Back To Country (Country Love #4)

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Back To Country (Country Love #4) Page 2

by Vicki Green

  By the time we left the room and got back to the waitin’ room, only Sadie and Prie were there. I looked around, thinkin’ maybe Tina was in the bathroom or at one of the many vendin’ machines around, but I’m not sure where she went. Pretty soon everyone started walkin’ toward the elevators, and my heart plummeted. I look over at Prie and notice her smilin’ at me, her eyebrows raised. She walks near me and bumps into my side, tellin’ me she knows.

  “What?” I whisper.

  “You like her,” she whispers back, her smile growin’.

  “Do not,” I reply, bumpin’ back into her side. She lets out a small laugh.

  “Oh, I think you do.” She bumps back.

  Now, Prie’s been like a sister to me, one I’ve been grateful to have. I go across our stretch of the road to her “boarding house”, if you will, to help fix things and do whatever she needs that Trevor doesn’t have time for with workin’ on their ranch. In return, I get invited over for supper sometimes. I can man a grill and make a mean steak but cookin’ other foods is not on the list of better things I can do. We also have a ton of fun talkin’, laughin’, and cuttin’ up. Thank God Trevor came to his senses, finally seein’ Prie and I are just friends. Nothin’ more. I’m pretty big, but I think he can take me.

  My brows lower as I get close to her, leanin’ in. “Do you think she’d go out with me?” She leans back, her brows raisin’ higher. “Stop it! I’m bein’ serious,” I grumble. Her face softens and we slow down.

  “Tina’s – uh....” She puts her finger up to her chin like she’s thinkin’ how to say what she’s tryin’ to tell me. She scrunches her mouth. “Tina’s a beautiful girl.” Definitely not what I expected.

  I lean over to her. “Well, I know that!” Shit! What is it about this woman who makes me crazy enough to yell/whisper at my friend? I move back and let out a sigh. “She’s definitely beautiful, but do you think I have a chance if I’d ask her out?” I rub my chin. “I’ve never seen her go out with anyone. Hell, come to think of it, other than at your house or Sadie’s, I’ve never seen her away from the coffee shop.” What if she doesn’t even like men – you know – in that way? What if her door swings the other way?

  “Nash? What’s wrong?” My eyes move down to hers from starin’ out beyond her. “You went pale and have a sick look to you. Are you okay?” She puts her hands on my arms and whispers, “Do you need me to find you a restroom to get sick?”

  I raise my arms in the air, her hands movin’ away quickly. “No!” We both look around and see Memphis, Sadie, and Trevor turn their heads our way, standin’ at the elevator. Prie looks at Trevor and smiles, holdin’ up her hand and waves. Closin’ my eyes, I take a deep breath, tryin’ to calm myself. “No. I’m not sick,” I whisper, my eyes movin’ towards them over at the elevator and then back at Prie. They’ve turned back toward the elevator doors, Memphis and Trevor shruggin’ at each other. “She’s not – I mean, she doesn’t – ah, hell! She doesn’t go for women, does she?” Her eyes widen bigger than I’ve ever seen.

  “What?” she gasps loudly.

  We both look over at the elevators again and they’re all turned lookin’ at us. I raise my hand and wave, smilin’. Memphis tilts his head and raises his hand, wavin’ back with his face covered in confusion. Sadie smiles. I can tell she’s tryin’ not to laugh. Trevor looks at Prie mouthin’, “Are you okay?” She smiles and nods back at him then turns to me, grabbin’ my arm and leadin’ me further away from them.

  “Tina’s not a lesbian, Nash,” she whisper/shouts. I look over at the elevators and see them all reluctantly turn back toward the doors. They have to think we’re crazy. Prie grabs my arms and I look back at her. “Why in the hell would you say that?”

  I’m gettin’ confused and angry now. Lowerin’ my brows, I whisper/shout back, “She’s always at the shop, never goes anywhere but over to your place or Sadie’s. Never goes out anywhere. She acts all flirty to any good lookin’ man who she sees yet you never see her with a guy.” I squint like that’s helpin’ me make my point. “Does she just not like men or somethin’?” Shit! What if she’s practicin’ to become a nun or somethin’? Nah, that’s just plain weird. Well, it is Tina.

