Back To Country (Country Love #4)

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Back To Country (Country Love #4) Page 3

by Vicki Green

  Prie: I’m coming over to spend the night.

  “Thank God! I hate being alone!”

  Prie wasn’t the last person I thought I’d hear from. She and I have become such good friends since she helped out at the shop and now that her business is up and running, we spend even more time together. Although, I do think it’s a bit odd she’d want to actually spend the night. I mean my apartment does have two rooms but she’s married to Trevor. Why in the hell would she want to spend the night with me when she has that hunk of a cowboy? I mean, have you seen him? Oh, my God! They’ve had a fight! Oh no!

  Quickly, I get up and run to the kitchen, get the latte machine set up and get it started. Taking out some cinnamon buns from the fridge, I turn on the oven and place them on a cookie sheet. She’ll need some good comfort food and I aim to please. By the time the lattes are ready and the smell of cinnamon has filled the air, a knock sounds on my door. What I love about this apartment is that it has a door to the outside leading down into an alley beside the store and another door that goes directly into a hallway behind the back room in the shop. Once I hire a couple of people and feel comfortable with them, I can take off a day or two when I want. I was thinking about taking Sundays off or mix them up with some Saturdays too. Not that I ever go out partying anymore, but if I wanted to then I could sleep in the next morning. “Ha.” I laugh out loud as I open the door. I swallow that laugh and grab Prie’s arm, pulling her into a hug, losing my sense of humor quickly.

  “Oh, you poor thing. What you must be going through.” I hold her tightly but she starts to squirm. She must be so devastated that she can’t hold still. I feel so bad for her. I step back and take her hand, closing the door behind her. “I made some lattes and cinnamon buns.”


  “I knew you’d need some good girl talk food, something that would help you get through this,” I say as I drag her into the kitchen. I stop at a chair at my small table and push on her shoulders to sit then walk over to get the buns out of the oven and two cups out of the cabinet, pouring our drinks. “I just can’t imagine what you’re going through.” I keep rambling because she needs me right now. I’d do anything for her, especially in her time of need. I pick up the lattes and place them on the table. Then I turn to get the buns.

  “Tina, really....”

  “I mean, Trevor and you are made for each other. You’ve both been through so much and I just can’t....” I set the buns down on the table when she grabs my arm. I tilt my head in confusion by the smile on her face.

  “Tina. Everything is fine with me and Trevor.” I raise my brows. “Really fine.”

  “Oh?” I slowly sit down in the chair next to hers. Her smile fades. I knew it! Well, I’m not sure what I know but there’s something wrong. I can tell. I take a sip of my latte, trying to be nonchalant. “It’s not like you to suddenly want to come over and spend the night. Strange, actually.” I pick up the spatula and gather up a bun then put it on one of the small plates, placing it before her. “I mean you’ve spent the night with me before but that’s only because you were drunk and well – so was I and....” I tend to ramble when I really don’t know what’s going on or unsure of what to say. I don’t know why. I guess it’s nerves. I pick up another bun and start to put it on my plate.

  “Tina.” She reaches over and puts her hand on mine. “I’m pregnant.”

  My eyes widen. “But you – you said, you couldn’t and....”

  “No, I said the doctor said he didn’t know if I could. I guess I can but there’s a lot of risk involved.”

  She pulls her hand back and I lay the bun on the plate, losing my appetite. “Ah, honey,” I whisper. “Does Trevor know?” I watch as she swallows hard, looking down. “You are going to tell him, right?” Her eyes lift up to mine. My whole body slumps as I reach out and take her hand. “Prie, you have to tell him. He’s the daddy, no matter what happens. What are you going to do? You know I’m behind you whatever decision you make.” She nods. Silence and sorrow fill the air around us. It’s stifling. “God, Prie. I don’t know what to say.” I feel deflated and defeated for her. She’s had the most terrible life – brought here against her will. She fell in love with Trevor, who was fighting his own demons – his horrible past. She didn’t go to him easily, having to find herself first. She’s the bravest woman I know, well, besides Sadie and Shiloh. Prie finally found her happiness when she married Trevor and had her dreams come true when she opened the house where other women who’ve been battered and abused can go to get the help they need for themselves and their kids. And now this. Will she ever get a freakin’ break?

