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by Roy Jenkins

  Goschen, G. J., 1st Viscount Goschen, 39, 42

  Gosse, Sir Edmund, 265, 29411, 305 Gough, Sir Hubert, 308, 309, 311, 312, 315

  Graham, R. B. Cunninghame-, 47, 64 Graham-Smith, Mrs. (Lucy Tennant), 57, 259 Greece, 37611 Green, T. H., 22-3

  Greenwood, Sir Hamar, Viscount Greenwood, 496

  Grey, 2nd Earl (Charles Grey, Viscount Howick), 229

  Grey, Albert, 4th Earl, 34, 40311 Grey of Fallodon, Viscount (Sir Edward Grey), 45, 47, 60, 92, 104, 135, 257; and Rosebery, the Boer war and the Liberal League, 99, 115-17, 121-4, 126-8, 131, 133; takes part in Relugas compact, 143-6, 149-51; becomes Foreign Secretary, 151-9, 18011; his conduct of foreign affairs before the war, 240, 242-5, 324-30;

  the King’s opinion of, 296; his views on coal strike, 237-8; conscription, 373, 388, 392; constitutional crisis, 205-6, 208, 216, 217, 227«; Ireland, 294, 304, 323, 400, 403, 491; naval estimates, 195, 198, 298; war pensions, 345; women’s suffrage, 57/1, 245, 248, 250; as Foreign Secretary in war: Cyprus, 376 and n; Dardanelles, 350, 352, 417; Italy, 359/1; Churchill’s “plot” to remove him, 339, 356; and peace moves, 416, 418-19, 475; and League of Nations, 478; his position, on formation of first coalition, 361-2, 368; on fall of Asquith, 434, 437, 446, 447, 449, 458; in 1921, 490-2; in 1926, 514, 516-17; Asquith’s relationship with, 245, 270-1, 332, 336-7, 339-41, 402-3, 408; death of his wife, 174, 268; refuses peerage, 242/1; accepts, 403/1, 409-10; a Trustee of the British Museum, 238/1; Chancellor of Oxford University, 512 Griffith, Arthur, 280 Grillion’s Club, 265, 305 Guest, F. E., 358-9, 496 Gulland, J., 371 Gwynne, H. A., 425

  Haig, Sir Douglas, 1st Earl Haig, 382-3, 387, 412 and /1, 413, 414, 419, 425, 467, 468, 482

  Haldane, R. B., Viscount Haldane of Cloan: his family background, 33; early career, 34; his friendship with Asquith, 34-5, 175, 181, 257, 270-2, 332, 336, 341, 480, 486, 501; and Helen Asquith, 30; and Margot, 74, 93enters Parliament, 39-40,

  41/1; his early political life, 43, 45-6, 61; at the Bar, 90/1, 91, 92; takes silk, 50; enters society, 54; on Featherstone Commission, 69; and Rosebery, 99, 104-7; supports Campbell-Bannerman, 115; Campbell-Bannerman on, 122, 140/1; takes part in Relugas compact, 144-9, 151-3; his following in the party, 117; his position, on Boer war, 121, 123, 124, 131; on education, 135; on tariff reform, 143; on women’s suffrage, 57«, 248; becomes Secretary of State for War, 156-9, 167, 198, 238, 239, 240, 241-4; and constitutional crisis, 205, 216; accepts peerage and becomes Lord Chancellor, 242/1, 3°4, 313; on outbreak of war, 325, 327, 345; proscribed by Conservatives, 360-2, 365, 369, 370 and n, 388, 447; his memorandum on right of dissolution, 455 Halsbury, 1st Earl of (Sir Hardinge Giffard), 38, 229, 230 Hamilton, Sir Edward W., 160 Hamilton, Lord George F., 134, 138 Hamilton, Sir Ian S. M., 353, 354, 372 Hankey, Sir Maurice, 1st Lord Hankey: mentioned as Secretary to C.I.D. and Cabinet, 345, 370, 385, 406, 411, 417; with Asquith at Rome conference 390, 391, 393; and in France, 412-13, 419-20, 421; letter from, in 1918, 480; his memoirs discussed, 394, 395, 428, 433, 44i, 445

