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The Adventures of Lizzy Bennet - Book 1: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

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by Kate Speck

  Lady Catherine grumbled but nodded her head in agreement. “Fine! I will do as you say, Lewis.” She knew her husband of eighteen years would not relent once his mind was set and she grieved that Rosings, as well as Pemberley, would be lost to her. George Darcy rarely lost his temper and she knew he had been beyond angry today.

  She sat quietly, contemplating what she could do to regain her powers and how quickly she could find a husband for her feeble daughter. The only way to avoid losing her estate was to get her daughter married off and it would have to be to someone she could control. Robert was married and Richard was even more difficult than Fitzwilliam. Now that young Darcy was out of reach, she wondered who could possibly qualify to be hoodwinked into marrying Anne de Bourgh.

  Chapter 16

  April 1804

  “How good it is to see you again, Gardiner.” Mr. Darcy shook the younger man’s hand. “Come and greet your niece, sir.”

  Lizzy saw her favourite uncle and ran into his arms. “Uncle Edward! I am so happy to see you!”

  Mr. Gardiner embraced his niece and commented, “You have grown taller, Lizzy! I only saw you last autumn and you look like a fine lady now!”

  Lizzy pulled down her uncle’s ear and whispered, “It’s the dress, uncle. Mrs. Anne took me shopping and I’ve been able to fool everyone into believing that I’m an ordinary girl. Don’t tell anyone!”

  Mr. Gardiner laughed jovially and kissed her forehead. “Your secret is safe with me, little one.”

  “Uncle Edward,” Lizzy coyly smiled, “you remember my friend Georgiana Darcy and her governess Miss Carter, do you not?”

  Mr. Gardiner turned around to see the little girl and the lady enter the sitting room and coloured. “Of course, Lizzy.” He bowed, “Miss Darcy, Miss Carter.”

  Lizzy winked at Georgiana then turned to Mr. Darcy, “While my uncle reacquaints himself with Miss Carter, could you please show Georgie and me the map of Europe again? I would like to see where Sweden and Switzerland are located. I hate the thought of war but am interested to see where Napoleon is trying to conquer.”

  Mr. Darcy smiled, understanding Lizzy’s true intentions. “Of course, Lizzy. Anything I can do to edify you and Georgiana’s knowledge of geography is my priority.” He turned to Mr. Gardiner and Miss Carter, “We shall return shortly, in... ten,” Lizzy coughed, “twenty minutes?” He smiled and walked the girls to the library, leaving the door open behind him.

  “Miss Carter,” Mr. Gardiner began, “How do you do? It is a pleasure to see you again.”

  Miss Carter shyly lowered her eyes but sat up straight and returned her gaze to the handsome man. “It is a pleasure to see you also, sir. I am told you are a very busy man but Mr. Darcy shared that his business with you have been successful. I am afraid I still do not know what you do, Mr. Gardiner. Lizzy mentioned something about getting money and giving money? Are you a merchant, sir? You live near Cheapside?”

  Mr. Gardiner softly smiled as they sat and continued their conversation. “Before I answer you, Miss Carter, I know we spoke extensively when I visited my sister in Hertfordshire and I have thought of you often. I would like to ask... that is, if you are agreeable, would you allow me to court you? You have told me that your parents have passed and you have a sister in London. I can write to your brother in Lambton for his permission and also speak with Mr. Darcy. I have thought of no one but you these past six months, Madeline, and I wish for us to know each other better. I will travel to Hertfordshire as often as possible to see you.”

  “I would like that very much, Mr. Gardiner.” Miss Carter blushed. “Edward.”

