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The Adventures of Lizzy Bennet - Book 1: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

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by Kate Speck

  “Name it.” Mr. Darcy replied.

  “I will tell you my background first, Darcy. I was in academia before I inherited my estate,” Mr. Bennet clarified, “and I had met Mr. Gardiner the elder while I was an assistant professor at Oxford. Of course, I had ulterior motives at the time but because I wished to impress my future father-in-law, I supported Edward with his entrance into the university. Not only is Edward eternally grateful for his education that started his career at an investment firm, but he adores Lizzy, since the few rare times when I do go into town for my businesses, I take her with me and she loves her affectionate uncle. In exchange for your gift for Lizzy, I would like to send word to make a personal introduction between the two of you. Edward is due to visit here after Michaelmas for his annual holiday and although he dreads speaking of work during his time away, you will meet him in person and he will share his wisdom to grow Lizzy’s gift. He will be personally involved to choose the best options for his favourite niece!”

  Mr. Darcy beamed, “Thank you, Bennet. It would be tremendous.”

  The gentlemen finished their conversation and joined the ladies in the drawing room.

  “Do you play the pianoforte?” William kindly asked Jane who was sitting demurely next to Lizzy. He had wished to speak with each of the Bennet daughters to find out more about them. He was curious if Lizzy was the only hidden gem in the family.

  Jane shyly lowered her eyes, “I do not, sir. I have begun to learn to draw recently but Mary has begun her pianoforte lessons last year and has continued it with Mrs. Porter, and Lizzy has taken interest recently but I have not tried it yet.”

  William turned to Mary next to her and asked, “And do you enjoy the pianoforte? My sister had also started last year but she did not have the patience for it then and is now just learning again with Miss Carter.”

  “I like it very much, sir, and have dedicated myself to improving myself in something and practice for hours so I can excel at it.” Mary answered stoically. “I have been told that a lady must work hard in order to prove their value, to be considered a worthy wife for a chance at happiness. A gentleman would not wish for a wife who has no accomplishments, I believe.”

  William chuckled, “You are eight years old, Miss Mary?” She nodded. “You speak as if you are eight and twenty, young lady. I honestly do not know what are considered to be accomplishments but I should be quite happy with a lady who cares for me and keeps my interest. I think you should do what makes you happy, Miss Mary, and not think too much on what others expect of you. Your sister Lizzy, for instance, would not care one bit if a man wished to marry her for her music or languages or dancing skills, but for the person she is alone.”

  “EEEWWW!” Lizzy exclaimed, “I will never marry anyone!” The adults broke out in laughter at her reaction. “I am going to travel the world and be the most famous explorer in history. Elizabeth Gulliver Bennet will be known as the discoverer of new lands that you have never heard of, and perhaps I will be attacked by pirates and will fight them off with my excellent swordsmanship skills. AARGH!” She growled as if fighting a pirate and swung around her teaspoon. “I might become a pirate captain with my own ship instead. That sounds much more thrilling, papa! Can I become a pirate? I wish to be a pirate more than anything else!”

  The little girls all giggled and Georgiana laughed loudly next to Lady Anne. Mrs. Bennet shook her head but knew her silly daughter would change her mind the next day and the gentlemen were affirmed in their beliefs that Lizzy Bennet would truly have many adventures in her life and could not wait to see where her imagination took her next.

  Chapter 6

  September 1803

  “Are you certain, Anne? I do not wish for you to overwork yourself with all of the effort that it requires. We can have a small dinner and Georgiana will certainly understand.” Mr. Darcy fussed over his dearest wife.

  “Oh, George,” Lady Anne responded, “Although it has been slow, I am recovering and have more energy in years since Mr. Jones has started me on the draughts. I know I have much more to go, my love, but it is Georgiana’s birthday and it would be wonderful to have a house-full of girls for a party for a change. Mrs. Bennet and Lady Lucas have promised to watch over the girls and Mrs. Nicholls is so capable, I will hardly have anything to do.”

  Mr. Darcy kissed his wife’s hand, “I only worry since you wish to do this while I take Fitzwilliam to Cambridge for his residence there. Nine girls under one roof... Even with two governesses, I worry... You know Lizzy is...”

