didn’t want to drink anything, but it would be rude to refuse. “Thank you, Mama.”

  “Drink it before it cools.” Debra’s mother, Lady Norwood, lifted a plate of biscuits to add to the meal.

  Debra knew they were attempting to keep her mind off the ransom and retrieval, but they were doing a terrible job of it. Sipping the tea so they would stop encouraging her to do so, Debra wondered why it was taking so long. She worried over the sum of money, as Duke Waverly hadn’t been able to get the exact amount. If the abductors somehow came by the information, would they keep Alex?

  “The carriage is at the back door.” Adele ran into the room, breathless. Debra vaguely remembered her sisters were tasked with watching for the men to return.

  Not waiting to hear if the trip had been a success, Debra leapt from the sofa with more energy than she’d shown in days.

  Nearly to the door, Samuel arrived and pushed Debra back in the room. “Stay in here. Father and the duke will come for you when they are ready.”

  “Alex?” The word ripped from her throat in a strangled cry.

  “He is upstairs.” Samuel sounded apologetic as he said the words, which caused her more distress. She’d imagined running into Alex’s outstretched arms and kissing him even if they had an audience. This was not part of her plan.

  “I want to see him.”

  “Debra—” Samuel looked fearful, as though what he needed to say would cause her great pain. “He is very unwell. Let a doctor and the men help put him to right before you see him.”

  “I should be with him.” Debra tried to push past him again, but stopped when she saw her father, Leigh, and Nathaniel. “I want to see Alex.”

  With a nod of his head, her father took hold of her hands. “Samuel, I will take her up.”

  “It will be a shock for her. I am surprised Waverly is still standing with his reaction.” Samuel’s words didn’t make sense to her, as she was thankful her father understood her need.

  “Where is he?” Debra wanted to run to her husband. Not acknowledging the tension in her father, she nearly pulled him up the staircase. If he wasn’t in the chambers assigned to him as the earl, she’d search the entire house until she was by his side.

  “Debra, I need you to understand he is unwell.” Her father’s words were the same as Samuel’s from only a moment before.

  “I understand. Samuel told me as much.” Reaching the second-floor landing, Debra pulled her father down the corridor past her own chambers and to the door leading into Alex’s rooms.

  Pushing open the door, her father squeezed her hand. “I am with you. Do not be afraid.”

  This was a confusing statement. If Alex were unwell, he should be in bed. This would not frighten her. She ignored her father’s look of concern and rushed into the room. Upon entering, she noticed Duke Waverly stood near the window while Alex’s valet and another man tended to her husband. The smell of an unemptied chamber pot assaulted her senses, making her stop. Debra put a hand over her mouth as the tea she’d drank came up. Unable to hold it back, she vomited.

  With the sound of her sick, both men turned around and Debra could see her husband. His clothing had been removed, and they held rags to clean him, but the water and soap wouldn’t remove the purple, yellow, and black bruises from his body. A cry of shock ripped from her throat as she realized what they meant by unwell. “He is dead?”

  “He is very much alive, for now.” Debra’s father pulled her from the room, and she went with him too shocked to fight. The scene was too horrific to process.

  Over the following days, Debra found she had a hard time processing reality. There were moments where she was certain Alex would walk into the room and ask if she planned to attend a ball, card party, or supper. On such occasions, she’d focus on the door and wait, only to be disappointed.

  A visit from the doctor did nothing to fix the situation. Alex was still unwell. Unconscious and broken, he lay in the bed unaware of the safety he could now enjoy. Debra spent as much time with him as the doctor would permit. A nurse stationed at Mayfair House kept vigil when the family wasn’t allowed.

  Reaching the time allotment she’d been given, Debra kissed Alex’s forehead and left him in the care of Nurse Moon. She thought about spending the afternoon in her own chambers, but the nurse reminded her of her family in the drawing room.

  She dragged her feet the entire way, until she remembered they promised to answer the questions she and the other women had asked. Debra didn’t know any details of the daring rescue and she hoped they would share the information. Entering the room with purpose, Debra looked to her father and the duke. “It has been two weeks. I want to know what happened.”

  “I am happy to see you have your spirit back.” Her father spoke as he and the other men stood waiting until she took a seat. “We have missed your cheek.”

  “First off, I want to know what happened when you arrived at the meeting?”

  “Waverly threw the money to the man holding Alex. We never imagined he was in such a state.” Samuel’s haunted words echoed in her mind as she pictured a masked man holding her husband hostage.

