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Dark Horse

Page 2

by Wilde, Rhea

  I turned my head to the side and looked at the picture frame sitting on my dresser. The little girl was always smiling and always there to cheer me up. Despite any negative feelings I might ever have for Nina, I couldn’t argue with her. She gave me the most important thing in my life.

  “Nina, let me talk to her.”


  “Nina, please… I just want to say hello.”

  I listened to Nina sigh as her voice grew distant over the phone.

  “Elsa… Come here… Dad wants to say hello to you.”

  I swallowed as I waited to hear her voice. She was still only three-years old but it was enough for me to at least be able to communicate with her.



  “Hey, Elsa. It’s me… Daddy.”

  “H-hi, Daddy.”

  “How are you doing, baby?”

  “Hello, Daddy.”

  I swallowed again and suddenly found myself trying to hold back my tears. I began to chuckle listening to my little girl trying to have a conversation with me. Just the sound of her voice was enough to brighten my mood despite my current circumstances.

  “Listen, Daddy has to do some work, okay? I’ll see you real soon. You take care of your mom until then, okay?”

  “Bye, Daddy.”

  I exhaled a deep breath as Nina took the phone again and reminded me that she was still waiting for her money.

  “You get two weeks, Henry. That’s it. If you don’t send those checks by then, I’ll see you in court.”

  “Nina, why are you doing this? Isn’t Ronald taking care of you just fine?”

  “His name is Ryan. And that’s not the point. Elsa is your responsibility as much as she is mine.”

  “I can take care of her, Nina. If you’d just let me see her, I could—”

  “Are you serious? Do you really want me to bring her to that part of town? She’s a little girl, Henry. There’s nothing for her to do in your apartment.”

  “I… I just want to see her. That’s all.”

  “You can see her as soon as I get the money.”

  “But can’t I at least visit you?”

  “It’s Ronald’s house and he’d prefer not to have you over.”

  I sighed because I knew this wasn’t a battle I was going to win. This wasn’t about the money. I knew what kind of woman she was. She was just holding this over my head. And she was going to keep threatening me over the phone until she got what she wanted. But with no money in my wallet and no income on the horizon, I wasn’t in any position to argue.

  “You’ll get your money, Nina.”

  “Good… You’re better than this, Henry. Is it unreasonable for you to pay your child support?”

  “No… No, it isn’t.”

  “Two weeks.”

  The phone clicked. I listened to the dial tone for a few seconds before slowly putting the phone down. I didn’t know how I was going to get the money but I had to think of something quick.

  I’d been to every spot in this city. I walked up and down the streets for hours, peeking my head into every shop and store to see if they were looking for work. There weren’t any options for me. My car didn’t have any gas in it and I couldn’t even afford a bus ticket to take me to another part of town. I had to think of something.

  I closed my eyes and leaned back in my seat. I tried to calm myself down when I heard a knock at the door. I looked at the door for a moment. I wasn’t expecting anybody. There was another knock.

  “Henry, open up. I know you’re in there.”

  The voice sounded familiar. I got up from my seat and opened the door. There to greet me was an old man, hunched over and holding himself up with a cane. In his other hand was a piece of paper, which he handed to me.

  “Charlie?” I said to him. “What is this?”

  I slowly opened the paper up and read it for myself.

  “I’m sorry, Henry,” he said to me. “It’s been too long since I’ve gotten your rent.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ll get your money for you.”

  “Well, you’d better. There are a lot of people in the city that wouldn’t mind a place like this. It’s not much but it’s better than living on the street.”


  I sighed again as I read the eviction notice. It didn’t seem real to me. It all seemed like it was some horrible nightmare. Every bad thing that could possibly happen was happening all at once.

  My head dropped down as I stared at the paper. The old man stood there in front of me.

  “Listen, Henry,” he said with a bit of sympathy in his voice. “I don’t want to have to kick you out. An old war vet like you deserves better than that. But rules are rules. I can’t just let you stay here for free. It’s unfair to all of the other tenants. They work hard. They pay their bills. They’ve got problems of their own.”

  “No, it’s all right, Charlie. You don’t have to explain yourself. I’ll get you the rent money. I promise.”

  “I know you will. If you need some help—”

  “I don’t need any help. I’ll figure this out myself.”

  I turned my back to him and closed the door. I threw the piece of paper on the counter and looked inside of my fridge.

  “Come on,” I muttered to myself.

  At low points like these, there was only one thing you could do. I searched the inside of my refrigerator for any kind of alcohol. But then I remembered I hadn’t had a beer in months. I couldn’t afford it.

  I closed the door as I took a seat back on my sofa. I thought about everything that just happened in the past few minutes. Just when I thought I had hit rock bottom, there was someone there to remind me to keep digging.

  How could things possibly get any worse?

  I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. I slowly banged my head back and forth against the couch. I tried to beat an idea into my head. I was running out of time. There was a solution to all of my problems. I just needed to find out what it was as quickly as I could.

  With the blood rushing through my head, I slowly opened my eyes. My head drifted to the side. Once again I saw the one thing that didn’t make me depressed. I reached out for the framed picture of Elsa and held it in my hands. She was staring back at me with a huge smile on her face. Despite everything going on, I couldn’t help but smile back at her. She was the only reason I was still even trying. I would have given up if she wasn’t always there to remind me.