  Harcourt, Lewis, 1st Viscount Harcourt, 70, 105/1, 108, 263, 267, 303, 341, 345, 409; his position, on budget 205 and n. 1; on conscription, 371; on constitutional crisis, 213; on iiaal estimates, 194, 198; on war, 325, 328; 0:1 women’s suffrage, 247, 248; supports Asquith, 446, 449, 458

  Harcourt, Sir William, 38, 42/;, 59; critical of Asquith, 44, 45; Asquith’s attitude to, 56, 57, 64, 92; his eulogy of Gladstone, 70, 71; Margot and, 93 n; Queen Victoria and, 6iti; and parliament, 67/1, non; and women’s suffrage, 57/1; as Chancellor of Exchequer, 6o«, 61, 160, 167, 168; 1894 budget, 82-4; a possible leader of liberals, 72-3; his breach with Rosebery, 86, 87, 88-9, 96-8, 100-1, 104-6, 108-10; and the Boer war, 103, 104, 116, 118, 121-3, 125 Hardie, Keir, 470//

  Hardinge of Penshurst, Charles, 1st Lord, 343«

  Harley, J. R. H., 508 Harrisson, Mrs. Hilda, 257, 461, 485, 498, 508/7, 514, 517, 518 Hastings, Sir Patrick, 502 Health Insurance Bill, 236 Helmsley, Viscount (C. W. R. Duncombe), 208

  Henderson, Arthur, 367, 373, 389-90, 394, 421, 423, 425, 44i, 447, 448, 453, 456, 458, 459 Heneage, Edward, 42/1 Henry, Sir Edward R., 190, 192 Henson, H. H., Bishop of Durham, 507 Herschell, Sir Farrer, Lord Herschell, 64, 67

  Hobhouse, Charles E. H., 125, 299, 304, 345, 370, 513

  Hogg, Sir Douglas, 1st Viscount Hail-sham, 495

  Hogge, James M., 498

  Honours, 90 and //, 186, 223-4; list of

  proposed Liberal peers, 1910, 228, 537-40

  Horner, Lady (nee Frances Graham): Asquith’s friendship with, 54, 57, 157, 257; Asquith’s letters to, quoted, 22, 30, 52-3, 55, 57, 58, 61-2, 70; her daughter, Katharine, marries Raymond, 175, 271 Houghton, Lord (R. Monckton Milnes), 25, 475

  Housman, A. E., 294//

  Howard, Geoffrey, 493, 496, 515, 516 Hudson, Walter, 170-1 Hutton, Richard Holt, 32-3 Hyndman, H. M., 65

  Ilbert, Sir Courtenay P., 201 Illingworth, Percy, 261, 267, 336 Imperial Conference, 1907, 168 Imperial Federation League, 46 Inge, Dean W. R., 507 Ireland: Liberal split on Home Rule, 1886, 32, 39-42,50, 51; Irish Crimes Bill, 1887, 43-4; Gladstone’s policy, 44, 45, 58, 59; Parnell commission, 48-50; the O’Shea case, 51; Home Rule Bill, 1893, 65-7, 70, 84; Liberal policy after Gladstone, 82, 88, 97, hi, 130-2; in 1905, 149-50, 152, 172; crises, 1912-14, 256, 264, 266, 274-324; Home Rule Bill in war, 329, 343-4', Irish party in House of Commons, 204, 206, 209, 210, 214; in war, 371, 374, 389, 394, 467; Easter rebellion, 393, 404, 410; conscription, 416; 1921, 486, 489, 49i

  Islington, Lord (Sir John P. Dickson-Poynder), 141

  Islington, Anne, Lady, 266, 311-12, 313//, 329«, 376

  Italy, enters war, 359, 363, 391

  Jackson, Sir Henry B., 361, 417 James, Sir Henry, Lord James of Hereford: as Attorney-General, 36, 38, 61, 90; opposes Home Rule, 39, 42n and women’s suffrage, 57*1; and Liberal reunion, 141-2 Jameson, Sir Starr, 101-2, 168; for raid see South Africa Jebb, Sir Richard C., 16, 17 Jellicoe, Sir John, 1st Earl Jellicoe, 406, 450