  “Tina. I can see your little cogs turning.” She laughs. Why would this be funny? She grabs my hand and smiles. “I am going to tell Trevor. Tomorrow. I just needed some girl time and talk through it. I guess I needed someone to tell and get my courage up before I tell him.” She slumps and lets out a sigh. “I just....” She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath then opens them and lowers her eyebrows. “I just wish things were different. Guess I’d be wishing my life away. Everything Trevor went through, everything he’s accomplished. I just wish I could give him more.”

  I stand up, my eyes welling with tears, and pull her up by her hand, throwing my arms around her. “Sheesh, Prie. You’ve both been through hell and back and look how strong you both are.” I move back but hold onto her arms. I feel the tears flow from my eyes but I smile. “Shit, this baby couldn’t be anything but a fighter. Look who their mommy and daddy are.” She lets out a laugh, her own tears sliding down her face. “Well....” I blow out a breath. “I think Trevor will be beyond overjoyed and will do everything in his power to help. I will too!”

  “I’m so glad to hear you say that.” Why do I feel like I’ve just been set up? Eh, doesn’t matter. I’d do anything she asks to help out. But I think she knows that.

  After that, we sit back down, I drink both of our lattes – because, yeah, she shouldn’t have caffeine right now, and we eat our buns. Okay, that doesn’t sound very good. She tells me her plan of taking it easy through her pregnancy and what all her doctor told her. She asked me if I can help out at the abused women’s house, which I do quite often anyway, and then she goes on to explain how she’ll see if Nash, Memphis, and Colby can take turns helping along with Sadie and Shiloh. “I know everyone’s so busy. The guys have their farms to tend and the girls have their babies too.” She lets out a sigh and a big breath. “That’s why I hate bothering them with this. But I think with everyone’s help, we can do this.”

  Before I moved here and everyone started having babies, I’d never been around kids. Now, they’re freakin’ everywhere. I wonder is there something in the water? I don’t even have to have my own, I can just babysit any of theirs. “Tomorrow at the shop I’m interviewing some people to hire. If I can just find the right people, I can spend more time at your boarding house, well, more than I do now, and you can relax. Leave everything to me. Now....” I feel like my head is spinning. So much to do. “I think you should go home, light some candles, get into something sexy, and tell Trevor the news. Everything else will work out. You know we’ll all help.” I started out feeling so scared for her, but now I’m so excited!

  “No, I’m going to spend the night.” This is so strange. Why wouldn’t she want to run home and tell Trevor? I mean – why would she choose silly ol’ me over that hot hunk of a cowboy in any case? She folds her hands on top of the table and gets comfortable in the chair. “I really need a night with my friend.” I nod, thinking this is so weird, not that I would know what it’s like to have a husband or even a boyfriend, so I guess if it’s what she wants. “I’m going to tell Trevor tomorrow. Promise.”

  “Ohhh, kay. So, what do you want to do?” Still feeling kinda weird that she’d want to stay here.

  “We could watch a movie.”

  So we do. First we went to her car and g
ot her bag then we both got in our jammies and camped out in my living room. I put in my DVD of Pretty Woman and about halfway through she blurts out something I’ll never, ever forget as long as I live.

  “Nash really likes you and wants to take you out.”

  I don’t move. I don’t even turn my head. I stare at the TV and yell, “WHAT?” Nothing I’ve been through in my life has scared me anywhere near what her words just did. I turn my head in slow motion. “You know I can’t do that.”

  She smiles big. “Yes, you can!”

  I shake my head so much I make myself dizzy. “Noooo, I can’t.” I turn and face her. “Prie, you know me well enough by now to know that I can talk the talk, but I definitely cannot walk the walk. It’s no secret I love a good lookin’ guy, especially of the cowboy kind, but when I get around them, I become the most nervous, fumbling, stupid, idiotic woman on the face of the earth.” I turn back around, facing the TV and cross my arms over my chest. “I’m actually really scared of guys,” I whisper. I shift my eyes to her and back in front again. “Especially good looking hunks. Like Nash.” My heart is doing flips, and I feel like I might vomit.