  Mr. Gardiner smiled and kissed her hand. “Thank you, Madeline. I assure you that my intentions are honourable. I have been working hard as an investor and have my own business, of which Mr. Darcy is now one of my major partners. He had been using my company for small ventures for years prior and I was introduced to him in person by my sister’s husband, Mr. Bennet, when Mr. Darcy had opened a trust in Lizzy’s name last year as a gift for assisting Lady Anne. I live on Gracechurch Street, not because I cannot afford to live elsewhere, but because I enjoy keeping my ears to the ground and interacting with many merchants and travellers, who have insight to the comings and goings in the world and it has helped my business grow.” He cleared his throat and spoke softly as he caresses her hand. “I have been pursued for my fortune and had despaired that I would not find anyone who wanted me for my character and intelligence, and I am pleased that you have agreed to courtship even though you did not know about my income. I own Gardiner Enterprises and I am fully capable of supporting a wife, Madeline.”

  “Thank you for sharing that with me, Edward.” Miss Carter softly smiled. “After meeting Lizzy and finding her absolutely delightful, she had nothing but praise for her favourite uncle and you were charming to me. She gets her wit from you, you know. Her father is very intelligent but you see beyond books and I can easily see your reason for living in Cheapside.”

  Mr. Gardiner shared a little more of his family background and soon, Mr. Darcy and the girls returned.

  Mr. Gardiner stood and requested Mr. Darcy for some time in the study and kissed Miss Carter’s hand before she left with the girls. “I will call on you again tomorrow.”


  Mr. Darcy sat down in his chair in the office. “I believe you have something to ask me, Gardiner?”

  Mr. Gardiner coloured, “Yes, sir. I must confess I do not know the protocol for such a situation, as Miss Carter is your employee and you have every right to refuse. I asked her for courtship and she has consented but I know not how to court her while she remains in your employment.”

  Mr. Darcy was silent for several moments before he spoke. “Gardiner, Miss Carter is Georgiana’s governess because her parents died in a carriage accident and her brother had to take over the family farm. Having six children himself and barely making ends meet, Miss Carter and her elder sister, Miss Diana Carter, became governesses, one to Georgiana and another to a Miss Grantley here in town, and both Carter ladies are intelligent and kind women. I have heard that Miss Grantley no longer requires a governess but now a companion, and I will see if Mr. Grantley is willing to release Miss Diana Carter to become governess to my daughter when you are ready to marry. Georgiana adores Miss Madeline but will accept her sister just as easily and perhaps Miss Diana will stay with us longer, as I know she is at least ten years elder and is likely to remain unmarried.” He laughed to see Mr. Gardiner smile. “Because of your great service to me as my investor, I will write to Miss Carter’s brother and ask his permission to keep Miss Carter here as my ward for the next several months. I plan on returning home to Derbyshire in July after my son completes his university term but I will have Miss Carter stay with the Bennets this summer so you both can decide for yourselves if you wish to marry. Perhaps you might decide sooner and marry this summer.” He smiled as he thought of this man’s niece. “I had hoped to take Lizzy with us to Pemberley but with her recent injury after falling off a large horse, she will not wish to part from her father for so long so soon.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Darcy! You are too kind!” Mr. Gardiner responded. “If you will send word to me of the final approval, I will be travelling to Hertfordshire to court her properly. The summer season is always the slowest with the first circles in the country and it would be perfect timing to see her often and perhaps get married.”

  “Gardiner,” Mr. Darcy handed him a bank note, “Bennet is already aware of the situation, as I sent him an express and he has forgiven me, but not only did Lizzy fall off a horse last week because she rode the large animal on her own, but she was also attacked by my wife’s sister. It was only a hard slap on Lizzy’s cheek but I was outraged and after discussion with her husband, I received that in remuneration for Lizzy’s injury.” He saw Mr. Gardiner turn red in anger but a look at the amount and he seemed to be slightly appeased. “Lizzy has recovered from it, I believe, but I fear my son has not.” He chuckled. “That lit
tle girl is a princess in our family and she has her little finger wrapped around all of us. We will be taking her to the theatre and the museums and art galleries this week and you are welcome to join us whenever you are available. You can court your young lady in public and we will give you as much distance as possible.” Mr. Darcy nodded at the bank note in Mr. Gardiner’s hand. “Use that to grow Lizzy’s funds as much as you can. I know you placed your own funds into what I gifted her, but I want Lizzy to be set for life or find a worthy man to marry, who will admire her for the exceptional lady she will become.”