  “Nash! Are you following her? Watching her every move?” She leans in, fire in her eyes. “Are you stalking her?”

  I lean back. “What? No! Why would you think that?”

  “Hey! Prie! Nash! C’mon!”

  We both turn our heads and see Trevor wavin’ at us from inside the elevator. Dammit! I’m never gonna find out anythin’ this way. Prie pinches my arm. “Ow!” Then heads towards the elevator.

  “Hey, Nash is gonna give me a ride home. We’re talking about....” Her eyes move to mine, her mouth still open, not knowin’ what to say. I turn and puff out my chest, tryin’ to look like I’m calm.

  “We’re just goin’ over that – uh – thing she wants me to build for the kids to play on.” Shit! Real smooth, Nash.

  Trevor stares at me and then looks at Prie, his hand holdin’ the elevator door open. I hold my breath until finally he winks at Prie and smiles. “Yeah, okay. See ya at home. Don’t be long.” We both stand still, waitin’ as the doors close.

  “Ow!” She hits my arm, again. Damn, she has a mean punch. Her hand fists some of my shirt and we turn toward each other.

  “What the hell, Nash?” She can still be a little spitfire when she wants to.

  “Why are you so angry?” I half yell. Next thing I know, her hands are flat against my chest, pushin’ me back until I hit a wall. Damn, she’s pretty strong when she wants to be.

  “I’m not angry,” she says through gritted teeth.

  We’re both quiet, both of us seethin’ at each other. “Sheesh. I just thought I’d like to ask Tina out, get to know her better, and you go all Kamikaze on me. What’s goin’ on with you?” Everythin’s been so hectic, we haven’t really gotten to sit down and talk for a while. I’ve missed our talks. Not just about girls but about what’s been goin’ on in her life. She went from bein’ captured by a lunatic madman and bein’ hurt by him physically to bein’ hurt by Trevor – more like confused. Then for the first time since she’d been captured, she went back to her home town to lay her family to rest after they were killed. She then came back here, fell in love, got married, and started runnin’ her house for battered women and their kids. Other than doin’ some things for her place and just catchin’ a glimpse of her here and there, we’ve not had any time to take a breather and just catch up. Her eyes scan mine, her skin changin’ to a pasty white. “Are you gonna be sick now?” She swallows hard.

  “I’m pregnant,” she whispers, looking all around.

  My eyes widen and my smile spreads. “That’s great!” She shakes her head and swallows hard again, really lookin’ like she’s gonna be sick. I start shakin’ my head with her, my brows lowerin’ in confusion. “That’s – not great?”

  She looks around again and then at the waitin’ room we came from. Takin’ my hand, I follow her there. She peeks around the doorway and then leads me into the empty room. She walks about halfway into the room and turns to me. “I know I’ve only told you a little about what happened when Mik – Mikael took me.”

  “Prie. You don’t need to.” This is too hard on her. I told her a long time ago, I don’t need to know the details of everythin’ that happened to her. I know it was horrible for her, and that she was injured. She doesn’t need to relive any of it ever again.

  “No. I want you to know this much.” She takes a deep breath. “You’re my best friend and even though I can’t talk about everything, I need you to know this.”

  I squeeze her hand and pull her over to the chairs. We both sit down and face each other. She’s right about one thing. We’ve become so close. I haven’t really had a best friend until I met her. “Okay, but only what you feel you want to tell me.
I don’t need to know everythin’. That’s buried as far as I’m concerned. You’re happy now and don’t need nothin’ standin’ in the way of that. I’m so proud of you and how you did with your therapy and gettin’ your life back. Hell, you’re one of the bravest and strongest people I know.” She smiles, a little color returnin’ to her skin.

  “I don’t know what I would ever do without you.” She squeezes my hand, looks down and back up into my eyes. “Thing is, I was told by a doctor, after everything that happened, that after what he did to me – well, I would most likely never be able to have kids.”

  “Then it’s great news that you’re pregnant, right?” I ask excitedly.

  “Yes and no. I dunno.”