  “Oh, my God, Tina!” I try not to look at her. “You’re really shy, aren’t you?” I huff and tighten my arms around me. “You never act like it. I think it’s – cute.”


  I can’t stop my head from turning her way. “Cute? Have you not seen me destroy display cases in the wake after being around a guy? Or falling on my ass in a mess I’ve made when I demolished trays of fresh pastries, or maybe you missed out on me sliding in the aftermath of the annihilated rack of sandwiches filled with homemade hummus?” I slap my hand over my eyes, remembering Nash trying to pick me up when I fell flat on my own buns into the mess of the display case – just last night. And we’re not even talking or dating. I feel my skin burn with embarrassment.

  She laughs and moves closer to me, putting her arm around my shoulders. I peek through my fingers. “Tina. Oh, my God! Have you seen yourself in the mirror?” Like every damn day. She starts trying to pry my hand away from my face. “You are one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen.”

  I let out a snort. “No. I’m not,” I squeak.

  “Yes. You are.” She holds some of my long wayward hair in her hand. “You have the prettiest long hair that any woman would kill for. Your green eyes are bright but almost look like a shade of blue depending on what you wear. You have the whitest straightest teeth and a beautiful smile. You’re bubbly, fun, loveable, and have such a big heart. You moved here from a life of luxury just to be with your best friend, Sadie, when she needed you!” I give her a sincere look.

  “You’re sweet but I’m so stupid around guys, especially ones I’d like to meet. Oh, I might have gone on about how good looking some are, take Memphis, Colby, and Trevor, for example, but Nash? Dang! He just has to look at me with those sexy green eyes and I melt into a puddle.” She giggles. I purse my lips and tilt my head. “You’ve gotten to know him better than anyone.” Her brows raise and she gives me a look. “Do you.... Do you really think he wants to go out with me or is it just because there aren’t many choices around here?” Damn! That came outta nowhere. Kind of. Her eyes widen as if in shock but then they lower as she smiles.

  “Tina. Why on earth would you say that? First of all, there are plenty of single women in Pilates if they can’t be found here. Second, he told me he wants to get to know you, and he’s nervous about asking you out.”

  “Why would he be nervous?” I snort. This is so perplexing to me. I’m just an average girl, living an average life. He’s so freaking hot and sexy, muscular, those piercing green eyes, and that red hair – oh, my God! I never knew I even liked red hair on a guy but his is not a bright red, not brash at all. And the way he looks at me? Gah!

  “Honey.” She places her hand on my arm. “He’s smitten with you.” I lean back and gawk. She laughs. “No really. He actually pulled me aside at the hospital after you left and asked me if I thought you’d go out with him.”

  I lean up close to her. “And what did you say?” I whisper.

  She laughs. “I told him to ask you.” I lower my brows, my stomach twisting into knots. He’d actually talk to me and ask me out. Suddenly, I stiffen. Concern washes over her face. “Tina? What’s wrong?” I swallow but I can’t get the lump down in my throat.

  “I’ve never really been alone with a guy,” I whisper. Her concern changes to surprise. “I was always the DD for Sadie and her partying friends. The guys always gawked at her, not me. I was safe that way. I didn’t actually have to speak to any of them.”

  Her face softens. “Aww, honey. You’ll be fine,” she says as she pats my arm. Like she’s talking to a frightened puppy. I guess I am. Kinda. “Let me tell you. Nash is so sweet and such a gentleman.” She leans close to me. “I think he’s just as nervous as you are.” A most unladylike snort leaves my mouth but I feel a little more relaxed. Very little. She moves back and laughs. “No, seriously. He was all stumbling over his words when he was asking me about you.” Now it’s my turn to be surprised. Her smile spreads. “Tina, guys are just people too, you know? Everything will be just fine.”

  Yeah, just fine for her. She doesn’t have to go out on a first date and stammer and stumble her way through the night with the hottest man on the planet. Oh, yeah. One of the hottest. Trevor is freaking hot as hell and so is Memphis and Colby. Sigh. I can’t talk to them very well either and we’re just friends.

  We finished watching the movie, ate junk food, and laughed then cried at the sappy parts. Then we hugged goodnight and went to our separate rooms. I laid awake the rest of the night thinking about the impending meet with Nash.