  Mr. Gardiner stood and shook his hand. “Thank you, sir. I will do so and take care of my dear niece’s future. I appreciate that you continue to add yearly to Lizzy’s funds. Thank you for your trust in me and for your support in my courtship. I truly appreciate it.”

  The gentlemen made plans for the next day’s outing and Mr. Gardiner returned to his office.

  Mr. Darcy was working in his ledgers when there was a knock at the door. “Enter.” He commanded.

  Lady Anne walked into her husband’s study and sat on his lap. “Are you nearly finished with your tasks, my dear Mr. Darcy? The girls are busy at their lessons and William is meeting some of his university friends. I am terribly lonely by my solitary self after my calls have finished and I wondered if you would like a brief rest.”

  “I am not tired, Anne. I do not need... OH!” Mr. Darcy gasped. “Oh, my dear lady, I am at your beck and call. Yes, I must rest and I would be most happy to accompany you while you rest. Most happy, indeed.” He laughed as he lifted Lady Anne and kissed her ardently before they ran to their bedroom. Since the recovery, they always shared their room and never slept apart.

  The loving couple was not seen for at least two hours that afternoon.

  Chapter 17

  London was in full swing during the season, with the theatres brimming with patrons and the modistes’ overflowing with ladies wishing to look their best to capture prominent husbands.

  With plans to go to the museum that morning, Lizzy sat excitedly in the library with a classic copy of Samuel Daniel’s play, Cleopatra, in order to educate herself of the famous female pharaoh of Egypt.

  She smiled as William entered and plopped down next to her, slouching back on the couch, appearing exhausted.

  “I hardly recognised your face, Will! I have not seen you for two full days.” Lizzy jested. “Have you been enjoying yourself in town?”

  William chuckled, “Yes, it has been very enjoyable to be here this time. I was here between terms while attending Eton but now, now that I am attending university and am a gentleman, my experience has changed and it has been absolutely delightful. I met several of my friends from Cambridge and I have been introduced to ever so many ladies.” He proudly smirked. “Apparently, I am a highly coveted prize and ladies are falling over each other to make my acquaintance.”

  Lizzy giggled, “Shall you find yourself a wife soon, Will? You are eighteen, nearly nineteen and a very old man now. I was listening... all right, I will be honest... Georgie and I were eavesdropping on some of the ladies who were calling on Mrs. Anne and they were talking about their daughters and nieces with ten or twenty thousand pounds dowries and how one is at a disadvantage without a large dowry or accomplishments. I hope your future wife will know how to dance and sing and embroider beautiful patterns. Papa said I can have dancing lessons with Jane when I return and I’ve been watching her closely during her lessons, and as long as I don’t have to sit out many sets, I think I shall like dancing very much. I don’t like embroidering, though. I would rather climb trees than sew.”

  William laughed in amusement, “Of course you would say that, Lizzy. Perhaps you will embroider up on your tree and accomplish both at the same time. If anyone can do more than one thing at a time, it is you.” He sighed, “The ladies were beautiful but they only sat and smiled and were insipid. I tried to speak with them but they had no conversation and only stared at me blank-faced when I asked them about what they thought about the current Prime Minister and if they were supportive of the war against Napoleon. I could not figure out what they were thinking and I honestly believe they have been only taught to sit prettily and agree with everything. I think I scared some of them because I asked difficult questions or scowled during the entire visit due to my lack of interest.”

  “Prime Minister Henry Addington had no idea what he was getting himself into after signing the Treaty of Amiens and it quickly fell apart.” Lizzy responded. “He is a good man but it is not enough to lead Parliament and he would serve well in the Cabinet but not as our leader. I hope William Pitt the Younger returns to office. He is what we need to win the war against Napoleon and I fear the war will continue on for years and many lives lost before it all comes to an end.”

  “Where in the world do you pick up all of this information, Lizzy? I have a hard time believing that you are eleven years old in an eight-year-old’s body sometimes. You speak as if you are five and twenty.” William laughed. “Always so full of knowledge, my Lizzy.”