  Lady Anne covered her giggles. “She needs two governesses to herself so she keeps out of trouble. She is determined to become a pirate once again and has not taken off her eyepatch for a week now. I adore her, George, but I can sympathise with Mrs. Bennet that she is so different than the other Bennet girls. Lydia turned five last month and she appeared as if she might be as energetic as Lizzy but that little girl does not like to get dirty while Lizzy prefers mud baths and climbing trees. Charlotte Lucas will help keep an eye on her and it will be well, George.”

  Mr. Darcy lifted his wife from the couch and sat her down on his lap. “As long as you do not work too hard, I will do as you wish.” He kissed her lips fondly, “It has been truly a blessing to have you recover, Anne, and every day is a precious gift. If I had lost you... I cannot imagine what...”

  Lady Anne affectionately embraced her husband, “Shhhh... You have not lost me and I will be around a little longer, my love. Perhaps I escaped my fate because we decided to come to Hertfordshire instead of staying in London, but I will live daily without regrets and enjoy the moment as Lizzy does. I will relish our time together as it gives us pleasure and I have hope for many, many years together.”

  Mr. Darcy sighed, “I would have been lost without you and worked myself to death and followed you right along. Although I would have lived for our children, I would have been absolutely miserable without you, Anne. I love you dearly.”

  “Oh, my love. Let us not think such morbid thoughts now.” Lady Anne offered. “Tell me now, do you truly believe Georgie is ready for her own horse?”

  Mr. Darcy smiled and they spoke of their plans for their precious daughter’s birthday party and gift.


  “What happened to your hair, Lizzy?” William asked his small friend. “It is sticking out everywhere as if you were blown about in strong winds.”

  Lizzy crossed her arms in vexation, “I was captured by the giant Queen of Brobdingnag and was tossed about in my travelling box. Good thing you came now or else I, the mighty Captain Gulliver, would have led a revolt to take over the lands with the giant wasps that I finally tamed.” She climbed down the tree trunk and patted Snowflake’s nose. “I shall miss you, my friend. Who will save me from the pirates when I fly off on Laputa, the flying island?” William dismounted and she sat down at the foot of the tree and smiled. “I will miss you, too, William. Oh, I wish I were going off to university with you. To be able to learn histories and philosophies and to make ever so many friends! I envy you, my friend. I am green with jealousy but I will keep our tree safe until your return.”

  William laughed, “Yes, Pirate Captain Elizabeth Gulliver Bennet. I trust you will have your successful exploits and grow a little taller when I see you again for Christmas. I will be home for a month between terms and look forward to seeing what books you have read. Father told me you had begun Julius Caesar. It is not an easy read.”

  “Your papa has been kind to allow me to read anything I wish in his library. Papa was appreciative to read it again in such a beautiful edition as well and he already finished it. I talk with papa about the words I don’t know and it is nice to learn something new.” Lizzy answered. “When you return, will you share with me some of the things you learned? Mama says you will be a proper gentleman and will not wish to associate with a girl like me. Mama says boys and girls can’t be friends and we are not allowed to write to each other.”

  William chuckled, “But you are not a girl, Lizzy!
You are Captain Gulliver, commander and master of the Adventure, and a pirate!”

  Lizzy grinned now. “I’m glad you know my true identity, William. My disguise is perfect to make my own mother believe that I am a mere girl! Will you write to me? I know you will be busy with your studies and new friends but if you can write once or twice, I’ll write you back and tell you what is going on here. I shall be your secret spy, sir!”

  “Aye, aye, my captain. I will ask your father for permission, since he needs to be made aware that all letters addressed to Captain Gulliver should be routed to you, but I will write you, Lizzy, I promise. A gentleman always keeps his promises and I am a gentleman.” William beamed. “You must promise me to watch over my parents and my sister, though. I worry for them but I am more confident that they will be well while I am away. And with you as their courageous guardian, I will be at peace the next three months.”

  Lizzy saluted as she sat up straight. “Aye, sir! I pledge to keep your family safe. Do you have your knife on you?”