  I was dressed and out the door by four thirty the next morning. Since I couldn’t sleep anyway, I figured I might as well get a head start on baking donuts and other assorted pastries. I left Prie a note to lock up when she leaves. Sadie is leaving the twins with Memphis in a few hours so she can interview a few applicants with me. Prie said she’d come keep an eye on the shop. It’ll be nice to get some help so Sadie can stay home more. Once I’ve filled the display case and turned on all the machines, I walk to the front door, unlock it, then flip over the closed sign to open. I start to walk to the back room when I hear the jingle of the bell over the door. Sheesh, that was quick. Turning around, my breath catches as I stare into vibrant green eyes.

  “Mornin’.” Nash is standing there in all his glory, tipping his cowboy hat at me. His smile is breathtaking and all the tingles go straight down south quickly.

  I speed walk to the counter and move around it. “You can do this, Tina. You can do this,” I whisper.

  “Pardon me. What did you say?” He’s standing before me, looking a bit confused.

  I take a deep breath, place my hands on the low counter, and smile. “I said good morning.” There. That wasn’t so bad. The corner of his mouth lifts and those sparkling white teeth gleam in the florescent lighting. My legs start shaking as I push them together. My heart lodges in my throat but I shake my head and smile harder. “What can I get you?” Yea! I said it without stuttering. Go me! He leans back and down a bit, looking over into the display case. Please hurry and order so I can fill it and then run to the back room.

  He stands back up and looks straight at me. My knees feel weak. “What do you recommend?” He winks! No! No! No! You’re supposed to order and let me get the hell outta here!

  Shifting my stance, I feel wetness between my legs. Good thing I’m behind the counter. “It, uh....” Don’t do this, Tina! I straighten and square my shoulders. “It depends on what you like.” My smile has to be engraved by now. It was hard to move my mouth.

  I’m mesmerized watching his hand moving up and rubbing across that sexy scruff covered jaw. “I think I’ll take one of those delicious cinnamon rolls, a cup of your coffee, black, and....” His e
yes start moving across the display case, over the counter, and directly into mine. “And I’d really love to take you out sometime.”

  And – there it is.

  I’m stuck. Frozen. My mouth opens, and my heart is thundering in my chest. My palms are sweaty and now my hands and arms are shaking along with the rest of me. I’m never going to make it through this. How can I go out with him? I can’t even move and I’m only taking his order. My eyes focus back on him as his fingers lift my chin. Soft fingers, a little calloused on the tips from hard work. Masculine. Strong. Damn! I feel beads of sweat on my forehead as I look into those glaring green eyes. Definitely going to have to change my panties.

  “Stay with me, darlin’. Drinks or supper? Maybe a movie? You choose.”

  “Me?” I squeak. And – there’s my Minnie Mouse voice. “I – I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Why don’t I think it’s a good idea?

  He chuckles and the sound glides right through me. “Yes, you.” I’d swallow but my mouth is so dry I feel like I could drink a gallon of water, and it wouldn’t help. “When do you think you could get away?”

  Get away.


  Dry panties.


  His hand drops as I start walking to the display case on wobbly legs, picking up a dish and praying I don’t drop it. “I – I’m not sure. I’m interviewing today or Sadie’s interviewing.... well, somebody’s interviewing.” I try not to look at him. I really do. But my eyes move on their own. Damn eyes. I look back down and scoop up a roll onto the plate. So far so good. “We need more help in here.” Shakily, I close the door, walk back, and set it on the counter then proceed to pick up a coffee mug and start pouring his coffee. Wow! I’m doing really well! Impressed with myself, I relax just a bit and actually smile. “I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get away.” He smiles, and my heart skips a beat. “OW!” I watch the hot coffee flow over the top of the cup and over my hand. Dropping the cup, I start to pull my hand back when he grabs it gently, then reaches over the counter and picks up the damp cloth sitting on the lower one. He starts patting my now very red hand with it. I’m afraid to glance up at him but my damn eyes do it anyway. I tilt my head, looking at the concentration on his gorgeous face. Damn, he is – F. I. N. E. – fine. It startles me when his eyes quickly gaze into mine.


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