  Lizzy giggled, “And I have grown taller, Will! Uncle Edward said I have grown much since last fall.”

  “You do come up to the middle of my chest now, so I suppose you are growing up. Mary is taller than you, though, you complained, so you had better keep eating more. Georgiana is also catching up to you.” He teased.

  “Hmph,” Lizzy crossed her arms, “I have been trying to eat more but my problem is that I cannot sit still for too long unless I am engaged in my books.” She scratched her head in contemplation, “No one will wish to marry me because I have only £1,000 dowry, I think. I can’t imagine having such a dowry as Georgie. She will marry a prince and live in a grand castle, and I hope she will hold jousting tournaments and invites me to participate.”

  William smiled, “I will marry you, Lizzy. You are far more entertaining than all of the ladies I have met and I do not have to worry about being on my best behaviour all the time.”

  “You cannot marry your blood-brother, Will!” She declared. “I will live with Jane and be a doting aunt to teach her daughters to sew terribly but tell them exciting stories. I shall become a bluestocking and be quite content without a husband, thank you very much. I wonder if I can convince Mrs. Anne to order for me blue stockings. Papa gave me some money and I have had yet to spend it. I can pay for it myself.”

  “Your mama will tan your hide, Lizzy. Even if you are to be a bluestocking, you must keep all of your knowledge a secret so that you can be a spy. Who else can tell me which lady I should marry when I am finally ready to settle down in my old age?” William quipped. “I trust your judgment and you must eavesdrop as much as possible so that I am not tempted by a mercenary lady.”

  Lizzy nodded and laughed, “I can do that. I will be your secret spy and ensure you marry for love. Mrs. Anne said that marriage without the deepest of love is hopeless and I want the best for you. And for Georgiana as well. I will protect all those whom I love and keep you all safe.”

  William wrapped his arm around his young friend, “Thank you, Lizzy. I see you are reading about Cleopatra. Is it not an outlandish story? I do not know if I can believe half of the things that are told about her life but she was very intelligent and did what she could during her reign. Are you excited for the museum today?”

  “Oh, yes!” Lizzy hugged him, “I am eager to see the mummies and although it is believed that some of them were fake when Hans Sloane’s collections were delivered, I’m most eager to see Mr. Lethieullier’s donation at old Montagu House. And of course, the famous Stone that was only discovered two years ago, the Rosetta Stone! Can you imagine translating the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics into Greek and finding the key to such a discovery? I wish to be an archaeologist someday. I learned about the Rosetta Stone from your papa yesterday and was reading about Ptolemy V when I was distracted and turned to Cleopatra Selene II. I wanted to read Shakespeare’s play but Mr. Darcy said I should read Samuel Daniel’s first.”

/>   “Papa is very wise. I have learned so much from him and he certainly enjoys teaching you now.” William replied. He turned his head to hear the library door open. “Ah, here is Georgie. She is done with her lessons. Shall we head out to the museum now? I will be attending with you.”

  The girls smiled, “You will join us today, Will?” Lizzy asked enthusiastically. “You are not too busy with your friends?”

  “I shall like nothing more than to join the two loveliest ladies in all of London,” he winked. “I am quite engaged with my dearest friend and my sister today. I will be happy to spend time with you before we are due to return to Hertfordshire in two days.”

  He wrapped his arms around both girls’ shoulders and they merrily joined Mr. Darcy and Lady Anne for a wonderful outing to the British Museum.


  “Have you seen Lizzy? We are due to depart for Hertfordshire in minutes and I cannot find her anywhere!” Lady Anne fretted, checking the clock on the mantle once again then looking under and behind the furniture in the drawing room.

  “I have not seen her these past twenty minutes, Lady Anne,” Miss Carter answered, as she sat with Georgiana. Mr. Darcy and William looked at each other dumbfounded and concerned that she might be lost or injured somewhere.

  They called for all of the footmen and servants to look for the little girl while the carriages were being loaded outside. Everyone called out Lizzy’s name and checked every room, under and around all of the usual places without success.


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