  Jenkyns, Henry, 21 Jevons, W. S., 31

  Joffre, Marshal, 243, 343, 372, 384^ Jowett, Benjamin, 20, 21-2, 23, 27, 28,

  35, 79, 81

  Joynson-Hicks, Sir William, 1st Viscount Brentford, 471

  Kellaway, Frederick G., 496 Kempton racecourse case, 91-2 Kenney, Annie, 245 Keppel, Alice, (Mrs. George), 267, 268, 269, 329n

  Keppel, Sir Henry, 264 Ker, William Paton, 24 Kerry, Elsie, Lady, 269 Kessler, Count, 266 Keynes, J. M., Lord Keynes, 345 Kimberley, Earl of (John Wodehouse), 61, 71, as Foreign Secretary, 73, 83-4; as leader in House of Lords, 97, 100 ; and Boer war, 117, 125 Kinnear, Boyd, 40 Kipling, Rudyard, 254 Kitchener, H. H., 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum: Asquith on, 340, 341-3; Margot on, 343/1; Lloyd George

  and, 338, 349; position of, as Secretary for War, 345, 347, 350-1, 368, 370-2, 375-8, 380-5, 389, 399, 410, 462, 481; and Dardanelles campaign, 352-4; and shell scandal, 355-95 death of, 405-6, 407, 408

  Knollys, Francis, 1st Viscount Knollys, 145, 146, 179, 186, 187, 192, 199, 202-3, 211, 212, 218-22, 224/1, 226, 229-31, 235, 236

  Kruger, President S. J. P., 101,114/1,115, 116

  Labouchere, Henry, 57n, 82,118,124,125 Labour (see also Strikes): legislation, 170-1; party, 205, 207, 214, 236, 371 389-90, 394, 491; Trades Unions, 371, 374; members of coalition governments, 373, 389-90; government, 500-2, 503 Lambert, George, 469 Lansdowne, 5th Marq. of (H. C. K. Petty-FitzMaurice): as Conservative leader, 22, 169, 172, 193, 199, 200-1, 211, 214-15; and constitutional crisis, 224-6, 229, 230, 231; and Ireland, 275, 283, 286, 288, 289, 320, 343; and war policy, 372, 384-5, 392; and Irish rebellion, 400, 401-3; and fall of Asquith, 431, 434; his memorandum, and peace terms, 417-19, 436, 475 Larkin, James, 280 Lathbury, Daniel C., 3 3 Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, 168 Law, Andrew Bonar: becomes Privy Councillor, 223-4; and Ireland, 275, 276, 278, 282, 283, 286-97, 301-3, 305-6, 310, 314, 316-17, 320, 343-4; on outbreak of war, 323, 329; and the Jacks case, 369-70;

  joins Asquith’s government, 358-61, 365, 367-70; Asquith’s opinion of, 367-70, 373-4, 380-1, 488; and Dardanelles campaign, 378
, 380-3, 385, 410; and Irish rebellion, 399, 400-2; and Secretaryship for War, 406-9; and Nigerian debate, 416-17; and Lansdownc, 418; and fall of Asquith, 420-43, 447-60; and Maurice debate, 468-70, 472//; and 1918 election, 475, 477, 479; becomes Prime Minister, 495 Lawrence, D. H., 379 Lawson, Frank, 259 Lawson, Sir Wilfred, 118 Lee, Sir Sidney, 186 Le Matin, 252

  Liberal Imperialist Council, 121, 122, 132 Liberal League, 132-3, 159 Liberal Party:

  1886, split in, on Home Rule, 32, 39-42; attempts at reunion, 44, 50, 51; Newcastle programme, 56-7 1894, leadership on Gladstone’s resignation, 70-3 ; Rosebery and Harcourt, 82-4, 86-7, 89, 92, 96, no; policy and the leadership crisis, 1896, 96-101; 1898, 103-13; and Boer war, 113-33

  reunited by education bill, 135-6; and tariff reform, 137-8, 140-4 Liberal Imperialists in, 34, 45-7, 60-1, 70-3, 103-4, no, 112, 113-33 Unionist “free-fooders” join, 140-3; nonconformist support for, 169, 191

  Campbell-Bannerman’s leadership of, 140H, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, 155, 160, 168, 238, 240, 243; and the Relugas compart, 145-6, 150-2, 159 Asquith becomes leader of, 184 danger of split in on outbreak of war,

  325-6; seeds of destruction, 350, 465; and conscription, 371, 388-9, 392-3; no Liberals in Lloyd George’s Cabinet, 459

  vote of confidence in Asquith’s leadership, 461, 464-5, 467; effect of Maurice debate on, 472, 474, 475-9; Asquith proscribed by, 481; split in, 484-5, 489-91, 496 attempts at reunion, 497-500, 503 supports Labour government, 500-3 and 1924 election, 505-6 Asquith’s resignation of leadership,


  funds, 250, 512-14

  Liberal Unionists, 39,41-2, 89,103-4, m Licensing (liquor control), 83, 88, 137, 140; 1906 Bill, 172, 177, 188, 189; in war, 338, 356, 362 and n Lincolnshire, Marq. of (C. R. W. Carington, Earl Carington), 144, 159 and n, 516 Lindsay, A. D., 507 Lister, Hon. Reginald, 180, 271 Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor: his golf, 26, and hymn-singing, 258; and Boer war, 116, 118, 123, 162; at Board of Trade, 158; as Chancellor of Exchequer, 165, 168, 181-2, 189, I93» 194-7. 205«, 209, 210-11; and the King, 186; and constitutional conference, 214-17, 225; settles railway strike, 234-5, 237, 239; and Health insurance, 23 6; and women’s suffrage, 248-9; and Marconi case, 250-5, 282, 369-70, 470; and Ireland, 286, 293-5, 297, 302, 304-5, 319, 320-1, 323; and the coming of war, 239-41, 298-300, 325-6, 328; his attitude to war policy; on conscription, 371, 374, 392, 394; on

  Dardanelles, 349, 350; on liquor control, 338, 356, 36277; on pensions, 345; on shell scandal, 356, 365, 367; on war direction, 375, 377«, 378, 380-2, 385-6, 396; his Irish mission, 399-402; becomes Secretary for War, 405-10; his “knock-out blow” interview and the Lansdowne memorandum, 415-16, 417, 418, 419-20; brings about fall of Asquith’s government, 420-61; and the Maurice debate, 465, 467-74, 495; and the coupon election, 475-8, 479, 480; Asquith’s relationship with, 199, 234, 271-2, 332-3, 336, 337-40; his hostility to Asquith, 483-5, 49o; attempts at reunion, 497-500, 505, 506; and Asquith’s resignation of leadership,

  515-16; his fund, 503, 512-14, 516; fall of his government, 493, 495-7; and the general strike, 514-15; his memoirs, 471, 472 and n, 494 Lloyd-George, Countess (Miss Frances Stevenson), 473-4, 514 Lloyd George, Lady Megan, 498-9 Lodge, Senator Henry Cabot, 404 Londonderry, Theresa, Lady, 77 Long, Walter, 1st Viscount Long of Wraxall, 292, 369, 376, 393, 466/1, 488; and Ireland, 397, 400-1; and fall of Asquith, 427, 438, 439, 447, 453-4

  Lorebum, Earl of (Sir Robert T. Reid), 117, 118, 148, 224//, 546; as Lord Chancellor, 159, 24277, 287 and n Lovat, Lady (Laura Lister), 262 Lowe, Robert, Viscount Sherbrooke, 18, 20, 509

  Lowell, J. Russell, 47 Lowther, Mr. Speaker James W«, 1st Viscount Ullswater, 227/7, 249-50,