  William was surprised at the request but pulled out the small dagger his father had gifted him. “Be careful with it, Lizzy.”

  Lizzy quickly made a small prick on her right hand with the tip of the knife and handed it back to her friend. “A blood oath, William. I read that this is the most sacred vow one can make to another.”

  William chuckled and made a tiny cut on his own palm. They grabbed each other’s hand and gripped it tightly. “A blood oath; Lizzy, where do you come up with this stuff?”

  “I solemnly vow that I will do all in my power to protect you and your family for the rest of my life. We are blood brothers now.” Lizzy beamed.

  William pulled out his handkerchief and wrapped it around her small hand. “Yes, I pledge my allegiance to you, my captain, and will protect you and your family in return.” He kissed the top of her head, “I wish you were a boy in truth, Lizzy. It would be nice to have a brother.”

  Lizzy stood up and pulled on his arm, “You can pretend that I am a boy like I do! Come, come. It is time to ride Snowflake. I want to go faster today, William! I promise to hold on if you make him run faster.”

  “You always say that but you always let go, Lizzy.” William laughed as he helped her up the saddle. “Do not worry, captain, I will hold you and no harm will come to you.”


  Mr. Bennet watched the pair from a distance. He trusted William Darcy implicitly with his daughter and their friendship was such a rarity, that he wondered what would happen after the young man began his university education.

  He knew that it was common for young men to learn the ways of the world, to begin to experiment and explore what the opposite sex offered, he himself having seen many temptations that his university friends had exposed during his early innocent days. But he hoped for his daughters to find worthy husbands, respectable and honourable men who would cherish his daughters with the purity that was expected of females but frowned upon the males.

  He sighed, understanding that the ways of the world were not something he could control, but made a promise to himself that he would care for his children to the best of his abilities and protect them from anyone who might wish them harm.

  Mr. Bennet heard Lizzy whooping loudly in excitement and standing up on the stirrups with both arms raised, while William held her around her waist with one arm to keep her safe. He smiled tenderly and hoped their friendship would continue, and should Mr. Darcy suggest an alliance again, he would agree in a heartbeat, so long as Lizzy wished it once she became of marriageable age. He shook his head, knowing that he was as being as silly as his wife to matchmake his favourite daughter with the best young man he knew, and it would be several more years until Lizzy was ready to be out.

  He turned his horse back so he could wait for his daughter at the Longbourn gates when her riding lesson was finished. “Come now, Lily. You will have to work harder when Master Darcy leaves for Cambridge. Lizzy will become restless and might sneak you out for a ride and we cannot have our dear girl hurt herself now, can we? I will hold on to her for as long as I can but I know it will not be long when I have to let her go.”

  Mr. Bennet slowly trotted the mare back home with a soft smile on his face.

  Chapter 7

  October 1803

  “What do you mean, Charlotte?” Lizzy asked in bewilderment. “Your mother wants you to marry William? Why in heavens would you get married?”

  Charlotte laughed, “Because that is what people do when they grow up, Eliza! They get married, have children, and the world keeps going as it has done for ages. Mr. Darcy the younger is the handsomest man in all of England and the grandson of an earl. Wealthy, handsome, and connected; there are few gentlemen who are more eligible and Hertfordshire has not seen a family of Mr. Darcy’s calibre ever before. I know he is young now, but in a few years, he will be most sought after.”

  Lizzy harrumphed, “He won’t marry anyone, Charlotte. He knows better than to tie himself down to a dull woman for the rest of his life to sit in his study to work on his ledgers. What are wives for, anyways? It’s better to have good friends and good adventures.”

  “Oh, Eliza,” Charlotte smiled, “Someday, someone will catch your eye and you will have to eat your words. You will marry and have children of your own.”

  Lizzy pretended as if she had been stabbed with an imaginary knife in her heart, “Et tu, Brute?” and collapsed on the floor.