  I shift in my seat and take her other hand in mine. “Huh? Prie, you’re not makin’ sense. That asshole thought he took somethin’ precious from you and you beat him again by doin’ what he thought you’d never be able to do.” I’m more confused than ever. Why wouldn’t she be happy about this? I know she’s always wanted kids. That asshole thought he took that chance away from her, but God saw fit to give her that precious gift. I’m happy for her.

  The corner of her mouth lifts a little then fades. “It’s not for certain that I can carry this baby full term, Nash.” My brows lower, frustrated. Gotta say, sometimes it’s hard being a guy.

  “I don’t understand.” I shake my head.

  She takes a deep breath. “I went to see Sadie’s OB doctor. He did a test to confirm I’m indeed pregnant but he told me that my scar tissue is so bad that it could cause problems during the pregnancy. Something called placenta previa.” I shake my head, all this jargon makin’ me more frustrated. She gives me a sad smile. “Because they’re so many scars in the lining of my uterus, it could cause the placenta, which is what holds the baby and protects them, to cover my cervix, where the baby needs to come out. It makes me a high risk pregnancy and could cause really bad issues for the baby.” I watch as a lone tear falls from her eye, glidin’ down over her cheek. I reach up and wipe it away, concern floodin’ me.

  “Have you told Trevor?” She shakes her head slowly. “Why not? You know he worships you.”

  Her mouth turns up into another sad smile. “That’s just it.” Her chin quivers. “The one thing he doesn’t have, I may not ever be able to give him.” Another tear falls from her eye.

  I smile at her. Such a brave woman. “Caprice, honey. He’d do anythin’ for you, and he knows there may be a chance you may never be able to have kids, right?” She nods, more tears fallin’. “He would give you his strength and be there for you through anythin’. I think he’s already proven that.” She lets out a laugh and wipes her tears away. “He’s your husband, your other best friend.” She laughs again. “Tell him. Let him be there for you. Besides, don’t you think he has a right to know he’s gonna be a daddy, even if there’s a chance it may not work out?” She nods and folds into my arms, grippin’ the back of my shirt and snifflin’.

  “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d ever do without you.” She grips my shirt tighter and lays her head on my shoulder.

  We sit there for a few minutes, givin’ her time to calm down. Finally, she sits up and smiles. “Feel better?” I ask. She gives me some eager nods. “Good.” I stand and pull her up. “Let’s get you home. I think you have some talkin’ to do with your husband.” I put my arm around her and over her shoulder, and we start walkin’ toward the elevators. “Besides, that whole pedestal I’d put you on, bein’ the brave and strong woman you are, I’d hate for it to topple over and you go crashin’ to the ground.” She play smacks my stomach and laughs. “I mean, who in the hell else would I put up there?”

  We talk all the way back to her place, and I could tell by the time she kissed my cheek and climbed out of my truck, she was feelin’ a bit better about tellin’ Trevor. She told me I should man up and be the man she knows and loves and ask Tina out. I watched her walk up to her front porch with a little kick in her step, happy that I could help put it there. I turn my truck around and go the little ways down the road until I turn into my drive. My house looks so damn huge, sittin’ there with a few lights on in various rooms. The guys who work for me are probably already in their rooms in the house behind mine. It’s a pretty cool layout with them havin’ their own place. Sometimes they come up to my house for meals or just to hang out and have some cold ones. There are times we play some poker, or spend some time in my game room. Most of the time though, I’m alone in this big place. It wasn’t the house that had caught my eye as much as the large stables and amount of land. Raisin’ horses is a livin’ that’s been in my family for decades, one my pa passed down to me.