  “My question is, how was Baker involved?” Leigh shook his head as he spoke.

  “We would all like to have that answer.” Duke Waverly looked fatigued with is head laying back against the chair. “I never would have fired the gun if I’d known Mr. Baker was with them.”

  “Baker has always been a Lout, but to be party to such an endeavor is shocking.” Samuel seemed to be saying everything she wanted to hear, so she hoped he’d continue.

  “I never would have thought Baker would go to such lengths.” Leigh nodded as though he were thinking. “But do you remember the night Trenton fought with Baker?”

  “We all remember that night.” Duchess Waverly spoke while pouring a cup of tea.

  “Baker took every opportunity to taunt Trenton,” her father said with a frustrated shake of his head. “I should have put a stop to it before the wedding.”

  “One would think, with the money Alex loaned Baker, he would have been more grateful.” Debra thought everyone knew about the money, but their reactions said otherwise. Trying to answer their questions, she related the story of the visit from George and Rilla to Waverly Keep. When she told the sum, the room went silent.

  “Baker never would have paid the money back.” Samuel ran a hand through his hair as though shocked by the information. “What possessed Trenton to give him the money?”

  “George and Rilla were desperate. Alex thought he was helping them. He hoped they would put the money in an investment as George claimed.” Debra wanted to help them understand Alex was a generous man and not a fool.

  “The money is no longer, I am sure.” Waverly didn’t look surprised by the information. He merely accepted Alex’s decision.

  “How is Mrs. Baker taking the loss?” Duchess Waverly’s voice trembled as she asked.

  “She is grieving, but not terribly.” Her mother’s words made Debra wonder how she would handle Alex’s death, if it came about. He was very ill. “We have since come to find out Mr. Baker had more debts than he could ever repay.”

  “What has the doctor said regarding Lord Trenton’s condition?” Her father asked this question. Debra wondered if it was to stop the uncomfortable conversation regarding George and Rilla.

  “Broken ribs, pneumonia, and a host of other illnesses on top of it. He is fortunate to have escaped alive.” Waverly’s voice cracked, which caused him to turn away. This had been a difficult time at Mayfair House. Uncertainty plagued each morning as they rushed to ascertain Alex’s condition.

  “We will continue to pray for him.” Her mother’s words were sincere, and she was thankful they’d been said.

  Debra stopped listening, as she could see her husband’s unconscious form in her mind. If he’d only wake up, she’d be able to stop worrying over his continued silence. Not knowing what would happen was just as terrible as having him gone. If he woke and healed, she vowed to be the best wife to Alex by showing love to him daily.

  Chapter 34

  The room was quiet, except the labored breathing coming from Alex. Debra stood by the door wanting to enter. She spent days reading or just speaking to his unconscious form. But now he was awake, she worried as actual conversations would happen. If he wanted to talk about the fight they’d had, she worried it would cause him to be ill longer. She nearly walked away as his mother noticed her.

  “You may come in.” She leaned down and whispered to Alex, “Debra is here.”

  Now he knew she was there, she couldn’t leave. She slowly walked to the side of the bed and sat. Curled her legs under her dress and placed her puppy on the bed. She picked his bandaged hand up and watched as Portia curled next to Alex. The bruises were no longer dark black and purple they had turned a putrid yellow and red.

  “How are you feeling today?” Debra asked trying to look into his eyes, but they were swollen and mostly shut.

  “Less sore,” he responded slowly, then coughed, as every word cost too much air.

  “Do not speak,” she said as he caught his breath and looked back at her. “It causes you pain, and I cannot bear to see you in such agony.”

  Alex took hold of her hand, which brought tears to her eyes. She loved him and if there were ever a question of this again, she need only remember the fear of losing him to right the wrong.

  The duchess walked to the window, giving Debra and Alex privacy. With a squeeze of his hand, Debra leaned forward and kissed the side of his lips. “I love you.”

  Alex whispered the words back, and Debra knew it was true. He did love her. She believed he lived for her. Forgetting about her earlier worries, Debra spoke of their future. She wanted him to think of getting well and spending the holidays in Exeter at Trenton Hall. She spoke of riding their horses together and whispered words of love and adoration until she realized he’d fallen asleep.

  Moving to the overstuffed chair next to the bed, Debra sat with the duchess. Neither woman spoke. They didn’t need to as they comforted each other. Debra fell asleep in the chair, waking when she heard the doctor speaking.