  I took a deep breath and put the picture on the table in front of me. I stood up from the sofa then looked out my window. The sun was down and night was here. I didn’t know what was going on out there at this moment but I wasn’t going to find what I was looking for in here. I had to get out there and find a job. There had to be someone or somewhere I’d missed.

  I threw on a pair of jeans and grabbed my coat to prepare for the inevitable cold. All of the pressure of the world was on me at this moment and I had no choice but to try and push back. I got to my door and looked one last time at the photo of Elsa on my table. I took a deep breath then slowly nodded my head.


  I left my apartment to head out into the city. If I didn’t find whatever it was I was looking for then hopefully it would find me.

  Chapter 3 - Lanea

  There comes a time in every man’s life when he wins. Sometimes that victory is small. Other times, it’s life-changing. I don’t know much about Fabian. Frankly, I don’t even care. But without any knowledge of his past, I know for sure that this moment for Fabian is definitely his biggest victory.

  I walked deeper into the pleasure palace flanked by both Octavio and Fabian. I could feel how excited he was. There was an enthusiasm just exuding from his body. Nobody could blame him. It’s not often you get the chance to meet royalty in the flesh and spend some time with them.

  “See yourself out, Octavio,” I said to him.

  My personal servant bowed his head and reluctantly left the room, locking the
door behind him. There were times when I would let him stay and watch. Sometimes I would even let him get a piece of me. Tonight was not one of those nights.

  “Take a seat, Fabian. Relax. Make yourself comfortable. There will be no more fighting tonight.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Zara.”

  I had this place decorated purely for comfort. The red lights shining from the ceiling were designed to make me look even better than I already did. The ground was covered in an assortment of animal fur that was soft enough to roll around in. The red velvet on the walls was equally comfortable. My personal shrine was created for decadence. And that’s not even mentioning how comfortable the mattress was.

  I made my way over to the bar while Fabian took a seat on the edge of the bed. The man was sweaty and still covered in the blood of his opponent.

  “Where did you learn to fight like that?” I asked him as I poured him a glass of champagne.

  “I picked it up off of the street, I guess.”

  “You learned that on the street?”

  “I never had any formal training, if that’s what you’re asking, Ms. Zara.”

  I walked over to him with two glasses in my hand. He thanked me as I placed one between his fingers. My eyes were locked upon his as I slowly and seductively wrapped my lips around the edge of the glass.

  “That’s just fine, Fabian,” I said as I swallowed. “I like a man who’s a little rough around the edges. Most of the time these men are walking around with sticks up their asses because they think it’s the right thing to do. They’re desperately trying to fit in and look like they belong. What they don’t realize is that it doesn’t matter what they do. You can’t hide who you really are. Eventually, you’re going to slip-up and everybody will see.”

  Fabian stared at me as I took another sip of the alcohol. I let a sly smirk creep onto my face. I knew that Fabian could hear me but he wasn’t listening. Just sitting next to him, I could feel him already wanting and desiring me. As usual, this was a fight I was going to win.

  “Do you get what I’m saying, Fabian?” I asked him. “Do you know the kind of man I’m talking about?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”

  “Why wouldn’t you? You were just surrounded by a room full of them. They were all throwing their money around like they owned the place so they could impress some poor broad into spreading her legs. But I know that’s all a lie. I know that it’s nothing but an act. You know how I know that, Fabian?”

  “How do you know?”

  I leaned in close to him and put my lips ever so closely to his ear. I mimicked what I did just a few moments ago with the glass. As I seductively put my mouth against him, I could hear him sigh. His body jerked. While he did his best to maintain his position, I slowly whispered into his ear.

  “Because, Fabian… I own this place. I’m the only one who can act like she owns the place.”

  I slowly moved away from Fabian. The grin on my face was as slight as it could possibly be. I wasn’t giddy but I was definitely in a good mood, so I had to let him know that. While Fabian sat there paralyzed, a full glass of champagne still in sitting in his hand, I leaned back and put my half-empty glass down. With both of my hands free, I could now focus my attention solely upon him.

  I placed my hand upon his thigh. The rough material of his pants brushed against my palm. His leg was warm. I rested my hand there and didn’t move a muscle. Our eyes locked upon one another. Without saying a single word, I managed to get him to think exactly how I was thinking.

  “This is my palace,” I whispered to him. “I own it and everything in it. Don’t I, Fabian?”


  I let out a short laugh after he gave the correct response. I moved my hand up ever so slightly and could already feel him beginning to thicken between his legs. I looked down and I could swear it was twitching against his thigh, just begging to be freed. I grabbed the glass from his hand and placed it over to the side.

  “I own you, Fabian. Say it.”

  “You own me, Ms. Zara.”

  “Very good.”

  I slid my hand up even higher until it was gently resting upon his crotch. His throat shifted as he swallowed. A bead of sweat dripped down from his forehead as he continued to stare at me, his eyes unblinking.