  267, 282, 306, 318-19, 321, 411, 424

  Lucas, Lord (Auberon T. Herbert), 267, 269, 341, 345, 370 Lucy, Sir Henry W., 125 Lushington, Sir Godfrey, 64 Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyn, 47, 93 r-Lyall, Mrs., 266 Lyne, Sir William J., 168 Lyttelton, Alfred, 53

  Mac Arthur, Charles, 106/7 McCalmont, Major, 316 MacCarthy, Desmond, 257, 511, 512 McCarthy, Justin, 51/7, 66 MacDonald, C. J., 49, 50, 92 MacDonald, J. Ramsay, 122, 236, 261, 436, 497, 501, 502 MacEvoy, Ambrose, 465 MacKean, J. A. D., 486-7 McKenna, Pamela (Mrs. Reginald), 211, 264, 269, 328, 369

  McKenna, Reginald, 305, 328; Asquith’s friendship with, 125, 179, 264, 269, 271, 332, 336, 337, 338, 340, 34i, 390-1; his attitude to Welsh Church, 344; to women’s suffrage, 248; as First Lord of Admiralty, 182-3, 195, 198, 211, 241, 298-9; as Chancellor of Exchequer, 369, 373; and shell shortage, 333, 337-8, 345, 35^-7, 359; as member of War Council, 382, 385, 388-91, 417, 426, 432, 434; and fall of Asquith, 446, 447, 449, 452, 453, 458, 47i, 478, 495 Maclay, J. P., Lord Maclay, 499 MacLean, Sir Donald, 483-4, 491-2, 496,


  Magnus, Sir Philip, 56/7, 63, 342, 378// Mallock, William Hurrell, 24 Manchester Guardian, 118, 327

  Manners, Lady Diana (Lady Diana Cooper), 266, 271, 507 Marconi case, 250-5, 282, 369-70, 470 Marlborough, 9th Duke of (Charles R.

  J. Spencer-Churchill), 339 Marsh, Sir Edward, 260, 267, 271, 325 Marshall, Alfred, 31 Marshall-Hall, Sir Edward, 92 Mary, Queen of England, 268, 270, 47 6

  Masefield, John, 267, 490 Massingham, H. W., 118, 356 Mastcrman, C. F. G., 183-4, 238/1, 253, 345, 505

  Masterton-Smith, J. E., 260, 269 Matthews, Henry, Viscount Llandaff, 64

  Maurice, Sir Frederick, 419, 467-74;

  debate, 477, 502, 503 Maxse, Adm. Frederick A., 93/1.1 Maxwell, Sir John Grenfell, 395, 397, 398, 404

  Melland, Dr. Frederick, 28 Melland, Helen, see Asquith Melland, Josephine (Mrs. Armitage), 55 Meredith, George, 34, 56 Methuen, Sir Algernon M. M., 379 Metropolitan Radical Federation, 65 Millerand, Alexandre, 233 Milner, Sir Alfred, Viscount Milner, 24, 25, 79, 82; in South Africa, 103, 104, 113-15, n6, 118, 122, 123, 130, 405; in War Cabinet, 459 Mitchell, Rosslyn, 504 Mond, Sir Alfred (1st Lord Melchett), 500/1, 513

  Montagu, Edwin S.: Asquith’s friendship with, 179, 258, 262, 264, 267, 269-70, 271, 328, 332, 336, 340, 356; his marriage, 364-6; dropped from Cabinet, 370; Irish meetings held at his house, 293, 295, 317;

  considered for Irish secretaryship, 397; as Minister of Munitions, 413, 416, 417; part played by, on fall of of Asquith, 431-2, 433«, 434, 440-2, 446-7, 448, 452, 453, 454, 456, 458, 459, 461, 478, 488, 496-7; death of, 509-10