  I pull into the garage, turn off my truck, and as the garage door lowers, I walk into the house, turnin’ on the lights as I go. Silence. Emptiness. So many times you think ‘bout your life, where you’ll be as a young man. I never thought past takin’ over Pa’s business, never really had the time. I gave up a ton of freedom, things other guys my age where doin’. They were out there havin’ fun, chasin’ girls, or maybe findin’ the one they wanted to spend the rest of their life with. Me? I was takin’ care of my dyin’ pa then later takin’ over his business and makin’ sure it thrived. I start flippin’ off those same lights as I walk through the house. When I reach my bedroom, I start untuckin’ my shirt, pullin’ it off my shoulders and throw it in my overloaded hamper. I sit on the edge of the bed, take off my boots, set them on the floor then take off my socks, tossin’ them in the hamper too. Once I’ve thrown my jeans in there, I climb into bed, get under the covers, and lay my head on my arm, starin’ up at the ceilin’. Yup, Memphis, Colby, and Trevor have been through a ton of shit. At least they got their women – the loves of their lives. I envy them.

  Chapter Two


  I’m a freaking mess!

  After walking inside my apartment, I slam the door shut, throw my purse on the couch, and start pacing. It’s not like anyone can hear me living over the coffee shop. “Why? Why? Why am I such a bumbling idiot?” I yell as I throw my arms up in the air. Turning, I start walking the other way. “He’s just a guy, Tina! Just a person – who is hotter than shit, built like a freaking wall, and has killer green eyes that melt my panties every time he looks at me!” I stop abruptly. “Maybe I should move back home.” Lowering my eyebrows in frustration, I start pacing again. “No, then Mom will start trying to set me up again. Ugh!” How can I be almost twenty-one and not have a boyfriend? I’m probably the only girl on earth at this age who doesn’t. I walk over and sit down on the couch, slumping my shoulders in defeat. My purse starts vibrating, well my phone does inside of it. I pull it out and frown when I see who’s calling. Picking it up, I swipe it and hold it up to my ear, waiting for the annoyance.

  “Hi, Mom!” I say through the smile plastered on my face.

  She sighs. Heavily. “Tina. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Mother?” Oh, I’d say for the rest of my life. “Anyway. When are you going to come to your senses and come home? I mean, really. Cowboys and the country?” I can just imagine her eyes rolling. “A young girl such as yourself should be home or at least in finishing school where you can find yourself a nice young man.”

  “Mom. Have you seen a cowboy in person? I mean they have....”

  “Cowboys, such nonsense. Now, Matthew Pearson, you know of the Pearson’s? He’s been asking about you and....” You mean the snooty Pearson’s – I snicker to myself – the same Matthew who tried to look up my dress in the eighth grade then when I got older wouldn’t give me the time of day. Or night, if you know what I mean. “And no girl of your stature should be alone. And with you out there in the wilderness alone and....” Good God. Where in the hell does she think I live?

  I start tapping on the phone. “M – o – m. I ca – n’t h – ea – r yo....” I end the call then throw my phone on the coffee table. Laying
my head back against the couch, I let out a big sigh. There’s nothing wrong with my life here. I own half of the best coffee shop in town – okay, the only coffee shop in town but still, it’s damn good, and have the best friends a girl could ever have. I shift my eyes around my living room and listen to – silence. Alone. I like being alone. I can do what I want, whenever I want, watch what I want on TV or read my romance books all day and night. Okay, maybe I have been a little lonely since I came here. Sadie was always with Memphis, and I stayed with them for a little while until we got the shop up and running. It took about a month to clean out this place and make it livable. It was basically a big stock room with a bathroom, small kitchen, and my bedroom was their office. Full of crap everywhere. The other stock room I converted into another bedroom. Once I got the business stuff organized, I moved it down to the storage area off the back room. I got some really pretty light forest green paint and painted the walls in the living room. The kitchen ended up a light peach, and my bedroom, the perfect shade of gray. I ended up buying all new everything from the kitchen to the living room to my bedroom and even the bathroom. I bought a bookshelf to put all my romance books on, curtains to cover the blinds in the living room and bedrooms, and a king sized bed with brand new sheets and comforter. Why a king size, so I have tons of room to stretch out. So I’m alone most of the time. I grab the remote from the coffee table and switch on the TV. I have more time to do whatever I want. It’s perfect, and it’s mine. Okay, so I’m alone. I can handle this. “Psh!” I’ve got everything I need right here. My phone starts buzzing again, and I almost ignore it until I look down and see it’s a text. It won’t be Mom, she doesn’t know how to text. I snicker as I pick it up and read.


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