  “Doctor, what do you suggest we do?” Debra sat up and looked to see if Alex or the duchess were awake. Duchess Waverly put her finger over her mouth and then pointed to the door. The duke and the doctor were speaking in the hall.

  “Take him to Devon. The air is less congested.”

  “He is too sick for the trip.” Waverly’s words conveyed angst.

  “If he goes to Devon, there is a chance of recovery.”

  “Will he survive the stress of travel?”

  “It is hard to say.”

  “You are telling me if he stays here it is certain death. If we take him to Devon, he could live if the trip does not kill him?”


  “I do not like the options.”

  Debra waited until the doctor and Waverly were out of earshot before she moved back to Alex’s side on the bed. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. Whispering to him, she begged. “Do not die on me.”

  “Are you going to get out of bed?” Annie asked as Debra lay in a depressed silence. The words were said with kindness, but Debra could not bring herself to rise without feeling nauseous.

  “What time are we departing?”

  “After the morning meal. I took your tray to Lord Trenton’s chambers, as usual.”

  “I do not think I can eat anything,” Debra said while holding a hand over her mouth.

  Turning from her tasks, Annie looked over as Debra swallowed with care. Her stomach rumbled with every movement. “Are you unwell?”

  Before she could answer, Debra leaned forward and released the contents of her stomach. She expected her maid to come to her aid, but instead she lay back down without help as she didn’t have the energy to rise.

  Closing her eyes, she recognized the taste of bile in her mouth as her supper from the night before. Knowing she would need to rise and dress, Debra pulled up to a sitting position and removed her legs from under the covers as the door opened with Annie bringing the duchess and Debra’s mother.

  “Annie, get fresh linens for the bed.” Duchess Waverly gave the order while helping Debra stand.

  Over the last weeks, Debra hadn’t eaten much due to stress. A part of her was thankful as she worried there’d be more of a mess to clean up. But the movement from the bed jostled her stomach and it wasn’t long before she was kneeling on the ground with her nightdress catching the contents of her stomach.

  “Annie, tell Duke Waverly to send for the physician.”

  As her mother and the duchess helped her out of the soiled clothing, Debra hoped her bed would be clean and ready for her return. Her heart fell as she listened to her mother and the duchess speaking about the trip to Devon. If Debra were ill, she’d need to stay in London with her family. They couldn’t let Alex catch another illness.

  Chapter 35

  Alex slowly sat up and watched the flurry of people in the hallway. His trunks were packed for Devon. During the process of taking them to the carriage, his door had been left opened. As he tried to hear discussions among the action, he wondered if it had to do with leaving town, but they whispered as though not to bother him.

  Looking to the breakfast trays on the side table, Alex wondered if his wife would be in soon. Usually by this hour, she was waiting for him to wake. She’d talk about him getting well and all of the things they would do once he was able to leave his bed while they ate breakfast. As his stomach growled, he looked to the door joining their chambers, would it take too much effort for him to surprise her with a visit?

  Christmas was near, and Alex hoped to take Debra for a sleigh ride over the holiday. But he would
have to be well enough to do so and so he decided to stay in bed. She would come when dressed and ready for the day.

  While ill, he’d had enough time to decide his chambers needed a remodel or he’d need to spend the majority of his time in his wife’s chambers, which was the favorite alternative. Since she’d started a daily visit, he found they had a lot to talk about including their future. Debra asked questions about Trenton Hall, which he couldn’t answer to satisfaction as he hadn’t spent much time there. His favorite days were spent learning more about the woman he married. This time had allowed them to share their lives with each other.

  Thinking of his wife, he realized it was strange not to at least have a nurse attending him, as the nurse only left the room when Debra visited. Looking back to the door and out into the hall, Alex noticed the doctor and his father passing by. They are not coming in here? The only other room in the hallway was Debra’s. Worried, Alex threw his blankets aside and moved his body with much care ready to cross the room to her chamber.

  A cane, given to him for use of getting in and out of the bath, sat by his bed. With effort he stood and used it to slowly walk. The cold of the morning seeped into his body as he wore socks and no slippers. Walking with a piece of wood for assistance, Alex worried he would fall. Standing halfway between the bed and the door, Alex seriously considered which would be easiest to reach.

  And then he remembered Debra hadn’t yet come to his chambers, and he knew it was necessary to find out what was happening on the other side of the door. Alex forced his tired body forward until he reached his destination. Opening the door, he forgot about his sore ill body and pushed forward.


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