  “You’ve won a few fights, Fabian. More than a lot of people have in The Pit. But what you made tonight… That was just chump change. You could make a lot more than that. I could take you even further. Will you let me take you, Fabian?”

  “Yes, Ms. Zara.”

  Just moments before, Fabian had been pounced upon by a man twice his size. But that still didn’t stop him from rendering the man unconscious. He was literally a giant slayer. I knew this man’s cock was huge before I even held it in my hand, which I was doing at this very moment. Now Fabian was suddenly a shy little boy. A man who had forgotten how strong he was and allowed his insecurities to return. A pathetic little slave who no longer remembered the strength he possessed inside of him.

  I leaned forward and kissed him softly upon the chin. He didn’t move his face as I slowly worked my way up to his lips. I stuck my tongue out and licked at the blood staining his lips. Slowly, Fabian started to kiss me back before moving away.

  “I should probably clean myself off,” he said as he looked down at himself.

  His body was covered in sweat. There were streaks of blood going down the hard muscles of his chest. I eyed his rigid body then stood up from the bed. Standing right in front of him, I slowly removed the gloves from my hands and tossed them to the side.

  “Help me with my dress,” I said to him.

  I turned around and waited for him. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of my zipper slowly being pulled down. It was music to my ears. I felt the zipper fall down my back and end halfway past the crack of my ass. I then turned around and gently pushed Fabian back into his seat on the edge of the bed. With my hands against my body, I slowly let the green dress fall down me until it rested around my ankles. I stood there naked in front of him.

  “I don’t like wearing underwear,” I said to him. “It’s just a waste of time.”

  I narrowed my eyes and grinned at him. I placed my hands upon my hips and posed for him. Fabian continued to sit there, staring back at me and unsure of what to do next. He then suddenly stood up and leaned in for a kiss. I pulled my head away from him. I could see the disappointment in his eyes as I started to shake my head.

  “No, Fabian. I own you, remember? That means you have to follow my rules.”

  “Y-yes, Ms. Zara.”

  I stepped out of the dress that was resting on the ground and kicked it to the side.

  “Get on your knees.”

  He did as he was told. He looked up at me from his position, his eyes almost pleading with me. I was wearing nothing but a pair of black high heel stilettos that made me tower over him. With my body positioned right in front of him, I raised my left leg and dug it into the mattress. I was spread directly over him, his head just inches away from my center. I rested my hand upon my knee and sighed.

  “I’m sure you’ve worked up quite an appetite in that fight,” I said to him. “I’m sure you’re very hungry.”

  “Yes, Ms. Zara.”

  “It’s not going to eat itself.”

  He moved his head up. He looked like some poor animal begging for just a bit of food to satisfy his hunger. I couldn’t deny that I almost felt the same way. My center was beginning to drip as he neared me. The anticipation was swirling around in my stomach. But I couldn’t let him see that. I couldn’t let him know that I wanted it almost as bad as he did.

  Our eyes remained locked upon one another. He opened his mouth and put it up between my legs. His tongue swirled up and down. He lashed himself against my clitoris before moving it toward my soaking entrance. I then moved my head back and sighed as I let the sensations surge through my body.

  Fabian was built like a model. He wouldn’t have any problem getting the at
tention of an attractive woman. Yet here he was, on his knees and reaching out with his mouth to give me pleasure.

  As well as he fought in the ring, his technique with his mouth was arguably better. I had to do my best to remain standing in this position. He started to dig his tongue deeper inside of me, pushing it up against the walls of my entrance. I lowered my hands and ran them through his hair to brace myself.

  “That’s it,” I sighed. “Hungry little lion needs his nourishment… Eat up…”

  My breathing started to increase. The sound of my breaths grew louder as Fabian picked-up his intensity. His mouth moved in and out of me to the point that I was beginning to lose sense of everything that was happening. So I had to remind myself.

  “Fuck me, Fabian,” I said. “Fuck me with your tongue.”

  He followed orders well. His mouth opened and his tongue extended as he pushed it deeper inside of me. The slick sound of his saliva and my own wetness echoed through the room. He smacked his lips and moaned as I filled his mouth. I slowly began to help him by grinding my hips against him. I grabbed two handfuls of hair and started to push him deeper between my legs.

  “Do you like that, Fabian? Do you like how I taste?”

  “Y-yes,” he moaned with his mouth full of me.

  I started breathing hard and short breaths through my nose. My eyes were shut tight. I gripped his hair tighter as I shoved his face against me. I rubbed my clitoris against his face in an attempt to find what I was looking for. I was close to the edge.

  “That’s it, Fabian. Almost… Almost—Ahhh!”

  I cried out in ecstasy. My body jerked as I started to climax. I held on tight to Fabian as the orgasm ravaged my body. The muscles in my stomach twisted into knots and my body shuddered with each pulse. Fabian’s face remained buried between my legs as stuttered breaths escaped from my lips.

  My orgasm slowly began to subside but the pleasure hadn’t left my body. My breathing slowly turned into short laughter as I was brought back down from my orgasmic bliss. I laughed as I looked down at Fabian. He still continued to lick at the juices that had poured out of me. The inside of my thighs were a sloppy and beautiful mess.


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