  Montagu, Mrs. Edwin (Venetia Stanley): Asquith’s friendship with, 257-9, 262, 264-5, 346-7; which breaks up on her marriage, 363-6, 378; death of her husband, 509-10; her later meetings with Asquith, 431-2, 442, 518; Asquith’s letters to her, quoted, 259-73, 282, 294/1, 298-9, 300-1, 305-6, 309-n, 313-14, 320-3, 327, 328, 329, 330, 332-3, 337, 340, 346, 349-50, 352, 353, 354 Moravian sect, 15n Morley, Arnold, 70, 84 Morley, John, Viscount Morley of Blackburn, 41/1, 44, 54, 57, 100, no, 270, 271/1, 293, 304; and Margot, 93«, 379J and Gladstone, 42/1, 45-6, 51, 59, 60, 71; as Chief Secretary for Ireland, 60-1,66, 67; and Rosebery, 73, 88, 104-6, 108; and Boer war, 103, 116, 119, 122-4; his part in Liberal leadership, 150, 151, 155, 158, 178, 181, 183, 184, 234, 237-8, 311-12; and the coming of war, 194, 243, 244, 245, 325/1, 327-9 Morning Post, 356, 425, 427 Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 264, 266, 379, 493

  Mundella, A. J., 57/1 Munitions: Ministry, 368, 369, 384; profits, 238/1; supply, 349, 355-9, 408, 416; tanks 412

  Murray of Elibank, Lord (Alexander Murray, Master of Elibank), 125, 207, 210, 219/7, 235n, 236, 261, 319,

  467; and Marconi case, 250-1, 254 Murray, Sir George, 160, 166, 19777 Murray, Gilbert, 17, 267, 475, 478, 507

  Napier, Mark, 33

  Nash, Vaughan, 181, 185-6, 202-3, 221, 235

  Nathan, Sir Matthew, 396, 397 National Liberal Club, 46-7, 461, 488 National Liberal Federation, 44, 56, 106-7, 123,513,516

  National Reform Union, 123, 129 Naval estimates, 70-2, 167-8, 182-3, 186, 188, 193-6, 279, 298-300, 325 Nettleship, R. L., 22 Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, 327, 405 Nicholson, Arthur P., 303-4 Nicolson, Sir Harold, 21877, 221-2, 282, 296, 302

  Northcliffe, Lord (Alfred Harmsworth): Rosebery and, 99; and Irish crisis, 31977; his attack on Asquith, 348
, 355* 356, 364* 415, 418, 42777, 432, 442, 444-5, 448

  Norwich, 1st Viscount (Duff Cooper), 507

  O’Beime, Hugh J., 391 O’Brien, William, 207, 209 Observer, The, 356 O’Donnell, F. H., 48 O’Shea, Katherine P., 51 Ott, Dr., 108, 144, 15377 Oxford, title of Earls of, 507-8 Oxford and Asquith, 1st Earl and Countess of, see Asquith

  Oxford University, 20-5, 26, 27; Royal Commission on, 483; Chancellorship of, 510-12

  Paget, Gen. Sir Arthur, 307-10, 313, 3^ Paget, Lady (Mary), 266, 268 Paisley, 484-9, 495, 498-9, 504-5, 517 Palgrave, Sir Robert H. I., 33 Pankhurst, Christabel, 245 Paris: conference, November 1916,

  419-20; peace conference, 476-7, 483

  Parliament: House of Commons: payment of members, 44, 56, 236; House of Lords: opposition in, to Liberal measures, 67, 68, 70, 82-3, 84, 86, 88, 164, 169-73, 177, 188, 193, 196, 199-203, 205-11; and the constitutional crisis, 213-32, 249, 256,27877; and Ireland, 318; speaking in, 509

  Parnell, Charles Stewart, 34, 39, 45, 48-51, 65-6, 92, 274, 280 Parsons, John, Bishop of Peterborough, 21

  Parsons, Viola, 271, 332, 512 Pattison, Mark, 20 Paul, Herbert W., 24 Peace, after 1914-18 war: peace moves during war, 391, 415-16; Lansdowne memorandum, 417-19,46777; German note, 475; conference, 476-7, 483; idea of League of Nations, 467, 478, 481, 486, 491; terms, 486

  Pearse, Patrick, 102, 280, 395, 397 Pease, J. A. (Lord Gainford), 183, 20777, 304-5, 325, 32977, 341, 345, 357, 370, 396


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