  Charlotte laughed, “I know gentlemen of good breeding are rare and I have little chance of gaining a husband of such a high status as young Mr. Darcy, but I do hope for safety and comfort so I am not a burden to my family. There is a serious lack of gentlemen here and I know your mother still fusses that she has five daughters to marry off, but with your uncle’s connections, she is assuaged that your father will take care of all of you.” Charlotte helped her young friend stand up, “Young Mr. Darcy is expected to marry an heiress of at least £10,000 with best of accomplishments to carry on the Darcy name. He will marry someone beautiful and I am sure we would not know anyone of such prominence. Mama said that papa told her that Mr. Darcy’s home in Pemberley is as large as a castle and he has a townhouse as well as other properties up north and also leasing Netherfield. The Darcy name is famous and papa is grateful for the friendship.”

  “William is my blood brother and he will be my friend forever. If he is stupid enough to marry, I’ll make sure it will be to someone worthy. Someone sensible like you, Charlotte, who will be good to him and not a shrew.” Lizzy smiled. “Enough talk about marriage; let’s go see the sword that was used for Sir William’s accolade. I know it was five years ago but your papa has finally consented to taking it down from the wall and I promise to keep my hands off.” She excitedly pulled on her friend’s arm to head to the study at Lucas Lodge. “Let’s go before he changes his mind!”

  Charlotte laughed and hustled to her father and knocked on the door in order for Sir William to boast of his knighthood once again.


  “And are you pleased with what William wrote in his letter, Lizzy?” Her father asked as he saw her smile broadly. As proper, he was given permission to read young Mr. Darcy’s letter to his second daughter first and Mr. Bennet was happy to see their amity continue. Given their eight-year age gap, he knew William and Lizzy’s friendship would change in the next few years, but he knew Lizzy would always be considered a part of the Darcy family, with her close friendship with both William and Georgiana, and Mr. and Mrs. Darcy had become generous benefactors to his precious daughter.

  “William says he has made a few friends and took my advice to speak out even though he is so shy. He knows he has to guard himself because many want his friendship due to his wealth and connections, but he’s finding it a little easier to relax in larger crowds and has found two tutors who are very knowledgeable with sciences and histories. He sent me a list of Latin words that I must translate and if I am successful in getting them all correctly, he will bring me a gift for
Christmas!” Lizzy excitedly shouted and began to jump up and down.

  Mr. Bennet chuckled, “Lizzy, Lizzy,” he attempted to calm his daughter who was frantically reaching for parchment and quill to begin the task, “I am certain he will bring you a gift no matter what. You are in no rush, my dear. Christmas is nearly three months away!”

  “Oh, papa,” Lizzy sat down at the little table that Mr. Bennet had set up for her own use, “I must get to them now so I can write him back with the answers. He will send me another list and I will get TWO gifts!”

  Mr. Bennet allowed the young girl to work on her studies for a while. “When you have done several lines, Lizzy, it will be time for your riding lessons. We will ride over to Netherfield so you can have your language studies with Miss Carter again. Your French and Italian have been improving greatly and it is very kind of Lady Anne to include you in Miss Darcy’s studies.”

  “Oh, yes, papa! I love my riding lessons and going to Netherfield daily.” Lizzy stood and hugged her father. “Thank you for allowing me to learn from Mrs. Porter and Miss Carter. I know I should practice on the pianoforte more like Georgie does but I have so many topics to learn, I find it hard to stay away from my books and even take them with me to my tree. I’m most eager to see Uncle Edward next week also and I can show him my list of Latin. William said you and Mr. Darcy are not allowed to help me but he mentioned nothing of Uncle Edward!” Lizzy giggled merrily and returned to her task of translations.

  Mr. Bennet laughed and nodded as left his study to prepare the mare for their daily ride. He knew there was a special treat awaiting Lizzy at Netherfield and was keen to see his daughter’s reaction when Mr. Darcy would announce the surprise.

  “I’m done for now, papa!” Lizzy ran towards him several minutes later outside the manor. “I wanted to finish the entire list but I am so eager to ride on Lily that I completed five lines for now and will return to it later.” She lifted up her arms so her father could help her up the saddle. “I can’t wait to be able to ride alone soon, papa. William said I am too little for the gigantic horses to ride by myself but as soon as I’m taller, I want to go on a journey to find the lost city of El Dorado with its treasures. I read about Walter Raleigh’s expedition and I’ll be successful in finding the City of Gold, papa!”


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